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Thank god. Only real patriot Americans understand that no one needs a machine gun.
It's an automatic rifle. It's purpose was similar, but not identical to the modern role of light machineguns.
Because... Rifle
Yeah no shit, why do you think we had 1919s? Just for teh lulz?
no. we need a light automatic rifle for walking fire. mgs are for pussies.
Didn't the BAR shoot faster the longer you held down the trigger?
Wasn't it classified as a 'automatic rifle' and thus was a 'squad support weapon'? I mean it was shit and they should have gone with the WAR or Johnson 1941 LMG but still.
I mean shooting 20 rounds doesn't take that much time when your RoF is 500-650 per min (depending on which particular variant you're using). There is a reason the 1918A2 had semi-auto, slow-auto and auto fire modes.
none of those were ideal for WW2. the BAR was antiquated design for a tactic that didn't work. the WAR had reliability issues. and the Johnson/Dror was not refined at all.
the best squad LMG of the era was czech and we didn't buy the rights to it.
No, it had a fire-rate selector though. You had semi, slow auto and fast auto.
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If you weren't an illiterate mongoloid, and actually read the top of the fucking piece, it plainly reads "Browning Machine Rifle".
No I mean he held down the trigger and you could hear the fire start to ramp up in the last 5 or so rounds. Some YouTube video but they said it was a part of the BAR design, not a part of its function if that makes sense.

Gonna look for the video now and tag you in it if your curious
M1918A2 was Fast/Slow, using a delay mechanism in the buffer. Earlier variants were Semi/Auto and would run anywhere from 600 to 900 RPM full cyclic depending on ammo and condition.
Only the A2 had the selectors. The M1918, M1918A1, M1922 and the Polish one had semi/full iirc. I forget what the Colt Monitor had.
Replace the BAR with the HCAR during WW2, does this make it worth while?
That can happen with a cold gun, or with a piece that's been in storage as it "shucks" the grease.
Monitors were SA/FA. No rate reducer.
It was fine as a SAW, it was more like an RPK for its day
Army of snipers>>>>>>>>bullet spammers
It was a rifle meant for assaulting. An...assault...rifle. Just not the way we currently understand the term.
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>Army of snipers>>>>>>>>bullet spammers

That's great, til the "Bullet Spammers" rape your A/O using accurate indirect fire via HMG's.
"Walking fire" assaults might have been a major driving force behind the BAR being adopted originally, but it was quickly demonstrated that it was a suicidally retarded tactic. The BAR stuck around because it was an automatic rifle, meaning one person could put down an equivalent amount of suppressing fire as 2 or 3 regular riflemen. It filled a similar suppression role to modern LMGs, but it was at a time where there was still a much stronger emphasis on riflemen, and marksmanship.
Imagine what could have been...
Hey look, it's another dipshit post with dipshit replys from people who don't shoot guns but are obsessed with Ian McCollum videos.

Government paid for it so government used it. Wasnt as good as it should of been and wasn't as bad as it could've been. Overall impact on the war as a whole was absolutely minimal, so who the fuck cares?
Oh no! Are people discussing a weapon on a board specifically for discussing their thoughts and opinions about weapons?! SAGE SAGE SAGE! THIS BOARD SHOULD ONLY TALK ABOUT POLITICS!
Oh Look, a Nigger makes Nigger observations.
Nobody cares, Nigger.
How is it that the rest of the world not only got better LMG than us, but also got better BAR than us?
>plainly reads
You just put that tgere!
>Wasnt as good as it should of been and wasn't as bad as it could've been.
Like ur mom.
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not off topic, just not interesting and stale. not a single comment here is based on any personal experience so as you say, basically the politics of guns. this Singaporean dog grooming forum needs a /war/ board to keep this crap away from our posts calling Glocks trash.

post hand, obvious Yuro mudslime

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