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Imagine thinking the left was better than the right.
Imagine losing two world wars back to back.

Most US Army squads had multiple BARs and often submachine guns by the end of the war
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If you think about it, it's actually really surprising the Germans managed to rearm, reequip and nearly take over all of Europe after the defeat during the Great War. I honestly wonder what the world would look like today if Hitler sued for peace after taking France, instead of going all... "Invading Russia is a good idea."
germany needed conquest to support their economy. if they had successfully sued for peace they would've collapsed as a state sometime around 1950
>Mg34/42 gunner only has one assistant
>Mp40 issued to leaders instead of scouts, a designated maneuver element or someone else with a special weapon
>Bolt action rifles in the 1940s
Left is better.
Germany probably would've collapsed under itself once the people figured out how shit fascism was once they weren't distracted with the constant fighting and jew killing, or after Hitler died and some asshat general decides he wants the Reich for himself. I would assume in this timeline that Poland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, and France would be reichskommisarat states instead of annexed (maybe France lost Alsace-Lorraine and Poland lost east Prussia), and would declare independence from the Reich while it restructured itself via civil war, with democracy returning to Germany probably in the 50s or 60s. The US wouldn't ever get involved, and in that event probably wouldn't surpass the British empire until the 1950s as the dominant global power. I'd just hope that under this new German democratic state they'd get their kino pre-WWI borders back, plus Austria.
>fewer guns is better, actually!
the UK would've never accepted peace, and Russia was going to declare on Germany. they needed to sustain war to keep their economy alive and their state alive.
Gayest post on 4chan right now
German doctrine emphasises to this day that every man is trained with the machine gun and being able to assist. The assistant, MG2, just has the burden to lug the ammo before batlle. During battle he directs the fire according to the will of the section leader. When MG1, the gunner, dies he takes over and the closest soldier takes over as MG2
In training it is said that the MG shoulders 90% of the sections fire power hence everybody has to be able to use it to keep the sections fire power up.
yeah but it's the truth, fascism is a gasoline fire of an ideology, it burns fast and hot but it doesn't last long. Germany would collapse underneath itself even if Hitler didn't lose. The only other thing I could see happening to Nazi Germany if they sued for peace would be for them to end up like Francoist Spain, and eventually just become a parliamentary democracy after a while because the asshole in charge died.
>Following changes made in 30 June 1944, the Company Headquarters gained a weapons pool that it could distribute to platoons as the commander sought fit. This included six M1918A2 BARs, six M1A1 Thompson submachine guns or M3 Grease Guns...six of nine Rifle Squads could be augmented with a BAR and Thompson
So if you're lucky a quarter of your guys get mediocre low capacity machine guns. At the time everybody knew the firepower of the MG34/42 more than made up for the bolt actions in a squad. Blind belief in US small arms superiority only came later. Video games haven't helped.
it's almost like it wasn't the small arms that won them the war or something. Sure, an M1 sure helped a hell of a lot but it wasn't a war winner.
dumbest lie I've heard this year, and its been a hella year

Hogan's Heroes remains the best source of info on WTF was going on in Germany and the war's effect on Germany's formerly booming economy.

the main theme is grinding deprivation, and the POWs often are living better than even high ranking Nazis. Sgt Schultz was a toy factory OWNER, now in enlisted man's pay for his whole family.

Hogan is able to fuck with minds including even hard boiled GESTPO Major with the mere promise of a loaf of Pumpernickel.

Cigs, pantyhose, etc can be traded for important favors.

"delousing" and showers are important.

Hogan is bargaining with Klink for extra slice of bread or showers per week. In rapid fire back and forth they settle on "one extra slice of bread and 1/2 shower extra shower per week".

After Hogan leaves Klink brags to Schultz how you have to know how to deal with these Americans, Schultz asked Klink "How does someone take 1/2 a shower" and Klink looks off into distance and says "I don't know".
>Everything around the riflemen
>Everything around the machinegun
Sounds inflexible ngl
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Nazism, not fascism. Two different things but both are trash just like their brother marxism
>At the time everybody knew the firepower of the MG34/42 more than made up for the bolt actions in a squad.

Nigga how, exactly is one dude with an MG going to match the capacity of each guy in the enemy squad having a semi? he going to shoot in 12 different directions at once?
*wrongly believed
Imagine thinking small arms matter
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$33 BILLION was stolen from CA's Unemployment by (((insiders))) in 2020 Covid hoax.

thats $10K for every man, woman, child and tranny in CA, or $40,000 per average family.

basically a brand new car stolen from every household.

CA's "high speed rail" is looking to be about 4X as big a scam, or about $160,000 per household.

That the sort of thing that suddenly stopped happening when Hitler and his crew took over.

Imagine if you gave every family a check for $200,000 and didn't raise taxes or inflation, they really had an extra $200,000. That was Nazi Germany.

Only question is "would the Nazis been able to keep Govt honest?"
Imagine not being able to defend your cities from napalm& HE carrying heavy bombers
mmnope. you trannies always fail to understand that fascism is not tied to some specific economical system, it is malleable. hitler saw that he made a society that the eternal jew wouldn't let him maintain, so he adopted a parasite war economy to give himself the best chances of beating him. if fascism won and had peace, the economy would transition into managed capitalism most likely do what you want but you cant make actively harmful products like mcdonalds)
You are a reddit homo. Imagine ever unironically using a “gas on fire” metaphor
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>if Hitler sued for peace after taking France
He did sue for peace, like a 8 times, half when he was winning.
this, reddit needs to go back and russia needs to hurry up and collapse so /k/ can return
>tfw no Blahaj Viggen
>but you cant make actively harmful products like mcdonalds
Meanwhile, in real world Germany, it was legal to get your teeth painted with radium and buy amphetamines over the counter. You stormfaggots have no grasp on reality. It's a fucking joke trying to hold a conversation with any of you because every second word is a lie so outrageous and absurd that most people would be too ashamed to utter it.
Everybody else did that too retard, no one knew any better yet, seethe. You're on the wrong side of history.
Everyone else knew by the late 1920s (see: the radium girls) and stopped it shortly thereafter, barring playing tag with the FDA on loopholes. Germany kept doing this dumb shit all the way up to the end of the war when they were governed by the western allies and the madness ended.
You won't have any trouble finding me the allied equivalent of picrel from 1945 then, will you stormnigger?

Like I said: Outrageous lies.
Nearly is not the word you are looking for.
TOE doesnt tell the whole story and every situation, however yes, a US squad would still have more consistent rate of fire over a german army squad, (panzergrenadiers were meant to have 2 mg's etc)

Did the BARs work like the british squads? In UK doctrine every man would carry multiple Bren magazines as well as all the ammo being interchangeable so you could take ammo from Bren magazines for your own rifle etc
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Remember the time the Germans were looting all the thorium in occupied France and the allies thought it was for a nuclear weapons program, but it was actually just ordinary criminal looting to make thorium toothpaste because the nazis were actually ignorant giganiggas?
>these 2 anecdotes that result from ignorance proves that nazis knowingly poisoned their people just like everyone else does today, checkmate chuds
I learned something today.
This is never mentioned in the US on history channel stuff or anything else I've seen about WWII.
:::does some more reading:::
Guess it would have been too difficult for schools to teach the intricacies involved and it's just easier to paint the Nazis as being nothing but a mindless rampaging war machine bent on world conquest; instead of the calculated decisions made by leaders to try and politically maneuver for advantage on the battlefield. Much the same for "documentaries".
to add, this is just another reason I haven't watched TV or trusted any media in years and years now.
First it was bullshit
Ok, it was real, but find more examples
arguing with stormnegros is fucking hilarious
NTA btw
You aren't allowed to do something ghastly like start a war and the second you're ahead say "aaaaaaand STOP, kk I'd like to cash out now!"
Was Brotain really going to meekly say "well done old chap, we'll just wait for you to consolidate your gains until you're ready to invade us. Carry on."

>to add, this is just another reason I haven't watched TV or trusted any media in years and years now.
This is why you've curated a warped "safe space" of thing you already agree with instead of actually learning new things and challenging your beliefs.
>Only question is "would the Nazis been able to keep Govt honest?"
Seeing as how the government already had massive programs dedicated to murdering huge swaths of its own populace, I'm gonna say "no."
No dumbfuck.
I'm saying nobody covers the part where Germany sues for peace and Britain goes "LOL NO! You're untrustworthy and evil." That seems like an important piece of the history that seems to be left out of the coverage.

Also, I have not curated a "safe space". I enjoy talking to folks and having my beliefs challenged. I want to understand other people's point of view. What I'm talking about is the inherent untrustworthiness of mass media. Everyone has a narrative they're pushing, and because of that they do everything from simply omitting certain (important) facts and details, to making shit up from whole cloth. Because of that you can't trust just about anything anymore, not even NPR. Not CNN, MSNBC, FOX, etc. None of them can be trusted to simply report the facts. Nobody has done "simply the facts" for years. And it's disheartening. I know if i'm reading a news article I have to ask "what did they leave out?" or even "is this complete bullshit?" and to get to the bottom of anything I have to read at least a dozen articles from a dozen different sources and try to put all the pieces together. It's goddamn tiresome.

So fuck off with your assumptions asshole.
I won't try and claim vidya to be worth much in these discussions, but at least in the Combat Mission series US infantry tends to have much more flexibility due to the semi-auto Garand, while the Germans are a largely "use it or lose" situation with the MG. A fireteam of American riflemen can deal with alot of situations where German rifles would be inadequate.
>invading nation demands surrender
>gets refused
>omg why don't the history books teach this :(
Wouldn't squad leaders and ammo carriers have typically carried M1 carbines at this point?
>calculated decisions
nazi foreign affairs were flat out mentally retarded. von ribbentrop is without question the single most incompetent diplomat in history.
>fascism is not tied to some specific economical system
It is though. Corporatism (which has nothing to do with corporations), to be exact.
>You're on the wrong side of history
>t. guy whose side started a World War and then jobbed so hard that half of Germany was a communist shithole until 35 years ago
No one who actually cares and wants to improve their country should want you self-destructive retards to have any say in it. Also, muh right/wrong side of history makes you sound like a lefty, which I guess you are if you're really a fascist/nazi.
Heh yeah Hogans Heros was pretty good. Always liked Schultz, too bad he canonically dies in the last episode.
I got you senpai, check this out: Radiendocrinator. You tuck it under your balls at night.

Your move fuckwad.
Reading comprehension.
This is from the late 20s, like most other radium products, and radiation quackery had been regulated out of existence in the US by 1934. You might notice that 1934 is not the same number as 1945.
your retarded anecdote of "oh everyone did this but nazi germany did it and it was LE BAD" (ignoring that what i said is a different thing, this was an unknowing issue that they had no idea was actually that bad, while with mcds we know how shit it is and allow the sale of it) followed by immediate tranny/demon rage is exactly why we need a lot of murder to happen
no, just because you hate steppe niggers that are eternal homosexual cuckolds and 70 iq niggers (middle zog) more than western zog doesnt mean you immediately have to suck off every single shitty decision that western zog does, tranny
hell, i can be generous and say that DDT was ALSO not conscious because noone really thought its effects through. the radium toothpaste would probably get shoahd were it not for more PRESSING issues
>Did the BARs work like the british squads?
BARs used magazines, Garands used en-bloc clips
>the radium toothpaste would probably get shoahd were it not for more PRESSING issues
what does this even mean
Ammunition bearer should be renamed “assistant to the bar carrier”
1934 isn't the same as 1955 but here we are after your "regulated out" statement.

The Gra-Maze Uranium Comforter (1955)
>Imagine if you gave every family a check for $200,000 and didn't raise taxes or inflation
Cool idea. Now why don't you tell us how to do exactly that without raising taxes or inflation?
uh i dont know, maybe the fact that there was a world war going on?
says literally who. again, why do you communists do these set in stone predictions. noone was forced at gunpoint to do what they did economically
Fippy fucking bippy.
>own populace
>jews and gypsies
How the fuck do you actually believe this
Anon over half the US has an IQ below 100. Once you really metabolize that information, you'll begin to understand how so many people float through life with so many braindead beliefs
damn, & i kinda like his channel.
Average IQ in the us is 98, for an aside the average IQ of India is 82.
Okay. Doesn't change my point. Most of the populations of most places are fucking idiots. That's why there's a ruling class and a lower class wherever you go
Left is better
>MG-34 is knocked out
>Entire squad instantly becomes 5% combat effective
>we NEED fascism cause i need all the people i dont like to die!

everyone on 4chan who is pro-authoritarianism simply wants their childhood bullies to be executed.
yeah. the us won the war and germany lost. get over it wehraboo
>MG-34 is knocked out
Pretty much never happened. The assistant was ready to take over if the duties of the main gunner. Others in the squad would have basic training with it as well. They had a spare barrel to prevent overheating. Several men would carry extra ammo. They knew how important it was and that's why everybody in the squad helped keep it firing.
this. they're too pussy to do anything about it so they hide behind an ideology that would probably kill them too for not being a chad.
unreal projection. Who the fuck thinks about their childhood bullies? leftist retards who got bullied.
how do you feel about the fact bullies are out earning you and out breeding you?
>in the history of humanity no invading country has ever sued for peace
>certainly none have ever gotten a peace deal
just how brain dead are you? the historical norm is warring parties coming to a peace deal. Unconditional surrender is the outlier.
Just look at the war of 1870.
german states invade, trash the french, besiege Paris, trash the french some more, declare their empire and get a peace deal with the french seeding them Elsa and Lotharingen.
How do you think the Brits got Gibraltar? marched their army into Madrid, occupied all of Spain and then after an unconditional surrender only take that one bit off Spain.
Ribbentrop was decent at the game but he had shit pieces to play and a even more boss.
educated guesses are not projection. its not a secret that 4chan attracts a very specific group of people.
Oh hey, it's that thing that the feds shut down almost instantly when they saw someone was using uranium ore from a local mine to make illegal radioactive "cures"
I wunder who could be behind that headline
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There's a reason why no one took Hitler's peace offers as genuine, then or today.
having played a lot of gates of hell ostfront, i can confirm that if you have shit low accuracy infantry the machinegun is better but if you have high accuracy infantry the garands are better.

thus it is proven.
Why didn't late 45 America didn't just field all BARs with the officers/NCO carrying Tommy guns

One guy gets a M1903 Springfield or a Garand with a scope
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>says literally who
Mussolini. The guy who invented fascism.
And so another wehraboo is born.
Fucking Indians sowing discord between nations
Why the fuck would ANYONE take anything the fucking Austrian clown said seriously after he broke every single treaty his country was bound by?
Is your name Neville Chamberlain by any chance?
You don't want to stick your head out when 7.92×57 is flying overhead in a frighteningly fast burst, which is the role of the MG; Keep them pinned so the riflemen can line up the killshots.
it'll blow your mind to know that Hitler did try to sue for peace, the bongs told him to get stuffed, he tried Operation Sealion and failed at the first step (establish air dominance), and jumped to the conclusion that the bongs were hoping Stalin would save them, so he launched Operation Barbarossa instead, remarking that after he takes Moscow, London will finally surrender

this plan was based on the silly theory of his which he wrote in Mein Kampf that Britain always sides one faction or the other on the Continent in order to deliberately destabilise the Continent
his logic, on that assumption, was that Britain would ally with him against Russia if he knocked out France
when that didn't happen, he thought that it was because Britain allied with Russia against him, so if he knocked out Russia Britain would have no choice but to ally with him
>Imagine thinking the left was better than the right.
I'll just cut to the chase and assume you are illiterate.
I'm sorry, who won the war again?
>the silly theory of his which he wrote in Mein Kampf that Britain always sides one faction or the other on the Continent in order to deliberately destabilise the Continent
He wasn't wrong per se, he just didn't account for the fact that in taking over France he'd become a European hegemon, which was the exact thing Britain wanted to avoid.
Why would anyone take Germany's peace offers seriously when they had already broken every other agreement they made?
Good guys lost or something
>Only question is "would the Nazis been able to keep Govt honest?"
he was wrong, because the British have always been anti-dictatorial since before King Charles and already for a century before he came to power, Britain was anti-slavery and would never have agreed to the kind of rule that Hitler envisioned

Hitler, being himself amoral and prizing nothing more idealistic than power, thought wrongly that the British were the same
>the British have always been anti-dictatorial
That has nothing to do with what I said.
I said he was right in the sense that Britain intentionally interfered with European affairs so that no single hegemon could establish itself and contest Britain.
He was retarded wrong in that that would somehow mean that England would support him.
>he was right in the sense that Britain intentionally interfered with European affairs so that no single hegemon could establish itself and contest Britain
no, still wrong
they don't care about Continental hegemony, they wouldn't ally with a dictatorial pro-slavery government as much as possible
it's an important distinction
the real question is, which is better:
>11 Garands + 1 BAR
>9 Springfields + 3 BARs
because that was the choice facing the US Army at the time
Reminder that Germans thought the M1 was unfair wunderwaffe.
>von ribbentrop is without question the single most incompetent diplomat
I'd say it was whoever was in charge of the UK foreign policy in the interwar period

>Mussolini tries to make an alliance with France against Germany
>France agrees on condition Britain supports it
>Britain says no
>Mussolini: ok, then I join Hitler I guess
>Hitler threatens to invade Czechoslovakia for Sudetenland
>Britain: hold on, let's organise a conference!
>the Czechs: we have solid defence position with forts and mountains, we just need foreign support
>the Soviets: we have a defence pact with the Czechs, if France helps then we help as well
>the German military staff: we prepared a plot against Hitler, when he gives the order to attack we will coup d'etat his ass
>Britain: shut up everybody, I don't want to hear any of this shit. Sudetenland goes to Germany and that's it. Peace in our time!
>Stalin: hey Allies, this Hitler guy is scary, let's team up just this time or he'll get all of Europe
>Britain: huh, no
>Stalin: ok, then I'll sign a pact with Germany, I guess
>Poland: hey Britain, you'll help me against Germany if things go south, right?
>Britain, yeah, sure buddy, no sweat!
>Poland: is encouraged by this and tells Hitler to fuck off
>Hitler invades, Britain and France conduct the Phoney war instead of the real help, Poland dies.
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Russia invaded Poland at the exact same time as Germany did, which was all part of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. In fact, they took the vast majority of the country. Which makes it all the more ironic that England entered the war to free Poland, but then left it with the Soviets in arguably worse rule.
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Yeah honestly if Germany had had any diplomatic skills at all they would've easily run circles around the British, it was quite lucky for the allies that they were spazoids.
bongs got backstabbed by their commie-loving Labour Party
the Nazi political machine bought enough of a lead to rearm from zero to one year ahead of the whole world, militarily
that's pretty good really
>Russia invaded Poland at the exact same time as Germany did
Lies. Russia waited for more than 2 weeks and went in only after Warsaw fell.
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It also got them such wonderful allies to fight the world as:
>Hungary, small and irrelevant
>Romania, small and irrelevant
>Italy, hilariously incompetent
>Japan, fanatical but industry poor
>Slovakia, small and irrelevant
>Bulgaria, small and irrelevant
They had the fucking Soviet Union as trade partners and peaceful neighbors and they flushed that down the toilet while they were still in an unwinnable war with Britian.
This is also a lie USSR went in on the 17th while Warsaw capitulated on the 28th.
>They had the fucking Soviet Union as trade partners and peaceful neighbors and they flushed that down the toilet while they were still in an unwinnable war with Britian.
that's really the only issue
Ok, my bad. After the Germans besieged Warsaw
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There were many issues, but the biggest was that they had the completely wrong type of military to defeat Britain. They needed a strong surface navy, with good strategic bombers, and long-range air support to escort them. And they had...submarines and CAS fighters. It was already over as soon as the war started.
>he thinks that NCOs and enlisted men didn't find various ways to "expropriate" extra firepower
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with a little adjustment here and there, i just made america win WWII by 1943
What are they supposed to just throw them at the enemy or something?
Actually, they effectively had that. Because it was semiautomatic, the M1 didn't lose aim on a target as easily as the bolt action Kar98's.
USSR was actually very reluctant to go in on Poland at all. It's only after Abbeville and once Germans started activating Ukrainian partisans in eastern Poland did they go in, now effectively having a free hand from the west to do as they please and simultaneously fearing that Germany might not actually hand their share of the spoils over.
they didn't have a choice because they needed tanks, CAS and artillery just to defeat France and the BEF
shoot-offs between bolt actions and the Garand have shown the difference is minimal
Do you know what that actually is?
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>basically a brand new car stolen from every household.
>That the sort of thing that suddenly stopped happening when Hitler and his crew took over.
funny you should say that
ITT: Stormniggers attempt to use any outrageous lie that comes to their mind, one after another, to propagandize a failed ideology that sucked in every way.
>It's another episode of "economically illiterate retards talk politics"
Questionable provenance of the quote aside, it's quite a simple mechanism: the unification of economy and state under the same power structure. In other words, a socialized economy. The excuses leaders use to justify why it will totally work for them and none of the other people doing it are real leftists are petty and irrelevant. Government influence on economics is anathema to a functioning society and all who champion it deserve a shallow grave.
>what is le fascism
there is no consensus on the exact definition
the sum of human knowledge on the subject is basically a series of checklists, and if enough major items on the list are checked, that government is more fascist than others
remember: fascism, socialism, etc are continuums, not i/o states

anyone thinking they have a better idea is a dunning-kruger moron

>it's quite a simple mechanism: the unification of economy and state under the same power structure
fascism is a tad more than that, but yes
>In other words, a socialized economy
>there is no consensus on the exact definition
What irks me is how much of that is the result of Soviet revisionism. Since they were the only overt Socialist group to come out of the Second World War intact, they by default inherited the ReaL SoCiaLIst title, and put an obscene amount of effort into shilling why Germany and Italy most definitely weren't left-wing at all, no, sir. They were highly militarized and caught up in delusions about how they were the best people on earth, something Russia would of course never be like. And closing in on nearly a century later, we are still paying the price of this meme, because it turns out you can go very far in the world as long as you're the one screaming the loudest about how much you hate Communists.
if the gpmg was not a factor then it would be.
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>Pretty much never happened.
"Sues for peace" isn't a synonym for "proposes peace"
Way to entirely miss the point of my post
What's your highest level of education? No judgement, but school is exactly the place to learn intricacies.
You are disheartened because you're not doing better for yourself than the history channel.
>I can't trust the media because I have to read a bunch and ask questions :(
What you're describing is basic media literacy. This is normal.
my brother in christ they spent 11 billion dollars on the CA hi speed rail, and they haven't even laid track yet
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That's why you gotta have the diplomatic know-how to make sure that France and Britain aren't on the same side. There's a reason Bismarck was so successful throughout his career while Hitler couldn't keep his thing going for more than a dozen years.
didn't happen, go back to /pol/
I demand Racial Sovereignty and an end to discord trannies on 4chan.
The MG42 is the only reason right is better. If every American squad had an LMG it would be no contest. I still have no fucking idea why they kept MGs at platoon rather than squad level like it was still WW1.
they put a lot of money into those Garands, they're three times the price of a Springfield
We know the definition, idiots just keep using the term when it's not applicable.

To be as succinct as possible, fascism is totalitarian revanchism, that is, the belief a state should be totalitarian in its control of the population and directed by an all-powerful dictator so that all resources possible may be directed towards reclaiming its former glory, prestige and power by military conquest.
no, your definition is not adequate because:

>a state should be totalitarian in its control of the population
the definitions of "control" are varied
e.g. some states have a degree of press censorship for gory, sexual, or classified material but are otherwise far from fascist
the types of "direction" are varied
e.g. many states have differing degrees of Govt control over services and products
>by an all-powerful
the degree of "power" is varied
e.g. different levels of individual liberty
some states have different numbers of oligarchs
famously, Leninism purportedly "avoids" fascism by splitting the power between 12 individuals instead of 1 dictator
>so that all resources possible may be directed towards
different levels of resource allocation
China for example supposedly spends proportionately less on the military than the USA does, but is it really less fascist?
the state is no less fascist if all it does is maintain its status rather than reclaim
>its former glory, prestige and power
this implies that a state is only fascist if it was fallen from previous heights and is trying to reclaim it
the state could also be at its historical peak and trying to grow further
>by military conquest
a fascist state could also use other forms of conquest
You can dismantle literally any definition by being this pedantic, but you know what I fucking mean by what I said, you're just being obtuse.
not at all
I'm not being pedantic, I'm showing you practical reasons why your definition isn't adequate, which is why at the end of the day, the definition of concepts which are as broad and convoluted as political alignment often boils down to as I said
>a series of checklists, and if enough major items on the list are checked, that government is more fascist than others
>remember: fascism, socialism, etc are continuums

the reason why
>idiots just keep using the term when it's not applicable.
is because like you, they think that there exists some specific trait of government that explicitly marks it as one thing or another
>fascism is militarism
>the USA has the world's best military
>therefore the USA is fascist!!
>liberalism is free enterprise
>China has free enterprise
>therefore China is liberal!!
Not all fascists are nazis, but all nazis are fascists
I intentionally gave a simplified definition because delineating where things lie on particular sliding scales takes more time that, well, this is fucking 4chinz, so I don't care to spend it.
>That the sort of thing that suddenly stopped happening when Hitler and his crew took over.
You have to be fucking trolling me
Hitler was the richest man on earth within a year of seizing power, the whole damn nazi regime ran on little more than graft and looting for the majority of its existence.
If they hadn't inherited a growing economy from the Weimar Republic the nazi state would most likely have collapsed outright before they even got to France
and it was economically viable in the free market

>free market
>Nazi Germany
I don't care who you are. Going up against an army of troopers armed almost exclusively with a fairly accurate semi-automatic rifle chambered in .30-06 is terrifying.
Gary Oldman plays Winston Churchill in "Finest Hour", a feature length historical drama about Britain's descision to refuse Hitler's peace offer and the latest in long line of films and documentaries covering what is popularly regarded as the most important speech to parliament that Churchill ever made and with it, the most famous chapter of Britain's involvement in the war
>using ai to shitpost rather than generate porn
I wrote that post myself, no AI was involved
The film is pretty good, but a bit sappy at times, with the highlights probably being the various war cabinet scenes and the one bit where Churchill comes up with the name for operation dynamo
>fairly accurate semi-automatic rifle chambered in .30-06 is terrifying.
Then it's weird that the Germans never developed any special training or propaganda to counter it. Meanwhile the US needed to make a propaganda film lying to soldiers so they wouldn't shit their pants and cry for mommy when they were shot at with an MG42. Soldiers also nicknamed it, and mentioned it in countless postwar interviews, solidifying its legacy as a devastating weapon. Did Germans really give a shit about fighting the Garand? Not that I've ever heard. They were far more worried about everything else Americans had, like the huge numbers of tanks and planes supporting their advance.
Imagine losing to rice farmers and then goat herders
Yeah I know right, I bet the soviets would be super embarrassed about that if they still existed
>if they still existed
a hit, a palpable hit
you could've made your point much clearer anon
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>the most important speech to parliament that Churchill ever made
>We weren't scared of the Americans' rifles
>Because they had waaaaaay scarier stuff than that
>Then it's weird that the Germans never developed any special training or propaganda to counter it.
Well they DID lose to it so maybe they should have?
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it's almost as if you've never played a WW2 FPS before
>Soldiers also nicknamed it, and mentioned it in countless postwar interviews
Probably because the majority of German soldiers were armed with bolt action rifles, so an MG42 was one of the few things that actually posed a meaningful threat. Same reason the Tiger became such a legend, when the rest of the Panzers can be easily plapped by a 75mm Sherman the one model of tank that can actually threaten you stands out
Tiger commanders were not happy about the concept of a M4 on their flank, either.
The real threat though, was the radios and artillery.
Some sneaky M5 Stuart or M8/M20 armored car calling on it's 8" big brothers to lay some serious pain down was the real threat.
There are a few reasons those weren't "counters" to the Garand, most obviously that they were developed before D-Day.
development of semiautomatic rifles on all sides date to before WW2 itself, it wasn't a secret
Arguing with Stormniggers/Vatniggers is like arguing with someone who has shit his pants but claims that it didn't happen because you can't prove you smell it.
>Did Germans really give a shit about fighting the Garand? Not that I've ever heard.
Have you literally read any first hand accounts by German infantry before? They were shit scared of being shot.
This but unironically
>The Americans never fought the Germans until June 6th, 1944
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I never said that, but in reality those were made specifically to help on the eastern front. Hitler wanted force multipliers to make up for their manpower shortage. His dream was to give everyone a G43 with scope, train them as marksmen, and in his drug addled mind they'd mow down Russian hoardes so efficiently that they'd win the war. The STG was also meant to mow down Russians, and it actually did a pretty good job of that, so naturally Hitler didn't support the program.
>It's another BAR thread that ignores the existence of the 1919

Why do these happen every 2 weeks
Include captured in your graph. The western allies outmanouevred the Germans and fucked their supply lines to induce mass surrenders and routs, because we had high degrees of mechanisation, combined arms integration, intelligence, etc and aren't savages (so people would surrender instead of fighting to the death)

The historiographical trend towards counting manpower killed/mia instead of measuring principle items lost/captured (aircraft, ships, tanks) and excluding captured manpower is deliberately misleading Russoid historiographical sleight of hand.
When you include captured, the Western and Eastern fronts balance out

Also your graph doesn't prove the Stg's performance
Go read Blood Red Snow and tell me that never happened (it happened all the fucking time)
>They were shit scared of being shot.
Obviously, I meant caring about fighting the Garand specifically. Mentioning it by name. Suggesting that it gave a decisive advantage (on a larger scale, not 1 on 1).
>ignores the existence of the 1919
There were about 5x more MG34/42s than 1919s in a rifle company, 1 per 20 guys vs 1 per 96.
That wasn't an lmg. No, not even the A6.
I have no idea what you're babbling about, all the graph proves is that German weapon production was focused on the eastern front, certainly before D-Day.
The graph simply proves that the STG was made for fighting on the eastern front, like every other weapon the Germans made.
>Suggesting that it gave a decisive advantage (on a larger scale, not 1 on 1).
No soldier could ever do that honestly because no soldier has that perspective. No allied soldiers or officers wrote that the MG42 gave German infantry such an advantage either, they just wrote that it had a high rate of fire and it was scary to be shot at by it.
>There were about 5x more MG34/42s than 1919s in a rifle company, 1 per 20 guys vs 1 per 96.
What's a Weapons Company? What's a doctrinal difference? Are you being deliberately misleading?
>all the graph proves is that German weapon production was focused on the eastern front
How does it do that?
It's merely a casualty report
It proves nothing about doctrine and strategy, unless you're a follower of the Wimp Lo art of war

The US military lost most casualties in the past 22 years to Iraqi insurgents. Does this mean the US military is mostly designed to kill insurgents?
It's a Medium Machine Gun. Like the MG42
>There were about 5x more MG34/42s than 1919s in a rifle company, 1 per 20 guys vs 1 per 96.
Yes, but it's not an either/or thing, because the US had both BARs as well as M1917s, M1914s and M2s. A Garand is more firepower than a Kar 98 and a BAR is more firepower than either. So it's not 10 M1919s vs 64 MG42s, it's 45 BARs, 12 M1914s, 8 M1917s and 6 M2s vs 64 MG42s.

While we're on that, the Germans were using MG34/42s for their LMG, MMG and HMGs just on different mounts, while the US fielded true HMGs (water cooled and .50 cal) so they could do true SMFG and anti-materiel with their MGs. The US also fielded more mortars per battalion (15 vs 10 by Normandy), had snipers at the platoon level instead of battalion (at best) and more of them, etc.
>water cooled
What was the US water cooled HMG?
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Did Nazi Germany even have anything comparable to Ma Deuce? Always found it strange that the Wehrmacht never made an effort to field HMGs at the company level when even the Soviets had the DShK which gave their infantry a relatively low-cost, low-tech weapon that could easily kill anything short of a Panzer IV.
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>had snipers at the platoon level

We did? My impression was always that guys rocking scoped M1903s was massively overstated thanks to video games and movies and that it was relatively rare.
Not true in the slightest. Fascism is an political movement from Italy, consisting of State Syndicalism. Its a variant of socialism just like National Socialism and Marxist Socialism.

The only reason the two get confused in the English speaking world is:
A: The Krauts and Wops were on the same side
B: In England, English Fascism under Oswald Moseley praised Hitler a bunch pre-war and wore similar style uniforms. Low IQ jornalists got the movements confused and started referring to Nazism as German Fascism, and it stuck.
Oh and:
C: Marxist intellectual subversion agents like to muddy the historical waters because they believe anything other their headcanon Marxism isnt real socialism
Basis of issue was 9 M1903A4 per three company (3 platoon per company) battalion if I remember right, and it was issued on a 1 per platoon basis in place of an M1 rifle. As for whether it was a sniper, doctrinally it was more like a sharpshooter or designated marksman than a scout sniper, but iirc a lot of "snipers" in WWII were more that.
The MG42 was their M2 equivalent as they considered it a HMG depending on the use case. They were more focused on autocannons rather than 50s or further developing the MG 18 TUF
imagine claiming to win a war when it was the russians who did all the work
"Suffering the most" is not "doing the most". Git gud.
Post number of aircraft shot down.
Post naval vessels sunk.
Post manpower and vehicles lost including those captured.

Get the fuck good shill.
amerisharts accomplishments are only due to the Europeans who inhabit that subhuman shithole. ffs you needed a nazi to build you a rocket, meanwhile slavshits did it themselves. amerigolems are mouthbreathers who need the European man to carry them in life, pathetic
Oh, you're that frog that's always simping for Russia, right.
imma put this in vidya terms since that's all you vatniks understand
when they show the team KDR at the end of the CSGO match, the MVP is NOT the guy who died most

Russoids and other commie-fucking-shits stole everything they ever built from the West, there was not a single significant invention out of the 2nd world.
>Did not: Post number of aircraft shot down.
>Did not: Post naval vessels sunk.
>Did not: Post manpower and vehicles lost including those captured.
>Could not: Get the fuck good shill.
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>needed a nazi to build a rocket
untermenschen ameriscum absolutely SEETHING with rage kek love to see it
also i'm neither french nor russian. cope & seethe :)
Is this false flagging? This is pathetic even for a stormnigger.
Was playing combat mission and in a duel between my Marders and some Shermans, the commander on a .50 was able to maim the crew with spalling with a single burst of it before either cannon had time to aim
I mean this isn't wrong. If it was actually possible to give every single rifleman a magnified optic in 1943? that'd be enough of an advantage to basically have the US win every single firefight just from that alone.
It wasn't close to possible, and optics also fucking sucked in those days. Germany and Russia both had attempts at mass production of optics (the ZF41 and PU) and the results were garbage that were at best not really better than decent ironsights and at worst were much worse since they'd fog, lose zero, wander etc and BUIS weren't a thing.

Mass ACOG adoption happened pretty much as soon as it was practicable. By 1980 you had general issue optics on AUG and the SUSAT, and then the G36 thing in the 90s, but they just weren't that much better than irons. It's not until ACOG and Spectre that you're talking a jump big enough to "win every firefight". Even Comp M1 was a big step up, but hardly a war winner.
Why didn't they have a Thompson or two in the US squad?

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