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July 2024... i am forgotten
Powerlevels of the roy dynasty:
Logan roy
Mama roy
Roman & kendall
You are currently hearing the theme song in your head.
>"Now, anyone thinks im going anywhere, please, stop the bunting up your ass"
>"You're fucking janitors!"

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Where's the relatable black lead? How else the American audience is supposed to insert into the world?
where is yasuke? btw hes the strongest samurai to have ever lived and also he's black
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I guarantee there will be articles asking where all of the black people are.
Rightoids still BOILING about there being people who aren't white

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He’s got the comedic chops & would’ve been cheaper than Chris Evans. Only shows up for less than a few seconds in the B-roll footage of the old X-Men movies in that montage.
He’s a busy successful working acting unlike the other washed up out of work bozos

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This movie kinda rules
it gay af thoe

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This was good. Made me sob like a bitch
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That actor Logan Loerman was in a movie with Sarah Gadon!
>coming-of-age romantic drama
>coming-of-age romantic drama
damn she is so beautiful
Sarah Gadon is the most beautiful.

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>oi woz roiped!
Is that WWE superstar Kevin Nash? I hear he was raped in the searing record hot summer of 1992
afraid so
Wolfie ain't gonna like this

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This movie is awesome
>Woody Allen
>Sharon Stone
>Sylvester Stallone
>Gene Hackman
>Christopher Walken
>Jennifer Lopez
>Anne Bancroft
>Danny Glover
>Grant Shaud
>Dan Aykroyd
>Jane Curtin
>John Mahoney
Sorry I just like Bugs Life better
yes it was
This food tastes like crap.
It is crap.

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A few pounds of flesh.
That’s all that kept Kristen Bell from being a premier star
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Based KB for insisting her costume show off her mommy milkers.
That’s gel padding
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Agreed. Have another, anon.
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KB is smol.

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>anime can't be kin-
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>Death Note
If you are impressed by death note you are either
>Still 14 and just haven't been exposed to many stories
>Literally retarded.
If anything, it's more about letting go of the past, that includes Gina. Gina belongs to the past, the opportunity came and went and they arent those young people anymore. You cant undo all those years, you cant change the past, you just have to look forwards. Everything around them points to that. The world they knew is changing, a world war is on the horizon, the days of air pirates and gangs are over. Porco is a character that hangs around in hope that the days of old are going to return, but they arent. You had your days in the sun.
why isn't the curse inclusive? curse is raycis
A technically plausible ending you are encouraged to presume because people prefer happy endings.
But from a character perspective, certainly wrong.
Porco cannot break his curse on his own and cannot believe someone he admires could fail to be disgusted by him. To reach him, she would have to be very direct and very consistent, and I don't think that's in her character. It seems to me she would rather let the embers cool and die than lower herself to being frank.
They may have continued to meet up, but Porco remained a pig. Gina may have found someone else or she may not. She's not the one with a curse in her heart.
Well, that's what the second movie was going to be about.
But the movie never made it off the paper.
lets not forget that porco rosso started as a japan airline asking ghibli to make a 15 minute short movie about airtravel.
How they went from making a comercial for japanese air travel to a ww1 italian dogfighter who was cursed to be a pig is beyond me.

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Why is the trend for characters to get uglier as time goes on? Would it be fair to say we peaked in the 90's?
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90s Claire Danes is the 3rd most beautiful actress alive. Kill yourselves, contrarians.
Aren't the first 3 from movies and the sheboon is for a theater production? Does Romeo and Juliet not get played all the time in theaters and are there not dozens or hundreds of actresses who have played the part of Juliet?
These three posters are straight up gay
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Demoralization propaganda
(((they))) are replacing populations with orcs and goblins, and telling women its OK to be a fat slob with no domestic skills. They want this reflected in media so you dont question how bad things are or how rapidly demographics are changing.

why were boomers like this?
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do you guys really have clocks in your room
ive been using the one on my computer since like september 2001
i tell ya life's tough, even my doctor hates me. he gave me sleeping pills, i ask him when i should take one and he says "everytime you wake up"
Boomers are the kings of divorce
no but what you dont undahstand
boomers were the first generation to see wife beating as problematic
had they just kept slapping their wives like their parents and grandparents, we'd be in a whole different world
>since like september 2001
are you trying to be funny?
if so, I laughed

this is the kind of movie that makes loads of money but people barely talk about

the only people i've seen talk about this movie are fags on comic book twitter and /tv/
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This. How could random people kill Omega mutants like Storm, Jean or Iceman?
i hate marvel shit but this was fun and kino
and yes the proposal line made me howl
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Yes, it's above her navel and it's not sexy
I skimwatched the bootleg last night and it was just awful. Way way too long, too much exposition, felt like a ca. 2010 superhero movie with how seriously it wants you to take its b-plot of a main plot. All the "this is EPIC am I right audience???" bits felt like they were aimed at 2015 redditors. The audience in the scan barely chuckled a few times.

It felt as cheap and lazy as that Spiderman: All the Spidermen Together cash-in movie, where they all phoned in their performances via green screen and were barely in the same rooms together, but whereas that was skillfully made to dupe retards, this just felt cheap. Felt like it was made in one week in a warehouse on some lot.
a bitchy homosexual in latex? A meaningless cartoon cgi driven plot? again?

>The half-hour comedy series delves into the complex reactions to the revelation of the mysterious elixir of life. “Common Side Effects” was created by Joe Bennett and Steve Hely and is executive produced by “King of the Hill” creators Mike Judge and Greg Daniels.

>“Common Side Effects” follows former high school lab partners Marshall and Frances who begin to unravel a conspiracy involving big pharma and the federal government to suppress knowledge of a rare mushroom that may hold the key to curing all the world’s diseases.
Will it be any good?

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>mogs you're favorite actress
for me it's cewl

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Like a marvelous walrus
yeah he comes across pretty fair and reasonable in the movie
Those he looks like a BEACH?

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