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ITT: we post the objectively best episode of a show. I’ll start with ATHF’s objectively best episode.
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Bart Oates
Shit that was the one.
>hook him up to some weapon mech
>even shake turns around as says "..you're gonna turn him on?"
24/7- the thunder will roll

>Yeah. Push the rolling thunder back to next week
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T. Jew or pajeet

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You know, Q predicted all of this

that must suck so fucking bad
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I might actually be wtf
I can't tell if this is a meme or not. He looks the fucking same, just aged. I never noticed a difference as a kid
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This is the car he crashed in
No open top, how did he grind his face unless he was sticking his head out the window?
Not to mention six years in between filming ANH and ROTJ.
The steering wheel fucked his face up

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On a Cronenberg kick lately. Is it really his best?
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Videodrome is awesome, I just made a webm from it earlier. Scanners is also great
Interesting how Existenz and The Matrix came out within one month of each other, given the similarities.
I also like Scanners but the Fly is my favorite. It can easily stand next to other classics like the Thing or Terminator and has qualities of its time that can't be found in modern movies anymore. The closest recent movie that has the same sincerity and good direction is Upgrade.
>History of Violence
I thought it was fine the first time I saw it, but the second time, it was almost unwatchable for me. That movie has a LOT of problems in it.
too many coincidences or conveniences? I wouldn't remember, it's been years since I saw it.

webm thread
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Corsets are great.
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Look closer
She's not fat and the haircut is for PR.

What is /tv/'s opinion on FMaF movie?
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watched it with my little sis. we thought it was silly and a bit meh
I saw it in the theater with my kids sister and it was awful, but she enjoyed it. I think you have to be a fan of the games to like it because during the montage of them playing with the animatronics some black mom looked over at her kid and yelled "I THOUGHT THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A HORROR MOVIE!!! WHY THE FUCK THEY DANCING WIT EACH OTHER?!".
watched it with my friends, it was fun, the story wasnt great but whatever its a movie for kids
0/10 if you're the guy that was spamming /v/ today
Awful fucking story and awful everything imaginable. Not even remotely engaging. It's literally a high production lore explanation video. Lore videos have carried the franchise.

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Frogbros who knows Ella since Yellowjackets... I gotta say im a little jelous /ourgirl/ is bigger now, she was supposed to be just ours...
Toy Story lookin' bitch.
I'd make love to that lizard.
You got control issues, bruv. She ain't yours. Let it go.
im happy for the queen

she was always an A lister

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Friendly reminder that Star Wars episode 7 featured the first implied N-word in all of Star Wars media.

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I typically visit a local megamart for discounted candy, but I always buy my popped corns from the kinoplex as they're freshly popped and buttered for my enjoyment. I also abstain from drinking for 18 hours prior to my film's start time to prevent any bathroom breaks. What's /tv/'s routine?
Tbh a bag of beef jerky is all I need
mine is pretty meticulous
first I walk in, then I buy a ticket, and lastly I sit down
I never go to the bathroom during a movie.
Makes for the best pisses of my life.
I roll up in the 'plex VIP, with my gas tank on E and everyone's drinks being on me.
I buy a ticket for a movie that's just about to start, and take my time buying concessions. 30 seconds or so after the trailers are done and the movie has started me and my fat pregnant wife push through to the center of the aisle were our seats are, while looking at the tickets on our phones full brightness. At this point we realize we are one aisle off and push our way back out, go up a level, and push through to our seats. I WOLF down my snacks, GULP down my soda, and go take a piss 20 mins into the film. When I come back I have my wife catch me up on what I missed, she has to go over it a couple times because I don't understand and don't recognize all the characters. 20 minutes after this she goes off for her bathroom break.
The usual.

what happened to 3d movies
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Oh, commercials stopped advertising movies being "IN THREEEE DEEEEEE!!" so I just assumed it stopped being a thing.
Here's last year's list:
Ant-Man Quantumania
Scream 6
Super Mario
Guardians of the Galaxy 3
Fast X
Little Mermaid
Transformers 9 or whatever
TMNT Jewish Mayhem
Meg 2
The Marvels
Trolls 3

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I watched Avatar 2 in 3D and I could barely feel the dimensions.
That's because that movie is too one-dimensional, duh
That sounds like a medical issue. I fucking HATE Avatar but it's the highest quality 3D there is by a crazy margin

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What's the worst film here?
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Touch of Evil is pretty good, but iirc at times it feels old af because of the restrictions of Pedowood at the time, I need to rewatch. The atmosphere somehow reminds me of Sorcerer.
I watched Three Colors on TV when I was like 13 or so, it's not that obscure
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>Rear Window above LoA
People talked about this shit all the time in the 90's, at the time the Oscars still held a shit ton of prestige among normies and even artsy faggots.
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Godfather is easily the worst film here, and by a large margin too
not even close to coppola's best, no way it gets above anything else here
you people are a joke and I readily destroy you for even daring to have positions other than mine

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Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing.
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Not by the end of part 2
Denis is ball-less
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>be me
>have a cyst or something on my asscrack near my tailbone because I wipe too hard (it leaked pus and blood once)
>prepare bath with Dettol and soap
>sitting in bath at 10 PM letting the warm water soothe my asscrack
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>bald fat guy
>takes a healing bath after sustaining injuries
>in a palace
>on a desert planet
who did it better?
>eat way too much after Ramadan
>chug an entire 2 liter of prune juice to freshen up
>proceed to continuously shit for the next 12 hours
>easier to just sit in the tub instead of using the toilet and wiping every half hour
>feel AMAZING afterwards

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Didn't finish the series, but why did lil bitch Floch support the Yeagers knowing Zeke was responsible of annihilating Erwin and most of the scouts? As far as I know, Erwin's speech turned Floch into a man. Massive plot hole

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>Tywin skinning a stag is a metaphor for the Lannisters killing the Baratheons

What an underrated scene
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Check out the deleted scene where he scratches his balls. So deep. The metaphor is so well done. Not in the books either by the way.
Charles Dance is a kino actor. He was in a movie with Sarah Gadon too
Yea it sucks but if the catch is too small better just release it. Otherwise I always eat whatever I get, or give to family members
how would you have made it a better metaphor?
>better just release it.
Why? So that it can slowly die in the water? Retarded

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>zero tits and ass
>zero eye candy appeal
>zero capeshit role
>career skyrocketed with Harvey in jail

How seething Jeniffer Lawrence and other Hollywood sluts were that someone with real talent actually made it big in the industry?
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>>zero eye candy appeal
Apart from her beauty and youth? That's why she's so successful
I'm surprised they managed to make her entirely unattractive in this shit movie
Who the fuck wrote this
She only had a career because everyone wanted to fuck her
Now she's bogged and slagged it's over for her

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