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why are french like this


>Game of Thrones was 20 years ago
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>game of thrones
Why did you post a lotr picture
No what we need is an actors aging / bogged general to contain them to the one thread.
>zoomers can’t tell Boromir and Ned Stark apart

kill yourself, faggot
He's 65 and keeps getting killed. Give him a break.
Wow 20 years ago an overrated boring show came out. Two decades and I still don’t give a shit. Crazy shit

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>um, actually...growing up in a stable household with parents who love you is FREAKING LAME DOOD!!

who writes this shit?
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> "I am white..."
> crowd cheers loudly.
> easily wins rap battle
what the fuck did they mean by this?
ain't no way blud's parents ain't even divorced bruh
this shit was kino i dont care.
The lame part is acting like you are a street nigga when you are a trust fund baby.
Eminem was a stroke of genius from the loxist ones. How can we hurt white kids with rap too?


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It was cool to see this guy again, I'll give 'em that.
i dont know who that is
you know all those dangerous mutants you see in the movies? he's the most forgettable one.

I kid, he was always a favorite of mine

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How do you respond without sounding mad?
He wouldn't say any of that, because he could tell by the look of me no woman wants to have sex with me
Based and whitemalepilled

Pretty much this am too ugly to have chance of winning any argument
"Ok, enjoy lmao."
Yes, I'd say "lmao" out loud.
Fuck you for making me sit through any amount of seconds of one of these trash fuck buddy movies.

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she stopped being hot after season 3
Loose women are less attractive
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reddit incarnate
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The Office (US) is Reddit
Scrubs is based

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Now that the dust has settled, who needed the Kwik-E-Mart?
Redpill me on the Jewish takeover of Ukraine guys.
sure thing: it's another /pol/ hoax
and there you have it. now you've been redpilled on the jewish takeover of ukraine
T retard
Look at Victoria Nuland and her husband. Look up Jewish literature on the cossacks. It's an ethno religious motivation to genocide white Christians k just like the holodomor. Jordan Peterson fully understands it but lies for some reason.
/>pol/ making up tales again
how's it going? making any inroads yet you dumbfucks

I would've thought this movie would have employed their marketing campaign to unleash bot/shill threads on here making threads about this movie. But just looking at the catalog and archive on here theres really not that many threads about this movie on here.Ya know like the other movies/shows that get shilled on here 24/7 like House of the Dragon, The Boys, Dune 2 (when it first came out), that shitty Furiosa movie and etc.
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Unironically, what happened to India?
>Colonisation was terrible
>They came into our country and built schools, hospitals, roads, railways and court houses!
people dont realize how bad india was before whites civilized them. they lived in mud huts and had no running water. all their buildings still standing are built by white people 100 years ago. mass starvation was the norm so it became a virtue not to eat. their religions were even more insane, they would sacrifice each other by running over hundreds of people with stone chariots, and it was considered holy to stand in front of the stone chariot and be crushed by it.
How fucking stupid do you have to be to believe companies would actually shill their shit on this site? Fucking election tourist retards i swear.

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post your kinostation
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The neighbor's nemesis
fuck you texas, and fuck your lone star beer
i know this isn't urs but the led stars are gay. vantablack and no starts would be better for giving the illusion of being outdoors
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who fuckin knew a movie about a pro wrestler and a stripper would be pure kino

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this movie is a midwit trap just like black swan, you fell for it anon
I heard rovert gave it a sitting ovation
that movie was pure absolute shit. kill yourself.
Complete crap compared to the whale
^ get a load of these muhfuggas

so everyone is going to talk about blade for the next month & they are going to Finally give us another Wesley Snipes
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Based Spawn movie enjoyer
why does everyone think that blade saying "there is only one blade" means that they are making a blade 4 instead of a reboot? it's obvious in the movie that the line is a joke because there is going to be a different blade. even deadpool looks right at the camera after blade says that
>le ebin 4th wall break
i hollered and hooted when that happened

So no one told you feed was gonna seed this way
I fucked my baby sister's mouth right there on the changing table.

Insolent WHORE.
Which one is Chandler and which one is Joey

Was his cameo a soft introduction as the next Wolverine?
It was a soft introduction to a bread line, he can't get work outside of 30 second cameos.
Given how this one ended I’d say they’re keeping their options open
he's too based for the jews to allow him to work
it was about how much of a joke cavill is

Hes le smoking while le working out so TOUGH and COOL

post kino execution scenes

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