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Ambiorix, king of eburones
Was a nuisance to the romans until he trapped an entire legion in a ravine and killed them all.
Romans got fed up with them and started to genocide them
Dude fled to Egypt to probably smash brown pussy
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He appears in the comics
This statue was made in 1866
Please name your files so we know who you're talking about.
That's... kind of the point.

Or should I say, pointerix.

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>It's a makes me hungry episode
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Isn't it weird how certain people have that porn look to them. Like even if she didn't have the fake tits and lips she'd still have that porn-whore facial feature set.
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Why does this show always make me talk like a guido? No other show or movie I watch influences how I speak, but The Sopranos makes me talk like I just got off the boat from the Old Country whenever I do a rewatch. I have to make a conscious effort not to talk like that when I want to suppress it. I'm not Italian at all.
Why do they keep ruining their lips? I hate that bogged look.
Whys she eating like a retard

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Is Terrifier 3 a Christmas movie?
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Obviously, it takes place during Christmas and has a heavy Christmas atmosphere and aesthetic.
Terrifier 2 did the same thing but for Halloween. Would be cool if next time they do a different holiday.
What serious actor did they hire? The one who did the full nudity sex scene? Or one of the little girls? Or the main actress? There were tits in the first one and the second and third have both had full nudity just not full frontal.
Yeah I meant before that part. Did he become a demon guy after he died or was he always a demon from the beginning of the movie?
You'll get it, but you have to treat her with love and respect first. And be handsome.
Victoria/the little girl's true form? Or Art's true form? Or maybe foreshadowing the final boss for the final movie? Who knows, I don't think it was really explained.

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Keaton demanding short screen time hurt this movie. Useless side characters
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something like this
the success of the wednesday tv series created a window for more safe spooky IPs to get dug up and paraded around
I didn't like how Beetlejuice...
>Did everything Lydia asked him to
>Saved Astrid's life (in probably the movie's biggest "hell yeah" hero moment)
>Saved Lydia's life
>Helped Delia reunite with Lydia after Delia died
>Saved Lydia from marrying some asshole who was only after her money
>Helped save Lydia's and Astrid's lives again
...And then Lydia just banished him again at the end like he was the main villain or some shit. Like what has Beetlejuice ACTUALLY done to Lydia? He's asked her to marry him twice (with 30+ years between instances) and simply expected her to keep her end of the deal? He's an obnoxious ass, sure, but he's not EVIL. I'm not saying she should've married him at the end necessarily, but she should've eased up on him a little. "I guess you're not so bad after all," etc.
>I need me that short little queen.
He sounds like a /tv/ poster. And that's a fair point about Delia, she definitely is the evil stepmother trope but never really does anything evil, or even malicious. It's fucked up the parents want to exploit the Maitlands for money but Otho steals the handbook on his own and from what I remember they're no longer onboard or comfortable with it once the Maitlands show up and they see how bad Otho fucked up. I mean, it says a lot that they decided to include an "Otho" character in the sequel.
>if anybody here could give that 80s context for me- exactly did “goth” properly enter the public lexicon?
I wasn't there but if you go to the Wikipedia for "goth subculture" it's kind of hilarious that Batman, Beetlejuice, and Edward Scissorhands are mentioned. But if it started to become a thing in the 80s it make sense Tim Burton would've been a direct influence.
Ryder made this unwatchable for me. She looks bogged as fuck, as if she's on antidepressants and can't act for shit here. Just plain embarrassing

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Tim Dillon Speaks of his cameo in Joker 2, praises movie, encourages people to see it.

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Tim Dillon confirmed box office poison.
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>I was in the worst film ever made
>so the CIA may call me and go "don't you wanna be in the 2nd worst film ever made? We've got a great idea, Todd Phillips is making October 7th the musical"
>that makes more sense at least there was music at October 7th
fucking kek I love Tim
I've been banned a month and I come back and this board is dead
was everyone else banned too?
Didn't hold back on gaga being total garbage too, was she that bad in it?
REddit Dillon huh

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This movie was good. Why did people hate it?
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Shitty CGI replacing practical effects.
Shitty meme actress replacing Max Rockatansky.
Flanderizing of the setting.
Any other questions?
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Absolutely patrician take.
Spent way too long fucking around with kid Furiosa. Then it skipped Furiosa being trained by the truck driver.
>replacing practical effects
Fury Road has just as much CGI, and tons of greenscreen and mostly-fake composite shots etc, though it is all higher quality and more seamless looking
>Why did people hate it?
right now half of the world can't see a woman or a person of color without immediately writing it off as woke DEI slop, even if it's extremely kino.

related, there's a 100% chance that more than 90% of the people who say it's bad never watched it (or the original movies).

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Their silence is deafening
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The absence of something can be greater than the thing than itself.
Aren't these guys in their 40s?
oh no
what will we do?
they bashed mario? what did they say?
too busy feeding the starving children.

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What was he fighting for?
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Anything but healthcare
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For this.
For the interracial breeding grounds of America
cant put a price on dead sandniggers.
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For this

What's the comfiest new show from the past 5 years? I've only watched succession
succession is not comfy
yes it is

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>You stupid sack of TANGERINE BITCH

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Only kino posters in this thread
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Sarah Gadon is absolutely amazing in this movie
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Actual tard comment.
Kino poster, kino film

Epstein WHAT?
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filled up like a fourty wi guilt n shayyme
post nonamus to 4chainz ta eazse tha painn
spilled mu gutz on ep steinowitz private isle
while he spillin nutz dentist style on unsmilin chiles
>Poor fucking jannies
Tony gets with whores all the time so he'd have it too
What would Tony say if he saw the Penguin tv show?
Tony doesn't watch capeshit

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As a 40 year old man I cried my eyes out during this movie. This is the Iron Giant of the current generation, is it not?

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will ck ever find cleh? edition

/FTL/ News
• Season 3, October 27th (tentative date)
• S2 episode 1, October 13th at 8pm on fishtank.live and 9pm on youtube

>Watch Here
>.m3u Playlist


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A child was groomed by a grown man for self-harming and sex on the josiecord.This was all buried and kept hush-hush. Josie knew all of this

It's only a matter of time the rest of the community finds out
Tick tock Josiepedo tick tock.
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>mentally ill people be like
Claire, is that you? You should be at church in 4-5 hours!
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Do you guys want to hear about the time when a 28 year old groomed a teenager in Josie's official discord and how it was quickly buried. Not trolling btw.

Josie fans groom minors on Josie's secret discord

Josie knew about this.

Josiepedos are real.
I look like and say this

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How are people so bad at media literacy? You can literally just look up the movie's message online or with an AI if you're confused...
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>the movie's message

When you know the OP is american, or retarded. We hear the word 'message'.

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