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I can't get over how mindblowingly stupid this is.
Beauxbatons looks chill.
forget hogwarts, the school drama here must be absolute kino
isn’t there only one Irish guy at Hogwarys and he’s constantly making bombs
It was written by a woman.
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>School #9
>School #10
>School #11
Fuck a reboot, we should get this as an anime
get it? cuz 7 ate 9 XD
What's going on with Italy and Greece?
>School 9 has the Arabs mixed with the Jews
>School 10 has all the Chinese with the Jeets
Which would be worse?
I think it's a really cool concept
She talks about it in book three. Italians, Greeks and afghans don't possess the genes necessary for magic or something rather. oh well
>One school for the Mexicans and the United Spics of Amerishart.
Kinda makes sense if you think about it.
I am more of a Durmstrang guy myself
Lmao really?
no fucking way.
Mexico, Cuba, DR, Philippines, Portugal and Spain belong to South America.
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>every school outside Europe is host to over a billion people
>Rowling stated that 10% of the human population is magic inclined or whatever
>that's still 100 million people
Talibanbros... not like this...
I know this phrase gets thrown around a lot with star wars and marvel, as does the word "literally", but guys, it's literally a children's book.
it's literally headcanon made up by some pajeet you can literally see his name on the pic
/tv/ loves to obsess about Harry Potter.
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I would understand the racism against the middle east, but what the FUCK is her problem with italians and greeks?
>10% of the human population is magic inclined
Considering that the UK has a population of about 60 million, then that's 6 million wizards. Now, how could a school with only a few hundred students have educated 6 million wizards in the last few decades? Something isn't adding up here.
Wait until you find out magic isn't even real lmao. If you want realism go read hard sci-fi you fucking nerd
He just made it up.
The future starshit created was the manchild who can't move on from the media of their childhood.
>Greece and Italy, the Mesopotamia of Europe
>Afghanistan, the setting of Genesis
>Neither has the magic gene
I feel like this board is actually upset Trump won both popular and electoral. Celebrities are recanting statements, hollywood is changing structure, everyone is finally acknowledging the will of the American people. The war is won, why do you want to extend it? Besides the overzealous, everyone is tired. Go home soldier.
JK just couldn't be bothered to make up more than 9 schools, deal with it
To add, that wasn't directed at the person I replied to, it was to this bait thread disguised as a Harry potter thread.
>Rames El Desouki
They're both goofy people. Based JK
They killed magic with civilization, wizards are clearly a dirty bunch of semi nomadic people
>the setting of Genesis
It's old Bactria aka Zoroaster and half the Buddhist masters
Korean and japs
What's b8 about this thread, Drumpftard?
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>tfw never be a jew wizard casting vermis removis in gaza
The one with the Russians and Ukrainians
This is retarded, there should be a lot more schools than that. How is one school supposed to serve an entire continent? One school for ALL of Latin America (except Mexico which gets grouped with anglos for some reason)? One school for the two most populous countries on the planet plus some of their neighbors, but Japan has its own? Why wouldn't every country have its own?
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Apparently Italy, Korea, and Afghanistan snuff out their magically-gifted at birth.
nta but it's good trolling when you realize that's yasser arafat
Oh, and Greece. So easy to forget about them.
>so what do we know eastern europe for?
>ummm idk it's le cold?
>splendid, koldovstvoretz it is
JK Rowling everyone
Who's got the copypasta about a day at the Asian school
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By the way, mahoutokoro only accepts girls between the ages of 12 and 15.
“On the verge of magic” high school
What the fuck rowlands
Really that’s the namae wa you go for?
My glorious nippon wand folded over 1000 times will avadu kedavararu you
She couldn’t come up with anything just below the line of outright racist for them
Sea combined with australia is pretty wild
There's like 50 different animes about magical kids attending a magical school. And they all shamelessly ripoff Harry Potter. They're all very forgettable.
That's not what 所 means
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>1 school for 50 million britbongs
>1 school for 3 billion chinks and pajeets
>>Afghanistan, the setting of Genesis
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And it's not owls that deliver their letters.
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I want to go to the pajeet school
Japan would never choose such a simplistic word for their national magic school. You know it would be unnecessarily long string of Kanji like 日本全国的魔法大学園 or something
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>tfw Sakura will never be your imouto
>oogabooga school
lol they're hitting each other like girls. are they queer homofags?
This map obviously isn't official and none of the places outside of Europe are mentioned in any of the books, where the fuck did it come from?
>Russian/Soviet schools
>Cold Storage
JK never fails
Spaniards are not chill
The Hogwarts game mentions that the african chick came from the african school.

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