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Baskin Rockers Edition

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I am looking for a specific kind of movie or tv show with the feel of a cosmic horror. Something like Chernobyl. At least to me it evokes a cosmic sense of dread. Here is this piece of rock and if you look at it it will melt your face. True Detective S1 has very similar vibes with the cult and human sacrifices.
Stalker, obviously. Jacob's Ladder. Uhm... Martyrs.

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The great debate.
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I'm seeing a lot of people saying that. It's too bad it didn't happen.
Too old. Irulan should've been a heartbreakingly beautiful twentysomething. Think Jodhi May in Last of the Mohicans.
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An excellent choice.
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With her air of bitchiness she would have unironically been a great Irulan.
>middle aged
Too old

is this show worth watching?
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not a single person on this planet has seen her boobs, not even her husband
His dick.
it was a good show, first 3 seasons we're really good. They did vampire lore right imo.
is she AI?
This, it immediately goes to shit after the first few seasons. Amazing it went as long as it did

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How did he get away wirh it?
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why are all blacks bald?
It basically said that Jews are trying to feminize blacks and it was them making all the black actors dress up in dresses and other gay stuff.
IDK, that's a screenshot from the movie. I didn't draw it.
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He’s sad he couldn’t find the poster

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Any time I see an interview with Hans Zimmer, he sounds like a complete retard and a hack. Yet he somehow scored Lion King and Prince of Egypt.
>he sounds like a complete retard and a hack
he's german, they all sound retarded, but all of the best composers historically have been german so there you go
Well yeah if he was normie sex-haver he wouldn't waste time doing orchestral music

For the midge
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Personally I'd starve Warwick Davis. It should not take too long given his size. Make him stick thin and so feeble. Then I would feign pity and serve him a plate of delicious char siu meat, with rich, sticky sauce, perfect pancakes, refreshing drinks... go all out. Give that little bastard a banquet. Watch him greedily devour the meat. His lips, teeth, and fingers sticky with the sauce as he throws manners and decorum out of the window in a mad rush to satiate himself. Then, when he's satisfied and feels thing are looking up, I shall reveal he has not been feasting on char siu pork but... char siu Harrison Davis. Yes, I will have ensured Warwick Davis greedily gobbled up the flesh of his mutant son that I butchered after growing bored with torturing him. As the tears well up in his eyes and he refuses to belief me, I shall let out a truly evil, bone chilling laugh and upend the contents of a box I'll have near me; it will be the mangled remains of his son. His legs gone, his skin flayed, castrated, eyes missing, his fingers and arms broken, and head twisted around. That is what I would do to that little bastard. The louder he screams and cries in anguish, the louder and more evil my cackle becomes.
/tv/ stands behind warwick
/tv/ stands on warwick's shoebox home
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None of you chuddies will ever catch me.
I can't see the TV stands behind him. They must be really small.

Friendly reminder that the reason we never got a Harry Turtledove's Southern Victory series was because picrel was shit.
We were robbed.
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Surely we could at least get his Fantasy WW2 and The Super Holocaust
is it worth checking out?
I'd say yes.
It is a book series where the south won the american civil war. Shit happens, the central powers win WW1 and the south eventually becomes that timeline's nazi Germany.
Christ that show was boring
Avoid the last season, it was trash

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Here's my idea for a kino that will appeal to the modern audience
>man jerks off and freezes his semen
>he becomes transgender
>gets vagina surgery
>puts his semen in his new vagina
>becomes pregnant with himself
>refuses to get an ultrasound or anything like that
>the end of the film is him giving birth with all the doctors, nurses, clergymen etc. looking at the baby to see what it looks like and the film ends on their reaction
vaginas are not the centers of fertility in a woman
might want to take an anatomy class before you make this kino
Already done, dummy
name 5 kinos
this is where the kino finds its brilliance
>right wing people believe he was never pregnant at all and it was all a dream
>left wing people believe he is pregnant and he believed himself a woman so much that he overrode biology
>schizos believe he is pregnant but only because a demon impregnated him (there will be subtle hints to demonism etc but left wing people will just think that's normal)
i'm in
Predestination already did this concept you stupid frogposter.
>muh left, muh right
Oh! You're one of those guys. Never mind.

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>In early 2007, Dick approached Lovitz at a restaurant and said "I put the Phil Hartman hex on you—you're the next to die."[24] On July 10, 2007, Lovitz got into a physical altercation with Dick at the Laugh Factory in Los Angeles. Lovitz demanded an apology from Dick, who refused and accused Lovitz of blaming him for Hartman's death. Lovitz then smashed Dick's head into the bar.[24]
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pretty much every comedian that ever existed has a vicious cruel streak.
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>Let’s turn our attention now to Phil Hartman, the Saturday Night Live alumnus who was murdered in his Encino home on May 28, 1998. That much is not in dispute. Decidedly less clear is the answer to the question of who it was that actually shot and killed Hartman. The official story holds that it was his wife Brynn, who shortly thereafter shot herself—with a different gun, naturally, and reportedly after she had left the house and then returned with a friend, and after the LAPD had arrived at the home. There is a very strong possibility, however, that both Phil and his wife were murdered, with the true motive for the crime covered up by trotting out the tired but ever-popular murder/suicide scenario.

>In most people’s minds, of course, Phil Hartman is not associated with the Laurel Canyon scene of the late 1960s and early 1970s. But as it turns out, Hartman did indeed have substantial ties to that scene. To begin with, during the time that Jimi Hendrix lived in LA (in the spacious mansion just north of the Log Cabin on Laurel Canyon Boulevard), Hartman worked for him as a roadie. Soon after that, Phil found work as a graphic artist and he quickly found himself much in demand by the Laurel Canyon rock royalty. In addition to designing album covers for both Poco and America, Hartman also designed a readily recognizable rock symbol that has endured for over forty years: the distinctive CSN logo for Crosby, Stills & Nash.
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>Hartman was also the brother of record executive/club proprietor John Hartmann, who was an associate of David Geffen. Hartmann had begun his career as a protégé of Elvis handler Colonel Tom Parker, who, in the 1940s, had worked with cowboy actor/Log Cabin owner Tom Mix. And Tom Mix, in turn, had frequently used the Spahn Movie Ranch as a filming location. That same ranch later became the home of Charles Manson and his girls, including Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme, who happened to have been a high school chum of Phil Hartman. Curiously enough, the Log Cabin’s guesthouse, also known as the Bird House, was designed and built by architect Robert Byrd, who also, according to one report, designed the house at 10050 Cielo Drive where Sharon Tate and friends were murdered, and the house at 5065 Encino Avenue where Phil Hartman was murdered.

>Phil Hartman was not the only Laurel Canyon luminary who had past school ties to Squeaky Fromme; Mark Volman, co-lead vocalist for the Turtles, knew Ms. Fromme from their days together in Westchester where they attended Orville Wright Junior High School.
Bizarre final appearce of Phil
Your reply is very reddit.

is this good?
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I watched it once and I don't remember a single thing about it.
im also trans btw
If you're trans why are you watching horror movies? Your life is already scary enough
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>robert duvall said iranian cinema is the next big thing
>watch this
>think "wow maybe iranian cinema is the next big thing"
>find out the entire film is american other than the language

>girl with a fat ass running to a techno soundtrack

What did you think of it?
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>What was the plot?
Yes but the twist is that they are in bed talking about 3 possible ways to solve the problem which are the 3 segments of the movie and they all fail miserably.
Haven’t watched the movie.
But the soundtrack gave me hope in times I couldn’t imagine being loved. It kept me fighting, to think of someone who is waiting and wishing for me.
So it was worth pushing through.

In the meantime, I have matured and understood it was only me that kept me going.
>Run LOL A Run
Oh right. I saw it on tv once about 15 years ago. Sounds like it's worth watching again.
It's actually RLR UOU NLN A.
It's Belgian.

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>something kind of popular
>omg as a girl *latches onto this* I am so female joker *ignores my 1000 msgs from 10/10 chads* gosh I am so lonely #alone */tv/ losers give me money and msgs praising me* thank you I'm a big girl if you forgot about me it would be extremely painful
> What was definitely beyond expectations was some of the positive stuff, such as the real global reach of the film and getting really wonderful notes from people around the world who felt like they were seen for the first time in a movie like this. They felt like they could identify with the characters on screen, even though they were in a heightened world — a world with stocked grocery stores. (Laughs.) It was still a world that was very aspirational. A lot of people — especially a lot of women and younger people — really felt like their voices, their type of people, they themselves … were represented for the first time on the big screen. When we first set off to make the movie, making some of those choices — whether it’s in casting or even in the way the characters look or dress — was somewhat deliberate, but I didn’t really think about the global impact of those decisions. So, that was really nice.
Lmfao “I’m a woman and have never felt represented in film before the psycho clown woman comic book movie. Thank you brave woman of color, thank you for this.”
Nobody anons commented on that knee cap
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How bad is it going to be?
>self referential capeshit
There are no new joker stories to tell.

There are no new Lord of the Rings stories left to tell.

There are no new Star Trek stories left to tell.

There are no new Star Wars stories left to tell.

There are no new Marvel Universe stories left to tell.

There are no new DC Universe stories left to tell

It's all over. Do something new.

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>jumps over the wall
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tfw no washed up actress gf
Did this oven dodger steal those bags, too?
haha epic joke bro

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