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Movies for this feel?

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how will it end?
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Yes but it was not a ghost.
They had a gold mine with her and the metal dude, Eddie, but they blew it.

plot summary

And >>201775550 is why
her imdb profile says otherwise
I though will was asexual

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This movie kinda rules

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>gives you a huge catalog of kino
>hides it all behind the worst UI ever designed
What did they mean by this?
Strange angel is insane
I swear it was better last year. At some point they updated it to make it worse.
Streaming uis are designed to be as cumbersome as “tolerable” so you’ll just watch whatever is on the front page

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>I have AIDS.
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AIDS isn't real
Poppers are for fags. Back in my day we just used spit as lube and accepted that shit happens. We fucked man ass and liked it
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Baskin roberts
Repeating bot thread.
Report and hide.
>capeshit fanboy watermark and account name
the person who made this would probably do that too

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*Niggas in Paris starts playing*
>you know that recipe you really like?
>Well I made it for you but I added an extra ingredient
ummm...OK, but no thanks
I don't want to see denzel ever again I'm fed up

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Is there a canon reason for Rhaenyra being a muscle mommy?
She's a faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggg
>She's a faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggg Harry
For marathon sex sessions with her nuncle-husband and his side piece.

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Will it be kino?
AKSHUALLY, it’s very rare for Saudis to have green eyes (Gulf Arabs in general). Many Levantine Arabs (Syrian, Lebanese, Palestine, etc) have green eyes

How the hell is doing this supposed to benefit someone's career?
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hollywood women are retarded and don't let themselves age normally and then blame men for getting it
>bu bu this director didn't want to give me a role and said I was too ugly so I fucked up my face
WTF looks like someone cranked up the slider for the entire face up all the way in the character creator.
>do this, or your career is over
This is neat.

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thwres nothing one hit wonder about joji he is wildly successful in his new music career and had a strong loyal fan base amongst zoomers and the Asian community. max and chad are still having fun and making entertaining but dumb videos for young adults. idubbz literally looks like a neutered dog on birth control who has no voice or opinion of his own
i dunno what's more pathetic, really. idubbz or people that still care about his shit, love or hate.
Ivdiscobered sam hyde becuae od the idubz documentary.andvIm enjoying hisvcontent wuite a lot. Specially when he is eth jet nepune
Only people still the same are DSP, wings, LTG, and Britbong

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goddamn it... the best we can get today is a metaphor for gay sex.

want to watch a good capeshit? yea, get ready for the gay sex physical metaphors.
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>voluntarily watches modern cinema
>proceeds to complain about fundamental features of modern cinema
many such cases
Deadpool took it up his ass in the first movie. The born this way is a fucking lie. Brains are too complicated and can be easily altered. Ever since my ex girlfriend started fingering me like crazy while sucking my cock I started having thoughts.
>complaining about homoerotic humor in a fucking Deadpool movie
most retarded thread of the day
Deadpool is utter trash.
Capeshit is gay, faggot.
Either love it or leave it.

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Kdrama Doona Edition

Previous: >>201682708
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tbf Doon was overrated, i agree
i like looking at bruised woman, i have a savior complex and i like age gap relationships
i related to the loser director brother who everyone thought was a genius but can't do anything in life and i envy the monk who left everything behind to become a monk
it's also bittersweet that the bar owner stays in the same place kind of waiting for the monk even though he will never come back, but she is loyal and that's nice to see
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I want to find a qt robot kgf

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>imagined myself getting interviewed by Joe Rogan again
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>you can't have Zionism, can't have Israel, without Jews, Joe
>What do you mean by that?
That's crazy that's wiiiiild you're a wild boy anon
Research mushrooms, Adderall, LSD, strains of weed. Find what works.
Assure your mom that you'll always be her son and love her, but you need to do this.
Approach with curiosity. Golden rule in life is "Don't be a dick". Stay true and you're clear.
>Did you know I eat elk meat? That's it, nothing but elk meat *sniffs*
Joe I don't see what that has to do with-
>Here smell these smelling salts, take a boof, that's the good stuff *sniffs*
N-no thank y-you I'm goo-
>I saw a mountain lion once *sniffs*
Joe I'd really like to discu-
>Have you ever seen a duck penis? Jamie pull up a picture of a duck penis
Joe I-
>I have this theory about aliens
>Do you want a cigar? They're made in Cuba.
Isn't that illega-
>I used to be an MMA fighter
Uh... yea-
>i saw a mountain lion once
If that were me being interviewed by Joe Rogan things would be going a lot different, let me tell you, there would be a lot more accusations of mental incompetence and stoolfucking flying in that studio.

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Whatever happened to the variety show?

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