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Has anyone seen this yet? Trying to decide if I should pay for the torrent unlock code to watch this
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My wife's boyfriend is really good with computers and able to unlock all the torrents at really low prices, he says he can get this one for only 15 USD.

Your wife's boyfriend is a smart boy.
Go to cinema.
Watching it as I type.
There's a 5gb torrent on piratebay that I watched. It's pretty over the top but in a fun way.

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Anyone hope this shit end up being flop and finally killed capeshit for good
Its not shit. Its slop
>makes thread about it
all fields
maybe, what could top ironman playing another character in a multiverse arc
No, I like that stuff.

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Saturday Webm Thread
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I fucking love this movie
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based man hunter chad
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god damn, Death Wish was such a good movie.
it felt so good watching Charles Bronson ending some scumbag's life

I don't get it
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If you ever look at black and south east asians noses its like wtf disgusting
It's people like you that demanded they put all modern sensibilities into every historical movie and time period to pretend like it was always the same way
He didn't relax around blacks
the black guy was a nazi
>musnt relax

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George was WRONG
top tier episode
>sneedless grapes 59c
truly, a different time
Jewish goblins circumcised my brother in the night in 1998.
George tried to warn us

There are 13 Star Trek movies to date, these are the six best of them.
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What you are showing in that picture is not a negative. Me likey.
Watching Star Trek. I’ve only ever finished Star Trek Enterprise.

Starting with TOS. Just finished season 1. The crew is growing on me.
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Eh, Search is alright

It's easily the best of the 'bad' Trek movies
2, 3, 4 is ONE movie.

6 > 1 > 5

First Contact

Generations & Insurrection are watchable

Nemesis is Meh.

JJ Trek can fuck right off.

I kinda like Pine & Urban as Kirk & Bones. The rest are no. I despise Pegg.

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Who won?
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>I... am... HEROBRINE!

So they whitewashed him? I am outraged.
Anthony won
Anthony won

Hey Wesley why don't you go hang out with these kids your own age and this hairy 30something
Beautiful bulges on the guys. Slava Ukraini.
Cool it with the homophobic remarks.
>mmm those bulges
I bet the girl is soaking wet down there

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Is the Joker character forever ruined now?
Honestly whenever I see the character now the first thing that comes to my mind is that he got the crust busted.
I really liked the character in Joker 1 desu
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No real Joker would ever let himself get fucked in the ass.

Real clowns do the buttfucking.
He didn't let it happen, it was rape.
So not very well? Got it.

I watched a surprisingly good cam version but it took me three days to complete. What a load of shit.

Keep telling yourself that, faggot lol

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Men, can I have an Azuga?
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I ain't got no azuga

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This movie was good. Why did people hate it?
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Absolutely patrician take.
Spent way too long fucking around with kid Furiosa. Then it skipped Furiosa being trained by the truck driver.
>replacing practical effects
Fury Road has just as much CGI, and tons of greenscreen and mostly-fake composite shots etc, though it is all higher quality and more seamless looking
>Why did people hate it?
right now half of the world can't see a woman or a person of color without immediately writing it off as woke DEI slop, even if it's extremely kino.

related, there's a 100% chance that more than 90% of the people who say it's bad never watched it (or the original movies).
Not enough Little D

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Why does Cruise keep shilling Glen Powell?
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Sex with tom cruz
He does, just not in the MI universe
>His plastic magic has finally gone to shit
He's over 60. What more could you ask for?
Top Gun 2 was really good, in fact.
Because Tom sees that dreidelwood is dying and the future of movies is his legacy. kikes decided they could do away with "stars" and just bank on IP to sell tickets. That failed but it took so long to fail that they have a HUGE gap of no stars in the pipeline because they are retarded. This is why you have seen them puching certain faces so fucking hard. They are trying to revive the star based model. It's not gonna work. The entire post WWII order is over. What comes next is yet to be determined. Enjoy the ride.

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We bring the COOM.
That’s what we do
We bring the COOM
We bring the COOM to you!
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someone should take away Anthony's drivers license.Lunatic.
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bobo got his ass
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damn...burned and ratioed...

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I recently watched Ford v. Ferrari are there any kino car films?

What are some good ones to learn about cars? Is Top Gear any good?

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>There is nothing wrong with your media center. Do not attempt to adjust the URL. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it diverse, we will bring up the minorities. If we wish to make it kino, we will tune them to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. We can spike the .gif image; make it NSFW. We can change the thumbnail to a artifact blur or sharpen it to PNG clarity. For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you read and post. We repeat: there is nothing wrong with your imageboard. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to the outer limits.

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