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>There is only one Blade – and there's only going to be one Blade
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He's wrong though. There was a Blade tv series where the rapper Sticky Fingaz played Blade.
I gave this a chance and ended up enjoying it. Ended too soon.
Fuck of Cuckflix employee
A few weeks ago some anon was claiming Sticky Fingaz was going to be in the movie. That's the only time I ever saw Blade mentioned. That shitposter had to have known something.
/tv/ likes the one true blade.

I've watched all of the mainstream alien invasion movies. I need more. What are some lesser known movies that deal with this topic?
Dark Skies
No One Will Save You
A Quiet Place

what are the best films to watch while getting and being inebriated?

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>The sources claim that Coppola’s behavior was unprofessional. The filmmaker kept leaping up to hug and kiss several women, often inadvertently inserting himself into the shot and ruining it. After multiple takes, Coppola got on a microphone and announced in earshot of everyone in the room, “Sorry, if I come up to you and kiss you. Just know it’s solely for my pleasure.”
He doesn't care, he will be dead soon and he purposely blew all his money on this so he doesn't have to leave anything for his family.

What are some kinos that involve wholesome qt Southern girls?
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>"prepare to witness Zack Snyder's true vision"
>Rebel Moon Part 1
>Directed by Zack Snyder
>Screenplay by Zack Snyder
>Story by Zack Snyder
>Produced by Zack Snyder
>Starring Zack Snyder
>Cinematography by Zack Snyder
>Edited by Zack Snyder
>Music by Zack Snyder
>Casting by Zack Snyder
>Visual Effects by Zack Snyder
>Slow Motion by Zack Snyder
I don't understand, why couldn't Zack Snyder deliver his vision the first time if he managed every aspect of the movie?
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I know this is a weird Disney anti-Snyder post, but I'll bite.

Both parts of the Netflix Rebel Moon Cut are 100% Netflix's baby. Snyder shot a ton of footage and a bunch of alternate, more PG, takes specifically for Netflix as part of their deal. Netflix gets total creative control over their cut, and in return Snyder gets to later release his cut. That was the deal. They get one, he gets one. We've seen their cut, which is apparently dramatically different and far shorter. We have no idea what the Snyder Cut of Rebel Moon is going to look like. At the very least, it should fill in some of the crazy gaps in the Netflix Cut.
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there is one guy who is actually competent in all those
>Snyder shat a ton of footage
Netflix paid him to make this movie and promised if he made a pg13 version they'd pay and release his own movie. He let Netflix cut and rewrite everything they wanted for the ph13 version. He knew his own version would still be released Rated R.

short version: Netflix paid him to do this. He agreed, that's that.

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technically speaking wouldn't there be an infinite number of TVAs lording over an infinite number of sacred timelines?
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The TVA exists outside of time, like He Who Remains' place and presumably the Void also.
so if only one TVA, then you can't have alternate TVA timelimes. Endgame for Marvel. TVA is canon they cannot fuck with.
Right. That's why they had Paradox be an off the books loose canon.
....You're right,there were multiple TVAs,it's revealed Kang killed them and kept rebuilding it.
They didn’t put any thought into it, you shouldn’t either.


Was Game of Thrones really that impressive?

why is Gen Z so obsessed with wizards and fairies and shit?
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Is this guy called Crunchy Liam or was I lied to?
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whatever you say you broccoli headed faggot
God I love you guys
Why do modern men dress like this? They dress like literal children with their shorts and oversized t-shirts.
both are equally intrigueslop you imbecile

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kill yourself rajesh
I've forgotten what happened in this movie's last 20 minutes
youtube comments
For me, it's the joint Canadian-USA space mission capsule
>ryan reynolds does ready player one
is it reddit*2 or reddit^2

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>"Imma do my own thing"
>literally copies everything from Spider-Man including this scene itself

This is the first time in my life I felt like a movie was trying to make me engage in doublethink
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>Faggot OP reads too much into lines from children's movies thread #100
>noooo stop pointing out the agenda!!!
that faggot bendis loves replacing characters with genius niggers
The us will be minority white by 2035.
Asia + Africa show us what lies ahead.

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Or at least the last 10 minutes
where are the contrarians claiming bay is "kino" right now? are you ready to admit bay is every bit as bad as capeshit
How are they going to make a skibidi movie when Timbland doesnt want to clear the sample for the skibidi song.
He's holding out, he'll sell for a billion.

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>gorillions of films about how alcohol and drug abuse are le bad
>nearly zero movies about gooning/porn addiction even though it is much more prevalent than the former nowadays and potentially more dangerous

Why is this?
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what the fuck am I looking at here
kill yourself
Her was made before the big ASMR craze took off but I think this film would hit some people hard who spent a lot of time paying E girls or watching ASMR porn
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welcome to the nhk has an arc about this
normies can't handle it. talking about the trust of the negatives of pornography is way too dark and real for people.
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probably because it wouldn't be interesting
crack heads go on daily quests like stealing copper wiring or giving head just so they can get another hit
porn addicts just wank > hate self until refractory period ends > repeat
maybe you could have them spank it at work in a stall, but that would be the highlight
that or having them interested in increasingly worse/depraved fetishes, but then you'll struggle to show that legally
Because gooning and porn don't hurt society in a productive way

>rewatch the films after actually reading the books
>realize all the accusations about the films being filled with hollywood sloppa are actually accurate
>beautiful slower moments and world building are rushed through, especially in 2 and 3
>Action scenes, CGI, melodrama and cool/quippy dialogue is given way more focus instead

I'm sorry bookfags, you were right all along. At least the sets, casting and soundtrack are still damn near perfect
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TT and ROTK extended were much worse offenders than theatrical
The editors saved us from a ton of retarded gimli, merry and pippin scenes
Movies can't be 10 hours long.
Should have been six movies desu
Fellowship is the best for a reason, as they went on they became more Hollywood spectacle and less faithful to the books
The books are boring as fuck and have terrible pacing

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