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>Indians were upset about Apu
>a hard working, loving husband, caring father, successful small business owner, legal and patriotic American, compassionate and understanding man, animal loving vegetarian
How do you think they feel now that the stereotype for them is that they scam their way into countries, street shit and are rapists? He seems like a positive representation in retrospect.
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Pretty sure Azaria got replaced as Bumblebee Man's voice actor, too.
>is from irish blood
Y-yeah, fellow 4chan.org anon! I fucking, ummm, hate those whiskey-sipping potato-faced plump cracked-tooth leprecunts so much. I'd like to beat the lucky charms marshmallows out of their alchy-soaked bellies...
>we NEED to import hundreds of thousands of "skilled workers" every year!
>every single indian is either a delivery driver or a 7-11 clerk
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>Permanently puts down poojeets on a global scale
Why’d he do it?
It’s weird that anyone does fall for it. 99.9999% of the audience doesn’t give a shit. The guy complaining is just looking out for himself. Why do anything at all?

But here’s my one and only anecdote about Indians
>meet an Indian girl doing a semester abroad at my college
>she’s lovely, hardworking, can’t think of a bad thing to say about her
>she goes back to India but we keep in touch
>seems like she got a bit too used to it here
>she complains frequently about Indian men harassing her
>even her classmates from supposedly respectable families
>their courtship strategy is to just bombard her with professions of love nonstop, no matter how many times she asks them to leave her alone
>the one guy she actually did like said his parents wouldn’t allow him to be with her, because they’re from different castes

Hitting Tony/physical violence does not give Tony panic attacks.

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Or is he just a coked idiot?
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I actually think Scorsese knows more than him, but movies are the only thing Tarantino knows anything about so it's more his persona to be the Expert Guy
>Roman Polanski'
He is technically a film director

How much of an expert or no expert pales in comparison

What do you do?

I make movie you know the whole foundation to the film buff existence
Just a proud IDF supporter
Everything is a remix
Nothing is original
Your favorite movie is a ripoff of something else

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Does /tv/ have what it takes to crack the case?
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should have used this instead
I don't know how I remember that movie. I have never seen it.
Got a kek from me.
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Here's easy one for you candyasses
The Mighty Ducks?

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What the fuck was this copper's problem? What, it's illegal to dance in the rain in America? Fuck this authoritarian pig.
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seeing a man dancing in the rain while on patrol
might be a loon
traffic hazard
emotionally immature man expressing himself like an idiot
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I was questioned by the cops just for sitting on a bench the other day. This is in nanny state Australia though.

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I'm rewatching Mad Men on Netflix at the moment, and the scene where Conrad Hilton calls for Draper to meet him in E5S3 just came up.
I immediately paused the episode and went scrolling through the last few episodes to figure out how I somehow missed the scene where they first meet at the empty bar in the country club scene.
Turns out I didn't miss it. Because it doesn't fucking exist.
They've wiped the entire episode from the series just because of the black-face scene.
How is this allowed? I guess we can just fuck off every other important plot-line and scene in that episode just because of one scene which could be explained with a disclaimer??
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>Sally gets spooked
No Sterling gets spooked
Some of us prefer to drink out of cups instead of cocks
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Piratechad here.
I'm also rewatching madmen and that was one of my favorite episodes.
Community too, Dungeons and Dragons is the best episode of the series.

This is my third rewatch and I'm finding Betty a lot more sympathetic this time around but I'm only on Season 4
That's the point of literally every black face scene they deleted. Context doesn't matter in the age of floyd

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Community thread?
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she looks like she has naturally bad breath
>Kind of funny that Community's spiritual successor would be the fucking Bear
tbf senpai I respectfully disagree but also would not kick Britta out of bed for eating crackers iykwim
And the show started suffering when it tried to make Childish Gambino a bigger part of the show at the expense of Jeff
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Seasons ranked;
>3 pre hiatus
>3 post hiatus

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eXistenZ is this movie but done better
He has many great films but yeah I think Videodrome is his best. Absolute kino.
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The Dead Zone was best.
>ctrl f
>no scanners
what the absolute fuck is wrong with this board

We all wanna be Rust, but we're really Ray.
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Top zoz
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Literally me. Based as fuck.
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Married her, had a kid with her, so far so assdrunk
Literally me(I forget everything, probably from the chinese vapes)

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When is the last time /tv/ made a recommendation that paid off?

>pic unrelated
I watched Ted Bundy 2002 because of /hor/ and it was good.

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>lives with parents then by himself after they die
>no friends
>no girlfriend
>make-do job (co-workers think he's odd but nice enough)
>spends his free time watching movies alone and fantasizing about having a better life

Is this a good movie?
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Suck it up, buttercup. Own your truth.
first twenty sumn minutes in the car almost bored me to tears, 2/5 stars
Yeah I'm a faggot and love sucking cock and wearing cute stuff.almost forgot

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Why is Cinematography so bad now?
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"we'll fix it in post" became a mantra and no one ever has the energy to actually do the things in post that they planned when they skipped all the hard work while shooting. Like every procrastinator who keeps saying he'll study for the test tomorrow, until there isn't enough time to study at all or he gets bored and decides it's better to get a good night's sleep the night before the test than to study. It used to be that you couldn't fix it in post and so the procrastinators had no way of getting away with it.
>Ridley Scott's first and latest movies, showing how much he fell.
not his fault, he can't change how things work nowadays
it's progress
if you woke up tarkovsky, kubrick, or kurosawa from death even their movies would be shit
every interior shot in that movie made it look like an electrical system brownout was in progress.
I hate color grading, just film reality.

We don’t need low iq colors to tell us how to feel in real life, ban it.
Sad but true. Miyazaki was really the last pioneering 20th century oldfag director whose career went out with a bang recently given Coppola was off on Megalopolis, Eastwood went out with a wet fart in Cry Macho, and Scorsese hasn't made anything great since Hugo. Everyone else has either retired, died, or gone the Ridley Scott route of diminishing returns.
His movies were already shit by the time he retired, Dreams was a meme movie.

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>History: 400,000k people on the beach, 64,000k vehicles and 100 battleships
>Nolan: I'll put 50 people on the beach, 1 boat and 1 French person and Tom Hardy flying a plane for 3 days with no fuel
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allegedly hitler ordered to have his troops stand down and let them leave as a gesture of good faith, as he had a high opinion of the british
this, of course, was misguided and gave the allies a wonderful propaganda piece for the home front
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If Nolan made Lawrence of Arabia this scene would have been of five guys and a horse they put papermache on to look like a camel. And it would have been filmed in that desert near Hollywood where they shot all the Star Trek away missions on.
>100 battleships
>Batman 1
>Batman 2
>Batman 3

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Yes it doesn’t have characters, so fucking what? You sound like a 108 IQ woman. You have been indoctrinated all your life all media needs to be character drama.

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>real estate prank show
>they think they’re buying a bungalow
>it’s actually a rambler
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>rape estate show
>grandma walks in faster than eminem
>real estate prank show
>they read the contract
>family real estate show
>"mom's gonna flip!"
Why would you NEED more than one floor?
For a rambler to pass a caddy would be a big disgrace

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that's the exact same noise he made when he dining on this creature's anus
can my chianti be nouveau?
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>this old geezer fucked her and i didn't.

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