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I just started watching this and this is pure kino. Guy williams is the perfect zorro.
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animation also
>Alice in Wonderland
>Peter Pan
>Lady and the Tramp
>Sleeping Beauty
no other decade compares
Hello, kino calling. Gonna pick up the phone?
Give the 1957 show a try, and the new zorro from 1990 i heard is also good.
Guy williams even retired there,that guy was really cool,unique charisma
Pure soul

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Top 5 movies

1) Predator
2) Conan The Barbarian
3) Total Recall
4) Terminator 2
5) Last Action Hero
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Unironically, everything pre-2000 Arnold is quite kino
End of Days was his last good one before going full slop
1) Predator
2) The Terminator
3) Total Recall
4) The Running Man
5) Jingle All The Way
1) Fuck your freedom
>the running man . . . [is] better than total recall
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>5) Last Action Hero

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Picard? Prodigy? Discovery? Lower Decks? What are you talking about, Spock? The ship's been hit by a Klingon Bird of Prey and we thought we lost you. But everything is alright now. Come, let's get back to the bridge.
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Perhaps the Commander should stick to tossing salads.
The stageiness of old Trek is what makes it kino
When you think about it two dimensional cartoons really reminiscence the stage. It’s Shame thumbman has jumpers disorder and is peddling downsyndrome to iPad skids that are now twenty and gay
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>he doesn't like plays
Jumpers disorder? Is this an ESL translation of what we would call attention deficit disorder? If so — I agree.

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No more excuses, anon. If you have a phone, you can make Hollywood-tier CINEMA.

So why haven't you?
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I think that's cool. The first one was practically filmed on a family camcorder.
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Yeah and shooting films on phones isn't some novelty. Soderbergh shot a full feature with an Iphone a few years ago.
Buy an ad Steve Jobs. There is already plenty of porn that has been filmed on phones.
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Have you guys seen the movie they shot on android? pic related is from the trailer
Because I don't have $100,000 for some attachments

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>it would be extremely painfu-
>...for you
That was it. Bane was just cut off mid-sentence. I have no idea why this is still controversial after 12 years, it is very fucking obvious that the full quote would be "it would be extremely painful for you" had he not been interrupted mid-sentence. Over a decade later and some of you fucking mouthbreathers are still pushing that he was implying he'd "be a big guy" for CIA when he FUCKING WASN'T. WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN??? I AM SICK AND TIRED OF YOU FUCKING RETARDS GETTING IT WRONG ON PURPOSE FOR NO GODDAMN REASON. HE WAS SAYING IT WOULD BE EXTREMELY PAINFUL FOR CIA. ANYBODY WITH TWO FUCKING BRAIN CELLS COULD FIGURE THAT OUT. IT HAS BEEN TWELVE FUCKING YEARS AND IF YOU STILL NEED IT SPELLED OUT FOR YOU SO CLEARLY THEN THERE IS NO HOPE FOR YOU AND YOU ARE WHAT'S WRONG WITH SOCIETY. FUCK YOU.
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>It would be extremely painf—
>—ul... It would be extremely—
>It— it— it would be extremely pai—
>It would be extremely— it would be extremely... painful... for you...
There’s a reason why this meme is the worst hell on earth… Every man who has ventured here over the threads has looked up to the light and imagined climbing to freedom. So easy… So simple… And like shipwrecked men turning to sea water from uncontrollable thirst, many continue to banepost. I learned here that there can be no true despair without hope.
I can't not see him as Stuart Alan Jones from Queer as Folk, makes this all the more hilarious.
For you.

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Thank you for lumbering into the AI thread to inform us about how you dislike AI. We're all better humans for it.

Don't forget your coupon for a free captcha with your tenth saarpost.
It's Ulilililian.
>meditating in the snow wrapped only in scriptures
this shot is so fucking good, AI slop or not.
Overall it's a bit boring, but I do wish there were more settings with mixed elements of high fantasy and sci-fi. The closest I can think of is Warhammer somewhat, and I don't think Hollywood has ever tried to produce such a setting.
WHOA, is that a series of disjointed 3 second still images with slight panning..... incredible..............

Now is about the time of year that I am really wishing they hadn't delayed Saw XI. Which horror movies coming out this Halloween season actually look like they will be good? Which one are you most excited for?
Smile 2 on October 18th. Do people think that the Smile monster has an actual chance of being the next big horror icon? There really haven't been any great new icons since Saw released in 2004 and he changed the game, so to speak.
Being the new horror icon? Well that's a tall order. But you gotta like what they're doing with the Smile 2 trailer. Based on what it looks like with the plot, they are really going to explore the scary side of social media and stardom. If they can show how scary forced positivity can be in our media climate, then maybe...just maybe...the Smile monster could start to become an icon like him...
>Do people think that the Smile monster has an actual chance of being the next big horror icon?

No. I like Smile and the monster but I am going to say no. People are more into the psychological/CreepyPasta/Lorefilled/Analog Horror story type monsters now a days.
Smile 2 feels like it has the chance to be big. Like it could make waves.

I need poosy.
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you can’t take the man’s wheels, son.
You forgot to say "please".
>the T2 SNES music when they're throwing eachother into the walls

Is Despicable Me 4 the best-animated film of all time?
wtf....so liminal.....

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Ridley is SEETHING

While we're at it, fuck that nigga Cameron too. Romulus is the GOAT Alien kino.
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Literally the only horror movie in IMAX, honestly can't find another one can you name a few others?
"in IMAX" hahahahahahahahaha
>alien romulant is now the fifth best movie of all time....according to me
>alien rhombus earned the most amount of box office money for a movie that released on a leap year with film titles that begin with the letter 'A'
>alien rammstein has surpassed all expectations as the most likely movie to make the most money out of all other movies
Nigga it's been weeks.
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>Slop: REDEMPTION to become the highest grossing fantasy psychological horror comedy movie released in 2024 of all time in IMAX 5D experience smellovision theater!
I also totally prefer plantigrade Aliens, at least when they come from humans. Not only is does it make them more uncanny and intimidating, but I feel it would also discourage the tendency to turn the Xenomorph into a wild animal rather than a mysterious and intelligent predator.
All the best scenes in Romulus have a slower, quieter, taller Alien, like early on when they're lurking in the dark, or even the final boss.

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All the Days movies look like that
Its not the 2000s anymore gramps. Phone cameras have been good for awhile now.
it's probably going to suck, not because of this, but just because it's a sequel done over a decade later. That said, I'm kinda looking forward to it.
Please find where I criticised the decision.

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House General
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Damn I pulled a back muscle yesterday, I can't be laughing like this
>team argues about the morality of the patient being a professional ball juggler
No but really, what gives him the right?
>it’s another House helps pregnant whore commit paternity fraud episode
Hate those
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my dead husband was a ball juggler

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...in non-pornographic films.

Please note merely showing bush does NOT count. This thread is exclusively for actresses who have shown full fanny flaps, either spread-legged, bent over, or, if a traditional frontal bush shot, the labial cleft must be visible through the hair.
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Where? In the swimming scene? Wasn't that confirmed to be a double?
The scene where she builds a fire to ward off the lions. A frame at most.

Cant believe she was only 25, that body looks much older
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Doctor Who chads where we at?
Nobody going to mention Harold and Kumar movie with the bottomless party full of great V shots?

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/tv/BROS! Gibi has toned down her look recently and now she looks like a suburban housewife! Gibi went Tradwife!

Look at her now! She looks so cute and wholesome! Gibi has come home to us!
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Yep, and most women never lose the pregnancy weight.
She looks better thick her titties are big too now
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ASMR a little girl teases your tip
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ASMR a tomboy hebe tells you how shes going milk your adult dick

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What went wrong?
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that guy who directed the first season left
The end of The Governor arc is a pretty good place to end it. The best characters die or are about to die, shitty characters get introduced, the zombies start to really take a backseat, and it becomes far more post-apocalyptic rather than apocalyptic.
The problem was the source material. The comic books were really awful, usually it's the TV adaptions that stretch things out with filler but all of that melodrama on screen and meandering misery was ripped straight from the comic books.
The show really needed to take it's own direction from around the second season and maybe just make small hints at the source material every now and then.
>The comic books were really awful,
wrong, a bit pulpy but good
Mad Men at up all AMCs budget and season 2 sucked and it went downhill after that.

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