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day in the life of a chronic masturbator
i was that for a hot minute when i got my own place for the first time and was browsing pirate bay before it turned to shit
Riding an Ox (c) 2012





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You contract a life threatening disease and get to chose one star trek doctor to try and treat you. Who do you pick?
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Bev cause she's cute
I'd be unprofessional and hit on Crusher
Bashir would hit on me
the Doctor would be offended I didn't hit on him
Phlox would invite me to his polycule
This is the logical answer
Obviously this, since they'll have the best technology and access to all the notes/research of the others.

You will never be a real queen. You have no legitimacy, you have no trueborn heir, you have no right to rule. You are a princess spoiled by a father who was twisted by trauma and favouritism into a crude mockery of a kingly house head

All the “fealty” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back the lords of realm mock you. Your brothers are disgusted and ashamed by your bastards, your “vassals” laugh at your bastard's first men appearance behind closed doors.

The Gods are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of agnatic succesion have allowed andals to sniff out women unfit to rule with incredible efficiency. Even princesses who “pass” as fit to rule look weak and illegitimate to a nobleman. Your female psyche is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk vassal to kneel to you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of trueborn competent male heir.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself your bastards going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable guilt.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll ride out to war, on your dragon, and try to legitimise your rule, and plunge from the sky. Your vassal will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to fight for a vain cause based on the break of tradition. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your princess title, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a cruel usurper is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a brutal civil that is almost brought your house down.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
The entire line was fucked starting with Aegon's slut sister.
Daemon should've ruled, though he was the second son. Then Aemon should've ruled even though he was the second son.

The blood is fucked. The impurity should've been bread out of the main line, which means the heir should've been selectively chosen for several generations

>saves your entire cinematic universe
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I'll eventually yandex it but I'm certainly not going to watch it in theatres, that's silly
How many fucking times is Wolverine going to have to carry all of Marvel on his back???
there is absolutely no way disney would ever falsify any of the numbers for its most important project
no way
Right, cause it's not like Deadpool 1 and 2 weren't successful.
It's gonna need $2B. Otherwise, the next Captain America movie would drag Disney into the mud again.

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it's over
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That's just really bad framing with the sword on the grey background so it just becomes visually confusing and thus unsatisfying
you gotta speak english dude
It looks like a cheap movie parody you'd find on youtube
How peculiar.
talk about humiliation ritual

>rewatch the films after actually reading the books
>realize all the accusations about the films being filled with hollywood sloppa are actually accurate
>beautiful slower moments and world building are rushed through, especially in 2 and 3
>Action scenes, CGI, melodrama and cool/quippy dialogue is given way more focus instead

I'm sorry bookfags, you were right all along. At least the sets, casting and soundtrack are still damn near perfect
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>>We will never find out more about the creatures from the abyss.
I wish Tolkien had lived a longer life.
>Muh 1000 songs that nobody can sing since they don't come with scores.
Listen, describing the layout of a fort or how green a pasture was is not world building, its fucking boring.
fotr is way better than the book
two towers the book is obviously better
rotk the movie is better
While I agree it’s got elements of Hollywood bullshit, it’s also a buisness at the end of the day. Trying to stay true to the story, while making it compelling to the masses is walking on a very thin thread. Also some of the stuff from the book simply wouldn’t work on screen. Tom Bombadill would instantly kill the imersion and leave you thinking about why the fuck he wont just take the ring and chuck it in the volcano. Also there has to be shortcuts because no one is watching the entire book as film, it would take like 20 movies to cover everything.

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Jet ineptitude edition

>Season 2 ""episodes"" are TRASH, watch them for free here:

>/ftl/ News
Abi SMASHES the guinness world record for LONGEST SHOWER!!
Production is so desperate that they will be bringing JIMMY and his partner in crime MOLESTO to CUNT TANK
CLEH'S Resident Evil 4 (2005) Playthrough SOON!

>At the end of his long and fruitful life, Scott Sullivan MMA will unfortunately look back and regret his actions that have damned him to an eternity burning in HELL

>Stream Links
Official: https://www.fishtank.live/

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sam went home hours ago
aren't you looking forward to the high quality of season 3?
fishtank bwoke
on a friday of all nights
On Claire's birthday...

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Another spinoff of The Boys, but this time with Jensen Ackles.
Will you watch?
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charcoal briquette
at the part where a supe climbs in a man's asshole
this show is very gay
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>Another spinoff of The Boys, but this time with Jensen Ackles.
>Will you watch?
The is unironically better than Season 5 of the boys. I literally can't stand Hughey, Starlight, Frenchie and MM anymore. Plus its not GenV so theres no annoying black female lead.
>still no campy The Boys 60s Batman-esque show with a supe of the week format
killing myself
If it was true to the characters it'd be an amazing show, too bad they won't because you can't have two fun assholes as the leads because they need the audience to know they are wrong and you shouldn't like them

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"Planned a show
Trees and balloons
Ice cream snow
See you in June"
For me it's Rocket
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>just shave it bro

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Was it autism?
yes. is the curse any good?

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What are your thoughts on VHS tapes? I have a CRT and started to collect some movies on VHS and have actually enjoyed watching movies this way. Despite being 480p they come across as being more visually appealing than the blurry, pixelated mess that streaming services provide, and I find it more enjoyable using analogue technology rather than digital. The only major drawback for me personally is the 4:3 aspect ratio.
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>men only want one thing and it’s disgusting
Dead media
They were shit then and they are shit now, they were always getting shredded and the quality was crap and the VCRs jammed and died constantly too. It only succeeded because it was the only way to get porn. Optical disks were and are far better in every way. So were 8mm projectors. VHS was just shit.
You are 100% right about the dog one of the best things in life and for me the best you can have aside from prayer and I've had children and wives and money and glory
>is the 4:3 aspect ratio
Most film was adapted for 4:3 as it was the standard and had many oddities if shown at full resolution.
>visually appealing than the blurry
I remember a lot of the VHS we had had full distortion in some scenes. Unlike the frame skipping of DVD when there was a scratch. VHS tapes are generally better because what was put on them were originally shot on film to begin with.
I think the "major drawback" would be degrading your media every time you view it or, God forgive me for even saying this, rewinding it in your VCR.

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>imagined myself getting interviewed by Joe Rogan again
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As much as the luddite retards are against medication, getting on a nominal/modest dosage and filling in the gaps with supplements, a clean meat and veggie heavy diet and exercise can mitigate this

Either take 50mg zoloft/sertraline which is very modest and the side effects wont be noticeable, or take a reasonable dosage of just buspar/buspirone

Then pair it with 500-600mg of NAC daily.

Exercise 4+ times a week and focus on eating meat dominant meals.

Basically get on a med, but if the med alone is sufficient to make you totally confident and stable by itself the side effects, fatigue, weight gain etc are going to be too much. So just take a very modest dosage and fill in the gap with diet, exercise and NAC
My hometown doesn't have crime though. Just an evil administration that people keep voting for
Answer the question, retard
>at least 12 months
so it doesn't work

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>In the city, you must fight to survive.
>He sold tortillas on the corner.
>And the mob wanted in.

alright fuck that bullshit
whats that sir?
alright this summer
Arnold Schwarzenegger
get out of here we have to get down
we have to get down
whats that sir
whats that sir
this summer
this summer
alright 1 2 3 right now
here we go

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...nice thread ya got here. be a shame if something happened to it.

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This is a 60 year old man.

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