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What if jesus was introduced to the MCU?
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Jesus made that cross and cast a spell on it that says that only the future carpenter of England can draw it from the stony ground.
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I chuckled

Why did the writers hate Theon so much?
>accidentally fingers his own sister
>takes winterfell and loses it immediately
>gets taken prisoner and tortured
>becomes reek
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Reek >The Prince of Winterfell > The Ghost in Winterfell > Theon arc
Pure kino.
Especially those middle chapters.
Jon conceded too much. Sending Jaime to the Night's Watch but marrying his sister to the new king was a fair trade. What was Tywin going to do, start another rebellion?
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I've just realized how retarded the concept of a 7 vs 3 noblemen duel is. You're telling no one else was present? Not a single squire or scout, no reinforcement troops? Just an archer would have fucked up the duel. Did Eddard and the other six come so far alone? What the fuck Martin
>What was Tywin going to do, start another rebellion?
Given that Tywin just plotted against and successfully removed the longest ruling dynasty in Westeros because the king banged his wife I'd say quite a bit.
>tfw Rickon and Dickon didn't become gay emperors of Essos

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This dude had a friend for literally everything and anything wtf
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i have no friends, besides my /tv/ bros
i love you all
One of my favorite running jokes of that time, across all boards basically, was the "best I can do" posting with various objects.
They are just really mean with their prank calls and you end up with situations like the William Brock indictment or the McDonald's strip searches.
aren't they all dead now except the main guy?
Toppest of keks

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>the greatest minds of all time are minor characters and Lewis Strauss is elevated to a main character.
why? Nolan never got me to care about Downey's character.
I didn't know anything about Strauss and thought it was a film about making a bomb. I would have fallen asleep in the last hour if not for the random loud noises.

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It's a miracle it hasn't been ruined by jewllywood yet, same as BTTF
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electricity gremlin
As soon as Spielberg, Dante, and Zemeckis die, you can look forward to shitty CGI Gremlins and black Marty McFly going back to the 90s.
>Spielberg was born on December 18, 1946, in Cincinnati, Ohio.[11][12] His mother, Leah (née Posner, later Adler; 1920–2017),[13] was a restaurateur and concert pianist, and his father, Arnold Spielberg (1917–2020),[14] was an electrical engineer involved in the development of computers. His immediate family were situationally[15] Reform Jewish/Orthodox Jewish.[16][17] Spielberg's paternal grandparents were Jews from Ukraine
wow I bet nobody knew that spielberg is a jew
you clearly aren't aware of the esoteric, occult, and kabbalistic nature of BTTF, it will never be touched, and i will never spoon feed normies on why
Gremlins- you wouldnt be remaking anything bc you would need Mogwai

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>seven years on/pol/. rangebanned for 3. /b/ before that. you looking to go back?

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The last Samurai was the friends they made along the way
The last Samurai was the enemies they made along the way
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>What happened to the warrior at days inn?
>Dead to the last man.
I love this movie just because it makes asian incels seethe

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Why does the west have to try and destroy other cultures, and not continue to desecrate what's left of their own?

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This whole time I thought it was a somewhat obscure mainstream film people didn't know about and that I was special. DROPPED.
not only are you a hipster, but a poseur hipster
I'm neither. I just didn't know people even knew about it because no one ever talks about it, and yet it's ranked #43

Is this actually good?
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its second worst kubrick movie right behind paths of glory. Still kinda okay if you can get over the silly american slang
It's an excellent film. Although I find it funny that the soundtrack has more Rossini than it does Beethoven
More? Nah
thats because rossini was shabbos buttgoy.
starts like a snuff film and ends as if it had been a thoroughly profound experience. hope you like seeing cocks and tits on your screen, cause this movie has a lot of them. i'm also not a big fan of the long shots or the long-ass runtime, personally.

in 2024, I think most of the themes explored by the movie have already been engrained in the average person's mind >le gouvernment bad and it won't be the eye-opening (hah) experience critics back then accredited it to be, since the internet these days is very adept at showing us just how cruel different governments can be.

it comes across as a movie that's trying to be shocking and profound to a 1970 audience (which i'm sure it was), but it falls flat when compared to the absurdity of the world we live in today.

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Netflix bros
>Fruit... fruit!
>Tits... tits!
>What's the difference?
"I love this town"

Holy kino. Not since Pullo and Vorenus have I been so invested.

Let's GO!
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You are a decade too late
I'm here now. It's happening now. It's fucking amazing.
Flint is gay. Enjoy having a meltdown when he kisses a man in season 2.
Black Sails is such a letdown.
First two seasons are great.
I don't even mind that he is a homo, it makes sense that a loyal and honorable dude like Flint became a pirate over it.
But third season with the slave village and strong sassy black women reminding the white male characters and the viewers about the horror of slavery was just total shit.
Fourth season had some great BOAT action but was still very disappointing.
In a better timeline the whole show was good.
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Such a tragic and short life.

Also imagine getting mogged by a dwarf woman
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>Thank you mom and dad for dooming me to a short life of a midget

Pure egoism. People don't care how their children with severe genetic disease will feel about it.
It's the same kind of self absorbed deaf retards who produce deaf kids then deny them cochlear implants.
Do you see what you did, /tv/? Are you proud of yourselves?
It’s no small tragedy RIP MRS WARWICK

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Is it kino?
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b-but the power of love anon

You are a crack smoking faggit if you think the tv show is bad, let alone worse than this movie.
It's pretty kino. Reminds me a lot of Deus ex. It's a sci fi work that gets really direct about it's ideas and really wordy with it's dialog, even compared to the first movie.
I prefer the live action.
It's a bit pretentious but it looks absolutely amazing. The festival scene is one of the most beautiful sequences I have ever seen in an animated movie.

Balding has not ruined Jude Law's career. Jude Law has continued to have a successful acting career despite his hair loss. He has taken on a variety of roles in both film and theater, and his talent as an actor has been widely recognized. While physical appearance may play a role in the entertainment industry, it is not the sole determining factor of an actor's success.
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Balding = death centence is a demoralization psyop pushed by crystal cafe roastoids and parroted by retards, because it is exclusive to men.
It's one of the only weapons they have
What is crystal cafe?
It's in his contract.
>Balding has not ruined Jude Law's career.


Calling it. She's part of a group of humans that lived underground and later become mutants who worship the alpha omega bomb. Basically Fallout but with apes.
>savage humans can't even speak but still have access to dr. kim somehow

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