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Can someone explain this movie to me?
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Basically your ego is your biggest enemy
rejection of jewry
Ritchie's best movie imho
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I chalk "Revolver" up to Madonna making Guy Richie get into Kabbalah around the early 2000s.

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The Rape, Sansa Edition

Previous: >>201783556
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>Oberststurmfuhrer Aemond
Very upbeat, I was expecting something more like The Smiths.
Show me DNA proves that skeleton was Aemond's
The show kinda forgot that this whole war is about male/female line of succession.

Last two episodes are about Alicent being sidelined. Did she forget she was the one who started all this by claiming Aegon is the heir and specifically not Rhae? Does she not realize they are the "no girls allowed" camp?

All die to fucking humans because Wolvie goes to the bar

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Maybe in that timeline Trump was elected in 2016 and Trump was actually effective at deporting the mutants.
I gathered he was referring to their world's "Avengers", since he seems to have great disdain towards them and they might have been evil/morally ambiguous in his universe
Maybe they saw the X-men as too much of a threat and decided to smite them because they were unpredictable
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Cleared out the mansion with a few darts while Wolverine was there
When did it shows that he knows the avenger?
In that diner, when Deadpool says he tried to join the Avengers. Logan says 'fuck the Avengers' which implies that they exist in his world.

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There are no words to describe how exciting and fetishistic it feels to be mentally raped while a bare hand penetrates your head and plays with everything inside you.

I think i have a thing for bald women...
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What's up with Wolverine and bald female villains?
>popular thing gets lots of posts
>le shills!
they got the idea from those bald nigger democrats in congress
what the FUCK are you babbling on about.

One is given unlimited funds to protect you. The rest band together to kill you. Who do you trust with your life?
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Remember that he's your defense so you get to choose the arena and the others must come to you. All those other fuckers have to go to the BDSM dimension, assuming they can even solve the box.
Elvira can protect me. I want to be close to those titties
>eats you and swims away
Oh in that case, Freddie is probably no. 1 if he can hide you in the dream dimension, you can spend eternity living out your best dreams waiting for them to come to you.
I have chosen....poorly.

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>watching X2: X-Men United
>Ice Man turns on the radio and NSYNC's "Bye Bye Bye" comes on
>their faces all cringe and Wolverine turns it off
>zoomer discovers reference, more at 11

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>it's a Truman bores women by going into autistic details about recent dreams he's had episode
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>It’s a “Truman generates countless near never ending AI stories about him and his high school ex.” Episode
Rule of thumb, your dream retelling should be maximum two sentences long and the first one should catch interest. Literally nobody cares about the arbitrary happenings of your dreams, unless you possibly can tie it into common experience "don't you hate dreams where you fuck up at work?"
The fact that you constantly censor yourself makes your lack of flavor kind of a flavor.
>it's a "Truman smiles at a girl at the bar and she smiles back, but then he doesn't know what to do next because he's an autistic wierdo and just leaves"
can the writers not come up with even a single opening line for the guy? It's depressing watching this shit
Trust me I'm the most outspoken guy I know about random autistic shit (aside from my friends), I just compensate with social awareness. Going on about dreams which literally are fake events your brain tricked you into feeling significant just doesn't engage anybody, so why talk about it? At least when talking about obscure shit that is real you're fishing for understanding, dreams are just complete nonsense. Unless you find some crystal hippie chick into dream interpretation I suggest laying off it, or if you just have the storytelling skills to make it fun to listen to, but truman clearly isn't finding success.

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It is late at night, you are an elected official alone in your office working during a war. Then some four feds show up armed to the teeth and without a mandate, say you are under arrest in the name of the Galactic Senate that they didn't consult. The officer in charge has this bad motherfucker attitude about him, and you know you are getting Floyd'ed and Dokuu'ed, and he's already pulling his lightsaber out.

You ask him if he's threatening you, which he responds saying 'The senate will decide your fate'. You correctly remind him that 'you are the senate' (the senate would never support this coup attempt), and since they have no mandate, you pull off your own personal weapon of defense under castle doctrine and stand your ground laws.


You do a jump and immediately the four feds gang up to Floyd you, forcing you into self-defense. Once you are helpless — and just like you predicted —, the bad motherfucker officer is coming in to murder you as you can't sith.

Was this jedi brutality?
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I would fist fisto until he moans like a girl.
They had lit their lightsabers and plainly told him they planned on effecting an illegal arrest. Was he supposed to wait for them to behead him?
Let's not also forget that the jedi turned on their lightsabers in face of a so far unarmed person.
So they not only went to imprison the republic head of state, they barged into his office and threatened him with arms.

This of course, ignoring that their only "proof" to do that is a hearsay.

This would be equivalent Jesuits trying to kill the holy Roman emperor claiming that he is a protestant. It's insane.

Sheev being a sith wasn't a crime and the jedi were wrong.
So is Disney doing an alt timeline thing like Paramount did with their modern Star Trek movies/shows?
>the jedi turned on their lightsabers in face of a so far unarmed person
As confirmed in The Acolyte, a Jedi will only ever draw their weapon when they intend to kill someone. So basically they were also lying to Sheev too as they were not going to incarcerate him - they were 100% intending to kill him, just being deceptive about it. Not cool Jedis.
>The problem is that it's been 1000 years since the Sith Empire fell and since anyone saw a Sith. People have forgotten. So it's a quesition of whether or not the Sith laws can be enforced after 1000 years. Palpatine knows this.
Id' like to see concrete proof that any such anti-sith laws ever even existed. It reminds me of the legal myth that you are allowed to kill a scotsman if he is inside the walls of an english city.
I think this widespread hate and defamation against the Sith religion tells us something very worrying about our galactic-republican psyche.


>Be spontaneous. Put ketchup on your hot dog. Eat out a Thai hooker. Take that trip to Turkmenistan. Order the sauteed sheep's balls with a wine reduction sauce and a sprig of thyme. Have a mixed kid. The world is your oyster.
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>the Amerilard is so used to radioactive additives and preservatives in his food that he fears anything that doesn’t come wrapped in five layers of plastic


when Russia finally uses a tactial nuke and China takes advantage of the chaos to take back Taiwan you will be in a world of fucking hurt during WW3 and your precious food supply is fucked, Indians will be fine
Bone apple tea!
Why would anyone let degenerates act as "taste makers"? They prove they have no taste in general. Why should they be trusted about anything?
Most pious and loving christkike
China will nuke India, first. And India will nuke China. And 75% of the world's problems will be solved outright.

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Stopped watching superhero movies after Avengers 1. Do i need to watch D&W? Will i like it?

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Who changes the fucking vevo thumbnails
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why does everyone look like this
>mom, I posted it again

>This movie made millennials piss and shit and cum in their pants
You make threads like these because you know you’re the most hated generation of all time, zoomzoom. The massive dump everyone is going to take all over you once boomers are all dead is going to be unprecedented.

Does anyone remember this?
I remember only the Halloween episode and that it was unnecessarily scary.
pretty good porn ngl
There was a non binary alien in this show
came here to say this

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>You gave them ...the syphoning blowie?
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There are next to no qualitative films that are dealing with how BAD things are economically, or how bad they could get in the near future. Not even the average film festival is hosting indie films that deal with this issue. It's always focused inward with preoccupations about trauma and identity and what have you, or if it's systemic it never goes further than the veneer of ''oppressive capitalism'' and so on, basically stuck in the same kind of theoretical screeching that plagues academia. There's nothing concrete, utilizing the strength of the visual medium to convey the bleakness of it all.
You used to get a fix of this shit with class-conscious british cinema, or midwest american indie films, or eastern european miseryfests, but I genuinely don't hear about any of this kind of stuff anymore. This is the real issue with contemporary sedated cinema. True rebels would be the ones that directly tackle this shit down onto the mud.
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your guys double-speak astro turfing bullshit is getting real fucking tired
they should either pay you more or give you a new playbook to use
donald trump isn't gonna fuck you bro, no matter how hard you try
>it is capitalism's fault!
yeah ok moshe
No, It's greedy fucks like you. And you continue to deny it.
it's really funny how they shut the fuck up real quick when their "BAD THINGS BAD DEMOCRATS BAD" gets totally ripped apart
i refuse to believe anything less than 95% are just stooges paid to post inflammatory shit on 4chan to radicalize neets
As movies have become more expensive and being a Hollywood insider has become more desirable, nepo baby rich kids have come to monopolize the decision making positions in regards to making movies and such. Thus, movies are made by people that know nothing about not being rich except for what they learn by seeing a graph go down in CNN and the jokes about rural poor whites of Family Guy.
To ask those guys to make a proper movie about not having money is like to make a self made genius to make a movie about impostor syndrome.

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