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>Be spontaneous. Put ketchup on your hot dog. Eat out a Thai hooker. Take that trip to Turkmenistan. Order the sauteed sheep's balls with a wine reduction sauce and a sprig of thyme. Have a mixed kid. The world is your oyster.
I'd rather get addicted to heroin, get cucked by a teenager, then hang myself.
Fuck I need to get tested just reading that
>have a drink of colour. Have two
I take joy knowing he’s currently burning in hell
Let a guy fuck your wife
Let two
That's quintessentially spontaneous.
Have a beer with someone you strongly disagree with (unless they eat sushi incorrectly, in which case kill them).
they don't believe in any of that stuff, or even God usually
i go to a local wood fired oven pizza place where they all act like The Bear and of course they've got a huge mural of this guy on the wall
>Burn in hell for all eternity
Haha that's awesome
it's blasphemy to presume someone is in hell
Beat your dick. Beat it twice.
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Have a nigger baby, have two.
Which show of his should I watch to enhance my meme experience?
>Take that trip to Turkmenistan. Order the sauteed sheep's balls with a wine reduction sauce and a sprig of thyme.
Wait, are there really people out there who visit a foreign country and don't at least try some local weird food? Within reason, of course. As long as it's cooked and not in India or China
No Reservations
I ate a lot of goat and horse while in iceland.
It was fantastic.
>turn the view to the pile of trash
what did ai mean by that?
he’d still be alive today if he had enrolled in Dr Jordan B. Petersons Academy
>get HSV-1, get HSV-2
>Eat out a Thai hooker
>Eat two.
rent free
>have a mixed kid. have two.
shameful display
>rent free

its actually $449.99, and the Peterson Academy for Male Excellence offers wide array of ‘Expert-Taught 8-Hour Courses by Professors from Harvard, Cambridge, Oxford and More’
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Eat at the side of a road in a slum tonight. Get the poop sauce. Have some curry that has been handled by a diseased Jeet who has never washed his hands at 4 o’clock in a mostly empty bar. Shit on a street you’ve never been. Scam someone you think may have nothing in common with you. Order the rat meat rare. Drink a Jeet's spit. Have a cow shit. Have two. Be open to a world where you may not understand or agree with the person shitting next to you, but drink disgusting slop with them anyways. Shit slowly. Shit on your server. Shit on your friends. Shit on yourself. Enjoy the ride.
>Bill Maher's alternate career path
I knew a guy like this, got tatted up with kitchen knives on his arms and everything.
Now he's really into tradesmanship, he's getting the kitchen knives laser removed and replacing them with tools.
>the Amerilard is so used to radioactive additives and preservatives in his food that he fears anything that doesn’t come wrapped in five layers of plastic


when Russia finally uses a tactial nuke and China takes advantage of the chaos to take back Taiwan you will be in a world of fucking hurt during WW3 and your precious food supply is fucked, Indians will be fine
Bone apple tea!
Why would anyone let degenerates act as "taste makers"? They prove they have no taste in general. Why should they be trusted about anything?
Most pious and loving christkike
China will nuke India, first. And India will nuke China. And 75% of the world's problems will be solved outright.

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