Why does he cry so damn much?
>>203591547>Why does he cry so damn much?Because he sold his soul and his bussy to Big Bad Harve.Did you KNOW that all of Hollywood is full of "swingers? Everybody, no exceptions (including the liars). Why do you think so many people flee Hollywood? You have to sell your soul, and a stable relationship is never allowed. You have to satisfy and gratify others for work, influence, or just "access". Why do you think Kevin's daughter Harley looks more like Jason Mewes than Kevin? No matter how wholesome you may be, staying in as long as Kevin has DOES corrupt you. Why do you think he's made SO many references to sucking off men? Because he has, and with Harve it was probably just a power play thing.He cries because he knows how much Evil has touched him.
>>203594978I remember him talking about it, something like he has a massive bowl of cereal and keeps refilling it until theres no leftover milk
>>203597264Does that apply to actors' hot wives or also to men fucking other men?
>>203595034Mason Jews
>>203597512I’d look like that too if I as hopped up on free test from the government
canonically Super Dave is indestructible but IRL it's Joe Rogan
Ellen wanted to become a man, but didn't realize that a six-pack is not the defining masculine traitA twig with defined abs is something you might see in a modeling magazine
>I feel bad living as a woman >im sure ill feel better living as a 4'11 effeminate "man" after mutilating myself
Why would anyone pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to become a manlet? As a short guy I would definitely prefer to be a woman.
>Happiness.1998.2160p.USA.UHD.Blu-ray.DV.HDR.HEVC.DTS-HD.MA.2.0-TMT>Happiness.1998.2160p.USA.UHD.Blu-ray.DV.HDR.HEVC.DTS-HD.MA.2.0-TMT>Happiness.1998.2160p.USA.UHD.Blu-ray.DV.HDR.HEVC.DTS-HD.MA.2.0-TMTYes, the Criterion 4K Bluray is now free to download after decades of waiting.
Nice, little boy cum in ultra high-res.
>>203569837In pacing and structure the movie is a mess, but that's always been the case with Burton.I laughed at loud a couple of times and got some nostalgia hits out of it though. Felt like old Burton at times.You can tell both Burton and Elfman had a lot of fun with the Mario Bava homage.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxGg23cEogc
>>203596519Based Beetlejuice securing his waifu's income
Beetlejuice is a fucking pedo. He had a picture of cunny Lydia on his desk.
>this made millennials shit and piss their pants by laughing
>>203593776Yeah it was great. Too bad there's no coming of age comedy that accurately captured your high school life.
>>203595581no there are just undiagnosed mental illness people on this site, or people who stopped taking their meds.
>>203593776>Superbad came out 17 years ago
>>203593884truly solid childrens film. Only saw the first 2. Never touched the other ones with the new actors. Solid book series too, keeps kids reading.
>>203595581>I'm like Doctor Manhattan.kek, you need to actually live in Manhattan to call yourself that
What are some 'inos for this feel?
>>203581002Looks like shit
>>203578075>A stone from roman times emerged behind a wall in a old spanish house. Which reads as: Sacred to the Spirits of the Dead Gaius Julius >OptatusTandus [aged] three years. Pious towards his own. May the earth be light upon youDis Manibus SacrumC. IVLIVS OP[TATUS]TANDVSANNORVMIII PISSit tibi terra levis
>>203596427not white, try again seething redditor
>>203596865>400 episodes out of 1/4th the contentIts haven't been the case since the 90's for japanimation, now it's all 12 episodes long cour with years between them
What are the implications of finding 100k USD and investing it to turn it into 16k USD?
I want to see more they/them women doing short form improv, fake gameshows, and tabletop roleplaying on Youtube. A nice safe bland sensible chuckle.
>>203597781Women aren’t funnyWomen ruin everything
Was it autism?
>>203597629Austism, inceldom, loneliness, insomnia, etcBasically /ourguy/
>Trump shooter be like
Rings of power season 2 is actually goodNot great but very watchable
Thank you saar 5 cow shit sandwich redeem vouchers have been deposited in your AmazonWage account
>>203597684Not interested in pozzed "fan" fiction.
>From my point of view the Jedi are evil!Realistically, how do you refute this point?
>>203578738>bounty hunter to fail on purpose to lead Obiwan to KaminoPrequel fans don't even all agree on this:>Gunray wanted Padme dead for revenge and the attempts on her seem to be to do that, especially his conversations to Dooku suggest it. If it was about Palpatine leading them to the army then why did they try and blow up her ship if there was risk to kill her? Is it all misdirection/Palpatine seeing the future?>Dooku is implied to have deleted knowledge of Kamino, is that to make the conspiracy more believable? But how did they know Obi Wan would have a contact who knew? >Palpatine seemed to want Padme dead because she was leading the anti army creation coalition and as soon as she was out of the way, they used Jar Jar.If anything it seems like Palpatine DID want her dead and the plan was to have someone discover the army after the act was passed. Which would have been just as suspicious. But the movies forget the conspiracy. Basically if the plan was to lead Obi Wan there then it was very contrived and coincidental unless Palpatine just saw the future I guess.
>>203576667I just realized that noone in the Empire knew that Palpatine was a force wielder. He played the victim card for 20 years and publicly used Vader as the last remaining Jedi who had sworn allegiance to the Empire in orde to atone for the Jedi's sins.
>>203576667>ask him what parts of the jedi order he finds to be evil>hear him out>if it makes sense, agree and ask if he would join you and yoda in reforming the jedi order to be better given theyre 3 of the only 4 remaining force trained individuals in existance now that the jedi order got wiped out>accept fault for the negligence and dismissal that led anakin into the arms of palpatine while not giving up
>>203576667>nigga, i didnt kill kids to get here, shut your mouth
>>203597651I wonder when or if Kenobi ever told Luke that Sheev was a dark side user and had tremendous powers over the physical world. Luke has never seen Kenobi use the force in anything other than mind tricks. He had no idea that the force could move matter or electrocute people.
Realistically, what would you do in this situation?
>>203597117Needs one more addition.
>>203593382Give him his money
>>203597117>Whatchu going do? Shoot me from multiple angles?
>>203593382I've seen this movie.Pay him the money I owe him and apologize for the inconvenience.
>"Do you know what muffin top means, because I've been hearing that all day."
>>203596779Not eating isn't hard
>>203597638im 5'9 and 160 pounds
>>203596675Sad fucking body
whole grain, low fat
Kojima re reviewed Joker
>>203597116Armond Black if you will
>>203597116>>203597169Armond Yellow
>>203597112The C02 levels in that mask are so bad OSHA would shut down your work site if you exposed workers to the same levels.
>The world is like Gotham>Lives in Japan
I've done the vanlife, around 6 months, it was kinda cool eating can goods in Sedona pubic land, waking up with the sun, paying $0 rent/utility/etc, then I would head into the cafe to work on my laptop when they open, getting myself a bagel and a coffee.They should have have a movie about me. Nomandland was depressing, but maybe because I chose to do vanlife, she had vanlife thrust upon her as the only option.pro-tip: people can go a longer than you'd normally expect without a shower
>>203594756>people can go a longer than you'd normally expect without a showerNot real people
>>203594756Did you have fun?Were you truly free?
>>203595893yes and yes, it was freedom, only got stopped by the cops a handful of times, but that was my fault pulling into a closed business parking lot, and they were cool with me doing my thing at the appropriate places, like walmart, stayed there a bunch, also cracker barrell.
Yeah it's probably fun when you have money, not so much when you're homeless, you're hungry, it's cold outside and you have tape your left your foot because you can't feel your toes.
>>203594756Are you still rubber tramping? I'm looking at the red rock canyon right now. We've probably seen each other.>>203594834OP is right. I've gone a month without and Im pretty positive no one noticed. I got little "desert baths" in here and there for the important parts.
>it's another Draco wins a bet and forces Hermione to cheer for the slytherins episode
>>203597399I hope the new Hermione is even more distracting.
Slytherins are chuddiesGryffindors are CommiesRavenclaw are LibertariansHufflepuff are libturds
>>203594826Actually, it's Botswana.
The movies had a lot to improve, hopefully this new adaptation can see the previous flaws and not repeat them.If not, the original films will not go anywhere.