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>watch anime
>it's genuinely fucking good

What's her name, /tv/?
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The average Murder she wrote episode is better than this overlong trash. Weebs have no taste go read sherlock.
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Violet Evergarden is just an exercise in wallowing in sadness porn with a couple of standout stories. Fieren does more about dealing with loss and grief in it's first two episodes alone - Himmel and Heiter seem like good guys even early on but each flashback really hammers home how much those two are missed.
Japs are a lowtest race what do you expect. Their porn is a guy on a train molesting some schoolgirl while everyone ignores whats happening.
Shes goes back in time to fuck him, so its all good.
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NGE is something for god-botherers. Even its creators had stated publicly that they only tacked on the bible shite because they thought it sounded exotically cool to their eastern midwit brains but now they've got weebs actually thinking it has hidden depth.

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Are British dads really like this?
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>so I had to look for male mentor figures down the pub and at football games
good way to get assraped
abusive fathers are gay. you should yell your dad
Laughing was the test. You failed.
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>dad drinks rage potion
>neuron activation
>beats son

Name a worse robot design
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the goggle eyed disney bots from black hole.. until they were revealed to be the dead crew...

may the lord have mercy on their souls...
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this design is kino though. keep in mind it's from the1950's or so.
also kino
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He was always the poor man's robby the robot
Not about looks but personality.
>be OP
>be faggot
many such cases

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why do people love this movie (and movies like it) so much? i was browsing the archives and it's 50/50 between "10/10 best movie evarr!" and "pseud, pretentious dogshit." for the people in the former camp, can you describe it for me? if you can't properly describe what makes it good, you've ceeded that you're just trying to look cool and contrarian. i don't want to come off as too opinionated because that tends to guide threads one way, and I really am curious why people like stuff like this. so please, this isn't a seethe thread.
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All I remember is /tv/ spamming ScarJo's awkward pose in from of the mirror and thinking it was too late for her to get nude. I'm sure she had a banging body in 2005 when she offered going nude for a scene in The Island but what I don't get is why she waited eight years if she was willing to do it?
This board is overran by third worlders holy shit
It's a perfectly natural thing to say. You are the odd one. You are probably a terrorist or a pedo.
the motorcycle rider in the scottish highlands was radical
It was exciting and disappointing at the same time, the nudity, it was...

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I dont want Huge Jackedman to get old bros...
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this is what the average 28 year old Australian normie looks like
He's already old.
he's a gross closeted faggot with no talent. the only thing he has is his physique and he's rapidly losing that with age. he can't act for shit.
>no talent

Objectively good actor and singer. Do you think he's only been in capeshit?
have you tried not being gay

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You're clearly gay, so let's have bum sex
War & Peace by Leo Tolstoy
fuck i meant 1927
the abel gance one

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in what way?
Maybe not porn star tier but you'd have to be fucking gay to be mad to have a woman that has a body like that
almost any non fat latina chick has a better body
Latinas get the ick when they look at you
>non fat

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It's time to admit that centrists make the best kino
Shoutout to my man Bill Burr for keeping it real
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Having a "centrist" view in terms of having a mix of both moderate republican and democratic ideals is fine.
But that image isn't centrism, that's just being an apolitical retard. You fucking twiddle your thumbs while mentally ill radicals push your shit in inch by inch, hoping that others defend your rights for you will get you a dystopian hellscape and that's what you deserve.
He would probably be appalled like any other normal person and would call for his arrest.
Predictable as always ivan.
>those who don't like centrists or have critiques of centrism are a bunch of people all named "ivan" raiding /tv/ for... some reason
Actual schizo post.
Funny I never seem to hear these kind of values from nonwhites or trannies. Almost like they don’t believe in them or something idk maybe.

holy shit this feels like a parody of mexican culture
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sucks your old high school crush got dicked down before you could tip your fedora at her
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>Big Nacho
"Cuquita" is now "Lucita".
a latinx making a taco

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Are you excited for M3GAN 2.0?
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I think it'll really go nuts in 4GANiC when she brain leaps via Neurolink.
kek, she looks like a grown up version of the doll. excellent.
weirdly, they got "Bruce" the mindless drone Chad/Steve robot to bash Megan's head in.

literal Stacy playground/pub hit-job-on-social-competition tactics.
Adult M3gan
M3gan and I get married

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I don't watch movies anymore
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>Does /tv/ just have better memes?

It does. I personally used to browse /v/, and I was sick of the people, so I moved boards.
The three digit IQ realisation about 4chan is that the subject being discussed doesn't matter. It's better to talk to people you like about anything, over talking to idiots about something you enjoy.
/tv/ offers a window into contemporary culture, similar to watching the daily news or talking to people in the street. Its your small grip on reality
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Absolutely deliciously on point.
average age on /v/ is around 20
a.k.a. "the insufferable phase"
I just cycle through rewatches of Star Trek: The Next Generation and Malcolm in the Middle desu

>lose interest in this show at around season 30
>tune back in at season 34
>mfw truman is still working his dead-end job, still doesn't have a gf and continues doing nothing with his life
>mfw i thought he was going to get that education and move abroad?
What happened? Was it a budgeting issue?
>it's another unemployed truman jacking off all day episode

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lmao, fuck mainland chinks and katsaps
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Kino, would you surrender /tv/?
china have special ops in taiwan ready to blow power to the air bases so taiwanese air defence is dud. then 1000 cruise missiles rain down on taiwan destroying patriot systems.
no chinaman from the mainland even leaves mainland soil until the taiwanese air defences are dead and the ROC has surrendered.
anything else is just bait for taiwanese beggars to show to US politiicans for gibs.
>blow power
This guy's never heard of backup generators before.
Chinks are only good at blowing their own shit.

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why are french like this


>Game of Thrones was 20 years ago
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>game of thrones
Why did you post a lotr picture
No what we need is an actors aging / bogged general to contain them to the one thread.
>zoomers can’t tell Boromir and Ned Stark apart

kill yourself, faggot
He's 65 and keeps getting killed. Give him a break.
Wow 20 years ago an overrated boring show came out. Two decades and I still don’t give a shit. Crazy shit

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