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>Get a skill
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Imagine if any other eceleb got caught doing this kind of shit lol
My theory is that Sam is protected for some reason, he sold out to the glowies power players
bro like every celeberity does shit like this
the closest example is anthony cumia
he still likes 12 y/o gymnast girls on instagram and can go on rogan, no one gives a fuck every celebrity is a pedo.

artistic work isn't that related to persons character though, sam is a better person then cumia but my main problem w/ cumia now is that he doesn't make anything good, i'd watch it if it was funny and I still listen to his old stuff.
If you haven't accepted our elites are all satanic pedophiles then a celebrity fucking a 16 y/o attention whore a decade ago might bother you but it doesn't bother me. I got bad news about most popular music, movies, etc. otherwise. Basically every popular 70s musician including david bowie, led zepplin, etc. fucked 12 year olds.
Women are fucked my ex always got turned on after a fight especially if things got physical. They only complain after you break up with them then they act like victims
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Cumia has been caught so many times but no one cares that he's a pedo because he was on a funny radio show like 15 years ago

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>"prepare to witness Zack Snyder's true vision"
>Rebel Moon Part 1
>Directed by Zack Snyder
>Screenplay by Zack Snyder
>Story by Zack Snyder
>Produced by Zack Snyder
>Starring Zack Snyder
>Cinematography by Zack Snyder
>Edited by Zack Snyder
>Music by Zack Snyder
>Casting by Zack Snyder
>Visual Effects by Zack Snyder
>Slow Motion by Zack Snyder
I don't understand, why couldn't Zack Snyder deliver his vision the first time if he managed every aspect of the movie?
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there is one guy who is actually competent in all those
>Snyder shat a ton of footage
Netflix paid him to make this movie and promised if he made a pg13 version they'd pay and release his own movie. He let Netflix cut and rewrite everything they wanted for the ph13 version. He knew his own version would still be released Rated R.

short version: Netflix paid him to do this. He agreed, that's that.
That doesn't mean he had to make the first ones shit

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how will it end?
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Is Chrissy the cheerleader that popped up at the beginning of season 4, saw a ghost, and died?
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Yes but it was not a ghost.
They had a gold mine with her and the metal dude, Eddie, but they blew it.

plot summary

And >>201775550 is why
her imdb profile says otherwise

Cinematic gonorrhea
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Why don't you head back to /pol/...I heard the Russians took another entire acre of Ukraine and this time it only took 20,000 mobiks to do it.
Is there anything redeemable about 2045? It's a continuation of the series so it can't be all bad.
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Why don't (you) go back to grooming minors on X like the rest of your degenerate ilk
If you like Cyberpunk then you just get it. It’s 2nd to Bladerunner.

So what films DOES he watch then?

Recommend me some chudkino
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Ugly people develop bad personalities
People with terrible personality traits become ugly.
Me, of course, I'm perfect in every way.
That list is hampered due to being written by a midwit leftist but its core message is accurate; chuds tend to lack media literacy and they often consider many fundamentally leftist films "based" only because they aren't "woke" on the surface level.
Theyre both gay coded so I dont know why a troon would associate either film with virulently racist and misogynist chuds unless they are implying some interesting things about the fag community and psyche.
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jewish movies as he is

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I'll suck your cock for a 4chan pass
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Can you get a pass and choose not to display the clover on your posts?
>lip liner
You don't use lip liner?

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Suck our cocks?

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I dont want Hugh Jackman to be old bros
At the very least he’s got to be dying that hair, right?
It does feel weird. He suddenly looks so young to me in that first X-Men film
Nah bro that's natural
TRT is a hell of a drug

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Are you excited for M3GAN 2.0?
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Heck yeah I'm excited and can't wait to see Violet McGraw again

There was a character who stole the code
It's just the natural course of events now for every studio proposition to be milked to the point of exhaustion then resurrected and milked again.
Any movie that stimulates the amygdala and gives the viewer the illusion that 2+2=5 makes 1.6B$
And/or product is self validated as streaming content as a medium for advertising and endlessly nuanced algorithm recommendations.
That's just how it is.
yeah that's an uoh from me senpai

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He's had many set backs, but he will get totally ripped this summer.
let's just hope he doesn't hurt his leg

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Modern comedy improv be like "mean jabs at behest of somebody's personal life"
Most comedy has always been pure Schadenfreude
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I was watching that episode of Conan O'Brien from 97 where the audience was all kids and at some points he'd compare them to ugly celebrities and some of the kids were on the verge of tears
You can do it with style, rather than just being an asshole
I think back to Norm Mcdonald poking fun at his friends, where you know hes just doing it for laughs, but when i see the assholes in Kill Tony (like tony himself) its just uncomfortably mean a lot of the time, idk. Let alone all the female comics whose only jokes are about sex, who honestly should be banned from performing there

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what the fuck was his problem?
>First movie
Family good
>Second movie
America bad
the second film was about good and evil and how in the long run not giving in to evil wins

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What are you getting?
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The Arrival
How the hell do you break a DVD player? I still have some that I've had for well over two decades and they still work and one of them was the cheapest one you could buy for like £10. Even my PS2 still plays DVDs.
That was mostly Gen x
A lot of the early players lasers went to shit. Or they had issues buffering scratches.
try to sneak something that looks like it has booba without triggering my parents senses too obviously

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>name a part of the male anatomy that gets bigger when sexually aroused

Which is the best Law & Order series?
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Criminal Intent
I haven't watched any of the LAO shows in years, how do they even function now, do they try and mirror the absolute laughing stock that is the current state of the New York judicial system or do they just exist in a completely alternate reality were an actual functional judicial system still exists?
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Criminal Intent, but only because Goren is the most interesting character out of all of them.
I love the first couple of seasons of criminal intent, but it definitely falls off around season 5ish. They made Goren really angsty and depressed in the later seasons, when he works much better as a Columbo type goofball.
and Eames is wife material

The thread that filtered /tv/
it's way better than Rear Window because there are actual characters with lives outside the gimmick.

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