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Snuffed Out edition
prev: >>206597262
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*shakes and shivers*
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Kino name?
Great movie
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This is pretty great.

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Times when you acted like Gladiator II?
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>tfw kissed a guy but nobody who filmed it wants to post it everywhere online so the whole world knows how progressive I am
Denzel’s character was so shitty
just some politician whose done fuck all managed to convince the retard twins to execute the guy who won them all the wars
It’s also weird how he acts cool with Mescal until the CHATGpt script decides to make him le bad
agreed. the movie wanted to have some role reversal shit going on but they never capitalized on making pedro pascal good, they just kill him before any of it comes to fruition or gets to be complex. and then they make denzel bad out of nowhere. nonsensical film.
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whenever I cook I 'spose
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First Denzel movie I refuse to watch. Watch the one about the runaway train instead.

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Best role?
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Still Alice is another great Moore flick.
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her character was kinda ridiculous though
I like her doritos pubes :3

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Is this rivalry tran vs chud or chud vs chud?
Incel vs volcel

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>this made millennials shit and piss themselves with laughter
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Are you underage?
Jews mock things until they are ruined.
Literally the first meme Gen Z didn't get.
Serves him right for being fat
comedy ages well, what doesnt age well is comedians and faggots

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Cassandra Nova. A megalomaniacal, psychotic asshole. A finger-licking dead-inside pixie slab of third-rate dime store nut milk, And I'll tell you what she can do... She can lick my goddamn cinnamon ring clean and kick rocks all the way to bald hell. In fact, I don't give a shit if she removes all my skin and pops me like some nightmarish blood balloon. If the last thing I do in this godforsaken cum gutter existence is light that fuck box on fire, I still won't die happy. That's right, Wade. I won't be happy until I've urinated on her freshly barbecued corpse and husk fucked the charred remains while gargling Juggernaut's juggernuts.... And you can quote me."
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>he's halfway to cracking up throughout the entire monolog.
So are Reynolds and Jackman. It's fine. It's funny.
Because it is funny
It really isn’t
So heckin wholesome
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She was so perfect. Qt.

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About to watch this. What am I in for?
a 6/10 show at best

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This will get chuds to watch Reddit the clown movie
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Because Sauron had giant dragons everywhere.
Given movie 3's ending, she's also potentially going to become the slasher version of Doomguy.
I can respect that.
I'm pretty sure he made sienna a badass ash clone because the reddit fags were calling art a misogynist. I wish creators would stop using twitter and reddit. Men usually get the most brutal kills in movies anyway.
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>monkey mouth
No thanks.

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>Still no charlie bone film
I cant be the only one who remembers the flood of "magic fantasy totally not-harry potter" books in the early 2000s
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No, I totally remember.

The only film that I saw of the movie adaptations The Seeker. God, that sucked. Also, secret world fantasy is dumb.
v surprised. i always liked those ones because it was like x-men harry potter. has good potential as one of those streaming service shows
Shit man I was starting to think these books were a fever dream. I’m glad I’m not the only one that read these. Pretty cool series from what little I can remember.
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Non Potter fantasy you say?
I remember starting this series as a kid but getting too old after the third book even though I liked it. Now I'm curious how it ended but I don't remember any of the details.

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>all that the witness saw was a doll on a little bycicle, and he was in the process of digging his own eye out. How do we know Mr. Jigsaw is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt?
him cumplainin about the four-eyed winecat steetlivin woman was discriminating, why did knowone call him up on that?
it's fair play to joke about old people and glasswearing bitches, but buhu if a knifewearing stabkiller gets the chair

Best Security Officer edition

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this movie is a gem, very rewatchable, has heart, has humor, has it all. Reminds me of the epics of hollywood old, truly a lightning in a bottle. did you like it?

I know I'm just riding on the trend now that the Netflix doc has released but I have finally decided to look in depth into this case and I'm absolutely shocked at the profound retardation of redditors and youtube commenters who keep insisting the parents or the brother did it.

The stupidest aspect of it is they keep presenting the ransom note as the biggest piece of evidence for their guilt when in my opinion that is actually one of the biggest ones AGAINST it.
>The writing style is obviously masculine, full of manly movie quotes like Dirty Harry or Speed
>John was too intelligent to write such a meandering and rambling letter and make such a stupid mistake as writing $118,000 instead of 100K or 250K
>The way it's written is reminding of a narcissist with fantastical delusions, like pretending to be a criminal mastermind or a foreign spy which is something VERY typical of serial killers and psychopaths. This also fits with the circumstances leading to her death being random and illogical

Second, the parents would have never called 911 so soon if they were still staging the kidnapping. It is the biggest leap of logic in the entire case. That they or the brother (accidentally or not) killed the girl and then wrote a stupid note and poorly hid the body only to call the police at 5:50AM, knowing she could be instantly found when the police came.

The last absurd aspect is that such a loving family with absolutely NO history of violence did such a gruesome thing to that little girl. I could have understood a single blow to the head killing her in a fit of rage. But the binding, sexual assault and the garroting are just 100% consistent with the actions of a deranged psycopath like the Night Stalker, Bundy or GSK. I just think many people don't understand how killers are wired different and how difficult it would be for a normal person to ever do what they did to JonBenet. You need a specific mental illness for that.
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Fair point, have a busty jewish woman for explaining things to me
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we already know who did it
No he's right, you're retarded
Where exactly do you lunatics think these things take place? This shit doesn't happen because kids don't just go missing.
Then what kind of spider web was it?

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What's the name of the little elephant
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So is it really kids show? Yea yea I know star wars in general is for kids but is this even more?
Elle Phant
Beeb Flooby
mini rebo
Yes they're hoping for a Stranger Things, but no 80s nostalgiawank means no adult appeal.

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