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why do people love this movie (and movies like it) so much? i was browsing the archives and it's 50/50 between "10/10 best movie evarr!" and "pseud, pretentious dogshit." for the people in the former camp, can you describe it for me? if you can't properly describe what makes it good, you've ceeded that you're just trying to look cool and contrarian. i don't want to come off as too opinionated because that tends to guide threads one way, and I really am curious why people like stuff like this. so please, this isn't a seethe thread.
it's shit and nothing is explained.
I wanted to see Scarlett Johansson's pussy. Ideally I'd like to sniff it, but smellable films don't exist. For now.
>nothing is explained.
This is why i like it.
i don't care that it wasn't explained, but it just wasn't intriguing enough.
director wanted to get scarjo naked in disguise of an art film

anyone saying otherwise is a retard. glazer is not a good filmmaker. he has made four movies in a course of two decades. all mid at best.
It's the same thing that makes Zone of Interest so good. Quiet scenes and naturalistic dialogue that become deeply unnerving due to the understanding that something deeply horrifying is happening, either onscreen or offscreen. Especially true for Under the Skin since the actual death scenes are presented in a very cold and detached manner that matches the perspective of an alien who's essentially harvesting livestock and/or a human who doesn't quite realize that's what's happening. Then getting to see her slowly develop human mannerisms and emotions while still being reminded of her limitations is really heartwarming, and makes the ending even sadder since it reduces her back to a something foreign that needs to be destroyed
I just find it to be both really good in terms of the atmosphere it creates and the themes it explores on a more subtextual level
>grim, brooding Scottish visuals
>surreal /x/ tier mystery conceit
>scarjo naked
It's definitely worth watching. I like the atmosphere of the movie, although it leans hard on le ambiguity and interpretation. It has a Lovecraftian quality to it that I enjoy, with ordinary people unknowingly tangling with strange, unfathomable forces.
Pretty much if you need things like this explained to you then you don't deserve to like it. Have you ever seen someone get filtered by other kino? They will never understand it, never acknowledge it and it's pointless to try to explain to them that they don't get "it". At best they will just regurgitate talking points they've read. Today that is you.
Go back.
It's a fun movie about aliens, why are you so mad.
Good points. I'd add that the different reactions she gets from unwitting real humans as the force shaping her development is the real core of the movie, so resolving the mystery/sci fi stuff isn't actually narratively important. It has a slightly lame 'what it le says about us' aspect to it, but if you detach it from the navel-gazing and take it for what it is it's really quite charming, and then tragic, seeing how real people influence her.
It's already classic sci-fi. Anyone who says otherwise was likely born with fetal alcohol syndrome and can safely be ignored.
But enough about you anon.
Under the skin is anything but classic sci-fi you dumbnigger. It's the opposite of classic sci-fi. It's offbeat artsy scifi. A very roundabout way of telling a story of an alien who comes to earth and tries to live and act like a human being, but it has a very lame ulterior motive: to le take le poor men to a secluded place and harvest them. Le heckin scifi dude. You have not read any classic sci-fi if you think this movie belongs in that category.
I admit it. I am filtered by Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Barbie movie etc
The scorrish accents took me right out of it. All I could imagine was that these guys weren't actors the full time
They weren't actors, this is a documentary from the alien's point of view.
Yeah that's my point. You could tell they weren't acting and it took me right out of it when scarjo was acting against them
what an odd thing to say.
Nothing weird about it, her pussy probably tastes and smells good.
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the book has a flashback here they describe her previous canine/fox like body and how their homeplanet was structured.
Some people enjoy pondering about certain aspects portrayed in films such as this. Humanity and its emotions. Existance and how different it acts out for each individual. The choice of visual or audial tone to accompany the events unfolding. The progression of the character, its arc, the circle of life. These films feeds the audience with thoughs and inspirations. It ticks their brain.

Other people have alredy figure out or are all set on these aspects. Or they think they are. Nevertheless they have therefore harder to relate to the scenes and feel unease with filling in the blanks which the director have left out. Perhaps they seek an answer where there is none, and become disappointed since thye expected a more formulaic experience with absolute attributes where good is good and bad is bad.

There's also those who feel these films are a gimmick. The director is a visionless coward who intends to make his tale as vague as possible in order to get praise from the critics (who gets the fill in their agenda via the symbolism). The director leaves him/her-self open for feedback and can pick out which analyze or opinion best suits his or her ideology without ever having thought of the meaning before. Yes! Its about being an englishman in New York, that's it!

It is likely so. There more you expose yourself to a certain medium or interest, the more detail you spot and therefor you get kinda bored at experiencing the same thing over and over again. So you tend to search out for nuances and catch the new releases which offers them, allowing yourself to proclaim your time/energy spent on the hobby, to associate your identity with what you enjoy.
All I remember is /tv/ spamming ScarJo's awkward pose in from of the mirror and thinking it was too late for her to get nude. I'm sure she had a banging body in 2005 when she offered going nude for a scene in The Island but what I don't get is why she waited eight years if she was willing to do it?
This board is overran by third worlders holy shit
It's a perfectly natural thing to say. You are the odd one. You are probably a terrorist or a pedo.
the motorcycle rider in the scottish highlands was radical
It was exciting and disappointing at the same time, the nudity, it was...
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Disney experienced with a smellorama back in the days. The concept was to release a scent at certain time points in the cinema. The result was mixed; as each new scent got released it happened to mix with the previous scents which hadn't been vented away (there was no way to air out the room during the small time period) so at the end of the movie the whole theatre smelled very weirdly from all the different scents. They concluded it'd be to hard to whiff away the smell and left it to the future to fix. Perhaps if you hook up a smellmask you could experience it?
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boring garbage
would it smell like bogs and marshland since it's in scotland?
It's a straight up portrayal of an alien coming to earth to harvest men and learns about the human condition in the process of it all.

I just find it genuinely engaging in every way, great performances great set pieces great soundtrack everything. Scenes like pic related fucked me up like no other, extremely well executed.
Great decision to leave that out. No one cares about the author's autistic worldbuilding.
idk how the director envisions it, perhaps he'd fill every scene with a scent of gold because he felt it fitted the theme
Thanks CHATGPT!!
watch more films made for adults and try not being a teenager. this is not a super complex ambiguous film, retards baited by ScarJo and the ratings just aren't used to arthouse. If you were you'd be embarrassed to even invoke "contrarian pretending" for a film like this. This one just happens to emotionally relatable to lonely and alienated that inhabit this board

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