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Are you excited for M3GAN 2.0?
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I'm excited for Ivanna Sakhno, but nothing else.
Why is capitalism like this
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>Why is capitalism like this
Because it's inherently Satanic
Looks like a man
why dont they call it M2GAN?
What will the sequel even be about?
>somehow, the aunt decided that building another advanced robot is worth a shot
>somehow, M3gan returned
isn't her consciousness in her Alexa or smth
she's gonna take over the firm and build herself an Ultron body
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>>somehow, M3gan returned
An evil Ukrainian weapons manufacturer's CEO finds the remnants of M3GAN's body and rebuilds her to use in combat against the Eastern Powers.
aww dude fuck yeah, im so excited for this
what a time to be alive
> blocks your path
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>> blocks your path
Going somewhere?
> be gone holholina
M3gan takes over the world like Skynet
M3gan takes over my heart
I don't like PG-13 horror movies, too tame for my taste
kinda like how the OG Leprechaun got a PG-13 rating at first before they reshoot it to add more gore in order to get a R rating (and then just went crazy with the sequels adding female nudity in parts 2 to 4)
what happened at the end of megan i cannot recall
M3GAN is more of a family comedy than a horror film honestly
It depends

Does the doll come with a working, self lubricating, heated, vibrating vagina?

Yes I will rape the doll
so they will push it as a female chuckie but instead of a murderer possesing a doll we get a a.i. robot
Heck yeah I'm excited and can't wait to see Violet McGraw again

There was a character who stole the code
It's just the natural course of events now for every studio proposition to be milked to the point of exhaustion then resurrected and milked again.
Any movie that stimulates the amygdala and gives the viewer the illusion that 2+2=5 makes 1.6B$
And/or product is self validated as streaming content as a medium for advertising and endlessly nuanced algorithm recommendations.
That's just how it is.
yeah that's an uoh from me senpai
Almost too kawaii
The first was solid for a nu horror comedy. Need more robots in horror. I'll watch the second one.
They announced a spinoff too.
>They announced a spinoff too.
First I've heard of this, what about?
Not making this up.
It's called "Soulm8te" and it's supposed to be a throwback to 90s erotic thrillers. About a dude getting a robot waifu after his actual wife dies.
Very interesting route to go for something that's supposed to be connected to M3gan, but could be kino.
She uploaded herself to the internet. She'll get a sweaty need to build her a new body
>Very interesting route to go for something that's supposed to be connected to M3gan, but could be kino.
they know everyone wants to fuck M3gan, idea probably sprang from that lol
>It's real
LMAO I thought you were just shitposting
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Imagine the Dancing Megan's locker room after a particularly well-recieved show, with them all naked and sweaty and hugging and giving each other slaps on the asses as they file into shower stalls ro soap each other up...
would you fuck Megan?
you can find 100 girls like this on tiktok, and half them cosplay too
>About a dude getting a robot waifu after his actual wife dies.
Why the FUCK are they giving robots to widowers? Seems like Hollywood wants to create a link between robots and housewives, when we all know who the primary buyers of sexbots would be. Don't lie to me, Anon. I know you. I AM YOU.
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Nope. All those other talentless nobodies are dumb whores. Violet McG is one of a kind
Name 100
Kids at this age should not be given this level of access to social media because it’s all just terrible nothingness that she will undoubtedly get fucktons of attention and praise for (like this) and never grow out of
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I love her so much brehs

OK mom
I want to stick my cock in her bothole
Megan or Cady?

That a relief. Violet is for cuddling only
There's a face for deepfakes.
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They're following the money, M3gan had bigger box office than their other recent horror comedies Cocaine Bear, Renfield and Abigail, even all put together. I'm certainly emptying my wallet!
I'm excited for M4GA 2.0
In theory M3gan already became her own primary user by movie end and due to her files leak and the spin-off we know rebuilding her is inevitable, but recasting Cady and Gemma means she's not moving on from them yet. I-it's not like she likes them or anything.
this movie turned me into a robowaifusexual.
>recasting Cady and Gemma
I haven't seen anything about that. All I've seen is that all 4 leads are attached to the sequel
I’m surprised there wasn’t a banana in there somewhere
They already set up the sequel
>secrets sold to other companies lead to more killer robot girls being made
>Megan's mind was uploaded to the cloud already
>sequel is about new killer robot girls going around and Megan leading them or fighting against them
Just flush the toilet Cady you filthy bitch
Why are there so many lolis in their movies

They don't sell bananas at Disney you sicko
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>Why are there so many lolis in their movies

Because they're based. Amie Donald who plays M3gan is in Sweet Tooth which stars the shota that also appeared in Cocaine Bear.
she did an amazing job, very charming.
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>she'll never block your path and beat you senseless with that smile on her face
Life is suffering.
>"show me to the library so I can read to kids"
more violet
>They don't sell bananas at Disney you sicko
They do, but covered in rich delicious chocolate, and frozen rock solid and hard for your eating pleasure.
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>this thread
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>It's a frozen banana, Michael. What could it cost... 10 dollars?
Sexy white tights
I think it'll really go nuts in 4GANiC when she brain leaps via Neurolink.
kek, she looks like a grown up version of the doll. excellent.
weirdly, they got "Bruce" the mindless drone Chad/Steve robot to bash Megan's head in.

literal Stacy playground/pub hit-job-on-social-competition tactics.
Adult M3gan
M3gan and I get married

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