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Name a worse robot design
Not quite a fan of how chinese people look
Expressionless, pete rose haircut nothings
That talking concrete slab from "Interstellar".
Interstellar has better mobilty
That's because it's a magic box that goes wherever the plot asks it to. It's still a lousy design.
A kid in my middle school in 5th grade built a replica of this robot and we all joke that he was having sex with it and that it was his personal pleasure bot
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the goggle eyed disney bots from black hole.. until they were revealed to be the dead crew...

may the lord have mercy on their souls...
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this design is kino though. keep in mind it's from the1950's or so.
also kino
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He was always the poor man's robby the robot
Not about looks but personality.
>be OP
>be faggot
many such cases
That's an awesome design. You're high.
Vincent grew on me desu
And the red murderbot was pretty cool too
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C'mon TARS, roll that sarcasm setting back to 85%
minecraft iron golem lookin ass nigga
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Looks like space bibendum
what was powering this thing? how did it have such high mobility?
Bidepal humanoid robots are a meme, completely overebgineering and lack of efficiency.

Bidepal humanoid robots are only good for human-robot interactions, not real work.

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