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holy shit this feels like a parody of mexican culture
>Disney making fun of beaners
I thought they were all for diversity?
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Gordita is best girl.
holy kek
>In the first 10 seconds of the episode they have the main character morph into a turd.
Why has modern culture become more obsessed with feces? I can’t be the only one noticing this? 2/3rds of kids toys nowadays involve shitting or shit in some capacity.
big city greens is pretty good
I don't know. My mother forbade me from watching shows and reading material all the time that was considered "potty humor," like The Dumb Bunnies. I think media in general has become more vulgar and scatological.
wow I haven't thought about The Dumb Bunnies in at least 20 years
>is not fat
>Dream Big LA
>Those shitty palm trees and GTA Sam Andreas houses
Grim and offensive. Why can't americans make a show about mexicans living in mexico without luchador aguacate nonsense?
Because it wasn't made by actual mexicans, or by people who have lived there or have even visited an hispanic country, the creator is some californian bitch who learned she has hispanic ancestry and is trying to capitalize on that.
it was hilarious when she was called out by actual spanish speaking people for being a poser, she had a mental breakdown and the studio delayed the premiere, forced her to change the tittle and the names of certain characters, but seems like she still didn't learn anything >>201759396.
Yes, because Mexicans are known not to speak Spanish.

Nor is it about Mexicans.
which characters were renamed? I remember one being called cockroach in spanish.
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Right is more realistic
>How DARE you portray us realistically and not like perfect anime angels

Okay, this seething is actually funny.
I find it very difficult to believe that Melissa Villasenor is not part jewish. She doesn't really look very Mexican at all
Right is accurate.
youre like two or three+ years behind on the outrage about this show, anon
Kek, it’s primos!
You went to America, you got assimilated and had your women uglied up, deal with it.
Right is a natural depiction.
>doesn't look very Mexican
Fuck you mean by this post? There are multiple Mexican phenotypes, retard.
She's also jewish lmao
Maybe in muttmerica, most northern mexicans look like the left
She's jewish lmao
You overestimate how your people look. Been there and most people were fucking ugly.
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Bro mexicans dont all look like shit.
The girls on the left do not look Mexican at all. Now the girls on the right, that's a more accurate depiction, very Mexican.
Keep my wife's name out yo fuckin Jewish shows
Isn't that Smiling Friends for Children (Formerly Chuck's)?
im not sure if thats the comparison id make but i can see where youre coming from. as far as kids shows goes its the least bad along with bluey.
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I will stand with my Mexican brothers until the end.
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This is exactly why "lolicons" are so fucking disgusting
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I hate every single character already
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>big nacho
Are those mexican names?
Tere is kinda cute.
lol I immediately thought of this >>201768576
absolutely hideous
Cute representation.
>white man thinks he has the authority to call something a parody of Mexican culture for some reason
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Just a quick reminder that this used to be titled "¡Oye Primos!" and the creator got dunked on for titling a supposed celebration of Chicano culture with a grammatical error. She then proceeded to defend the title by stating that the Spanish language in relation to Mexico, is a product of oppression, so she doesn't have to follow its conventions or rules.
>story about chicano who speaks spanish poorly has a spelling error
No shit, retard.
Just like Claudia Sheinbaum
You literally elected a Jewish woman for president lmfao
Ok funny story so my first apartment had communal grills on a timer because people like to break shit. They put up a big sign explaining how to use the grill. Spics bitch that it's only in english. So a new big sign in spanish went up and they can't fucking read that either. It got so bad that the office voicemail used to give an explanation. Grill was whites only effectively.
because it's a show for americans
>celebration of Chicano culture

that's the problem.
this feels like peggy hill made it
We can do whatever we want.
If you can't defeat them, kill em
>T. Colombian who is stuck with Petro for 2 more years despite never voting for him.
>the Spanish language in relation to Mexico, is a product of oppression
Then title it in nahuatl, you shiteating scumbag.
Filipino name
Spic snowflakes made a Jewish American latinx queen portrayed them accurately
You know that meme exists because it’s making fun of YOU. Anerimutts are ugly mutts because they mixed with YOU Mexicans. God brown “people” are retarded
Not a spelling error, retard. It's a grammatical error.
My spic friend hates this shit and goes berserk when he hears latinx.
Cousin Moot
The fact is that ‘Oigan Primos’ sounds worse even if it’s correct
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Aren't they Mexicans?
This would be like if Mexicans made a video about a trailer park in the fictional town of Tornadoville Arkansas. And every character was a stereotype of white trash.
Trailer Park Boys doesn't count because that was semi autobiographical
Looks like a ripoff of the loud house.
Did they change the name of the one who was originally named after cholo slang for pussy? I remember that being a minor meme.
Chad was one of the most Based wasted by terrible writing silent big guy characters in mango.
>mexican culture
They are about as Mexican as Taco Bell.
You don't understand just how deeply insecure and self-hating spics are about their racial identity and how pervasive it is in their culture. They're arguably the most colorist people on the planet.
Yes, we are extremely racist if that is what you mean.
I don't get why she didn't just title "Hey, Primos!". Chicanos are notorious for their use of Spanglish, so just own it. Or "Ey Primos!".
Aren't chicanos and mexicans the same thing?
The only relatively normal looking person in that image is Fito and even he looks 1000% Jewish
Chicanos are the children of Mexican immigrants, that grow up socialized in a dual Mexican-American culture.
>it's a "spic zoomers can't take banter and immediately start crying" episode
man these reruns are getting old
>has DBZ reference in the first ten seconds after the theme song
nah this is the authentic spic experience
The blue eyed blonde Canadian actress Sarah Gadon played a Mexican in the recent film Ferrari
>Big Nacho
>not Nachón
Una mierda.
>this meme about Americans is actually about Mexicans
>not the country that worships blacks, jews, asians, and browns
Typical amerimutt brain
It is. The guy that they traced the patient zero mutt was an army mexican from San Antonio named Gonzales. Cope and cry more.
Americans don't worship Asians, they try to pretend they do not exist and actively deny them a race card. They just worship darkies.
I'm sorry but I live around a ton of Mexicans and right is far more accurate. What are you all upset about? Make another joke about how we can't season our food properly ( even though it's not true) and we'll call it a day.
Their piggy preteen daughters all want to suck off kpop lady boys and transition because of it
I don’t have to cope about anything, your country is a fetid melting pot and that’s what the joke is retard
I'd watch that shit.
Mexicans love making fun of themselves a lot more than they like making fun of foreigners tho
If you think this is false just remember why Stop Asian Hate stopped when people began asking who were causing Asian hate.
You don't know what mutts OR mexicans are. Remarkable that you could be so spectacularly wrong, lmao.

"Mulatto" is the problem and that's negro blood, like all the dating app pictures of white women with hideous half-black toddlers.
chicano is a racist slur, it's basically the n-word for spics.
worse a ripoff of the Casagrande
Your country is led by a Jewish woman lmfao
>inb4 wahhh wahhh wahh more crying
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I thought the whole "Spics love DBZ" thing was something that 4chan made up. After all, Dragon Ball is popular everywhere. Then I started seeing examples out in the wild.
Real Mexicans don't give a shit about this culture mumbo jumbo. They just want to watch a good show. Shit like this is for liberal faggots to make themselves feel better.
But wasn't this show specifically made to pander to Mexicans?
Man a girl I knew from high school had a mulatto kid and I swear he's the ugliest thing I've ever seen but she plasters social media with him constantly as a single mom
Exactly. Made by white faggot liberals to pander to mexicans, who don't give a shit either way. If mexicans want to make a movie, they'll make one themselves. Otherwise they just want to watch the same superhero slop everyone else wants to watch.
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>Mexican mom and white dad
>white blonde haired blue eyed baby while the other two kids are brown
Does that actually happen? I remember being skeptical in that one Ryan Gosling movie where a similar thing happened when Rosario Dawson gave birth to a Hitler youth
>I thought the whole "Spics love DBZ" thing was something that 4chan made up
Of course it wasn't made up. If you grew up around spics or nigs, there was a good chance DBZ had a huge presence. Usually those kids would get in fights or get in trouble a lot, I guess because they loved to live vicariously through their shonenslop
Only sometimes like Justin Gaethje when the White gene is more dominant
>They dropped the "Oye" because it was grammatically incorrect and the Latino community gave them shit for it.
Lmao even
Spics are just a gross people. Same with their chicano offspring.
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Never underestimate the wrath of hispanic internet
come on, nexican culture is already a parody.
I think most Americans couldn't pronounce Ankauhn Xōtzuihtl
I honestly feel bad for gringos, they only get poor shitskin goblinas up north.
Not Mexican amerimutt
>( even though it's not true)
Im white, and we cant. Mexicans are butt ugly too. guess both sides of the fence are in denial about their inadequiecies.
That was the lead voice actor (Myrna Velasco) not the creator (Natasha Kline)
Ankaoon Shotsuille
Gross humor has been a thing for decades, retard
Me dicen el comal porque caliento a las gorditas
NO, those are more like, nicknames
>Mexicans in Mexico larp as 101% pure Visigothic Conquistadors.
>Mexicans in America are seen as short fat brown mongrels
gee, I wonder which is more accurate.
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Imagine actually calling one of your characters "Chacha".
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This thread is STILL going and meximutts are STILL crying about a stupid Disney cartoon? Lmfaooooooooooo
This is why I love Japan

Worship niggers and kikes, yes
Asians and browns? Fuck no, they label us white for a reason. What do you think the chances of a show like this based on nigger and/or kike stereotypes, on fucking disney of all places, would be? Motherfuckers can't even resist making half of the cast of a show about Latinos black.

Lol no it's not. That would be "latinx"

Yes, it happens. Both my parents are from Mexico. Dad is native brown, mom is light, I'm light, one brother is the same as dad, another is in-between. On my dad's side, my grandma looks like a little native lady, my grandpa was almost as light as I am and he had blue eyes. I have an aunt who's light and has dirty blonde hair, her kids have the same hair and a few have colored eyes. My uncle is dark, his wife is dark and their son looks like my grandpa. Long story short, beaners run the gamut when it comes to skin, eye, and hair color, even in the same family.
>mexican level
>everything is fucking yellow
Mexican culture is a parody of Spanish culture so it's ok
Lita looks cool.
>mexicans? yeah make them all look fucking retarded
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es es creatura
It's ironic, like calling a huge guy "Tiny".
There's something so mexican about these designs. The creator of the show took her time to design each character.
Does this show have an abuela? If it doesn't then hard pass.
I thought this cartoon had been cancelled after all the backlash.
Chicanos are Americanized Mexicans, typically can't speak Spanish and they get made fun of by real Mexicans
Those are the ones with the baggy pants?
Literally all of them at this point. Even PBS is replacing all of its legacy shows with this shit.
Because when you remove all that they're just brown muttoids that failed so hard to make a functioning civilization that they'd rather scramble north to stand outside of a Home Depot in the hopes of making $10 a day performing gruelling labor.
sucks your old high school crush got dicked down before you could tip your fedora at her
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>Big Nacho
"Cuquita" is now "Lucita".
a latinx making a taco

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