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Are there any serial killer movies set in a post-911 world that actually work well, /tv/? Or are we forever doomed to "retro" movies set in the 90s and earlier due to mass surveillance and other modern "investigation" methods?

What other relatively modern genres (so not westerns for example) are completely dead due to the world changing too much for them to be viable anymore?
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There's a lot of them in Europe, like various Arab mafias in France and whatever, but it's very amateurish and pathetic compared to real American cinema.
That’s true. Good point, anon. I guess I’m limited in my evidence to an American-based story being the setting.
The smartphone breaks almost all the laws set up with "retro" crime movies. The smartphone is going to be extremely difficult to implement into a story.
serial killers can still whack native reservationers. Even reservation cops don't give a shit, because they're too busy raping native women.
Same for horror movies, they used to do the whole no reception in spooky place thing but that doesn't really work anymore either, and watching people use phones in a horror is really jarring.

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Will Lea Seadoux star in the Death Stranding movie?
Lea Seydoux needs to star in one of my home movies.



>As soon as they see the news reports of a global catastrophic event, Wozzek (Skipper) and his wife Nellie (Christina Bennett Lind) flee from the city to a small cabin in the middle of nowhere and manage to survive, at least for a little while. Losing track of time and becoming bored with each other’s company, Wozzek attempts to drink away the days, while Nellie begins to grow resentful that her husband would rather spend his time with whiskey than with her. When a tragic accident takes Nellie from him, Wozzek is left alone and grief-stricken, with only his thoughts to keep him company. Soon years have passed and Wozzek has built a machine he believes can bring Nellie back from the dead. When a mysterious stranger starts visiting him every night and talking to him through the walls of the cabin, Wozzek is forced to contemplate his past and his future, but also questions his sanity.


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haven't heard of a single one
VOD releases are getting sparse. Big budget movies are getting dumped on streaming weeks after their release. Anyone can put anything on tubi or vimeo.
I care about race cars
How white exactly?
Can you point me to the new movies that aren't woke shit? the only recent one I can think of is code white and that's a series made by a man who shills for ID laws so not much better than woke really

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whoever designed the Voyager briefing room table should be shot, what an ugly piece of shit.
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They don't have to. They're just posturing
this episode exemplified everything I hated about Voyager. If Species 8472 (seriously? They didn't have a name for themselves?) wanted to study the Federation, the correct answer would have been to bring in several dignitaries of that species onto the ship and give them access to personnel and some of their files. Let them complete their mission, but do it on Voyager.
They have to because of the bad design
This isn’t any worse than that bog witch they hired to play the Captain.
>no dedicated place for the Captain

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So apparently they were gonna include scene of NYC being destroyed but it was right after 9/11 so they cut it
it was predictive programming
>it was predictive programming
scheduled to release after the fact?
Americans are so fragile. LMFAO

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>countless shows about this place
>nothing ever happens
Do ppl really watch this shit?
>Hitler Channel
>green filter
They gave you two warnings, anon.
I watched the first documentary of this, an absolute snoozefest
nids caught a black entity appear from a wormhole on the ranch
do with this information as you will
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As if a skinwalker would be foolish enough to go to a place literally named Skinwalker Ranch. They're not that gullible.
>nothing ever happens
the world is boring. no god, no satan. just earth and meaningless meaning.

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Anal sex or anal intercourse is generally the insertion and thrusting of the erect penis into a person's anus, or anus and rectum, for sexual pleasure. Other forms of anal sex include anal fingering, the use of sex toys, anilingus, pegging, as well as electrostimulation and erotic torture such as figging. Although anal sex most commonly means penile–anal penetration, sources sometimes use anal intercourse to exclusively denote penile–anal penetration, and anal sex to denote any form of anal sexual activity, especially between pairings as opposed to anal masturbation. That describes this film

You can have long quiet scenes that are both good and bad. Just because its long doesnt automatically make it good fucking hell.

A competent director would have directed those scenes in a way that doesn't put a hyperactive 5 year old to sleep. It's just shitty film making, no excuse.

Fuck off. Before Sunrise was litterally just two people walking around a city, talking and it wasn't boring for a second. You know why? BECAUSE IT HAD A COMPETENT DIRECTOR!

So it's confirmed the drugs have destroyed your brains. 2001 fans are literally DUDE WEED LMAO tier
Me? Gongaga
Kubrick breaking OPs buck beyond the grave.
Pseud filtered.

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I was so confused why dr cox from scrubs was a police officer
ok but I wasn't talking about whether the book was good or not
I hate to be one of those faggots but BASED

> Only Bader is still alive.

"bad" movies from before 2012 are masterpieces compared to anything that has came out since.

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Wake up honey! I’ve got your favorite soda and goldfish crackers. It’s 2024 and Rings of Power is on! You promised we’d watch it together.
she cute
i'd watch whatever slop she wants me to if she lets me hold her hand
>favorite soda
Aw sweet, I love G̷͎͇̼͖͙̺͉̝̹͉̖̓͆̈́̀̊̈́̔̀̔Ẹ̷̡̛̭̠̳̥̗̉̌̓̊̽̓̾̽̒̐͠L̵̡̧͕̤͙͙̞̙̱͇͙͖̿Ȩ̴͇̱͚̥̥͓̤̞̜̗͚̮̩͕̈́̌̔́́̒̇̈́̐͜͝͠T̷̨̹͕̪̹̱͝W̸̞̣̟͈̠͇͍̰͖̤̟͉͙̪̙̼͌̈́͊͐́̓̀̍L̵̟̘̝̳͔̠̮͈̭̏͠ ̵̨̛͎̻͓̦̿̂͌́̑̂̊̇̋̎̑̐͂̕T̵̙͇̮̥̞̺̑́͆̎̍̿̑̄̓̇͆̔͝R̷̦̦̫͓̱̖̤̣̎̓̀̊̆̊́́̕Ạ̷̧̮͎̣͚̭̠͍͈̻͈̟͉͓̙̓̎͆͒͘͝͝C̶̛͇̺̠͖̣̩̼͈̭̹̮̦̜͙̳̈́̈́̂͆̾̈́̚̕̚̚͝Ḩ̵̧̛͖̭̭̎͊̓̔͜S̸̡̼̣͈̳̱͕̖̯̬̹͉͈̠͐͜
You have to say things like Elliot Page is a great actor. And spend money on Mandolorian Legos.
don't care
cute girl is cute girl

what's the quintessential man movie?
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Kek, nothing manlier than Rock Hudson.
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based kino
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Should've been like first 3 posts
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for me it's barbwire
This seems like a movie that was supposed to be Mandela'd out of existence. I know I watched it, but it doesn't feel real.

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Realistically speaking, what would you do in this situation?
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Friendly reminder the other 50% are lying.
Friendly reminder that hispanics are just as gay so it evens out
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Nigga those spics were literally going to rape him. Might as well do it first
You're actually stupid.

1. The wallet would be soaked in blood, ruining the cash
2. They were hesitating on the murder because its still murder of a cop and that's heavy
3. They would if it meant murdering a cop or not
4. Latinos are all about family honour and God, so, yeah they would have stopped

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I don't know what to watch guys. I have just about every movie and tv show at my finger tips, but I do not know what to watch. Any good films or tv shows that stand out from 2023 to 2024 or anything before the pandemic before hollywood shut down? What movie or tv show should I watch?
speak no evil danish vs remake
which one tv bros?
Have you seen Sarah Gadon's latest kino, You Gotta Believe?
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I 'member this board was madly in love with Narcos & Narcos: Mexico
I just got done watching that last month. I couldn't make it past 3 episodes of the last season. It was very poorly shot and seemed rushed and like it was done by interns.

What are some good Christian movies and shows I should watch while waiting for the Passion 2 to come out?
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"For Greater Glory"

True story of the Catholic guerrilla war against the fedora Mexican government that was murdering priests to try to outlaw religion. One of those the history is crazier than fiction situations.

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tree of life
a man for all seasons
passion of joan of arc
all kino

also if you want protslop that one where muslims try to go back in time to assassinate jesus (lmao)

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this was decent, but the 4.3 on letterboxd is unreasonable. way too on the nose and melodramatic with its emotional manipulation and to really land all its swings.
I used a dead baby as a condom when I raped a horse.
I was hoping for the rare Thai kino but got a typical melodrama flick
You made millions doing that?
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seaniggers really overrated this film

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