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>replaced reddit quips with chud humor
>on track for a billion dollars
what did society mean by this?
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Must have been one of the cameos
Why hasn't posting with more than 4 post numbers been turned into an auto ban yet?
America has completely dominated the world economically, militarily and culturally while only being like 4-5 % of the world population. The minority can still have majority-like rule
They’re Trynna kick you out and you’re gonna fight for them? lol get back to work Hernandez Those oranges aren’t gonna pick themselves

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so, any of you taking finasteride? I've seen widely ranging opinions, what's your take?
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Fake doctor here, it will make your dick so big it will fall off if you take it for too long.
I probably won't need it since my grandfather (moms side) is at NW 1 and my dad is at NW 2-3 only now in his 60s. I wouldn't take it even if I was a hairlet though. I heard that it makes your dick floppy and messes with libido.
Don't do it op. Its effect everyone differently
After only 1 months It killed my sex drive completely, and took me 3 months to get back to over 300ngdl
I was still able to bone but had zero sex thoughts. It was very difficult on my relationship. We broke up later this year.
Hair transplant is the only thing that works. Nothing else will make your hair grow back. Drugs will only slow down further loss.
it's literally one of the drugs they give trannies to castrate them, so yeah you should snort some OP
If you're 30+ with a rock-solid hairline then obviously you will look younger than you actually are and approaching younger women for sex will seem less creepy to them. Look at this pic where Tom was already a middle-aged man going through his second divorce, but he could still pass for being in his late 20s.

It's pretty lame, but the points made are pretty well excecuted

It has potential to be funnier, it's just a little on the nose, to the point where that makes it funny even more cuz it just pisses people off
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im the funny norm, i want kinda funny beer.
kys bald faggot
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Woke is over
"Kind of lame"? It's an ugly looking flash cartoon, staring a caricature of a guy who hasn't been on TV since the Nixon administration, telling jokes which were considered passe a decade ago. It has nothing going for it. If you have an ironic appreciation for trash, fine, lots of people do. But don't tell me garbage has genuine artist merit, just because people correctly dismiss it as garbage.

>*Driving noise* Hey Bane, look, I'm on my way meeting with Dr. Pavel, as usual. And, you know, I was just thinking about that mask you were wearing last time *turn signal click* you know, the one with Iron bars, remember ? You never took it off so...*honk* *brake* HEY WATCH OUT *motor sound* Well, now, that mask, I'm thinking maybe you'd die if you took it off ? Don't know. Tell me what you think of it and we talk further when I'm back. I'm really curious.

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Do it
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> a woman 20 years younger than him and she's just like omg stfu
So true. They pulled me out of my slumber in the void for this shit? lol.
>Only if you get emotional during a crisis anon, or if your begging for it from a partner.

so when are you "supposed" to be emotional?

i shed a tear when the dog died, but i dont feel the need to break down and lose all control. pretty sure women are hardwired to filter out men like that for evolutionary purposes
>Listen to someone you think may have nothing in common with you
Not listening to some fag liberal tell me what work is like when they only click buttons on a keyboard

>Check in on yourself.

lmao yeah ok keep hangin' around
Negroniposting and Wattsposting are the only reasons I visit this board. Interesting how these two singular events can elicit such endless discussion.

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Alexander Hamilton was white!
And Seth Harris has a small penis!

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There's too much kino to watch, I can't keep track of it all. Recommend me something
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Try that Roddy Piper movie Hell Comes to Frogtown.
This one has Sarah Gadon

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>A new video of Francis Ford Coppola kissing and grabbing female extras on the set of ‘MEGALOPOLIS’ has surfaced online.
>He reportedly announced with a microphone to the entire room “Sorry, if I come up to you and kiss you. Just know it’s solely for my pleasure.”
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Joe Biden has unironically done worse, yet no liberals ever call him out for it.
What’s the issue?
He's going out with a bang and not a whimper
A fat pig and a parasite, what else would you expect?
>old tryhard jew is weird around women

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>Deadpool made money
>Inside Out 2 made money
>Long Legs made money
>Maxxxine made money
>Despicable Me 4 made money
>Twisters made money
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I just want jews to lose money is that so bad??
Twisters honestly. The only movie I am actually interested in seeing this summer is Trap, however.
Maxxxine nope, Twisters needs to pass 400M + it's tanking overseas.
Josh harnett should be /ourguy/
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Sorry but I'm never wrong and I'm definitely smarter and more mature than all of you.

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>investigated by the FBI for 12 years
>no evidence of criminal conduct found
>investigate any youtuber
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>Michael was confirmed to spend days in a row in his bedroom with young boys
Sounds like a nice fun, jovial man who is normal and loves a party, and definitely not a man with issues. I bet he was fucking hot women all the time. He was definitely not homosexual.
He was abused all his life by his father, Made to perform and miss schooling and regular socialization with children his age, Dude never had a healthy childhood
YouTubers are evidence that an overabundant one is just as unhealthy
Very true, I really want to learn what Psychological factor makes all YouTubers press or abusers
Michael Jackson's Chocolate Factory should've been real.

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What happened to fantasy kino like this?
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well, the film wasn't that successful
You should become a writer/director and bring it back for us anon kun
where's a William Hjortsberg when you need one
Fantasy is a hard genre to approach because a lot of retarded American boomers think all fantasy is just for kids, and a lot of retarded European pseuds like to make fantasy this weird, obtuse, metaphorical, nonsense. So you end up with a decent amount of attempts, but very few big successes.

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>My Führer, Steiner...
>Yes, yes, what is it?
>Chef it's...the restaurant you own.
>Go on?
>A customer. They've seemed to...order off the menu.
the bear needs to chill with the weezer songs. hearing in the garage was unnecessary.
I can't find hitler is informed that fegelein is gay.

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literally me
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She was too into this scene
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Felicity is so cute and hot

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The Matrix was kino because it was a boat movie.

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Will it be kino?
looks like kino. ill be watching
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>casting this DYEL to play pic related
better be a good enough show to make up for it
Thank god its a tv series and not a movie. Plot-wise, there really isn't much that happens in the first Yakuza game so they should be able to have some fun with the episodes

I will be seated

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