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>movie set in the future
>currency is called "credits"
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>frogposter movie
>currency is piss bottles
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>movie set in the hellscape full of monsters and roaming gangs
>currency is called "dollarydoos"
>movie set in the 1980s
>people make purchases using "credit cards"
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>movie is set in the future
>2000s are called "the dark ages"

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And trannies all say they "just knew" when they were 5 years old. Trannies are habitual liars.
nope the one that did the fourth said that they wrote it from a tranny experience but the film itself is not an allegory
hmm. so cypher was the real hero all along
These Anons get it. They flew too close to the sun and were punished by ZOG for it. It’s not just for blackmail purposes that so many celebs groom out, turn gay, have family groom out or turn gay, have family that gets killed. It’s a price they HAVE to pay in exchange for success. The people who never get anywhere or fizzled out are sometimes that way because they refused to accept the bargain, and therefore were never granted access to high fame/success
>Were you listening to me, Neo? Or were you looking at the woman in the red dress? Look again.
>She's now revealed to be a dude in drag.
Yep, it was trannies the whole time.

Why was Jack upset about Kate sleeping with Sawyer despite never making a move on her?
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You're not a very experienced spooner are you?
where do you think we are?
is it a padded bra?
Do any of them even have careers at this point?
Harold Perrineau is playing the same character in From

Worth watching?
Some say it's a cult classic, others say it's a boring Terminator ripoff. What does /tv/ think?
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There seem to be multiple cuts of the film.
Someone even uploaded it to Youtube:


However this version is missing a lot of scenes+music of the uncut/r-rated version like this song
>>203593459 for example

A shitty vhs rip can also be found here:


Although the quality is abysmal it seems to be the uncut version at least.
the protagonist reminds me of Jon Bernthal
i watched it in the mid 90s and i felt it was a bit clonky but i was so into cyberpunk shit that i got what i could get. would have enjoyed it more a few years prior when i was a tween. like others said it was a bit stretched... i wish it would have been a series of film to expand that universe.. a series of more or less standalones. it would have been too much to ask to do this in tv form back then, they were just too cheap.
Saw it once back when it came out and still remember the Iggy Pop rant word for word:
>This is Angry Bob coming at you loud and clear on W.A.R. Radio - somewhere on your dial I'm gonna WAKE YOU UP! We've got some good news from Ferrile Electronics, the De-fence Department has just given them the go-ahead to mass-produce the new Mark-13 cyborg and as a result eight hundred wonderful new jobs are to be created on the main assembly line. So get your unemployed asses on down to Ferrile Electronics and get yourself a job hmmm?

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It is close of being rape.
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Rocky was just persistent, he never raped Adrian retard
You wondering if it's rape is the whole point.
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Nah, Deckard went to the hotel to fuck Rachel. He was basically indulging in Phil Resch's advice. If anything it carried a similar rapey vibe as its "we either have sex or I'm gonna go kill the rest of the androids." but then he says he is gonna kill them anyway after having sex.
The book has basically nothing to do with the movie outside its premise. Scott was too much of a retard to even make it through a single chapter. I'm not kidding.

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>movie has interracial relationships
You don't actually mind interracial relationships, you mind BMWF relationships because it makes your tiny white penis tingle and you're insecure about it.
who's that pokemon?
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Why are you like this?
You get called a cuck so much that you need to have an image saved to defend yourself? Kino and based dare I say.
google projection

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Movies are one of the poorest for forms of storytelling, only better than songs and poems.
Your cats will eat you after you choke to death eating salad all alone.
That's is the weak ass ending God gave you.
you guys need to come in here and debate me

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ITT: Iconic movie quotes

I don't even have to post this one, you can probably hear it in your head ;)
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>I don't even have to post this one, you can probably hear it in your head ;)
Bet no one knows this one
if I pull that off, will you die?
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>he's a relatively large fella.

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I’m on season 6, when does it get good?
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Which season does meadow go to college and get jewblacked? Every thing up to that season. They get super preachy about woke shit like race mixing and Christopher Columbus and that keeps up throughout the show.
s1e1 (stops being good in the same episode)
Season 3. Currently on that now.
I thought Season 1 was good. Season 2 was boring apart from the last episode
Season 3 episode 1 was kino and then it returned to form. Not looking forward to the double ep count of season six.
>The Scatino arc
>Chip and Dale
>le woke
>literally standard liberal talking points from the early 2000s that 90% of the population agreed with at the time

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Finally got around to watching the latest ghibli slop. Complete waste of time. Miyazaki clearly intended it as an art project rather than a coherent film. It’s just
>Alice in Wonderland, Japan
without the soul.
But there was a 15 minute segment where the mc explored a haunted graveyard and sails around a magical ocean that was pretty good.
Miyazaki should make an animated film entirely about sailing, that would be true kino.
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you are genuinely retarded, its his magnum opus and his most personal film
Antz and Shrek are better
I like that Miyazaki has gone full Japanese boomer and wants the good old days of the Co-Prosperity Sphere back.
Both during my initial view and while thinking about it afterwards I went back and forth on thinking it was either brilliant and subpar.
There's legitimate arguments for both stances, but I will say that it's definitely his least effective film purely off the fact that it stuck with me the least.
His other movies I had many dreams about.
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Was the realm at the top of the tower like a personal heaven, is that what he was offering Mahito? I didn't really understand the stack of blocks he had to maintain to keep the tower world standing, and the way Mahito described them as grave stones.
And did that old lady get caught in paradox where she was somehow born in the tower world, but also went there for the first time as an old woman?

>horror movie without any jumpscares??!!
I look like this.

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I give /tv/ a lot of shit but you guys really came through this time and I appreciate that. Truly.

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what are some autumn kinos?
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That's a winter classic
Thanks very much anon but i’m in a corner in europe somewhere lol
The first one is, the second literally has "fall" in it

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>even cutesy autistic girls get to be piped down by Chad, teehee

Movie ruined
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God I wish I'd get to pipe Audrey into her tight little shitter.
What makes them not just whores but worthless whores? They are unable to take dick?
Why do people like anal? It is a pooping hole. Do you like diarrhea on your dick?
>Why do people like anal? It is a pooping hole.
That's what makes it hot and humiliating for the female. Also feels good man.
>Do you like diarrhea on your dick?
I don't fuck American girls.
Its extremely tight. Like fucking a soda bottle.

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My favorite part of the O’Reilly rant is when he yells “CAN’T DO IT” then frustratedly checks his watch
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And then he nailed it live like the pro he is.
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Weird to see what a real life power bottom looks like. He's probably still dildoing his ass and telling women about it.
I like how a man that old has apparently somehow never heard the phrase "play us out" before

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