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I have a morning ritual that I need to share. I call it "the terminator". First I crouch down in the shower in the classic "naked terminator traveling through time" pose. With my eyes closed I crouch there for a minute, visualizing either Arnold or the guy from the second movie (not the chick in the third one because that one sucked) and I start to hum the terminator theme. Then I slowly rise to a standing position and open my eyes. It helps me to proceed through my day as an emotionless, cyborg badass. The only problem is if the shower curtain sticks to my terminator leg. It ruins the fantasy. I found tonight that it is more successful to progressively humm it louder as you perform the ritual.
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a certified /tv/ classic
Isn't this from before /tv/?
Witness them
Maybe. I've only ever seen it on /tv/.

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why doesn't dexter kill black criminals? i just noticed this. most of them are white
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Dexter kills lots of hispanics. I can think of three off the top of my head.>>203673509
He let him go. I can’t remember if he goes back to kill him tho.
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I always wondered what he did with all the plastic wrap and PPE equipment when he was done, in S2 it's never mentioned that he dumped it all with the bodies or not
Micheal C Hall used to joke that they would die from gang wars before he could even start planning out the kill
Serial killers are people who get away with it for a long time.
Black people will shoot at each other point blank in broad daylight in groups with security cameras in their faces.
They will kill a handful of people all at once then get arrested or die from the other side retaliating
He only goes after the smart serial killers that are less likely to get caught.

He's behind me isn't he?

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It's almost October anons, what horror movies do you own in your collection?
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>Ichi The Killer, Riki-Oh
Based. The gem of my collection is Chopping Mall or Street Trash
Just rewatched Fright Night recently and it's a lot of fun. The remake is decent and has a neat setting, but they played it pretty straight without as much humor. For a more similar movie that doesn't get a lot of attention, check out Vamp from the 80's with Grace Jones.
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According to my records, I have 253 horror movies in my collection. I have a lot of the mainstream classics, but I prefer to collect lesser-known horror movies since they aren't guaranteed to be available as readily.

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ITT: let's come up with a fake show or movie and discuss it. I'll then take all the posts and put them into the notebooklm ai to have a "deep dive short podcast" made about it.
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This is every lefty podcast down to a tee
how does this black magic work
what the fuck
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This, but Awkwafina would have to play the Dexter character and she can make hilarious wisecracks based on the rapist's crimes after she has broken them with her collection of strapons and dildos. Of course most of the rapists would be hot women because those are the ones more likely to get away with such crimes.I

She would work as a cum splatter expert for the Miami police and like how Dexter often performs blood splatter Patten experiments she would do the same, but squirting her lady juice everywhere or a willing male assistant's filthy yoghurt.

Her adoptive father could have found her in a shipping container after her mother got butaked to death so she is actually afraid of large quantities of baby gravy.
Sean Connery cameo

Beloved Star Trek: The Next Generation actor and Emmy winner Sir Patrick Stewart, aged 84.
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You fool you just killed captain picard
that is pretty shocking news
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Trips and he fucking dies at 90.
A long time ago.

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if you were Richie Rich, would you give a fuck if you didn't have any friends?
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Gloria was too ugly
"They are led by a woman... What does a woman know?"
she was a kid that resembled anyone you'd encounter in your class at that age
I'm poor and don't give a fuck so I guess having money would be nice.
She looked like a soulless potato face. Typical for a redhead.

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George robbed us of a better duel.
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Any snoke chads in here? Sound off in the chat

where the fuck is mission impossible 8?
everything just pales in comparison to tom cruise kino
tom cruise is a short shriveled up raisin of a man now, he's old and he smells like cigarettes

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As a young child in the 90s I vividly remember a scene where a man squeezes a woman's tits and says "honk honk!"

I don't know which show it was or which actor it was, but I think the actor may have been Ted Danson. Here is what I remember about the scene:

- Woman on left, man on right
- Man is wearing a khaki trenchcoat and is about to leave some kind of office
- Man was star of show, may have been a doctor or radio host
- Woman had nice decently sized breasts
- While talking to the woman the man suddenly reaches forward and grabs one breast in each hand and squeeses them twice while saying "honk honk!"

This shocked me as a kid when I saw it, it was the only time I'd ever seen a woman's breasts touched by a man on television. To this day I'm rather shocked I saw it on a sitcom that was otherwise (I think) rather tame, no different than other sitcoms.

Do any anons have any idea which show this might and been and which actors? I'm wondering if it might have been Cheers, but I think it was a different show about people working at the office of the main character (who squeezed the tits).

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Hello, based department?
Big Harv did nothing wrong and Hollywood has been an absolute shit show since he was (((sacrificed))).
Hollywood is dead, long live indie filmmaking and Bollywood, inb4 poo in loo btw, they are putting out real kino, non-poo related content at this juncture and I recommend you all tune in

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>You never know when you're gonna find your dream person. Anyone on the street could be they.
There's no such thing as a "dream person." I hate how Hollywood peddles this shit.
it's not meant to be taken literally desu

>character is running away
>I Ran starts playing
What's the most on the nose music choice you've seen in a movie?
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That was the worst one because it's not even a song about zombies. It's like if a billionare played Fortunate Son.
The Times They Are A-Changin during the Watchmen open.
>nerd character slightly revolts against the system
> Bad to the bone starts playing
>Clark Kent decides to take up skateboarding
>So Here I Am starts playing
>Character goes back in time
>meets his love interest, that has no recollection of what they've been through together

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What are some good depressing movies?
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this movie truly appealed to both genders of pedophile
Mean as fuck ending.
Raging Bull
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here you go fellas. Steve Zahn does great, if can relate to the kid then fuck...

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