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How is this bad? Its literally a perfectly cast remake with a good plot.
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Based off critics and fan reviews
I like X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Both the workprint and "finished" version. It's so fucking stupid it reminds me of actual comic books. It almost plays out like a parody of them with the bad CGI, terrible oversentimental moments, bad jokes, and pointless inclusions of character setups that never paid off. People diss on it like it's worse than the other 20+ shitty MCU films people forget exist, but the fact that people even remember to shit on it at all sets it above the rest.
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The best boat movie ever made.
I had a free ticket to see Origins and I still felt ripped off.
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>Based off critics and fan reviews
Based Stephen Sommers appreciator
Yes that's why the thread is "bad" movies not bad movies maybe you should learn to read instead of using a decade old meme to try and fit in
Op thinks its missing "diversity".
>, movies you like
Why would I think it needed more diversity when I said I liked it
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A lot of Cage films fall under this umbrella but this is probably my favorite of the bunch
This movie and the Rock are kino
I don't think those late 90s Cagekinos qualify as "bad" movies because they were well received by audiences. I think OP is looking for movies that were hated by audiences and critics yet still liked by a select few viewers.
So many movies were "bad" when they came out but are masterpieces compared to what we have now. We were so spoiled
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Then this is all I can think of
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This one was good. Also it's insane how much Anna Kendrick looked like Bella Thorne in this.
This was flawed but had Courtney Cox and Lt. Paris in it.
I came out of this movie at release absolutely hating it but I've grown fonder of it over the years
they wasted so much money on this shit it bankrupted cannon and they almost released it without an ending
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yep it's kino
Worth it. Boy me loved telling the others about the time the cop in the movie said "DAMN!" or something and shot the bad guys with a shotgun. I didn't care that it wasn't like the cartoon I just had a good time.
The opening book scene was surprisingly effective and could work in an actual gothic horror.
Peter MacNicol killed it as Renfield, and some scenes I did actually laugh at.
Making Betty fat wasn't cool.
It's Mel Brooks's final good film for sure. Not perfect, but close. Men in Tights is trash with a few good moments.
You are insane if you think anyone thinks this is "bad". You are definitely not to be trusted with movies and probably children. Fuck you.
Superhero Movie
The practical special effects and costumes were great too. Even the McGuffin device was kinda cool.
That's the hottest and most normal that woman has ever looked. N' yeah that musical instrument thing was neat in a simple magical way that works in a film like that meant for kids.
Its comfy
all certified kino in my opinion
why the fuck did they cast Rosie O'Donnell as Betty
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It's actually a good sci-fi, not the greatest sci fi ( but name 3 great scifi movies) nowhere near as bad as the nerd critics say.
the only real problem with it is the obnoxious overuse of Dutch angles, other than that it's a fine SciFi film, not great but fine, it mostly gets hate due to being based on an L Ron Hubbard book
yeah sure
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Genuinely great movie adaptation of a classic sitcom. There we're so many good versions of these back then like the Brady bunch movie or the dennis the menace movie
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what is wrong about my assesment?
the book was also shit. his whole career was quantity over quality
I was so confused why dr cox from scrubs was a police officer
ok but I wasn't talking about whether the book was good or not
I hate to be one of those faggots but BASED

> Only Bader is still alive.

"bad" movies from before 2012 are masterpieces compared to anything that has came out since.

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