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/tv/ - Television & Film

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what's the quintessential man movie?
Master and Commander
Starship Troopers contains all the lessons a man must learn.
Once Upon A Time In The West
Any Western, really. I've never met a woman who had the patience for any of them.
Commando? It’s mostly just Schwartzneggar running around killing people with his shirt off
Way too much female screen time.
Cool Hand Luke
The algorithm gods have spoken.
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Virtually anything with Russell Kino.
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Fight Club
come on
virtually anything with BOATS is what you mean
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>make a film so faggy that even faggots avoided it at the box office
This, Predator is a true study of masculinity
Conan the Barbarian, and it's not even close
came here to say this
probably anything with Charles Bronson
came to say conan, also came to say it's not close at all. conan the barbarian has more test-per-frame than any film before or since
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High Plains Drifter.
Almost toxically offensive to women and Clint being a massive chad all the way through just makes it worse.
Cool. I'll put it on the list.
Boats 2
End of Evangelion
Don't bother. There's no boat in it.
Rambo 4
Lethal weapon
Lethal weapon 2
Though if I had to pick one and only one it's the first Lethal Weapon.
I remember watching it with my ex wife and her finding the ending stupid where Riggs lets Mr. Joshua loose so they can fist fight to see who's really the best, no tricks no bullshit. She could not for the life of her understand it. We're also divorced because of my toxic masculinity so I feel like I'm a good authority on this shit and I'm racist too to add to my bona fides
The Wild Geese.
Any of the great westerns really

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Rio Bravo is fucking tight
The Searchers
even something like High Noon which comes at it from a different angle
The Shootist is another one, where John Wayne plays a dying gunfighter
Conan the Barbarian
Out of the Past (with Mitchum obviously)
White Heat or Little Caesar with Jimmy Cagney
War kino like Lawerence of Arabia, Dirty Dozen, etc
Fucking Bullitt
Elite Squad or Heat
>Heat literally done by Mann
the body mass alone
something with lots of female nudity i suppose
Which cut?
Predator, easily.
The Dirty Dozen
Looks cool. I'll give it a watch.
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The Gunfighter.
Nothing more manly than a man fulfilling his destiny without any fear
boat 3 looking interesting
That was back when people were more accepting of gays
The pendulum is swinging back because they keep touching kids and telling them to cut their cocks and tits off
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>Bush years
>more accepting of gays
yeah no
An Idiot Saves the President
Michael Mann's film Ferrari, starring the Canadian actress Sarah Gadon
We were ambivalent. I shouldn't say 'accepting' we were tolerant. Most people were like "hey who cares what people do in their bedrooms, let em get married"
Then they started getting naked in front of children and suing people for not making a cake with two marizpan men sucking each other off or whatever
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Legally Blonde
It was still Don't Ask, Don't Tell back then. Now it's you WILL let us groom your children and there's nothing you can do about it.
This is what I was trying to avoid, another conversation about body mass.
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>Sex scene
>Only see this dudes ass
Reservoir Dogs
Why are you pretending to have been born before 2005?
It's about a woman finding redemption, though, which women can't stand the idea of because it implies accountability.
I'm 38, nigger
Ice Station Zebra, because it's men doing manly things and there is not a single woman in the movie.
>Jobs off scene
Kek, nothing manlier than Rock Hudson.
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based kino
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Should've been like first 3 posts
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