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Realistically speaking, what would you do in this situation?
Go for an improvised weapon like one of the several beer bottles on the table.
"No, I'm white."
Make the man some fookin' eggs.
Laugh at the Polynesian acting like he's Chicano. Such a horrible actor. Only white people think he passes for all those ethnicities he plays lol
I think real cops would go to their captain ans tell them the guy is a nut. No way they would risk their life.
is this really the own you think it is?
>haha white people don't know we're actually different shades of shit brown
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all three beaners have guns, they're only wrestling you into the bathtub because its easier to clean up
if you manage to run out of the room/house, knock one out, glass one in the eye, or begin to get the upper hand in any way, they'll just draw and ventilate you, you'd have to neutralize all three at once AND pray none of the moneycount bitches goes to check if everything is ok AND pray that no one outside the house knows you've been marked for death
even the bathtub part is retarded
>can check your pants for wallet after blowing your head off
>would've shot you as soon as the wallet is out
>wouldn't call a family member in the middle of an assasination
>wouldn't spare you even after confirming you saved their niece from rape

your only real chance is dual wielding bottles, blinding two at the same time, and pushing one/use as shield to tackle the last one

shoving the table was a retarded desperation move

Save some high school girl from being raped, obviously.
>How about a magic trick?
>I'm going to make this bottle disappear.
*squat over a bottle and get my shit pushed in*
>Ta da! it's gone.
See if Hector is running spoon engines and help him beat Toreto.
I’d listen
I would do what no one else had done, I'd listen.
You’re welcome to try but my crust is damn near impenetrable so good luck.
I wouldn't unload my piece that's for damn sure, no matter how nicely they asked.
Hey, can I see your gun for a second? I'm a friendly guy I promise, and I'll give it right back, just want to see it for no good reason. Sure, just let me unload it first so you can't use it. That will keep me safe from the guys who clearly already have loaded guns
No dip hed keep his bullets. He knew that they couldn’t use theirs because if they shot him the cops could dust the bullets for prints and trace it back to them
bend over, grab my ankles and start singing, "my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard..."
Why did Hector continually go on and on and getting his asshole fucked? Is he one of those homo-mexos?
Probably the same. There's no way out. Wouldn't have been smart enough to throw the cards. Grab the bottle and hit Tuco who's closest to me first. After that I don't know. Probably have my shit shoved in.
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Not hand over my gun and instead shoot all of them.
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Take out my Ganzo Firebird FB7651 folding knife and start slashing in every direction
While I was travelling I was looking for some coke once. Met a guy who knew a guy. He had me walk five blocks with him, when we got there it was an apparment on the fifth floor. His buddies where there, he said.

I said: "Thank you and have a nice day." Turned around and walked back. I was getting flashbacks to this scene. Would've probably been fine, but I'm not a complete retard.
So cringy. Almost ruins the movie. Luckily Denzel is there. And the Monte Carlo.
Coke's just superpot anyway. Continue listening to your gut, anon. Glad I quit long ago.
Ask why is a Polynesian roleplaying as a Mexican
>implying they don't look the same
*Laughs in Wholesome*
Yeah, coke is more like a youth sin for me. The tipping point was when I was going out and looking for coke every time instead of enjoying myself.

It never got bad, but I was always looking to score some every time I went out.

I still do it, but very rarely. If it's offered to me at a party. I never buy any and I don't ask for it. I even refuse a lot of the times. I'm happy with just my beers.
Not hand someone my gun?
I'd ask them why they hang out with the guy who pushed their shit in.
Shit myself
Just buy a Coke instead. Really, the company that takes the cocaine out of it sometimes does a bad job and some batches of Coca-Cola are real ones. How often does it happen? No idea really, but I found two real ones in 20 years or so.
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Maoris are the Mexicans of Australia/NZ. Islanders are the Central Americans
>t. brisbanoid
How did you know they were real? Did you act funny?
Realistically? I'd get my shit pushed in.
Once you've done it, you know, but let's just say I enjoyed that Coke way more than I should have. Not proud of it, it just is what it is. I prefer pot anyway. Kinos coming to mind are Cheech and Chong's Next Movie and nothing else.
I'm white and I don't care.
Cook the man some fuckin eggs.
I think this would work.
You can't do anything. You're either gonna die or be extremely lucky
>You can do anything. You're gonna be extremely lucky
I have basedlexia.
i dont need to do shit, my ese hector has my back
Never mind, he was a genius all along
I'm picturing that hippo from the animal movie.
"No, I'm not familiar with hispanic male bonding culture."
They prefer latinx now.
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By then, I would have formulated my escape using common household chemicals. If I had known about the encounter prior, I would have had a large automatic machine gun mounted in the trunk of my car, ready to be activated by a simple key fob.
I would probably let God save me.
I think they would've figured a way around that... it was probably more likely not giving them a
"Well the plainclothes cop tried to shoot us after losing in a friendly card game! Thankfully pedro here was quick on the draw and was able to put him down before he could get more rounds off! We were just defending ourselves"!
They shoot the cop using their gun, then use his gun to shoot the wall once or twice. Investigators can't tell which was shot first, so their self-defense argument would actually work. Alanzo would probably put in a good word for them too, and it likely wouldn't have ever gotten to court.

If they had taken the bullets and loaded the gun AFTER the officer was shot, then their fingerprints would now be all over the mag and bullets, and it would be less likely that would fool the investigators.

The corrupt cops did the exact same shit when stealing the bags of cash from the old guy. Used his gun to shoot one of the officers (in the arm) so that their "he shot first" story would pass the sniff test.
So dumb that they were going to shoot him in the bathtub and he pulls the curtain with their faces inside. He would've blown a hole clean through that batthub with that shotgun. And where would they clean the brainpieces out of their hair? Faggot just wrecked the batthub and now there's a corpse in his house. Terrible writing.
Were they going to bum him?
>And where would they clean the brainpieces out of their hair?
... right there, in the shower.
>it's the last bathtub on earth
I have a drone loitering over my position at all times and it's rigged up with old soviet explosives so if I push one button we're all going down.
tbf, only one of them had hair. But you have to admit it's pretty silly.
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Yeah there's probably not a simpler solution to avoid getting prints on anything. It had to be this way or no way at all.
Yeah, probably just wanted their faces to be visible for the scene.
Also, if they were smart, they would've used a handgun instead of a shutgun. Much less cleanup. Just turn on the shower to quickly wash the blood (and fingerprints) off the body, and then move him.... with a shotgun they would've been picking bits of fragment skull out of the popcorn ceiling for a while.
And then it flows out of the hole you just blew in it leaving a soapy bloody muck on your bathroom floor instead of going down the drain.
No, they created a lot of extra work and problems for themselves like that. You have to break out the bathtub, clean everything up, get a new bathtub, get rid of the corpse etc.

Just knock him out, put him in the trunk and go elsewhere. It's clear these spics have never watched a Scorcese movie.
Yeah i'm probably overthinking it. He's probably trying to be "safe" by unloading it, but not realizing that they all have guns of their own, and it doesn't actually make a difference.
You sound like you know what you're talking about. Tell me more.
yeah, they should've used a handgun instead. A shotgun would've destroyed that tub.
see >>203676915
TBDESU with you it's been years since I've seen it so don't even remember how it went down. I'll have to rewatch it.
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I'd be surprised if that didn't overpenetrate too. I've seen a 9mm ricochet go through a floor and two walls downstairs. I know that's not the same thing as a skull and a bathtub but it makes me wonder.
I just have to ability of foresight when it comes to avoiding unnecesary future work. I'm more talented at being lazy. Nobody likes to work, so work a little now to avoid more work later. Baffling how people don't understand this concept. Trial and error teaches them nothing.
Probably depends on the round, the pistol, etc.
A 9mm fired from a rifle with a locked breach (or whatever you call it) will have significantly faster velocity than being fired from a blowback pistol with a barrel half the length. Also subsonic vs supersonic ammo, different bullet weights, FMJ vs whatever vs hollowpoint.
This was an fmj so naturally more penetration but it was one of those small springfield xd's so less velocity at the muzzle. It was also a ricochet so I'm assuming it lost some energy from that and would have gone a lot further if it didn't hit that.
Doesn't shutgun have less penetration for buckshot (at home-defense distances)
It still would've destroyed that tub though. Close range all that buckshot tightly grouped together would just push its way through anything organic.
It would still have a shitload of penetration especially through some cheap ghetto walls. They could probably put a few phonebooks under his head.
Kek. Please hold still as I place these yellow pages under your head. It's a chicano thing, don't ask.
It's been a long time so I don't remember much of the movie. But cmon gringo you don't want to be racist just let me put the books down!
>well done. you are free to leave essay.
Chicanos are half-breed monglers so who cares lmfao.
i cant justify spending 300 on a knoife, the flames don't make it stab faster then it's evidence you'll never see again
keep playing poker with them, maybe I can smooth talk my way out, maybe I can win myself out
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>not give them my gun
>rape them all because I’m so fucking horny
300 what?
First off: your place smells nice, which is surprising. I have this sexual fantasy where you invite your cousins to a hotel room and I'm there. Your cousins enter the room. And then you leave. Card.
You really think they could get it up for you?
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That’s ok if they don’t. Their tiny limp brown clitties would make me harder
Not surprising that a peculiar one figured out a way to get a limp dick in his ass.
Friendly reminder that at least 50% of black men have had homosexual intercourse. Friendly reminder that black men are more than twice as likely to be gay than whites or asians. Buckbroken and zesty.
Friendly reminder the other 50% are lying.
Friendly reminder that hispanics are just as gay so it evens out
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Nigga those spics were literally going to rape him. Might as well do it first
You're actually stupid.

1. The wallet would be soaked in blood, ruining the cash
2. They were hesitating on the murder because its still murder of a cop and that's heavy
3. They would if it meant murdering a cop or not
4. Latinos are all about family honour and God, so, yeah they would have stopped
Cook the man some fuggin eggs
You draw your snub-nose .38 from an ankle holster and put 2 in the chest of each one of them.
You draw your snub nose .30 from your underwear holster and blow your brains out before the can rape you.
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Write him a 250 word ese on why they all should let me off scot free.
>Not hand over my gun
This, dumbest piece of writing in the movie
i would say chill ese
My name is Jeff.
You might be the dumbest mother fucker I've ever seen.
They need a company to remove the cocaine from Coke? Like as they make Coke cocaine is naturally formed and needs to be taken out.
That's Jeffe, mayun..
I think you need to rewatch the movie then. The character still has a sense of naivety to him. He is still green and thinks there is a code. In his mind there is no way these individuals were hired to kill a cop. That is unthinkable of to him. The repercussions from it alone, in a just world, would remove any notion of it happening. Dabbing some dust and killing a criminal in cold blood is one thing, but greenlighting cop killing? No way.
It's a pivotal moment for the character because he learns to full extent of the world he is in. He also learns the loyal surrounding that world; though the means of rescuing the cousin.

In a real world situation though the best course of action would be to draw down on them. If you're forced into a gunfight you scoot and shoot your way out. Low chance of living and you're banking on the people you're fighting being pussies.
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any time you have problems with cholos or other hispanic gangsters just tell them "ey chill ese!" and tell them you like cypress hill
He was an experienced beat cop looking to make detective, not a rookie, it's 100% retarded that he would hand his gun over to ANYONE, much less a group of criminal cholos
I love Cypress Hill! jump arouuund, jump arouuund!
Mumble "My name Jeff"
>Latinos are all about family honour and God
lol criminals have honor now? next thing you know niggers are gonna plead the omerta to cover for them homies
Wasn't he high on PCP during this?
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realistic speaking, is there a role Cliff Curtis can't play?
we need another tropic thunder-esque movie
is it possible in today's climate?
call him latinx before he blows my brains out
I would go like

Who you trying to get crazy with, ése?
Don't you know I'm loco?

To the one on the flamboyant tip
I'll just toss that ham in the frying pan
Like Spam, get done when I come and slam
Damn, I feel like the Son of Sam
Don't make me wreck shit, hectic
Next get the chair, got me going like General Electric
And the lights are blinking, I'm thinking
It's all over when I go out drinking
Oh, making my mind slow
That's why I don't fuck with the big four-o
Bro, I got to maintain
'Cause a nigga like me is going insane
Could he have gotten away with more time?
Before i saw the movie All the talk of this scene led me to believe this was his demise and when I finally saw the movie I thought this was it he was getting wasted. These threads were really misleading
Yeah, we don't do spoilers. We are actually a bunch of kindhearted musketeers. Did you enjoy it?
A 9mm HP *probably* wouldn’t go through his head
best coke people ive met were never stingy or secretive. It would flow like water. You trusted your gut and probably made a good call. Best coke story was walking to a rave in the dead of winter, some dude across the street yells to me asking help, i cross over to see what i can do, he asks "hello my friend do you have a key?" confused i responded "would a house key work?" he said merrily "of course my friend! one for me" *snorrttt "one for you!" *snorttt got his number, and went on my jittery way to the rave. In all honesty it was probably speed that i took, but the guy was friendly. Good people are good people, even if they have bad habits, and good people arent gonna fuck with you, even if they have bad habits. Coke doesnt make people rob, shitty retards will rob anyway. I hope you find what you need when you need it, and those that offer it were as friendly to me as they are to you. Thank you for reading this has been my blog. signing off. xoxo dubbsip girl
Who is this
Yes Latinos are all about family, honor, and God. ALL Latinos.
>Good people are good people
Amen to that.
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just dont ask which god
it's honestly amazing this is the stock mexicans come from and niggers still manage to outdo them at 13/58
idk man, they all got it in them. Latinos have a dormant blood lust that gets turned on when someones cut. One on one those beaners dont stand a chance, but get a small village of them and youre suddenly on the menu.
Keep larping Juan
Great great movie, I watched it along with several other Denzyl films and it was probably my favorite next to Flight. Equalizer was surprisingly good too
Make the man some eggs
This is why the us NEEDS to become minority white.
It is what golems deserve.
It is what anglos deserve.

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