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How much stock do you put in the overseas commercials U.S. celebrities do to supplement their incomes? Like the whiskey Bill Murray advertised in Lost in Translation for example. These ads can't really pay that much - why do they do them then?
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I saw arnold swartzenegger in lidl ad

You Missed The Point By Idolizing Them
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Stay strong, sista
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Evil superman guy, spice sniffing jihad guy, clown with mommy issues guy and Rust Cohle, from True Detective S1.
>UgH mEdIa LiTEracy
where's my folder of memes for people that should jump off a bridge
I feel like Rust and the kid from Dune don’t really fit with the rest of them.

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>Snyder the corporate hack saves his ‘hard-R-rated films, the hardest stuff’ for later release as ‘director’s cuts.’
>By rationalizing his Netflix reissue/repackage deal as “the ‘director’s cut’ practice,” Snyder precludes any criticism, adding, “I needed to show the world what I intended.” But that was what the world had already mistakenly assumed. Yet Rogan’s vocalized approval (“Umm!”) went along with Snyder’s delusion, ignoring the difference between hack work, selling out, and artistic commitment.
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Now Snyder is saying that he wants a new cut of Sucker Punch, his barely-disguised fetish porn that he pretends it’s feminist.
Because that’s what Netflix wanted. This is not new. Why do you think director’s cut exist? Because studios wanted to cut shit down all the time to make it easier to sell to theatres when they could do more showings per day when the running time was within certain range rather than 2-3 hours. And also because censorship and studio mandates sometimes forced cuts the director didn’t like but couldn’t say no because they didn’t have final cut rights in their contract
This. Snyder made some good kinos in the past like 300, dawn of the dead and watchmen. Hell, even BvS is decent. He got flak for BvS and Justice league though, but it was clear that lots of stuff in these two DC movies were corporate decisions, and not his fault so he got another chance to clear his name with the Snyder Cut. Unfortunately, Snyder Cut proved to be the best DCU movie, and pretty much gave Snyder full control over his projects.
He got a underdog's victory with the Snyder Cut, but the problem is that Snyder became creatively bankrupt at this point, and all that he was left was his slow mo gimmick that keeps abusing in his later works, and his "my R rated cut is better, you will see!" excuse that also keeps abusing.
Snyder disappointed lots of people with his post DC work, and also tries to set a new sloppy precedent with his re-release begging, so I get why Armond is so mad about it.
>Because that’s what Netflix wanted
Netflix didn't say "Hey Zack, deliver us two total piece of shit PG-13 movies". Snyder was in charge of both versions. He could deliver his own cut of the PG-13 version and R version. But what he delivered so far is garbage.

Snyder Suckers seem to be trying to blame Netflix, but the problems with RM 1 and 2 are not lack of gore or sex, they are basic things like terrible cliched story and characters, poor casting and acting, absolutely laughable cringe-worthy dialogue, way overdone slo-mo and generic action sequences, and they are just boring. Snyder produced, directed and oversaw the editing of those versions. All those major issues will still be in the longer 'Hard R' rated cut that Snyder cultists are fantasizing about.
All Netflix slop is trash. Regardless who directs it.

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so what roasties got mad about joker and decided to pozz it with women?
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>roastoids rewrite history part #1501825014129081241
Is there any overlap of people who like this movie and people who like Lady Gaga?
>buzzwords buzzwords
Not a jew or a nigger, but you know Im correct, you dumbnigger fag. It doesnt take much of a brain to see it.
Joker as a stand alone movie is perfect.
We see Phoenix riding the downward spiral until he lets go and turns into the Joker, all while being an unreliable narrator who makes us question the true reality of the movie, and perfectly closes with him in the asylum.
You cant truly go anywhere from there narrative-wise and be just as successful, you moron. This Joker sequel was greenlit by pure Hollywood greed.
Lady gaga entered the sequel because
>She has played in oscar bait movies
>She can sing, so she is perfect for a musical movie
>Jocker has capeshit roots, so they need a Harley Quinn
>Men are the established audience, but they also want to make another "relatable" mentally ill character in order to bait women into seeing it to make more cash
The logic behind the Jocker Musical is THAT simple.
For /pol/ and /tv/'s standards the first movie should have been pozzed too.
Movie has Joker protecting women and black people's rights, and he fights the evil white male.

Why they don't bitch about the movie as often then you'll say? Because the shilling campaing went well and the movie made a lot of money so they'll pretend the story was something else in order to cope and "own the lefties" (by protecting their messagges, smart move)
It was never a standalone film. You're a literal 'le pseud' who doesn't even understand what they watched. kys.

Why don't Asian Americans consuuuum American entertainment?
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I have an aunt who is into reading books and so we sometimes talk about books together
We were talking about a book by R. F. Kuang and said that she thought it was really good and represented the Asian/Chinese experience very well
I said I wasn't really interested, that I had heard some bad things about it
She told me that I should read more Asian authors since I am Asian
Anyway I had an interesting thought the other week and it's that I have read Asian authors
I have read Confucius, I have read Zhuangzi, I am 1/3rd through the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, I have read Pu Songling and I've also read a lot of Japanese authors like Mishima and Kenko
It's strange how these kinds of people don't want to go to these civilisations and look at what they've made, instead they only care about Asian American experiences
It's like they've just abandoned 3000 years of tradition in favour for a yellow shade on the Western literary tradition
It's the same thing with Asian American films or television
I've seen nearly every Kurosawa film but apparently that doesn't count because it's not Crazy Rich Asians?
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What if... hypothetically... they stopped casting ugly asians* and put 10/10 asians* on screen?

* by asian standards. Do they look like the asians you see in Asian movies? Ugly clothes, ugly make up, ugly everything.
East asians have super exact beuaty standards -- so tons of plsatic surgery. And for whatever reason ALL east asians do not like east asian facial features. Nope. Not one bit. They consider it low class. Which is also why the rich ones get plastic surgery.

Chinese watch american films with asian-americans and they're seeing low caste peasants.
>a party that has more asian representation wouldve get more votes from asian communities

Who wouldve thought

>This makes Americans shit themselves in fear

I don't get it
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So why did he not bust him? Was he too stupid to figure it out or did he maybe fancy Bateman?
Stop I'm already hard.
democrat propaganda
Not my problem, you created that golem.
Takes greater discipline to hold the trigger like that without firing that it does to not fire without your finger inside the trigger guard. Stay rekt!

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No fucking way! This shit is legit hilarious. Wtf was wrong with boomoids?
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He was 24 while filming the first death wish movie
He's a manlet but doesn't look like a manlet

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Golden age Simpsons appreciation thread!
What's your favorite
>side character?
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>Duh, get outta Riverdale!
>Were you sent here by the devil?
>Petah! This is worse than the time you got the fat idiot injection
>Sugar episode, “Lisa’s Rival”
It’s the best by far.

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>saves /tv/
I'm honestly more offended by the implication that this is considered good animation than the subject matter
I suddenly want to chop my penis off and touch children now. Thanks OP!
Fucking hot.

Thanks I have a boner at work now

Cast them.
Zendaya and Tom Holland
>verification not required
Pam Grier and Robert Forster
I just watch Jackie Brown again today.
>I gave my heart and soul to you girl...

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Movies about capturing the experience of living in the first world?
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>chopped up vegetables next to a juicero

Yeah cooking with kids and in general having them around so you can show them how to do things is great. Sometimes tiring, but worth it.

I guess its americans who are not as familiar as yuros are with trains. I commute to work on a train and I prefer to travel by one over cars. But there are many situations where a car is simply a vastly superior mode of transport.
High Rise 2015
Everything the people like the one in the video know about kids they have learned from some antinatalist internet memes. They literally think that babies cry all the time, can't be left alone for a moment, that spending time with them is horrible and they can't be left for babysitters. They think that all parents are living in this completely imaginary hell that they themselves constructed in their head. Too bad contemporary media supports their delusions, family life is mostly portrayed as negative in movies and tv shows.

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Dune 2 was my first exposure to her acting and it was bad.
is this girl supposed to be attractive?
lol yuck. ugly white bitch.
I would rather her than any mutt being advertised to me as attractive
ok schlomo

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How would your JOI be like, /tv/?
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Nice milf but idk why this was needed
I saw her in Death on the Nile the other day, she's otherworldly.
audrey hepburn but make her breasts at bit bigger
Milf award part 6

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Artie bros, how we holding up?
Annoying wop cokehead not funny

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>Forget it, anon. It's 4chan.
Forget it, anon. It's 4chan.org/mu/ k-pop general.
>I'm a janny!
>I'm a namefag!
>I'm a janny!
>I'm a namefag!
is there any actual humans there or is it just bots and maybe 3 super autists
I liked my IP. I liked shitposting through it.
Consign to oblivion, nameless. It is Four Chan.

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