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Who's your favorite Bond villain?
140 replies and 40 images omitted. Click here to view.
best post ITT
Nigga the earth is orbiting the sun at 67,000 MPH, he's not falling into the sun from that. You'd basically need to cancel almost all of that velocity
>Its like combining two decades into one movie.
That is arguably the biggest problem. The franchise had firmly entered the 1980s and you still have the actor and with that general production approach that has been in play since the 1970s. The franchise then tries to course correct, at least regarding audience reaction for the time, too sharply come Dalton. I really like FYEO & Octopussy and am glad Moore did them but, I feel like if you want a successful Dalton style Bond in the late-80s then what needed to happen was a Brosnan type Bond in the early-to-mid-80s to bridge the gap. Or do something akin to TLD in 1985 though slightly softer, then ease the audience in TLD we got in 1987 and then LTK in 1989. In any case, Moore should have never have done the 1985 film.
For me it is this music from Octopussy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CUKfbVYJwI
The secret Chinese guy and Based >>201762721

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this was peak comedic writing
Ha haha. Hahaha. Bahahaha
this will never be topped.
But it clearly has handles...
Where was he going to put it? A hot plate in the lounge? Did he also supply chopped onion and crackers and paper bowls?

holy shit this feels like a parody of mexican culture
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Trust’s fund’s band’s but a spic
Aren't they Mexicans?
This would be like if Mexicans made a video about a trailer park in the fictional town of Tornadoville Arkansas. And every character was a stereotype of white trash.
Trailer Park Boys doesn't count because that was semi autobiographical
Looks like a ripoff of the loud house.

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James Gunn's "Creature Commandos: the animated series" trailer:
Kino is back on the menú
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What did you think of the romance between Snood and Ravi Singh in "A Good Girl's Guide to Murder"?
Made me a Trump voter
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Average White girl when BBC (Big Bharat Cock) walks by.

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My son's watching the clone wars right now and holy fuck is this shit gay. All the characters are strong women. The dialog makes me want to puke. Nuts that you guys like anything outside of maybe the very first star wars movie
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Psycho genes. Look at what happened with Kylo.
Still better than paw patrol
What are those penguin figures?
oy vey, not a white child!
Lucas is married with a black woman

Which is the best Law & Order series?
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I haven't watched any of the LAO shows in years, how do they even function now, do they try and mirror the absolute laughing stock that is the current state of the New York judicial system or do they just exist in a completely alternate reality were an actual functional judicial system still exists?
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Criminal Intent, but only because Goren is the most interesting character out of all of them.
I love the first couple of seasons of criminal intent, but it definitely falls off around season 5ish. They made Goren really angsty and depressed in the later seasons, when he works much better as a Columbo type goofball.
and Eames is wife material
CI. It focuses on the detective work and psychological aspect of the criminals, rather than the law shit that always becomes preachy bullshit in the other shows. Also Goren and Eames are best duo.

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Pouty Pannochka edition
prev: >>201730027
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Modern slashers are just slop now because they’re made by people who only ever watch slasher movies. The best horror filmmakers are ones with influences outside the genre.
I'm not as enthusiastic as you, but I liked it enough. It's a divisive film by all the reactions I've seen and read in the horror communities and also by the public at large.
The people who hated it seem to not get why the ones who loved it do so, rather than the contrary.
I don't think that's true either. you can tell when a horror film despises the genre itself and is just some outsiders attempt at molesting and mocking traditional concepts.
I finally watched The Final Nightmare. Am I alright if I think it's the best Nightmare on Elm Street movie?
It's the first one I have any memory of watching.

It's up

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who the fuck cares what this is
fuck amazon
fuck bezos
i'll be still buying your stock though
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he looks pulled straight out of his most famous art
It seems like this season will end with Sauron's defeat
So, if they keep their 5 seasons idea

Season 3 Fall of Numenor
Season 4 New Kindoms a
Season 5 War of the last alliance
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hey member balrog, hey member ents, hey member eagles, hey member the big spooky spider, I member. Shameless to try to play on the nostalgia of the original trilogy to trick viewers into watching this shit heap
No, it must end with Sauron's victory and the killing of Celebrimbor

It's so over for chuds
Inside Out 2 and now Deadpool 3 have proved that Disney is still king.
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What's her favorite kino?
Inflation means its 100M
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Checked and good movie. “Suck it FOX!”
wtf happened to the rest of the void creed? Only X23 was shown

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If you were Superman, would you use your powers for good or evil?
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How would you make sure someone agrees with you?
Ez: see this innocent 12 years old girl? Rape and kill her for me or you get sent to live in the tunnels with the rest.
No threat of imminent death so he can say he did it out of fear for his life

But I said who I agree with not who agrees with me I dgaf what they agree with.
So you would kill the ones that rape her and the ones that don't are kept in the tunnels?
Id be the goodest guy ever and drown myself in pussy
>but you could just rape
Having flocks of women adoring your cock is way better, being evil is fucking stupid.
If I were Superman, I would be Superman. And that means I would use my powers for good.

I felt physically disgusted when they began singing in Hebrew. Voldemort should have slaughtered them all.

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HOH: Chelsie

Upgraded: Makensy (America's Veto), Quinn (Deepfake HoH)

Previosuly on /bb/: >>201748777
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I have par+ due to the house guests organically saying it is great and I believe them
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shameful that the free feeds are better than the subscription feeds
Kenney is so confident on his reads of the house and they’re pretty bad kek. What the fuck does he expect? He probably sees people eating in the kitchen together and thinks they’re in an alliance
Quinn is cooked. The cop has everything figured out.
It's the COOKOUT 2.0. And the mormon ensured that nobody can call them out.

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I'm feeling witchy, bros.
it was a different time
I'm feeling bitchy, hoes.
>turned out as a tradwife raising beautiful children
she survived Hollywood

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What's your favorite parody movie?
Shaak Ti had bigger bewbs.
he cute
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best SW parody
Is it porn?

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