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how could i make this video more cinematically /tv/?
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>t. Jew covering for his tribe
I need a wife like this desu
Report the janny to /a/ and /pol/
some movies you'd probably like
>due to laws protecting Jewish rapists
that's not at all how that works. just like the US usually doesn't extradite their own citizens for crimes in other contries or submit to an international court, they charge citizens in their own country for the crimes according to their laws and punishments.

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So based that the Mouseketeer seethed twice
Somehow Wolfman returned
By now Disney is just torturing people.
kek, the wolfman looks AI generated.
this guy is genuinely retarded

What is your favourite film in Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy?
For me its Fellowship of the Ring, I love them all but it wins by a hair for me
Fellowship- 10/10
Towers- 9/10
King- 8/10
I too choose Fellowship. It's more immersive and has less reliance on schlock and quips like the later movies.
I liked King better because too much of Book Towers is shoved into Movie King, making Movie Towers feel like less happens compared to the other two

is there any appeal to Jenna Ortega outside of looking attractive?

she sucks as an actor and has zero range. she's only good when she plays a character that expresses no emotion
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She's an OK to good audience-standin in non-artsy movies. A warmer, smarter Christina Ricci (<30 cute girl on the alert & slightly ahead of the audience) who can command the camera. How she ages up is anyone's guess.
who recorded this and decided to put it on the internet
That's the point
Negative of Ariana is she wears high heels, sad
Everyone in that scene seemed used to that

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80s circle jerk edition

last thread >>203626440

we're getting more details about season 2
>jeff Ward is pulling back the curtain to this circus! The clown prince himself is here to give you a sneak peek behind the scenes of One Piece Season 2.
first look at Drum island
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deepest lore
Oda probably used his once per season veto.
All the rumours have been confirmed so far which means we're probably getting Mexican Ace.
will they even cast ace for this season or wait until alabasta?
another interesting detail, the surname manmeyer, which belongs to a celestial dragon family, that hasn't even been introduced in the anime, is mentioned
what’s the point of this useless character

>I prefer the term 'artificial person'.
Stuf nigger
Great cast, I loved him.
Fede should have put Working Joes in his movie, then have Andy kung fu fight them.
Bishop says the exact same line in Aliens, it's a callback you dumb fuck

this nigga REALLY wants that daily wire gig, doesn't he?
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It literally just opened. Do you know how long it took Avatar to make a billion? And Reagan hasn't even opened on the Chinese market yet. Cope harder trannies.
It released two weeks ago, and I seriously doubt the Chinese market will watch it. If it even gets released
I accept your concession. I guarantee that the global markets will far outpace the American numbers, just like Avatar. It's simple math. There are way more people in China.
>Complains about women who beats up men in movies
>His own books has women beating up men
Left-Wing people are incapable of feeling love. They don't have real emotions like actual humans do, this is why they help foreigners rape and murder their people.

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How would you have ended the first movie?
Freddy doesn't die at the end of the movie when he attacks Nancy and evaporates instead he possesses her, the movie ends implying that Freddy now lives on inside of her.
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Freddy apologies for his crimes and surrenders himself to the authorities, spending the next 40 years in prison.

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Community thread?
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I donno, this show has always given me peak Reddit vibes
Yeah, it was something along the lines of "still missing/plothole" if I remember right.
They rank in this order of Reddit when it comes to the glory NBC 2000s shows:

Parks & Rec
The Office
30 Rock (too many blackface episodes for those folks)
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The show would be a 9/10 without this faggot, but he drops it down to a 6/10.
Replace him with literally anybody and the show improves dramatically.
>30 Rock
>Parks and Rec
>The Office
What an absolute juggernaut of a lineup. That might be the best primetime lineup ever.

the horror is almost over…
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Lisa is pissing in the bathroom and Bart walks in.
They've already been aged up a lot of times. We already know what "future" simpsons family might be like. Bart is a bum/loser dad but eventually becomes supreme court judge. Lisa is succesful, maybe even the president, but has a love triangle between Milhouse and Nelson. Maggie is a singer. Homer and Marge end up pretty relaxed and chill old people.

I always thought season 10s final epsiode was supposed to be the end, much like seinfiled or beavis and butthead supposed to be part of the 90s cultural canon and end it's legacy on a high note. The last episode going to Japan affirmed their love of America, which is appropriate because the Simpsons was always supposed to be a commentary of America. Afterwards they could have a made a movie and video games and spionoffs etc but season 10 would have been the true end of the series.
as always

Lady Googoogaga's acting is going to be shit. I just know it.
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Movie is dead and casting her was one of the mistakes that resulted in a fiasco
So she'll fit right into this trash
Kill yourself Jew
Keep seething, Batman. Your parents are still dead and you fuck your Robins.
The entire script is garbage and ill-conceived, I doubt she’ll be the thing that ruins it

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Is /tv/ excited for the upcoming Rose of Versailles movie?
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The manga was but the show had a wide appeal and had quite the pedigree as far as talent involved went
I'll watch it but i don't expect it to be better than the show. What's the french movie like?
More like CRAPPA.
What was his fucking problem?
Who is making it

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>mfw I found out that Sparta actually existed
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>homosexuality is bad
>raping boys is good though
Ancient Sparta and Athens were satanic.
>think Athens must be the faggiest place on earth because of their focus on art and plays
>they actually kicked gays out of their city
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>t. Rakeesh
Seeing how every iranian nowadays is a flaming homosexual, i buy it, only the being a negro part is wrong

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What are some mind blowing films about Lebanon?
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>the jews spy on arab phones
>arabs by pagers in order to communicate without being spied on
>the jews rig the pagers to explode
>hilarity ensues
digits confirm
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is it weird this made me hungry for hamburger helper
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>>203655622 based checker
why did you post a mizrahi jew

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