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>character receives devastating diagnosis
>tinnitus music starts playing
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>anon, you have terminal tinnitus
>everything goes deathly silence
>sir? sir, are you ok?
jamaican me angry
>tinnitus music starts playing
>sets off my actual tinnitus
yeah, fuck you too all sound engineers

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alls I'm sayin is
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Well he’s in England so there aren’t too many blacks anyways at least from 100s of years ago that would be still be ghosts
You never see ghosts in modern clothes only olde timey stuff
Clive Warren's #1 fan
have you ever kicked your height?
Did Steve ever get his 50p back?
the best part of the show is when karl is bullying stephen 'coat tails' merchant

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Best Vegas kino ever?
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fear and loathing and it's not even close
Are you retarded?
>The Circus-Circus is what the whole hep world would be doing Saturday night if the Nazis had won the war. This is the sixth Reich.
This classic hunter line always stays with me. Almost as much as the 'high water mark' one.
you should read the book if you haven't, it was great
Isn't this the movie where they cast all white guys when the real-life story it was based on was a bunch of Asian-Americans?

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In their prime, who wins in a matchup?
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aren't the best heavyweight boxers white (technically slavs, but white)
Canelo is Mexican
Creed Jr never had an opponent anywhere near as formidable as his old man, Drago or Clubber Lang all of which Rocky managed to beat.
Rocky would wipe the floor with him.
Canelo is white
Prime 4 Rocky would mop the floor with him

What type of TV shows do women like and watch?
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>plain super smart girl becomes the sexual obsession of a wealthy chad
Looks like my ex
any movie starring Maitland Ward
Shitty reality TV shows. Mine watches crap like 90 Day Fiancee and Married at First Sight and then gets upset and thinks it's all real and not staged with actors.
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Gilmore Girls

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>Texas Rangers
>not including the only real Texas Ranger.
There's Something about Miriam
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Cinematic gonorrhea
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cyber daria, meh. I'll watch it.
It costs an insane amount of money. Akira was basically a showcase of what you could get with unlimited time and money and the best animators in the business. Which is good, because holy shit is it an awful adaptation of the source material.
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half of the boards are dedicated to anime and yet you feel the need to take it to /tv/
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What did Kojima mean by this?
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its true everywhere
do japs see mishima as shameful?
kojima once again admitting to plagiarizing
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He's already got Yukio, close enough
Australian here, Big boss is a million times tougher and cooler than Hugh Jackman.

>this was considered a 10/10 in 2011's America
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I like pale, blue eyed, raven haired women. Mogs other aesthetics.
My prediction - Katy Perry is gonna end up getting interviewed by either Rogan or Jordan Peterson.
She's done in the democratic circles.
But will she bimbo-out like Megan Fox did?
she already did to a certain extent
and megan fox only got bogged but she didn't become a part of the right-wing circles
her children are trans for fucks sake.
I'm not talking about their fake and gay politics, just bimbofication. Since a lot of middle aged actresses seem to prefer that over the Wall.

Hes le smoking while le working out so TOUGH and COOL
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OP is a wimp

>rewatch the films after actually reading the books
>realize all the accusations about the films being filled with hollywood sloppa are actually accurate
>beautiful slower moments and world building are rushed through, especially in 2 and 3
>Action scenes, CGI, melodrama and cool/quippy dialogue is given way more focus instead

I'm sorry bookfags, you were right all along. At least the sets, casting and soundtrack are still damn near perfect
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I've been digging up the lotr soundtrack for the past hour before arriving to this thread. It's honestly really nice, if a bit melancholic how confident it was in its slowass build up, complete faith in its audience not to get distracted halfway through. I don't really see that anymore with modern songs that does every trick in the book to metagame and grab the audience by the ankles.

Talking about it is getting my depressed, but I guess I miss it when shit wasn't so pozzed, shit and gay and people could be genuine, and make genuinely good movies like the lotr trilogy. Anyone that's remotely 'good' are all ironic, self-loathing or depressing instead of something that heals the soul. It's a real miracle and I don't ever see cinema ever replicating its heights again in our generation.
The problem with that is it hurts the message of the story. Having Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli single handedly winning every major battle minimizes the collective effort of men to overcome adversity without the assistance of a higher power. Having the elves show up to Helms Deep was so tone deaf ignorant that even as a dumb kid I was mad.
Two good examples of this are JP: Lost World and the novelization of Star Trek VI.
are zoomers really this illiterate?
fucking gatekeeping /lit/ fag kill yourself

Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

/film/ poll edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ directors directory
>/film/ literature
>but anon, where do I find these films?
>script to make 3x3 webms

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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so he's a devil worshiper too huh
Not in any capacity except the 'kineticism' that PTA doesn't even employ. But he's better looking.
>caring about bullcheat nono/film/ polls
Lists ;)

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post your kinostation
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fuck you texas, and fuck your lone star beer
i know this isn't urs but the led stars are gay. vantablack and no starts would be better for giving the illusion of being outdoors
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ITT: times you acted like Leprechaun.
>now you'll only be hit on by niggers!
wtf did sam raimi direct this?
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Claudia Blacks’ thighs from the television series “Farscape”.
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hate that bad acting bitch
I could cum in seconds jerking to her mere legs. What is wrong with me?
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she had nice legs that she didn't show nearly often enough. but at least we got plenty of midriff
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