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post your kinostation
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Based throne enthusiast
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Relegated to the cuck cabinet. Grim
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I immediately thought about the old Maxell commercial.
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>your kinostation
*blocks your path*
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Taking a shit and watching interstellar on my ipad. Its fucking purge, I didnt know one could produce so much shit
>view from the 500 mill luxury apartment is the hazy silhouette of LA
Awful deal if you ask me.
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based tremere poster
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What case is that?
king shit
why is the screen tilted up...?
I remember this map in CoD.
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Why Misa Amane?
I might have to take the deskawayfromwallpill in my new room, anything I should know?
chairs are on the other side blocking the unsightly cords in the back, not too bad

what kind of pc case?
Fractal Define 7
Define R6 actually
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This is for torture and brainwashing, not kino.
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that is not a chair to watch kino
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>blessed with god-tier jawline and inheritance from wealthy parents
>throw it all away by sexually harrassing children online
I wonder what he is up to nowadays
The /tv equivalent of the electric chair. Would not recommend/10
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I unironically like ops
it looks cozy, I've lived like that before. but you get tired of it in the long term.
Well yeah the bed looks uncomfortable
Comfy crack den
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>northern exposure
I don't need this.
...I have the genelec north sounding this.
kino experience ruined by the distracting stormtrooner and buy a bigger tv poser
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Watching stuff on this TV looks kinda uncomfortable
Masonic lounge?
Now this is perfect
tron woman pretty
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let me guess - you need more?
This would be cool at night but I think the sun getting in your eyes or on the screen would be annoying during the day
yep, nighttime is primetime
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What's the Iwata shrine of /tv/?
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What's the sound system?
So you're the one making all the /drunk/ threads
Fuhrerbunker? I know that portrait and who had it.
It's the Masonic lounge?
comfy 2001 setup
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Kinography inbound
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I dont wanna work tomorrow
I think this is how most of us feel inside our head
>a fucking leaf
>proudly displaying the flag of this shithole "country"
Read the fucken image dipshit. NR200.
Get an N200 instead. It's bigger and can fit HDD's for all your torrenting needs!
And it's smaller than a full size case, so it doesn't take up too much room.
This is super nice anon.
Unfortunately not living in an autistic crackden isn't that interesting.
But I'm glad you made it.
Migu station
Imagine walking into a house with a setup like this
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We'll make a comeback. I'm sure of it.
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This is where I watch my kinos
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Klipsch RP-600m
SVS SB-1000 Pro
Denon 2113ci AVR
Man I wish I were rich. I'm too susceptible to guilt to do the awful things that rich people do to get to the top though.
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based suzukichad
Do you like Rin, or just Suzuki?
cool dog(s)
>He's right behind me, isn't he?
>a fucking leaf
>but also a suzuki enjoyer
not sure what to think about that
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Rin Rin
Both. Love me Zuki's, love Rin-Chan. Even had a dream I kissed her once.
Once Canada gets back on track and Can-Am starts making cool bikes again we will rise again.
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this nigga actually cleans kek
That’s a very small window.
private wank station
is this a storage unit?
I had semi diarrhea just half hour ago
just fyi
Damn wtf did you eat?
The wires make it cringe. Install some outlets in your bed ceiling like a normal person.
I bet that chair isn't available at Target
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Poor dog.
That's like a $4k chair
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Last week.
imagine drinking all that swill
>Three poorly spaced, non-matching pictures
>grey carpet matches grey wall, but is sterile and uninviting
>tables don't match each other or any of the other wood in the room
>window trim doesn't match grey wall
>shelf under TV doesn't match grey wall
>mismatched wood throughout
>soundbar above TV (Well above viewers, suboptimal)
>wire hanging down from beneath TV
>floor lamp doesn't matching anything
>only color in room is on two pillows that don't match anything else in the room, including the couches on which they're sitting.
It looks like you're trying to simultaneously go for the industrial sterile AND heavy dark wood rustic aesthetics and it isn't working well.
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The "crib" as they say.
Fucking epic
>It looks like you're trying to simultaneously go for the industrial sterile AND heavy dark wood rustic aesthetics and it isn't working well.
This describes 90% of 30yr old women's homes right now.
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None of them use any color, it's all grey, white and shades of brown.
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That’s an illegal tile for a chair. Try moving it over a few inches and you will be able to place it down.
this is the ideal set up for watching a movie and fucking
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>This describes 90% of 30yr old women's homes
damn you are close I rent from a woman in her 40s.

this is the actual kino station
>paints over your beautiful brickwork with white paint
Are you a drunkard?
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this is like a homeless chinese man's dream home, look at all those nickels
no, I'm a stoner. that booze has been sitting there for ages, I rarely touch it.
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enjoying your stay at the Marriott, anon?
IKEA Nyørben in Bone White
I often describe my place like living in a hotel. I consider it a compliment.
You ever try swimming in it?
I understand you're a free spirit and shit but what's the point of the nail polish, really?
Mybad and fuck you. Mine's actually way smaller than that but thinking of giving up on it. It's a tight fit for mini itx board. My kinos are safe on a nas.
>implying he's not drinking the windex
Got pedicures w my team for a happy hour. Mostly women.
i would go the watts/benoit route if a woman reduced me to this
Sounds boring but props for being secure in your masculinity.
>t. Lives in a blue house with a blue little window and a blue corvette and everything is blue for him and himself and everybody around cause he ain’t got nobody to listen to listen
I want a blue Corvette
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share the wallpaper
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Atheists actually live like this and see no problem with it.
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I got to see all their feet it was great.
Do you wear the helmet while on the bike or?
nice basement, couch could a little bigger.
nice accented ambient lighting, assuming this is yours does it ever get annoying?
This would be fantastic setup if it weren't in some grandma's basement.
very nice. where are the chair and sofa from?
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good on the 5D chess planning
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>nice accented ambient lighting, assuming this is yours does it ever get annoying
I love my bias lighting, but it's not dynamic/content aware. I would guess those Ambilght do get distracting after a while. Mine is usually fixed to this amber color.
Romantic atmosphere. Ever have any good kisses there?
Cozy. Except for the fake plant and cuck chair
>always bellow INTRUDE when someone knocks at the door
Checked, sofa, credenza(or console) and lamp are all crate and barrel, which is it decent quality. The chair is from target and a completely useless piece of shit that we don't need but my wife thought it would make the space look better so I'm happy to have it.
>barometer on the wall (as though you care what the atmospheric pressure is)
eastern yuroshitter detected
I guess trannies are the most securely masculine of them all.
kawasaki mogs
those are all American movies/releases, huge retard
>for being secure in your masculinity
You sound like the type of person that thinks homophobes are scared or threatened by gay people instead of just being disgusted by them.
holy shit i know who you are LOL
Australia or Canada?
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Still thinking about changing the rug.
Really want to get some bias lighting but any time I look it seems like a stupid amount of money for something that seems like it should be so simple.
>Guys watch kino in a room like this and don't see any problems
why do redditors post such cucked shit
Great question anon
Thread is over, this anon wins
Because happy wife happy life XD

Thanks for the updoots friend!
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this one?
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Still mad they closed that Dunkin'
The neighbor's nemesis
fuck you texas, and fuck your lone star beer
i know this isn't urs but the led stars are gay. vantablack and no starts would be better for giving the illusion of being outdoors
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It's just a generic LED strip and controller, costs less than $20
>he watches football
yikes XD
...is that a television mounted on the front of another television?
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Anyone can be hounded by the missus, this has happened to bigger men than both you and me, but what I can't stomach is the spin they need to put on it like everything's fine
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what chair is that?
>[non-descript room with TV showing recent jordan peterson joe rogan podcast].jpg
my camera died
>likely from suicide
how do you refrain from kicking your receiver
imagine the bugs
Honestly kinda comfy if you just removed all the funko shit
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Just chillin' with my corndogs
>The Frame
Shit tv
Whats wrong with your toes?
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If you have kids awesome.
If you're single troon kys.
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>enough space for a murderer to sneak up behind your chair
Couldn't be me
i bought it at Staples in 2002, it was around 200.00. i doubt if i bought a new one it would last this long
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looks like a rear projection screen
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High test setup
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watching at max volume
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Old pic
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Debated using the shelf to hold the TV but the wife needs to display her little toys
How can you even see anything with that tiny-ass TV all the way up there?
How the fuck do you live with yourself as a man when you let a fucking hole dictate your life. Women are property.
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fucking bitch

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