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>rewatch the films after actually reading the books
>realize all the accusations about the films being filled with hollywood sloppa are actually accurate
>beautiful slower moments and world building are rushed through, especially in 2 and 3
>Action scenes, CGI, melodrama and cool/quippy dialogue is given way more focus instead

I'm sorry bookfags, you were right all along. At least the sets, casting and soundtrack are still damn near perfect
>reads a book most people read as children
>posts on 4chan about the profound realizations it has led him to
>plot needs to get from Point A to Point B
>Jackson: fuck it here's an action scene
Every Time
>beautiful slower moments and world building are rushed through
Bruh, moments can be any speed when you're reading a book. The fuck?
> he watched the theateical cuts
Everyone starts somewhere anon.
The theatrical cuts are basically pure ADHD unwatchable trash, they take what is already a rushed adaptation and cuts it down even more
Extended doesn't solve that. Adding 15% more content still doesn't get you anywhere near the breadth of a 1000 page book, it just gets you a bloated movie.
TT and ROTK extended were much worse offenders than theatrical
The editors saved us from a ton of retarded gimli, merry and pippin scenes
Movies can't be 10 hours long.
Should have been six movies desu
Fellowship is the best for a reason, as they went on they became more Hollywood spectacle and less faithful to the books
The books are boring as fuck and have terrible pacing
You can't make a 6 hour borderline ambient film with people walking and singing songs and make your budget back. Let the book be the book and the film adaptation be an adaptation.
>You can't make a 6 hour borderline ambient film with people walking and singing songs and make your budget back
Terrence Malick could have pulled it off.
At last you truly see, welcome to the based side.
The casting is not perfect. Wood ruins Frodo by being an effeminate, emo, sissy.
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The Fellowship is the only truly great film, even based based Viggo knows it
>All three LOTR films were nominated for best picture at the Academy Awards, with the final installment, The Return of the King, taking that top prize, as well as a best director statue for Jackson. But Mortensen has a decidedly different take on the quality of the films. He believes The Fellowship of the Ring is the best movie in the franchise, in part because Jackson relied less on special effects for that outing.

>“Peter was always a geek in terms of technology but, once he had the means to do it, and the evolution of the technology really took off, he never looked back,” Mortensen says. “In the first movie, yes, there’s Rivendell, and Mordor, but there’s sort of an organic quality to it, actors acting with each other, and real landscapes; it’s grittier.”

>Mortensen says the “ballooning” of Jackson’s reliance on CGI began with the second film, The Two Towers, and has increased with each subsequent project. “It was grandiose, and all that, but whatever was subtle, in the first movie, gradually got lost in the second and third. Now with The Hobbit, one and two, it’s like that to the power of 10,” Mortensen says.

>Mortensen has deliberately chosen more character-driven fare since LOTR launched him into global superstardom, and had hopes that Jackson might return to his small-film roots as well.

>“I was sure he would do another intimately scaled film like Heavenly Creatures, maybe with this project about New Zealanders in the First World War he wanted to make,” Mortensen says. “But then he did King Kong. And then he did The Lovely Bones - and I thought that would be his smaller movie. But the problem is, he did it on a $90million budget. That should have been a $15million movie. The special effects thing, the genie, was out of the bottle, and it has him.”

they added scenes that weren't in the book, like the one where gollum tricks frodo into thinking sam was stealing their food, which just made the movie worse in every possible way (misrepresenting the characters, ruining the pacing, the scenes themselves are boring because they're so predictable and uninteresting, etc.) so apparently they had time to spare.
no that part was kino it showed that at their lowest point, even the closest of friends can turn on one another. you’re telling me sam and frodo never doubted one another in the books? how childish
Based Viggo telling it like it is.
I've come to a similar realization lately. It's not so much that they leave things out, but that they completely butcher the atmosphere and characters. Merry and Pippin are turned into comic relief retards, Faramir is no longer a more righteous version of his brother, Frodo is totally passive and never gets to do anything heroic, etc. All the allusions to real Anglo-Saxon literature were also replaced by a generic fantasy aesthetic.
I don't hate the movies, they've got some good aspects, but I hate the fact that they've become so iconic that nobody will ever try to adapt the books again in a way that's more consistent with Tolkien's original tone.
good point, however i’m not sure what elements of anglo saxon literature you’d want to be incorporated. do you mean if it were more religious?
>buy extended edition in the hope it will be a less rushed, more accurate adaptation
>saruman's death scene is completely different to the book and even this new scene is rushed through with total indifference by jackson. saruman falls from his tower and is cartoonishly impaled on a spike. the CG for the scene is conspicuously bad because it's only for the EE so who gives a fuck
>the mouth of sauron is a human in the book, a black numenorean, showing that the army of mordor has servants other than monsters in its ranks and making mordor seem a little more interesting as a faction. jackson reduces him to yet another monster, a sort of quasi nazgul in his spiky helmet, and also has aragorn murder him during a parley because he said mean things and as you'd expect aragorn the ideal king and paragon of valour has the impulse control of a ghetto chimp
yes, they never doubted each other because doing that in the situation they were in is insanely retarded, you emotionally deadened worm-brained fucking woman
>how to clock yourself as a redditor
I don't remember them riding eagles to mordor in books either
>most people read as children
The Hobbit, sure, but LOTR is a little too long and complex to be labeled "for children" though/
"accuse others of doing what you're doing"
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I've rewatched Fellowship a few times, but never the other two.
>this is the correct viewing order
no, you’re being hyper critical on why two different mediums aren’t represented exactly the same. jackson should be able to take liberties in how we adapts the books, and while not perfect it does NOT misrepresent the characters. it is perfectly reasonable to assume, traveling for so long, and under the effects of the ring they’d be easily manipulated to turn on one another. it also makes the next scene in the caves more impactful
I don't get how 2 and 3 are so different from Fellowship - weren't they all famously filmed at the same time? Yet it feels similar to Game Of Thrones, which started off smarter and then turned into slop as soon as it became popular with the masses
it’s because 2 and 3 are where all the meat of the story is. all the action and banter are amplified. not much happens in the 1st movie. i think the same can be said for the first season of GoT
I'm just gonna repeat my first post. you're an emotionally dead, brain-rotted woman. because you think your post makes sense, because you don't understand the characters, because you CAN'T understand characters who act that way, because you're an emotionally dead brain-rotted woman. so you cannot empathize, you cannot put yourself inside their mind, so this inconsistent behaviour doesn't strike you as wrong, because you're too stupid to realize that it doesn't make sense.
but I realize there's no point continuing to engage you, since you will never understand this, so it's just going to be me calling you stupid over and over in different words and I'm just not in the mood for that right now. but, just, remember this, okay? please, remember: you ARE stupid. remember that.
New Line Cinema was going bankrupt while filming LOTR, If the first film had flopped the rest would be direct to video. The first film being a massive success exploded the budget and they did reshoots and added more CGI to 2 and 3, you can even see this in the films with small glimpse you get of Gollum's look in Fellowship being slightly different
AHAHAHA this post is literally admitting defeat. Thank you anon for conceding.
i read it when i was like 10
>I'm sorry bookfags, you were right all along.
Damn right I am. Now give me my respect.
Alfrid Lickspittle won.
Not too fond of overly "realistic" fan art like that
>I'm sorry bookfags, you were right all along
The films as separate things are ok but we told you.
Deliberately insulting to Tolkien who was a Catholic, the most homosexual British actor available was installed as Gandalf
nta but kys. take liberties with your own work, jackson left off the actual ending off the books, the destruction of the shire. Thus whatever these films were, they were NOT the lord of the rings
>Deliberately insulting to Tolkien who was a Catholic, the most homosexual British actor available was installed as Gandalf
Acting itself is a profession of liars and dissimulators so it's not like it matters
It matters. I though it was particularly spiteful
He did a good job. The personal lives of actors mean nothing to me. I hate faggots by the way.
neither version outlines aragorn's tax policy
To each their own then.
Not gonna lie this guy was almost kino. He should have had a bittersweet redemption arc like Wormtongue and he'd be a perfect OC addition to the story. The moments where he actually mans up and tries to be useful were great, like when he volunteers to get Bard's family to safety and to escort the women and children and protect them. But his final heel turn where he abandons the fray and tries to sneak off with a handful of gold just ruined all his potential character growth. So much missed potential. They could have showed that even ugly sniveling cowards can find the strength of man deep in their hearts but they just completely blew it for another comedy gag.
It is a children's book retard.
The count of Monte Cristo is considered a children's book as well. Just because you have the reading comprehension of a toddler, still, doesn't mean some of us weren't reading what was considered NOT ADVANCED only a few decades ago.
the books spend too much time with characters just explaining what's happening and not enough time with characters experiencing what's happening. The movies do alot to fix that. Gollum and Legolas are also much better characters in the movies.
criticisms like these work better in a world where the books don't exist. In reality the movies played off the popularity of the books. There was always someone in your group to explain who Gollum was, that kind of thing. Scary Bilbo works twice as well because even though he sort-of does that in the book, film does horror so much better and Bilbo was never seen that way before, 50 years of being a beloved hero.
The journey from old forrest to Bree were some of the most atmospheric and ethereal parts in the book. The horror of the forrest, then meeting bombadil, staying in his house, then going through barrow downs... pure kino.
>>We will never find out more about the creatures from the abyss.
I wish Tolkien had lived a longer life.
>Muh 1000 songs that nobody can sing since they don't come with scores.
Listen, describing the layout of a fort or how green a pasture was is not world building, its fucking boring.
fotr is way better than the book
two towers the book is obviously better
rotk the movie is better
While I agree it’s got elements of Hollywood bullshit, it’s also a buisness at the end of the day. Trying to stay true to the story, while making it compelling to the masses is walking on a very thin thread. Also some of the stuff from the book simply wouldn’t work on screen. Tom Bombadill would instantly kill the imersion and leave you thinking about why the fuck he wont just take the ring and chuck it in the volcano. Also there has to be shortcuts because no one is watching the entire book as film, it would take like 20 movies to cover everything.
>noooo they couldn't directly lift scenes or retain the order of events of the book except for all those times they did it would have been impossible
Making the hobbits bumbling idiots and cowards completely void of any dignity or sense was a choice, not a necessity imposed by the medium. Cutting barrow wights in order to have other less memorable and drawn out action sequences was a choice. Every pointless and counterproductive creative decision that destroyed Two Towers and made it a poorly paced incomprehensible mess was a choice. Turning most side characters into unreasonable and rude dicks just to have cheap antagonism when it wasn't needed was a choice.
a choice between right and wrong, good and evil. A completely morally unambiguous choice. The only explanation for their choosing WRONG must be ontological evil.
The books such, they're such a slog to get through. The autistic writer failed to realize we dgaf about some mountain being described for two pages or Bombadil and his stupid songs
That's not what bothers me about that scene.
What bothers me is that the book scene was intended to illustrate that Gollum has a capacity for good, and Sam has a capacity for evil. Tolkien even said as much in his letters.
Hackson thought that audiences would be shocked and confused by the original scene, and so made a scene where Gollum was more evil than evil and Sam was the selfless hero once again. 3D ->1D.
What works well for a book and what works well for a movie are not the same. That's why adaptations of books are so notoriously hit-or-miss.
The BBC One radio play is better than both.
would be fine except it's more frodo character assassination. Gollum being evil isn't out of bounds and he doesn't come off especially bad there.
>a book most people read as children
I goddamn wish.
How do book and movie fags feel about reading film novelizations where the movie came first?
2 and 3 had lots of marvel quipslop
You should check out the audio books that have music from the movie in them
says who
He's not wrong but it's similar in the book. The scope widens immensily from start to finish. How do you do the battle for Minas Tirith justice without some cgi slop? Gonna bring in a hundred thousand extras, giant animatronic trolls and mumakil etc?
no, YOU should check out The Hobbit (1977) on cassette tape because that's what *I* listened to in *MY* childhood and because movies back then were made to work with audio alone for that purpose.
i just get the feeling the books are gonna suck because lotr was written so long ago and some hollywood tropes actually improved it.
the fuck. his argument is just that fellowship used less cgi.
I can't listen to that soundtrack without tearing up. It's too good, hits me right in the nostalgia.
Of course it got made into hollywood slop. It is still leagues better than it could have been had it been made a decade later.
>as children
i didn't read my first book until i was 19 and im based so how do you explain that?
Bookfags have to be complete retards to still hate this adaption after seeing all the abysmal adaptions other works get.
I'm just saying I recently found out there was an audio version of the books that have a comfy British guy reading them, ambient background effects, and music from the movie, and I rarely see them get mentioned here. Very comfy and worth a listen.
Congratulation's, you're the biggest retard I've seen on this website today.
>commie "art"
i love watching lotr reactions on youtube.
i already know they upgraded boromir's character in the movie by having him call aragorn his king.

i bet there's all kinds of little things like that that the movie improved.
I'm surprised you can even read.
I'm going to have to back up the other anon and say that you seem really retarded.
No, it's the other way around. They had this one unlikely chance that will NEVER come again, and they didn't push for a more faithful adaptation. Nobody cares how many shitty tv shows amazon makes, but Jackson had the perfect opportunity and he blew it
>before the switch to digital cameras
>before diversity casting
>before practical effects were completely replaced with CGI
>before Hollywood was completely taken over by investment bankers and machine algorithms

If there ever was a time to risk everything to get it right, it was this. Jackson didn't do it, and we have to live with his failure FOREVER.
Well you're wrong, like always in your sorry pointless life.
I don't hate it. He did a lot wrong, but they had soul. Even the Hobbit films had some redeeming qualities, like the Riddles in the Dark scene.
>after seeing all the abysmal adaptions other works get
There used to be lots of good, faithful adaptions. Historical fiction in general, for example. Movies just suck these days.
>I'm sorry bookfags, you were right all along
The books are great and don't suck at all.
>i didn't read my first book until i was 19
This website is for whites only.
no the books are a very good, touching adventure story. they're dated only in that the world feels quite empty and barren compared to more modern fantasy settings. i have campaigned in middle-earth, it's mid.
westeros is even worse
>the world feels quite empty
The entire northwestern region is basically in a post-apocalyptic state but the rest of the Middle Earth is quite normal. The story just has a particular focus where the characters often avoid visiting large human settlements and some lands are just beyond the scope of the events, like the southern and eastern states that Sauron was pulling armies from.
you mean like godzilla 1998?
Who are you quoting?
This is a "saw the movies first then gave up in the first part of Fellowship" opinion
He didn't anticipate ADHD zoomers
>How do you do the battle for Minas Tirith justice without some cgi slop? Gonna bring in a hundred thousand extras, giant animatronic trolls and mumakil etc?
Yes. It would make incredible kino of the highest order.
>he thinks most people read
>he thinks children read

Sorry bro but I got some bad news for you. Ask any middle school teacher about the current generation’s reading levels.
I will not hear you speak ill of our Tom
Who's we? Speak for yourself, you don't matter.
The person who force oomer needs to be dragged into the light of day and shot.
It’s completely murdered the vocabulary of a generation
You are a brainlet faggot for not understanding that the true genius of Jacksons adaptation was making these books palatable for normies while still retaining so much of the books magic and atmosphere.
>B-b-b-but le Hackson ruined everything with ghost army
It was absolutely central to Aragorns arc. Knights from Dol Amroth had no bearing on his decision to accept his fate as Gondors King
The action scenes are definitely normieslop but it's impossible not to respect it as a masterclass of adaptation, Jackson walked the thin line between appealing to book fans and normies and did it well enough. The book focuses a lot on Tolkien's language and terrain autism that makes his world feel old and lived in, but it's clear he doesn't care about certain things, like showing Aragorn and Arwen's romance. My wife mentioned that was one aspect she was disappointed in when she read the books, so Jackson did a great job translating that to get in normiefans, bookfans and women but still respecting the material.
Fellowship is near perfect, the other two falter a little bit. It would be near impossible to capture the how long and tiring the journey was without a modern series, but that would be woke shit now. I hope Jackson consider recutting the films into a miniseries with cut footage at some point.
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>Bruh, moments can be any speed when you're reading a book. The fuck?
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>>reads a book most people read as children
OP wasn't talking about the hungry caterpillar
I must have tried 10 times to read the fellowship but Tolkien is just a fucking boring writer
Reading the Lord of the rings books is like trying to decipher an ancient tome written in another language. It's only for the nerdiest bookworms.
Get the Andy Serkis audiobook and lean back and let it wash over you.
the films are way better
it's like the story told right
Junior has eyes but cannot see mount doom
All things being what they are, I wouldn't trust a current middle school teacher's reading levels, either.
I would not call these movies a failure, they're great, and iconic, and Hyperborean. Considering all modern slop, LOTR reigns supreme.
>Massive trilogy condensed into 6 hours
>why were some scenes cut
retard, absolute retard
The hungry caterpillar kicks ass. Don’t sully its name by mentioning it in a hackson thread.
>cut Tom Bombadil
Disappointing, but reasonable
>cut the barrow-wight scene
Makes absolutely no sense
Many such cases of the above, and that's not even getting into how characters like Faramir were brutalised
>most people read as children
I guarantee most children have never read it
Maybe if you are american or eastern european. But then any book is too long and complex to understand.
and how is being a virgin going for you?
retard. hobbit was written for kids, lotr for young adults
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I understand why certain things were cut in the movies, Tom Bombadil, Glorfindel etc. They never really come up again as characters after their encounter with frodo. They're also both extremely powerful and you would be required to show this to keep bookfags happy. Bombadil is over here singing songs, making jokes and having the one ring disappear after frodo almost gets caught by nazgul multiple times. Glorfindel is probably more powerful than gandalf up until he becomes gandalf the white. Nazgul flee before him, and seen terrified of him. You've got limited screen time, limited attention span of normie audiences, you've got to introduce arwen in some meaningful way to get those girl power points. I would defend every cut in the first movie despite how much I enjoy those characters.
RoP is shit.
>The count of Monte Cristo
no it's not you faggot, it's a story about adultery
but yeah Lord Of Reddit was always kiddy shit, even in the movies the cookie cutter dialogue between characters is so ''PG''
Same. The second two movies are still fucking awful.
I really enjoyed Bioshock: Rapture and the Terminator 2 novel
There was always going to be hard cuts with a production like this.
You are right OP. Jackson is a hack. The seeds of what happened with the Hobbit trilogy were already there.
I've been digging up the lotr soundtrack for the past hour before arriving to this thread. It's honestly really nice, if a bit melancholic how confident it was in its slowass build up, complete faith in its audience not to get distracted halfway through. I don't really see that anymore with modern songs that does every trick in the book to metagame and grab the audience by the ankles.

Talking about it is getting my depressed, but I guess I miss it when shit wasn't so pozzed, shit and gay and people could be genuine, and make genuinely good movies like the lotr trilogy. Anyone that's remotely 'good' are all ironic, self-loathing or depressing instead of something that heals the soul. It's a real miracle and I don't ever see cinema ever replicating its heights again in our generation.
The problem with that is it hurts the message of the story. Having Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli single handedly winning every major battle minimizes the collective effort of men to overcome adversity without the assistance of a higher power. Having the elves show up to Helms Deep was so tone deaf ignorant that even as a dumb kid I was mad.
Two good examples of this are JP: Lost World and the novelization of Star Trek VI.
are zoomers really this illiterate?
fucking gatekeeping /lit/ fag kill yourself

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