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Cinematic gonorrhea
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the only cinematic gonorrhea is OP's birth video
tranime goes on /a/
Anime website dough
This is actually false.
I've seen this movie hyped up for years on here and other places so I was super excited to watch it. When I did I was severely disappointed. Some of the art is great and extremely well animated, but there is 100% comparable stuff to it around the same era. The story falls completely flat especially when the "point" of the story is literally explicitly expressed to basically you the viewer in simple dum dum terms, and the point isn't even that deep or interesting and has been done before in a more graceful way, even at the point of the movie's release. When people say GiTS is high art and super deep, it genuinely makes me question how intelligent they are because it comes off as entry level philosophy for toddlers. Not even trying to mean, that's just genuinely what my analysis was of the movie. Wish it was as good as people hype it up to be
You've been told numerous times to watch the tv-shows. Now fuck off.
Your lack of respect informs people that you deserve none, toddler
Nobody smiles: the movie
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>get your wrist and ankle broken
>the part where her back muscles strain and tear

made my dick so hard bros
Ok have me this straight, he was a man before and got his brain into a robot female body?
Sum weird fetish shit. I've always wondered if there was a target audience for this: now I know.
No. She was born a woman. In the manga she actually does troon out but into a male body.
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She went mostly cyborg after she was in a plane crash as a child.
ok i see, thought she was some military guy first that got into that body and became cop
>In the manga she actually does troon out but into a male body.
I never asked for this
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Dunno if sexy or not. Probably feels like a hard 800 kg realdoll with some realdoll tits on her. Cold too.
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I can't say I found her that sexy in the 1995 film. She's a bit more feminine in the manga, and does some explicit things.
I felt similar. It's okay, nice atmosphere and animation, but it did not make me care about any of the characters, or even seem to want me to. I also didn't understand the point of the ending: it's narrated to us that she's combined with the AI now, okay, so what?
So good. I don't mind the fanservice in the show and in the manga, but I can't show it to friends like that.
go play in traffic
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Masamune Shirow for you, the perv.
I love hand drawn animation so much bros
point at an actual cyberpunk anime from the era of equivalent quality
>near future
>urban skyscrapers
>virtual reality
protipp: you can't. neither oedo nor akira are on the same level, either quality- or setting-wise.
welcome to the genre of cpunk. also that one guy smiled at the imaginary photo of his family
>it's narrated to us that she's combined with the AI now, okay, so what?
the net is vast and infinite
not a weeb so i might just not know, but why dont animes have this animation fidelity anymore? i have seen this, akira, memories, etc. and they look incredible and are extremely well animated. why has anime collapsed so hard since then? these movies came out 30 years ago. why is everything so aesthetically ugly, garish and badly animated nowadays?
To a kid, Motoko was like Aphrodite herself and I was so beta I had to turn it off midway through the opening credits.
Recession after recession has reduced the animation industry in Japan to a pure efficiency model based on appealing to the most paying audience with the most shows to possibly get their attention with. Cuts like digital compared to traditional cel were a huge step in limiting budgets.
yeah, thats what i thought. you would just think that some passionate person would want to make something again thats truly great, but i guess its the same for western animation like how disney has never made anything as good as Fantasia since it. i have high hopes for Otomo's new thing "Orbital Era" so we'll see.
So robots have evolved digital sex and now new kinds of life are free to emerge out of this fascist corporate shithole.
hint of mint
man those were good, do they even still make those?
Holy shit is that Sphere Hunter?
Much of narratives around evolution has been and continues to be about individuality.

The major's willingness to give up the self and evolve into an unprecedented state is essentially counter culture. More important is the choosing part, less so the evolve part. This is foundational work in the genre of cyberpunk. That's what this movie is.

And the art and the aesthetics absolutely bangs.
>Get your wrist and ankle broken
>Backflip away 20 times because you are superhuman
>It doesn't matter because opponent is even more superhuman
>Ass kicked by girl
>Good end
>You were basically playing a video game in real life
>Defeating Motoko would not actually have benefited you
It's Neuromancer for people too dumb to read a middling sci-fi novel.
please just eject trannies from your brain for just a single day, bro. just one day.
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>mindbroken so hard by his family's death he starts drawing blacked porn exclusively
that's genuinely sad
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Is the 2004 sequel any good?
this and akira are the most overrated garbage in existence outside of michael mann's filmography
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Shut the fuck you shallow minded degenerate. You wouldn’t know kino if it sucked you little PP
Sequel better.
TV show unwatchable.
>call someone a shallow minded degenerate while defending Ghost in the Shell
holy projection
She’s a highly advanced, fully synthetic human you cunt

She was made not rebuilt. Go kill your self
She’s hot in the show made by stand alone complex (SAC)
ur mum's synthetic.
Goyim are easily pleased

That old boomer anime artstyle is so cringe and tryhard literally impossible to watch
>t. retard
You're getting drafted into WWIII.
Not an argument.
Both SaC series are great.

>mary sue boss grrrl beats ups man like hes nothing
This shit is just woke pozzed cancer
it is, unironically, the best sci fi movie of all time
are you fucking retarded? she's a cyborg and widely regarded as a military operator.
It's factory produced now. These classics are very expensive and time-consuming to make. They are not only drawings, they use special techniques to achieve specific effects, like shining lights through cutouts in the drawings for lights. Akira or GitS (movie) are not very profitable projects.
people talk about its philosophical deepness way too much.
mamoru oshii has explicitly said he prioritizes visuals, aesthetic, atmosphere over everything else. he considered characters least important...
it's a beautiful and meticulous artwork... i think that its aesthetic value is so great, its real greatest strength is in vivid depiction of another world, which is oshii's main interest. it excels at sparking the imagination, which i think easily leads to people over emphasizing its depth in other areas.

This fanmade animation of Dragon Ball that is essentially 8 minutes long took them 4 years to make as a side passion project so that should give you some idea of the difficulty of traditional cel drawing.
>but there is 100% comparable stuff to it around the same era
Only Patlabor 2, which invented what most of GITS does.
Unless you're talking about narrative stuff and not visuals then I don't care.
The film is about as close as a commercial film can get to an art film, which is ironic because the films basically a hack job.
That's like half the series and the other half is the fucking kawaii tanks.
If you'd even watched the intro sequence, you'd new that 99% of her body is state of the art military hardware
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I will never understand how anima went from cool stuff robots guns pew pew to modern shit. Like ok i get it things change but how are those things not cool now? little kids no like robots and action and exploding space ships and stuff or something?
>you would just think that some passionate person would want to make something again
here some fan made stuff released this week. Took him like 4 years.

his star wars old work

so it's possible i guess
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>>mary sue boss grrrl
Yet in this scene >>201763473 she needs Batou to come to the rescue with an anti-tank weapon. He saves her.
GITS is KINO and basically you are fucking retarded
Why does Motoko use grenades when she could have blown up the Puppet Master?
it was pretty cool but the movie had too much technobabble
>>mary sue boss grrrl beats ups man like hes nothing
>This shit is just woke pozzed cancer
He went running out into a huge empty parking lot full of ankle-deep water and expected it not to be a bossfight arena?
Is this what incredible math looks like?
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He wasn't thinking straight.
>and the point isn't even that deep or interesting
Transcendence is is extremely deep and interesting.
> has been done before in a more graceful way
> makes me question how intelligent they are because it comes off as entry level philosophy for toddlers
What philosophers cover the themes in GitS?
Certainly none of the ones before the 20th century.
I get the impression that you didn't understand the movie.
Your criticism is nothing like that of the anon that you're replying to.
In the movie she transcends femininity.
in the early 90s the Japanese economy cracked
A forward looking confident nation became mired in debt and political paralysis
At that point, the focus of manga (which includes anime) became pornographic to distract people from their troubles. This was mirrored with the JAV boom.
Pornographic manga existed before, but it was never the focus and it was generally kept under wraps.
Even the most innocent manga now is tainted with pedophillic pornography, to such an extent that Shonen Jump (aimed at boys 10-13) now has explicit sex
Why can't the people who claim it's unoriginal ever give examples of anything like it?
The best part of that sequence is directly after this when Corgi grins straight at the camera and snaps his invisibility hoodie on. He doesn't just wear transparent cling-wrap like Motoko, I wonder why?
trans coded character
Very much so. And that's why I love her.
This. Also when Japan was the economic powerhouse Japanese companies funded anime movies generously just for clout.
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Wait that was real I it was just some bullshit rumor made by some dumb anon online years ago.
If you still oppose trans people in 2024 you are genuinely a traitor to humanity.
That's more of the selection bias problem with writers and drawers. The could, in theory write and draw happy silly stories for you with bubbly characters. But that would require a significant portion of them have experience with happiness and silliness. The bias in their lives is far in the other direction. Anyone with a happy silly life to draw from is probably choosing to keep living that life instead of sitting down and ignoring the fun smiling people in their lives to write a story that probably won't even make any money. I don't remember the author's name but some guys wrote a couple of books that did really well and then just stopped. When asked why he replied, "I'd rather participate in life than write one hundred great stories." So, we get sour characters who can't communicate with each other and are relentlessly unhappy, not even able to show the barest minimum of social etiquette. Far more often than not.
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Oh dear.
It doesn't matter how many people you kill for your cause, when you're still going to neck yourself.
Why are you so hateful?
Legit can't tell if this is sincere or not.
Hate begets hate.
It was a good movie
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kill yourself subhuman, sooner than later please.
it makes sense that trannyism is the final form of leftism since both are all about the destruction and perversion of the good, true, and natural.
That's a lie.
J Land was ROLLING in cash back then and the "Global South" was ripe to be taken advantage of for inbetweeners. Disney did this also. If you tried to do something like this now, it would be way too expensive and might even take way to long.
Shes hottest in 2nd Gig for sure.
this is her at her most human. There is no way that door is ever coming off but she will not give up even if it destroys her.
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Isn't trans way more traitorous against your genes and subsequently the species?
On second thought though, go right ahead and keep yourself out of the gene pool.
Gally could rip that hatch off one handed.
Blow it how? The puppet master's ghost is in the tank. The body you are probably thinking about is later used as a communicating platform.
The moment she jumped from the skyscraper I knew that I was destined to become a woman.
trans coded post
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Be careful, anon. If you keep pretending to be a tranny long enough, you might actually become one.
Even with super strength, women don't know how to fight like that. Doesn't matter how much training they have. I get japanese love making girl bosses, and it doesn't bother me, but there's no way 2 cyborgs, one with a male brain and one with a female brain are going to even come close in a fight. I love the GITS though.
The only thing left of her is her brain, everything else is a military unit. The shell has profound impact on the ghost just as much as the ghost has on the shell.
The fuck? No it isn't. Why would the tank be fighting to protect the car? Why would the tank fight at all if the Puppet Master had access to it?
What do you think is happening in that scene? The tank is remotely controlled by the puppet master?
I would unironically transition in a heartbeat if it was guaranteed that I would look pretty after it.
My understanding is that the tank belongs to Section 6 and is being piloted by a Section 6 guy, and the guys in the car are also Section 6, and the Puppet Master is being contained in the shell of a blonde human female, who is zipped up in the backseat of their car.

I never thought the Puppet Master was in the tank because I assumed Puppet Master could then take the tank over. I didn't even think Section 6 was powerful enough to forcibly move the Puppet Master's ghost into a new shell, when the Puppet Master hacks their helicopters seemingly effortlessly a few minutes later.
I am the anon he was responding to, I agree with his criticisms as well and would have written them in my initial post, I just didn't want to belabor the point. GiTS shills are very sensitive
What movies are similar to gits?
Akira, and regardless it being the theoretical only one of its kind doesn't make it immune from just not being that good
Akira is trash though (especially when compared to GitS)
I think the puppet master orchestrated its own escape and then injected itself into the tank. But I will think about your interpretation during my next rewatch.
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I do love a bit of Akira.
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I like her in her official majors uniform. A woman in dress blues/ceremony is a big turn on for me and she was probably the origin.
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>Police just open fire while facing some buildings
Are random citizens having bullets going through their windows during this?
Akira is better visually and at least doesn't pretend to have some stupid ass point that midwits pretend is super deep(actually intelligent people are laughing at you)
god this still looks so fucking good
welcome to a futuristic corporate dystopia. section 8 are like the only good cops in the series. Often police and swat in gits are corrupt/bought out/ or irresponsible
ya but the entire middle of the movie is hospital corridors and little green guys. the entire middle of akira sucks
>No. She was born a woman. In the manga she actually does troon out but into a male body.
>I never asked for this
Not exactly what happened. In the manga, the Major's cybernetic body was completely destroyed and Bateau had to act fast and saved the Major's brain, the only empty cybernetic body he had quick access to was an androgynous male body for temporary useage.
why are there a bunch of billboard ads facing a filthy reservoir where people wouldn't be anyway
as opposed to the entirety of GiTS sucking?
thats the only gits series i haven´t watched
can you post more? i only know the backflip webm
There are still a few anime made in this quality. Miyazaki films still look good
also Makoto Shinkai films. also the Evangelion remakes.

even in the 90s it was rare to see stuff like Oshii's GITS or that MEMORIES movie.
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NTA but the puppetmaster wanted to merge ghosts with kusanagi, that was its endgame.
The tank belonged to Section 6
I liked it. Haunting score worked well with the visuals.
Going beyond humanity and all that it entails in terms of goals and emotions is pretty deep. I'm an actually intelligent person myself and it doesn't make me laugh.
Cops do that shit IRL constantly, anon...
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The series is really hit and miss with the animation
Sorry, you trannies lost the 4chan culture war in 2016. Alt right political website now.
the second movie unironically filtered the fuck out of me
how do you begin to understand it?
You don't like the social scene down there? You might find someone positively electric.
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>4chan culture war in 2016
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Dominion Based Police > Cringe in the Shell
I love them
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Why don't you head back to /pol/...I heard the Russians took another entire acre of Ukraine and this time it only took 20,000 mobiks to do it.
Is there anything redeemable about 2045? It's a continuation of the series so it can't be all bad.
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Why don't (you) go back to grooming minors on X like the rest of your degenerate ilk
If you like Cyberpunk then you just get it. It’s 2nd to Bladerunner.
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>I have the screencaps to prove what a normie twat I am
What the fuck is an "x", newfag?
It is just a bullshit rumor.
He talked about a sick father in an interview, basically sounded like a hospice case.
Other than that, I've never seen anything with a source attached to it discussing Shirow losing any family members in a natural disaster or the like.
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thanks this is horrible
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They do.
But that period in the bubble economy definitely had a lot of extremely high fidelity works because Japan basically had infinite money to throw at problems.
It was probably the only period of time where anime films came close to Disney films in budget.
Most anime then and now is much cheaper made except for a few series every season.
Something like Mushoku Tensai Season 1 also has extremely good animation, made recently. Even if the story is bad.
Robots were done so much they became trite and lame and associated with the 'old days'.
They'll be trendy again one day.
>me, when the bad lady tries to touch my pee pee on the dance floor

Literally me when trying to pull 2 5 gallon buckets apart.
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Yeah, Otomo might've been a hit-and-miss kinda guy but at least you know you'll watch a top-tier animation work if he makes it.
The future is pretty bleak. Not much to smile or laugh about
>starts drawing blacked porn exclusively
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You will never breed
>Alt right political website now.
anon, if you hear something from two people it's true. that's just a fact of life.
the russia/ukraine war is like 3 year old news, bro. you need to update your fake outrage software.
It looks like outside.
I love Blade runner, GiTS doesn't hold a candle to it. It's honestly a bootleg version of Bladerunner, inferior in every way. Retards coping super hard in this thread that just because we supposedly don't get much cyberpunk, it's immune to being bad, which it's not, because it's bad
I saw the release of Innocence last month, one of best theater experiences I’ve had in a while
No joke, this scene was one of the earliest things I fapped to.
Dominion Tank Police had no right to be as good as it was. So fun and so many great characters
*rerelease, whatever
I'll never understand why this website is so obsessed with anime.

What happened that made Japanophiles think they're welcome here?

/pol/ and /b/ don't care about Japan so where are these Jap obsessed tourists coming from and why?
I like the part where the nerd cop explains to the captain that the masks and obsessive disinfecting are basically pointless because everyone has developed immunity to the bacteria cloud after living with it for so long.
what didnt you understand?
>I'll never understand why this website is so obsessed with anime.
The name is 4chan anon... Maybe you should look up what that means...
Why would someone want to be the weaker sex
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holy shit, watching movies with you must be a chore for the person explaining everything to you
looks awlful and amateurish
compressed air works
sometimes so does water
Those A10's she had in the 95 movie made her look so pretty
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kino robot tiddies
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>it's woooooke
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I have seen this movie for over 2 decades and still don't know the choreography of that fight.
blockbuster rental, just out of high school class. Life full of possibilities.
the tank was used as a safety filter, n the second film the hacker kim is used as a proxy as well.
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the band nero uses shots this for their music video, very based.
von neumann said yo don't understand math, you just get used to it.
anime only goes for cute now
well-animated isn't cute
>Sequel better.
I disagree but the sequel is still good.
>TV show unwatchable.
Strongly agree
Eyes of the Hyperborean master-race ultrahumans.
looks cool, but is the story good?
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I rewatch it at least once a year. This is so fucking good
She was my crush when I was younger. Young teen me of course didn't understand the movie, but man I loved Kusanagi.
actually trolled, lurk more you fucking newfaggots
if it's any consolation, the guy in the robe is supposed to be stiff an unnatural in his movements in this scene
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>Blocks your path
Nothing personal
Me after eating 2 extra large burritos
Love that scene so fucking much
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>She went mostly cyborg after she was in a plane crash as a child.

Pet theory that amuses me...

Daria Morgendorffer travels to Japan for a college vacation trip, her plane crashes, she is mortally injured but eligible for Japan's cyberization program. Upside is she can read any book she ever desired in milliseconds. Downside is she can read every book she ever desired in milliseconds and runs out of books rapidly during her recovery. Realizing she's going to need allies and employment as the Japanese are considerably strictly focused on border security so she essentially becomes property of Japan. Being brilliant, easily motivated to gain money to find her new lifestyle she gets interested in military skills, hacking, and leadership skills.

She draws similar personalities to her that she experienced in her teenage years.

The spider tanks, Tachikoma, resemble the personality of her younger sister, Quinn.

Her father resembles Togusua.
Her mother resembles Chief Daisuke Aramaki.
The brother of her best friend, Trent Lane, resembles mostly the behavior of Paz (a man who fucks women only once then moves on).
Tom Sloane, her boyfriend, resembles Ishikawa.
The peripheral friend of Mack MacKenzie strongly resembles Borma except for his skin color.
One of the reliable oddballs that resembles her former teacher Mr. Anthony DeMartino is Saito, the sniper.

The best part of this new lifestyle is she has the opportunity to permanently kill proxies that strongly resemble people she despised like her corrupt narcissistic principal, Ms. Angela Li.

She does have intimate friends that resemble her best friend Jane Lane, but they have the discretion to not overlap her work life with her home life.
Many such cases. Motoko eats her simps for breakfast.
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The Ghost in the Shell 2045 fights reminded me of this.

going to the store

time for sushi

Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045: Multi-Audio Clip: (NSFW) The Post Human Mansion | Netflix Anime
Bro I was 10...
cyber daria, meh. I'll watch it.
It costs an insane amount of money. Akira was basically a showcase of what you could get with unlimited time and money and the best animators in the business. Which is good, because holy shit is it an awful adaptation of the source material.
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half of the boards are dedicated to anime and yet you feel the need to take it to /tv/
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