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>this was considered a 10/10 in 2011's America
shes a nutjob but she was pretty fucking sexy lad
the music video where she wears the Tarzan jungle outfit still makes my pp hard
How you seen zoomer women? that's a 10/10 now
I like pale, blue eyed, raven haired women. Mogs other aesthetics.
My prediction - Katy Perry is gonna end up getting interviewed by either Rogan or Jordan Peterson.
She's done in the democratic circles.
But will she bimbo-out like Megan Fox did?
she already did to a certain extent
and megan fox only got bogged but she didn't become a part of the right-wing circles
her children are trans for fucks sake.
I'm not talking about their fake and gay politics, just bimbofication. Since a lot of middle aged actresses seem to prefer that over the Wall.
Lad? I thought lady gaga was the one with a cock
it's bimbofication and more being a trailer trash hoe
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i dunno about strawmanning it in to 10/10
but yeah she was considered pretty and sexy
no it wasn't
>My prediction -
yes that's how the average peterson supporter looks like
>stanley kubrick as number one
still would now that she's walled with saggy tits
imagine what I'd do to 2011 KP
I'd do her since 2001 actually
Who would you consider a 10/10?
2011 America was based
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She was hot in latex
>big tits
>pretty face
>nice ass
>top tier legs
>lickable soles
>suckable toes
>right amount of bodyfat
>black hair (dyed) and blue eyes
>anal and bj queen
all round solid 10/10 if you ask me
How do o become an anal and BJ queen?
fucking hate you ESL niggers fuck off and kys
After Teenage Dream came out, she was everywhere. On TV, on the radio, and in my dreams :)
Marry an anal and blowjob prince.
>peterson supporter
Made for BBC.
she wasn't on my dick though, which was kinda bad
mCcoy travis fucked KP in her prime
she was literally creampied by a bbc
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forgot pic
Looks more like she pegged him...
She was on Russell Brand's at the time :(
she was very fuckable from when she got famous in '08 till the mid 2010s
So you're saying Katy Perry hasn't been fuckable in a decade? Seek sunlight.
she still is, but now falls under the cougar category
she was like our last sexpot ;_;
now girls are required to be refugees or something
We had our reasons

Humor and personality ahoy
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>this is your 10
fucking gross
would facefuck after licking her good
california girls LOVE black cock
75% have sex with blacks for their first time
i'm not even cuckposting, that's just how fucked up commiefornia is
still, would fuck katy even if she had a great wall of china worthy of cocks inside her
forced meme
She was in Zoolander 2 and it was the cringiest cameo I've ever seen.
Drug addicted worshiper of Israel
Isn't he Canadian also? That's a trifecta of terrible
where have they gone?
she was at her peak
zesty looking buck
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She was an is undoubtably a 10/10
undefeated throughout history
Yea, and..? Faggot
Yeah that's a ten for me. I like strong jaws on women (within reason). I'm not big on the mousy look.
Crazy eyes, no thanks.
Lmao Peterson fags btfo'd so hard
They'll never recover from this one

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