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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

/film/ poll edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ directors directory
>/film/ literature
>but anon, where do I find these films?
>script to make 3x3 webms

Previous: >>201730494
I love Isabelle Adjani!
/film/ sisters SO can relate teehee
She's hot. I'm not into penis btw

Me too sister
Good, I missed you cheaters
All of the newer films I watch are from Europe (except the critically-acclaimed, award-bait ones) or Asia. Not trying to be a hipster or some shit, I'm just sick of being preached about politics and woke issues.
Older movies are so much comfier, I'm always afraid that one day I will run out of stuff to watch. I like crime genre.
Yeah, this is mostly me too. There's no reason to be a doomer, really.
I want to see preachy shit to understand the preachers, specially in the case of feminist films. I wanna understand women.
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What’s there to understand?
gay gimmick
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Their mindset and motivations. Why they are the way they are.
Fuck's sake, stop posting this weiird image
I want to know its votes
I’m 8 movies deep into Friedkin’s filmography and that motherfucker just didn’t miss holy shit.

Sometimes I wonder why directors like Kurosawa, Scorsese, Polanski etc. are so regarded as the greatest ever. You watch one of their movies and you’re like, “huh, pretty good”, but you don’t know why they could be considered the greatest ever for it. And then you watch more and more of their films and you realise that pretty much all their movies are “huh, pretty good!” tier or above and then you begin to realise why they’re so well regarded.

But William Friedkin’s peak has the highest concentration of “huh, this is the best thing i’ve ever seen in my life” tier movies, so even if he did eventually slip and make some slop (Bug is kino though so he found his way back in the end), he is truly one of the greatest filmmakers ever, and maybe the quintessential “New Hollywood” director.
>William Friedkin’s peak has the highest concentration of “huh, this is the best thing i’ve ever seen in my life”
Acquire better taste.
1. Emoções Sexuais De Um Cavalo (1986)
To Live and Die in L.A. is better than your favourite film.
>I’m 8 movies deep into Friedkin’s filmography and that motherfucker just didn’t miss holy shit.
Oh just you wait.
>noooo you can't have different opinions to mine, that means you have le hecking bad taste

Not even the best crime flick.
Who knows, knows
Name some films for anons to watch instead of yapping about the ones they bring up.
Naturally you'd agree with a description of your mental illness, snowflake
Cheatanon, you need to make your announce for voters in every thread until the next Friday. Otherwise if you feel too lazy or demotivated, just give up.
The only films from the 2010s and onwards that I watch are dumb Asian thrillers and horrors when I want to just turn my brain off, other new shit is simply not even worth anyone's attention, it feels like garbage to watch. Digital simply doesn't feel good
Kurosawa and 60s-80s Polanski didn't miss as well, the fuck are you talking about. Most of their movies aren't
>huh, pretty good
they are
>holy shit this is great
I don't understand how anyone could think otherwise
>cameos in Thief
>stars in Manhunter and TLADILA
>gets offered Platoon, turns it down to make some made for tv baseball movie because he wanted to play ball for a few weeks instead of be miserable in the jungle
>gets offered Ray Liotta’s role in Goodfellas, turns it down, again to do some made for tv shit
>turned down Heat, wants to just do his stage stuff instead
>signs onto CSI and gets paid 600,000 an episode (back when they did 20+ episode seasons of shows) and becomes one of the richest actors regardless of the opportunities he passed up
>does his stage stuff that like 20 people end up seeing in peace

William Petersen is the most based man alive and one of the few people on this earth that are truly free.
If you're still a Friedkin there are too many films for you to watch, pointless.
Keep coping mutt.
Never seen To Live and Die in LA but I know that actor from Manhunter. Looks badass
You had to specify a timeframe for Polanski. His bad movies just don’t count then because you want to cut his career off at a certain point? Carnage and The Pianist are great, so it’s not like he became completely washed after the 80s. In his prime, Fearless Vampire Killers was mediocre, and What? is a mind-bogglingly bad film to be released between Macbeth and Chinatown.

I would argue that most of Kurosawa’s 40s films are largely “pretty good” tier also, nowhere near the quality of his Rashomon—Red Beard run.
You have to do that with Friedkin too lmao, he made fuckton of shitty films
>In his prime, Fearless Vampire Killers was mediocre, and What? is a mind-bogglingly bad film to be released between Macbeth and Chinatown.
Never understood the hate for those honestly. They are not the best shit ever but they are still good. Okay, at least Fearless Vampire Killers is. As for the timeframe, yeah, I meant those were his 'flawless' years. I honestly can't name a single director who never made a mediocre film
I can: Laughton
One masterpiece and that's it.
I guess Ivan’s Childhood could be seen as mediocre compared to Tarkovsky’s later standards…
Let's motivate him, sisters. I need that chart + its memes
Polanski fan here, he was never that guy:

>Fearless Vampire Killers
>Ninth Gate
>Venus in Fur

4.5/10, 6/10 and 3/10 respectively. Dude just made a few brilliant films over many decades and some comfy shit (Ninth Gate type stuff) alongside many mid and even terrible films. Fearless Vampire Killers is terribly boring.
I find it MUCH better than stuff like Solaris or The Sacrifice.
Yeah, sucks what happened to him. Wish he made a couple more thrillers
I actually like Ivan's Childhood and Andrei Rublev the most
This has to be the most overrated movie on /tv/
Should I watch The Passion According to Andrei or Andrei Rublev? I’ve seen all his other Mosfilm flicks now but i’ve been agonising over which cut to watch of this one.
that would be Collateral
I've only ever seen The Passion According to Andrei (the version that's like 20 minutes longer), I'd watch that cut if I were you
But Sharon Tate is cute though
Yes, she is super hot. Still something that only trash connoiseurs would see willingly. We have a fetish for the past and past sex symbols, no need for a /film/ patrician to subject itself to this unholy movie
Watch the shorter cut, the one approved by Tarkovsky
>/film/ patrician
From the same class of the flying elephants, kek
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I know pic related has its fans but it's the real early Polanski stinker, not Fearless Vampire Killers
I think Come and See SUCKS!
Yep, this is a tough one to like, quite morose and tentative. More important in launching his career than something to appreciate.
Damn, what a sizzling hot take
It has a good and accurate message: women are evil and will betray you with half a blink
The guy who made Godzilla also directed a very cool body horror film called Matango, I recommend it
how did elaine may manage to shit out this ultrakino and then subsequently make a film so fucking bad it killed her career eternally
More like men start acting like pricks towards each other when they are around a woman they like
Ishtar is not that bad tbqh
I'm quick to attack women, but you're also right on the money. Whatever power women have has been gifted to them by thirsty men.
For me, the first 20 minutes in New York were amazing, but then the feeling slowly wore off until by the end the film was unbearable. So I definitely enjoyed some of it but people probably hated it so much because the last impression of a film is what everyone remembers.
100% correct
Queer kino?
It doesn't sucks, but it isn't even in the same league as The Ascent. Husband-wife kinomaking couple where the woman completely mogs her husband at doing the same kind of film
There's a reason she never directed anything between M&N and Ishtar. Everyone knew what would happen if you gave her a huge budget but Beatty was horny so he did it
She tried to ape Cassavettes and didn’t know what she was doing. I still like the performances in the film though
ATTENTION /film/! We are currently holding a vote for a new /film/ canon to challenge the S&S poll. Please submit a ranked list of your top 10 (ten) favorite films. Here are the rules
Alright, then take this post as the offical start of the voting. I'll use this stupid trip for all posts involved with the voting so other anons can't pose as me and change the rules. Speaking of which, here are the rules:
1) Voting will continue until July 2nd at 7am BST (or whatever time I wake up on the 2nd)
2) Submit your vote by responding to this post or future similar posts I make in future threads
3) Votes made not responding to my anchor posts will be discarded
4) Votes must contain 10 (ten) films ranked from 1 to 10, if there is no ranking indicated they will be ranked from top to bottom
5) No duplicate films may be included in your ranking
6) Votes containing more or less than 10 (ten) films will be discarded
7) The films will be scored using the following weighted voting system
>1st film = 5 points
>2nd film = 4 points
>3rd film = 3 points
>4th film = 2 points
>5th-10th films = 1 point
8) At the end of the voting period, all points will be tallied and the top 100 (or less if not many anons participate) films will be compiled into the chart
Sorry, got distracted watching the Olympic opening ceremony. It fucking sucked
Fucked that up pretty bad, but you get the point
You got filtered.
Riveting argument
>says the guy with IT LE STINKER
Still no argument, just bitch fits
Riveting argument
>bitch fits
Rude, I feel attacked
Still no argument, just bitch fits
It was not him it was me, the film genuinely feels like something a film student in his early 20s would make
The extent of discussion you people are capable of is
>no u
Does no one here ever had debating class on high school?
Finis Terræ, 1929
Annette, 2021
The Scarlet Empress, 1934
The Lair of the White Worm, 1988
The Wayward Cloud, 2005
The Age of the Earth, 1980
The Immortal Story, 1968
Heart of Glass, 1976
Danger: Diabolik, 1968
Limite, 1931
Another amazing argument....le student film! (despite it being far far superior even from technical pov)
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Izzy is beautiful.
>Danger: Diabolik

Based. Is it any good?
>Based. Is it any good?
Either you're drunk or I am
>1 Rocco and His Brothers 1960
>2 Rear Window 1954
>3 Red Beard 1965
>4 Blow-Up 1966
>Great Expectations 1946
>Ordet 1955
>Tristana 1970
>Lolita 1962
>Woman in the Dunes 1964
>Picnic at Hanging Rock 1975
I just came up with this in like three minutes and I feel like my favorites change all the time but still
Damn surprised to see a Jean Epstein film in someone's top 10, nice
Tenebrae (Argento, 1982)
Sailor Suit and Machine Gun (Somai, 1981)
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (Lynch, 1992)
The Silence of the Lambs (Demme, 1991)
Stalker (Tarkovsky, 1979)
Battles Without Honor and Humanity (Fukasaku, 1973)
Freddy Got Fingered (Green, 2001)
The Driver (Hill, 1978)
Southern Comfort (Hill, 1981)
Cure (Kurosawa K., 1997)

Incorruptibly true and effervescently based.
>Freddy Got Fingered (Green, 2001)
Surely you're joking. It's funny (it's just the movie equivalent of a shitpost), but it's hardly Top 10 material.
This Adjani woman looks like a tranny here
I agree that it’s essentially a celluloid shitpost, but it’s the movie that makes me laugh the most, so I wanted to include it because the poll asked for favourites specifically.
1- Persona
2- Nostalghia
3- Weekend (1967)
4- The Turin Horse
5- Whispering Pages
6- Meshes of the Afternoon
7- Fall of the House of Usher (Epstein)
8- Ballad of Narayama (1958)
9- La Vie Nouvelle
10- T,O,U,C,H,I,N,G
1. The Brown Bunny
2. 'Rameau's Nephew' by Diderot (Thanx to Dennis Young) by Wilma Schoen
3. Mother Dao, the Turtlelike
4. Throw Away Your Books, Rally in the Streets
5. And Give My Love to the Swallows
6. The Bed You Sleep In
7. Lamentations: A Monument to the Dead World
8. Parfisal
9. As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty
10. She Spent So Many Hours Under the Sun Lamps
Maybe I'm naive, but I don't think this would be a real top 10 from anyone except some aging hipster film programmer in New York
A Night in Casablanca > Ishtar > Casablanca
This looks like a tracklist on some experimental music album
New Yorkers are kinda based because they just run movies that were made in New York. Instead of conforming to “canon” they just insist that Larry Cohen, Abel Ferrara, and William Lustig are in actuality the greatest artists the world has ever known, which is admirable to me. I actually do like all their movies.
watch more movies
1) Marketa Lazarova (Vlacil)
2) Rome, Open City (Rossellini)
3) As Bodas de Deus (Monteiro)
4) Mirror (Tarkovsky)
5) High Noon (Zinnemann)
6) Au Hasard Balthazar (Bresson)
7) Lancelot du Lac (Bresson)
8) El romance del Aniceto y la Francisca (Favio)
9) On the Waterfront (Kazan)
10) C'eravamo tanto amati (Scola)
It's only *just* a good movie. Nowhere close to being great.
This is all it takes to filter nu/film/? Truly embarrassing.
The only thing that triggered me was the fucking Jon Jost, but other than that the list is fine, with well known films/filmmakers in arthouse cinema.
I’ll respect any list that isn’t fucking 2001 and Stalker
I despise this type of circle jerk, huffing of farts, Brody can go fuck himself straight to hell for eternity
>France hosts the gay Olympic
>it's a complete embarrasment
>sixteen years later, China still the best Olympic ceremony ever
APOLOGIZE to Zhang Yimou /film/
Apologize right now
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What version of Stalker is the best? I don't want to watch the ruined versions
The respect of some /film/ schizo is not quite something anyone's seeking
The one with pink skies
>Stalker le bad because uhh… well people like it okay!!!??
Choose the one you like best based on the screenshots since there are arguments for any of the versions, as usual with these remasters.
My nigga is sleeping over piss xd

I watched the one on the right, but the colors were more saturated, more like a mix between burgundy and that brownish tone, true saturated sepia
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>The arrival of Stalker's wife in the cafe where they are resting confronts the Writer and the Scientist with a puzzling, to them incomprehensible, phenomenon. There before them is a woman who has been through untold miseries because of her husband, and has had a sick child by him; but she continues to love him with the same selfless, unthinking devotion as in her youth. Her love and her devotion are that final miracle which can be set against the unbelief, cynicism, moral vacuum poisoning the modern world, of which both the Writer and the Scientist are victims.
Hey OP, I watched Missing and tomorrow I'll watch State of Siege. Ask me anything.
Are you Greek? How acquainted are you with his films? What are your plans for the weekend? Are you single? Are you a hot young girl?
Based take. It would have been cooler if Stalker's wife was hot, like the blonde girl in Mirror
I did watch it, but it left the same impression as The French Connection in me; simplisting copy-pasting of scenes together and a simplistic plot.
Every truly great film has a simple story.
I accept your concession, philistine.
Yes, I am, but you would be more warranted to ask me that if I mentioned Theo Aggelopoulos (of whom I've yet to watch a film).
A little bit, I started watching Z with my brick for a brain gf but she got bored and we abandoned it after Lambrakis' death.
Visiting said gf.
Aren't we all in the end?

But not simplistic.
Come to think of it wasn't the French Connection also directed by Friedkin?
Three Crowns of the Sailor
Under the Flag of the Rising Sun
A Bittersweet Life
Sansho the Bailiff
Bad Timing
Lemonade Joe
Tokyo Sonata
Au Hasard Balthazar
The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting
I love The French Connection. It's a truly Bressonian crime thriller, lean and stripped to the bone.
Have you watched John the Violent (1973)?
>A Bittersweet Life

He knows
>She tried to ape Cassavettes and didn’t know what she was doing
Cassavettes sucks though
>tryhard newfag think shitting on 2001 and Stalker is cool
Well, I sometimes forget that /film/ is still /tv/ after all
My list got called a "troll list" last thread. You better be counting it.
No, whose is it?
I should rewatch it.
I don’t think shitting on bad films is “cool”, it’s just merely stating facts.
Water is wet,
sky is pink,
2001 and Stalker stink
>t. plotfag
Where did I say truly great films have a story or plot at all? I’m the opposite of a plotfag dumbass
>t. plotfag
I accept your concession, philistine.
>parroting an anon’s reply to you verbatim

The IQ of the plotfag, everyone.
I have to disagree with you
Yeah, all the bad from /tv/ with the added bad qualities that show up easily in generals
what movie should I watch on my 500th consecutive Friday night alone
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
I wonder which nuevo genero (that makes one pensar and sentir) would that be
I watched it with my ex she said it was good I only liked the beach scenes because the beach is nice I like it its all sad and gay though the rest of that besides when the chick was jumping on a bed in her underwear I think
Based. Not good film.

Watch Perfect Days.
You made sure to count my Stuart Little list, right?
No meme lists allowed
Yes please. At least the meme list poster should prove that he is, in fact, not memeing.
You better have counted my Tsai list. It's my actual opinion.
1- The End of Evangelion
2- Shin Godzilla
3- Love & Pop
4- Shiki-Jitsu
5- Antiporno
6- Love Exposure
7- All About Lily Chou-Chou
8- A Snake of June
9- Rubber’s Lover
10- Emperor Tomato Ketchup

That's a yikes from me. I love porn.
He already said he’s counting all meme/troll lists, as he should
You should watch the film then, it’s got a lot of fantastic nudity
Based eroguro enjoyer
I watched it, but it's literally an antiporno essay film. I can't give a thumbs up to my man Sono when he's trying to destroy culture like that
So does #10
>Voting will continue until July 2nd
Based year-long poll
>Needs to be that long since the threads are so dead
>Rameau's Nephew
Based deep cut.
>He already said he’s counting all meme/troll lists, as he should
They obviously shouldn't be counted, the amount of meme lists will skew the results to mean nothing except who memed harder to get in. Anybody can posts dozens of lists just for giggles.
NOOO it’s a New York hipster cut I can’t HANDLE IT NOOO!!!

>Sailor Suit and Machine Gun (Somai, 1981)

it is unironically on my top 10 too. Somai is a genius
Any list should be counted. Anyone can post anything. A “serious” list to you is a “meme” to someone else. Everyone is posting tons of shitty lists already. This chart will be a snapshot in time- Welcome to nu/film/
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>Emperor Tomato Ketchup
Based Stereolab appreciator.
stale gimmick
>Welcome to nu/film/
But we are currently in the post-no/film/ era.
Why haven’t you submitted a list yet?
Barbara Loden > Eliza Kazan
I enjoy Love Hotel and Typhoon Club
so predictable
The chart already means nothing lmao do you think any of this shit fucking matters in the slightest? Jesus Christ I pity your life
Goddamn, fair enough. I need to keep up with the times
I agree, we started this voting with at least half serious intentions. The memes should come from the perceived absurdity of the final results; I'm pretty sure that Tark haters will come out the woodworks when they see the final poll, same for Lynchfags, Sight and Sound memes, etc. Admitting memes with unserious lists just makes the whole exercise and the serious voters trivial by default.
who hurt you
It's actually fun to do, that makes it matter... haven't you learned anything from watching optimistic kino?
>dude you care about his? oh my god he cares about something, lolz nothing matters kiddo
You people are insufferable
1. Suspiria (1977)
2. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
3. Stop Making Sense (1984)
4. Phantom of the Paradise (1974)
5. The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007)
6. Possession (1981)
7. Boogie Nights (1997)
8. Heaven’s Gate (1980)
9. The Thief and the Cobbler (1993)
10. Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story (2007)
Is this the most patrician film site out there?

Based. You seem like a cool dude, we'd get along well
You know what to do.
I do. Do you?
There is literally no possible way to discern which lists are troll lists because any poster with an ounce of individuality is inevitably going to have a weird ass pick that only he can justify to himself and it looks like a troll to everyone else. Include everyone or don’t bother at all.
I don't know if you do what I think it's the thing we ought to know to do. But I do.
I just want to watch movies I enjoy. I'm tired of watching movies and only half-enjoying them or just watching them for analysis.
saw on the waterfront recently

loada shit

brando overrated
Odd picks here and there affirm individual tastes and are what's expected from this exercise.
Actual troll/meme lists aren't hard to identify, for example that Stuart Little one.
Your post's structure and content indicate you have a very low IQ.
what films do you enjoy? surely the waterfront isnt one of them
just a boring film. not convinced by brando
I enjoyed On the Waterfront and several other Kazan films.
Watched High Noon and i agree with John Wayne. That was some ludicrous commie fucking gobbledygook. Rio Bravo mogs.
fing about terrence malick is his films can look very nice but they are all ass

i still have hidden life saved coz i like the cinematographics but like

i couodnt enjoy a film like that

i cant enjoy pretentious whispering background vocals talking horseshit about godel

just a load of shit

hafta say same thing about tarkovsky.

way those films are shot and aesthetic can be very satisfying at least in some films

but the intellectual content is nill

i am not interested in hearing the ravings of a mentally ill delusional christcuck
>dude it mogs
>just shit yo
>like boring frfr
Retarded teens woke up and are eager to offer their shit takes
its the problem with film for someone who is analytically and scientifically minded like myself

i like science, physics, neuroscience,
i like analytic philosophy like quine wittgenstein

i am not interested in airy fairy buzzwords pseudo intellectual existential phenomenological contental philosophico bullshite like hegel and all those fuggin assholes

and that is the stuff that a lot of the intellectual background of postwar arthouse is based on

and how can i engage with that?

i cant because i know its horseshit

people could engage with freud and the subconscious in the 60s because they didnt know better

but times have changed and any intellectually reasonable philosopher or scientist knows its horseshit

renders so many of those films meaningless

not all but. its still a palpable undercurrent in some directors

i mean fuck bergman right? just a load of bollocks even if some films are okay

still alot of SHIT

lucky he made so many films so he could get a few hits in those misses
Commie absolutely bubbling
I think both are great, top 10 westerns
i liked that western film with bogart when they went gold hunting and had lots of communist undertones, themes of greed

forgot the name

treasure sierra nevada or summat

i liked east of eden. not seen any others i dont think
Why are you talking in ebonics?
Watch more christian films
Slave ideology
i actually did like dreyer joan of arc
well midwits are always calling high IQ people retards, because they are trapped in the 120 range a zon ewhere you cannot create knowledge, therefore you can only survive in the intellectual realm by leeching off the nearest authority figures, that is why the canon is filled with things such as Dielman, Mulholland Drive and In the Mood for Love, films people do not actually like, while turning their nose up at a good kung fu film.
Someone like you shows exactly the power of their IQ at every post
>le ebin Herzog quote
Actually true. I agree. Mullholand is good though, just not that good. Mood for Love is turbo overrated and b-word.
Yes, it's kino.
false. in the mood for love is perfectly and accurately rated. it's a genuinely well made film and is very aware of its strengths and plays to them.
Name five (5) good Kung Fu films right now
He can name 500 after he wikipedia them
I just didn't get it then, but for me it's a 5/10. Very boring.
Just watched A Gentle Breeze in the Vilage with my girl. I've cried like a baby in the "heartbroken" scene. my girlfriend even became a little woried. I had to explain to her that the film immersed me very deeply, and how Soyo story speaks to my soul. Fun times. Amazing movie, fantastic direction.
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What's commie about High Noon? It's about a man that selflessly does the right thing even when the odds are against him.
I mean... shouldn't things be a bit more clear in this case?
>Everyone is posting tons of shitty lists already.
Let's just discard these.
Or the blonde girl in Nostalghia. Or the blonde girl in Sacrifice.
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Never made a mediocre film.
Oh, no.
Not even close, it's actually a good movie.
True, he was the kind of great artist in which success or failures are interesting and complex
This was so challenging to watch. I had to force myself to sit through it, pausing multiple times. 2/10. Once you've seen a Żuławski film you've seen them all. Is there anyone of you that liked this film? Please explain what did you like if so.
Most movies are bad. If I don't like a movie after twenty minutes in I turn it off and put something else on. It's like Sam Fuller said, if a script doesn't grab you by the balls in the first ten pages it's not worth reading further.

>i'm not filtered, explain to me why you liked it
>"I had to force myself to sit through it, pausing multiple times"
I disagree, I think most movies are mediocre. It takes a bigger effort to achieve badness than it does to settle into mediocrity.
You made me laugh. Genuinely great shitpost format
1- Vanishing Point 1971
2- Convoy 1978
3- White Lightning 1973
4- Smokey and The Bandit 1977
5- The Third Man 1949
6- A Tree Grows in Brooklyn 1945
7- Touch Of Evil 1958
8- Make Way for Tomorrow 1937
9- Ride the Pink Horse 1947
10- The Treasure of the Sierra Madre 1948
Shout out to A Tree Grows In Brooklyn, it touched me.
I dislike the Zulawski style of acting too, but this was a very interesting and impressive depiction of an alien world otherwise so I finished watching it in one sitting. It will be a long time before I watch it again because I remember I actually felt exhausted afterwards.
I think I get Vanishing Point number 1 of all time. It's such a deeply beautiful film, just like Easy Rider. Really captures male aloneness in a way that few films do.
Yeah, the costume work and locations filmed were pretty much top notch for Zulawski, but I just can't deal with watching a 3 hour plotless film with only poetry as dialogue. Add to that the typical screaming "I'm acting!" type of acting and the classic "POV" camerawork that all of his films have, and I had mentally checked out 40 minutes in. Felt like watching a bad Skyrim gameplay on film format lol.
Soviet commies made great films though
pola x (1999)
duelle (1976)
berlin alexanderplatz (1980)
il se peut que la beaute ait renforce notre resolution - masao adachi (2011)
violated angels (1967)
branded to kill (1967)
au hasard balthazar (1966)
l'humanité (1999)
la notte (1961)
floating weeds (1959)
Read the post, he's only counting since this thread.
>Lemonade Joe
>truly Bressonian crime thriller
Not even close
Bresson disagrees.
There are some post 2010 American movies I enjoyed like Shot caller, Sicario, Den of thieves. Large unambitious crime genre films.
The films lauded by critics tend to have overbearing political messages. It seems they can't make films for the sake of films anymore. It's always either "women are so oppressed by the patriarchal society" or " the society is mainly conservative, uncivilized and stupid" and " I'm lgbt and got hated by everyone". I remember some directors of the past like Luchino Visconti and Derek Jarman made just gay /films/ that are not politically ham fisted.
But what if it grabs you in the first ten pages but then meanders and gets too long but still returns to form at the end like La Terra Trema?
Largely unambitious*
No? He was already looking at lists posted since last thread.
>La Terra Trema
>Alright, then take this post as the offical start of the voting.
no clue what to watch tonight
Another one who never made a mediocre film.
This is not getbig, faggot.
Go shit yourself, brother.
But he already had looked at the past lists! I've been betrayed, I need official confirmation.

Anyway, I post my list yet again: >>201770126

1-The Ascent
2-A Brighter Summer Day
3-La dolce vita
4-A Short Film About Killing
6-Eyes Wide Shut
8-Cold Fish
9-Vampiros en La Habana
10-Le samouraï
Ironically that's when his films started really sucking.
It's not a commie movie, it was anti Joe McCarthy so guys like Wayne and Reagan did not like it.
Bresson probably hated that shit.
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I know we all have Henry Fool here but what do we think of its sequels?
He copy pasted his post retards.
Thanks for the reminder!
Cheating again....
I've said no clue!
Ahh gotcha, I can get the lumière one but I don't know how good it looks. Anyone checked it out?
CheatAnon really is a fraudster
Leave No Trace
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Modern European films are just as bad as American ones in that regard. They just have a very slight difference in what it is they’re screeching about.
1. Andrei Rublev
2. On the Waterfront
3. Seven Samurai
4. Diary of a Country Priest
5. Ordet
6. Tokyo Story
7. The Searchers
8. La Strada
9. Lawrence of Arabia
10. The Adventures of Robin Hood
Tarkovsky used to be my favorite Russian filmmaker, but as I grew older and wiser within film history, I realized that there are 3 great Russian filmmakers who are all equivalent on almost every level, and he's only one of them.

Andrei Tarkovsky, Mikhail Kalatozov, and Elem Klimov.
1. Angst 1983
2. The Trial 1962
3. La vie nouvelle
4. Eraserhead
5. 2001: A Space Odyssey
6. Faust 1926
7. Napoleon 1927
8. Valley of the bees
9. The Searchers
10. El Topo

In case you didn't see it in the last thread
He's reading every thread.
German is better than all of them.
>and is very aware of its strengths and plays to them.
Isn't that limiting of the artform though? If you are only doing a weird autistic niche ("omg japan has big macs too, o shit the expiration date on the tuna is a person!!), then you will never have a great film, you will merely have a film of autistic asides.
not Bondarchuk ? Waterloo is unprecedented

Waterloo is not even his best film. War and Peace is.
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I need more movies like pic related that incorporate montage. It's like a throwback to silent cinema, but in an otherwise modern film. Not artificially done, but perfectly in tune with the story. Used at a moment of climax, a dithyrambic intensification, and so intelligently justified by the film-within-a-film.
>I just can't deal with watching a 3 hour plotless film with only poetry as dialogue
That’s called “being filtered” anon
>filtered by The Shit Connection
Holy nigger.
>no Sokurov
Cranes are flying
Mauvais sang
La vie nouvelle
The Cremator
Birds, Orphans and Fools
The Hourglass Sanatorium
Le Plaisir
That Most Important Thing: Love
In a Lonely Place
That Obscure Object of Desire
Céline and Julie Go Boating
Institute Benjamenta, or This Dream People Call Human Life
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Mine is the best btw
Samefagging charts?
>>Tristana 1970
>>Lolita 1962
fuck no
if your favorites change all the time so please change it again
>change your favorites because I don't like them
You people are something else
Okay, we’ve already gotten rid of yours.
Cry, little bitch.
Fell asleep watching Tarkovsky again
Oh noes! Not my non-existing list please!
I’m glad you’ve already realised that nobody cares for your input. Good boy.
He’s unironically a better director than the other Paul Anderson.
so he's a devil worshiper too huh
Not in any capacity except the 'kineticism' that PTA doesn't even employ. But he's better looking.
>caring about bullcheat nono/film/ polls

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