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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

Korean edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ directors directory
>/film/ literature
>but anon, where do I find these films?
>script to make 3x3 webms

Previous: >>201649851
fpbp, OP BTFO
Good, I missed you guys
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Great film
Gay gimmick
Terayama is great and lot of his filmsare underrated. Iwai is total dogshit. Don't ever try to make any comparison there.
true, but /film/ tards will seethe
Let them seethe. I will be enjoying trve cinema.
I prefer Y tu mamá también

>t. latino
>I prefer Y tu mamá también
Me too. On the same wavelength, I also loved Temporada de Patos and Güeros.
Never seen them. What are they about?
Films about middle-class youth in Mexico, slice of life, very chill stuff. Both coincidentally in b&w.
The rightful (You) >>201733750
Sounds cool. I'll check them out. Also, do you guys feel that films about the elite are more entertaining that films about other social classes? I like elite films and prostitute films lol
Wholesome gimmick.
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Gay gimmick
They’re all shit
If all you want is cheap entertainment…
>nooooo the filmerinos can't be entertaning in any way this upsets me
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I can't help but feel a bit of schadenfreude for these people
By your typical shitposting, I doubt you've even watched YTMT, the more famous one of that trio.
Initially I feel bad for them, cinema people having to beg for any kind of job. But then I ponder that 99% of these people are woketards, so I say get fucked.
Does anyone have Mir hat es immer Spaß gemacht? I can't find it anywhere
Found it here https://rarelust.com/the-naughty-cheerleader-1970/

I think it's on other sites too, just be sure to check out the alternative names for the movie.
>I think it's on other sites too
I don't think it is. I've been searching every title. I know its on rarelust but I was hoping it might be somewhere else or someone might be on a private tracker that has it, Tezfiles fucking sucks.
Yeah, but you lied to us
>I can't find it anywhere
>I know its on rarelust

The committee will hear about this.
I was desperate. And being on Tezfiles in two separate parts is nearly the same as it being nowhere at all.
Just be patient bro, the download speed is complete ass, but eventually the files will be there. And one of the good things of Rarelust is that it is straight no loss DVDrip, so the quality is probably very good.
are you in RFC? someone requested that film this morning. no one has posted it tho
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Has this leaked yet?
Hell yeah, all these old Persian kinos getting restored makes me happy
I can get it for you but there aren't any subs
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So now that Sight and Sound has discredited themselves with their 2022 poll, who is the new keeper of the canon?
That may or may not have been me. I can't believe its not even on Cinemaz.

I do too much regularly that might interrupt the download. It's very inconvenient. Also I'm ADHD.

God fucking bless the Russians. Gonna see if I can figure how to download it.
>I can get it for you but there aren't any subs
As far as I can tell it should be in English? Gonna try to get the vk video but if you're also able to get it I'd really appreciate it, this film is almost nowhere. Kind of crazy its even on Vk, I searched Yandex all last night and didn't get any results.
What a strange poll... Vertigo number 2?!
It's up for grabs. The woke establishment will force their 'new' canon with the support of letterboxd and reddit, film purists will hold on to past canons and new reactionary voices will promote their side and cultural values. All dissolved. The days of respect for one major institution like S&S are over. It was mostly suicide.
Ideally, you should keep your own canon.
>I do too much regularly that might interrupt the download.

Just leave your computer on while you sleep. Anyway, you won't need it now that that anon shared the link to VK.
/film/, is Jeanne Dielman the actual best film of all time?
Too few people and too many schizos to posit itself as a serious place

And that's a good thing

Too true. But then there's no discussion and what's the fun in that? The triggering over the 2022 poll was great
Has anyone had any film requests? I haven't been here for the past 4 days.
I've become interested in this too since you started asking.
It hasn't
We don't have a canon list though.
It could be cool to make a poll with each anon's favorite film of all time, vote, then make a chart with the top ones. Democracy at its finest.
Either that, or just have every anon do a 10 vote ballot that can include anything. Top 100 makes it.

/lit/ does a list, why not us?
Democracy is often/always bad, thoughever.
Not one, more like 10 or 15 films, and then tally the votes. And it'd be something heavily contested and attacked no matter what.
Either way, I would support any anon here who would want to start something like this.
He is already grabbing the VK one
I'm alright with it, just someone smarter than me do the logistics and hopefully we all will vote and make something cool. And yes, it's cooler with multifilm entries by person and multivotes by anons.
Ok. One more thing. Does anyone know how to actually download from Vk? I really wish this was on Ok.ru iinstead.

I'm trying.
Just use yt-dlp, should work
>caring about “canon”
t. tranny in early dilation phase
Only ChartAnon is allowed to do this, and he doesn’t post here anymore
Also, there aren’t nearly as many /film/ members as there used to be. Fucking pathetic shadow of its former self.
>nooooo you have to have the same movies in the top 5 every decade!!
Embarrassing. You don't need a "canon", form your own goddamn opinions for once in your life.
Word, if it wasn't for people like me shitposting and samefagging all day, these threads would look even deader than they already do
>aaaaah people are trying to make their own canon? i'm being personally attacked, i'm going insane heeeeelp me xysters
I'll be honest, I have absolutely no idea how to use this but I figure this is pretty obnoxious at this point. I'll figure something out. Hopefully.
I downloaded the file and could easily upload a MEGA for you, but I absolutely refuse to.
Why even share that then?
To emphasize the fact that he is being obnoxious, as he admitted to. And he can easily figure this out, as he’s hoping he can.
You realize you're also being obnoxious, right?
I’d call it “tough love”, I’m hoping he can grow and learn from this moment
>You don't need a "canon", form your own goddamn opinions for once in your life.
Why do you think these are the same thing? I can accept canons in art and also have personal preferences. In theory, any adult can.
In theory
>I also loved Temporada de Patos and Güeros
Based, I wish mexican cinema wasn't so enamored with poor people, Buñuel truly ruined it for all with Los Olvidados. Even misery porn is better when it isn't about poor people, as seen with Franco.
Were you abused as a kid?
>this was totally organic, chud!
Bastian Clevé DVD...
do you have prove it wasn't?
Good morning sir!
No, just common sense.
>inflate the number of participants in the poll with hundreds of gender studies majors, curators, programmers and any feminist you can find in academia or the third world
>promote previously to voting the films that you want the new voters to vote for
Read the damn github you zoomer. Like holy shit it's simple af
What is github?
It's a dangerous hacking site. People like to trick innocent anons into having their credit cards, bank accounts totally stolen by going there. Some guy even had his computer explode by getting hacked too much.
>Only ChartAnon is allowed to do this, and he doesn’t post here anymore
I'm not the chartanon who used to run the votes and make those charts, but I am the anon who owns the mega and has made a good amount of the /film/ charts. I think I still have the template the other chartanon used for his chart from when I made the Czechoslovakia chart. I'd be willing to run the vote with the same rules as the old voting charts if enough anons want, but I do agree that the chart will be much worse than if it were made at the height of /film/
I vouch for this. Let no/film/ shine.
what have I done with my throwaway shitpost...
I support the idea, although I am worried about the quality.
I hope you partake in the future no/film/ chart.
I'd need to watch more films.
many such cases
how many have you watched so far?
About 3k.
looks like kino's back on the menu
Why is the only conceivable way a female-directed film can win a poll to you some huge meticulously coordinated feminist plot? The movie was popular among cinephiles before they opened the poll to more people. Why do you demand the entire list be a sausage-fest?
Solaris and The Sacrifice are Tarkovsky's worst works because his voice is not as strong in them. The Sacrifice is Tarkovsky stanning Bergman. Solaris is Tarkovsky trying to take something Kubrick did but do it his own way in a hostile manner.

Ivan's Childhood could be placed amongst his worst as well for being a bit basic.

Top 3 are Stalker > Nostalghia = Mirror
Maybe Tarkovsky just isn't good?
It's not some plot. It is literally what happened. If you add 800 critics to a poll with a decidedly heavy emphasis on adding tons of women (feminists) and gender study critics, it was really inevitable.
OK, thanks for sharing. It doesn't really tie into any of my points one way or another.
Do you actually know that the majority, or even close to the majority, of the newly added critics were feminists and/or in gender studies, or are you pulling that out of your ass?
What do you mean by being a bit basic?
It is more conventional of a film compared to the others. Tarkovsky was in the process of trying to find his own voice. I still think it is a good film though, and much better than Solaris and Sacrifice.
Stateline Motel 1973
Its on Rarelust but the size is too big that i can't download it from tezfiles
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Is it true that Americans are more accepting of weird films than Europe?
Would you be willing to take down and delete the mega of all the charts?
lmao absolutely not
what do you mean by weird? and by which european country's standards?
I suppose Sweden is the main comparison point here. Weird as in surreal.
Let's do it guys, who cares about quality; it is all about participation and memes.
After all that... the version of the movie on Vk will repeatedly and randomly cut to the German audio track. I wish I was dead.
X 5/10
Pearl 7.5/10
Maxxxine 6.5/10

Maxxxine is the most enjoyable of the series so far. Mia Goth's performances carry the films. She's my official waifu. Shia LaBeouf is the only man that has made me feel jealous of him.
Sometimes we just have to bite the bullet brother.
if it's the most enjoyable why did you rate it lower than Pearl
i don't understand why people rate things on something other that personal enjoyability
I agree but I would rate X and Pearl even lower and I'm not sure why you would post about them in this thread.
Don't even start dude. These people are idiots. Just ignore them.
Pearl is a better film which I enjoy less than Maxxxine.

X I can see lower, Pearl I don't think so. I just wanted to share my thoughts about something off-topic and bring back some trash into film I guess.
>i don't understand why people rate things on something other that personal enjoyability
NTA but sometimes I think a movie is good or decent even if I didn't enjoy it very much. Doesn't happen often though.

>I just wanted to share my thoughts about something off-topic and bring back some trash into film I guess.
I actually appreciate that sentiment but the least you could do is bring up interesting or entertaining trash. The X trilogy is pretty much neither. Pearl and X are awful, below bottom of the barrel. Entirely bereft of creativity or excitement.
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So like...what the fuck was this again?
>Weird as in surreal.
Yeah, you're right, they're "trash" trash. I'm sorry, next time I'll shitpost with something better. I'm not even being ironic lol
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>I'm sorry, next time I'll shitpost with something better. I'm not even being ironic lol
I usually don't consider movies I like "trash," but pic related is a piece of shit I absolutely adore.
You have used the word surreal.
Using the term surreal wrong.
No I didn't.
check out Nadine if you liked this
Thank you, I'll download it as soon as possible.
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>causes millions of idiots to misuse and ruin the word 'surreal' forever
A lot of movies I like are pieces of trash, most notably The Room. I don't need to hide to myself that something like that or Troll 2 is incompetent as fuck in making a believable kino, but alas, I'm an enjoyer of trash.
Maybe it’s an artistic choice by the filmmaker
Alright, then take this post as the offical start of the voting. I'll use this stupid trip for all posts involved with the voting so other anons can't pose as me and change the rules. Speaking of which, here are the rules:
1) Voting will continue for 1 week, starting today and ending on July 2nd at 7am BST (or whatever time I wake up on the 2nd)
2) Submit your vote by responding to this post or future similar posts I make in future threads
3) Votes made not responding to my anchor posts will be discarded
4) Votes must contain 10 (ten) films ranked from 1 to 10, if there is no ranking indicated they will be ranked from top to bottom
5) Votes containing more or less than 10 (ten) films will be discarded
6) The films will be scored using the following weighted voting system
>1st film = 5 points
>2nd film = 4 points
>3rd film = 3 points
>4th film = 2 points
>5th-10th films = 1 point
7) At the end of the voting period, all votes will be tallied and the top 100 (or less if not many anons participate) films will be compiled into the chart
I've taken it down before, so I'm not opposed, but I don't have a reason to do it now
Using the term at all is using it wrong here.
I think it takes more talent to entertain than most people realize. If I see genuine merit in a film and its not glaringly awful or nonsensical on a technical or creative level, I'm not going to call it "trash". Other people may call it trash but generally I feel like it's because they've trained themselves to not take anything even slightly out of left field seriously. I don't operate like that.

>Troll 2
A semi-enjoyable bad movie for sure but the first movie is genuinely pretty good.
>6) The films will be scored using the following weighted voting system
>>1st film = 5 points
>>2nd film = 4 points
>>3rd film = 3 points
>>4th film = 2 points
>>5th-10th films = 1 point
I'm very confused by this.
Me too, these posts don't exist.
What are you confused about? It's the same weighted voting system we used for the other charts that were voted on. The films get a different amount of points depending on where they are placed in your ranking
How about a nice description about what we’re voting for?
They weren’t here for the charts, these are nu/film/ retarded faggots
Do a google form so people don't repeat vote.
I’m confused about what we’re voting for- favorite films? Best films? Do they have to be arthouse/classic? any type of film?
Jesus, it’s a shitshow already
>The films get a different amount of points depending on where they are placed in your ranking
What exactly are the points for? Is it that the films that appear the most with the most points make it to the final chart?
Didn’t we have nominations first, then voting?
I'm gonna vote 30 times.
1 - Stuart Little
2 - Stuart Little 2
3 - Stuart Little 3
4 - Over the Hedge
5 - Madagascar
6 - Madagascar 2
7 - Madagascar 3
8 - The Cat in the Hat
9 - Chicken Little
10 - The Trumpet of the Swan
I don't get
Right. Sorry I'm half asleep. We are attempting to create our own /film/ canon to rival the S&S poll. Just vote for your top 10 (ten) favorite films, ranked from 1-10
Nah. If there is obvious samefagging going on I'll throw out the votes, but I don't care enough otherwise
Any films. Your own personal top 10
Yes. Films with the most points make the chart
Not for the country or decades charts, which are the charts that were previously voted on. If I remember correctly there were some nominations after the charts were finished for a couple charts to create the "Non-Tranny Editions", but not for the main voting
Can I submit film multiple times?
No, each film can only appear once on your ranked list
Can I submit list multiple times?
1. The Wayward Cloud
2. Goodbye, Dragon Inn
3. Stray Dogs
4. What Time Is It There?
5. The River
6. Vive L'Amour
7. Days
8. The Hole
9. I Don't Want to Sleep Alone
10. Rebels of the Neon God
Wayward #1, interesting choice
His most creative film. It's the one I've rewatched the most.
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1. Goodbye to Language
2. Histories du Cinema
3. Weekend
5. Soft and Hard
6. King Lear
7. Numero Deux
8. In Praise of Love
9. The Rise and Fall of a Small Film Company
10. Meetin WA
>10. Meetin WA
Thoughts on Boys?
did anyone actually watch his obscure TV films
It’s one of the funniest films I’ve ever seen and one of the most brutal “fuck you” middle fingers ever, a cinematic takedown of both Allen and the state of American filmmaking. I’m due for another rewatch now
A fine little TV drama, but ultimately nothing special, as Tsai hadn't yet really started to develop his style. Only recommended for hardcore Tsaiheads.
every film on the list should be worth 1 point
1. Mouchette
2. Horse Money
3. Avatar: The Way of Water
4. Hail Mary
5. The Story of the Last Chrystanthemums
6. The Bride of Frankenstein
7. Still Life
8. Nostos: il ritorno
9. Le Quattro Volte
10. Ran

>no Hail Mary, Nouvelle Vague, or Notre Musique
Good night, /film/
Don't do it anon
Fun fact: Rebecca (1940) and Don't Look Now (1973) were written by the same author
I watch a lot of old and foreign stuff, but I'm a genre film pleb, not really an arthouse expert. Am I allowed to vote?
Your misguided insecurity blinds you to the fact that you're probably more qualified to vote than the usual outspoken and arrogant regulars here.
Meant for >>201752796
Fun fact: Rebecca (1940) and The Birds (1963) were written by the same lady

Fun fact: The Birds (1963) and High and Low (1963) were written by the same guy
I like fun facts
is fun subjective WHY then is it in the same sentence as fact???
A fact that is subjectively fun

....get it?
Fun fact: Kill Bill 1 (2003) and Kill Bill 2 (2004) were written by the same guy
Lexikon des Internationalen Films
makes no sense. facts can't be fun
Example: You are a faggot. That's a fact. And it's also funny. Therefore, a fun fact.
Quod Erat Demonstrandum.
>7. Still Life
2006 or 1974?
also here is my list, so everyone can shit on me and say I shouldn't be allowed to run the vote
>1. Andrei Rublev (Tarkovsky, 1966)
>2. Napoleon (Gance, 1927)
>3. The Devils (Russell, 1971)
>4. A Brighter Summer Day (Yang, 1991)
>5. A Matter of Life and Death (Powell & Pressburger, 1946)
>6. A Moment of Innocence (Makhmalbaf, 1996)
>7. Ran (Kurosawa, 1985)
>8. Marketa Lazarova (Vlacil, 1967)
>9. Harakiri (Kobayashi, 1962)
>10. Crime Wave (Paizs, 1985)
Be confident, friend, your list is perfectly fine and your proactivity is commendable.
Will you ignore meme lists or count them too?
I was being sarcastic. I'm perfectly content with my list
>Will you ignore meme lists or count them too?
for now I'm including them, but we'll see if it becomes a problem
Weeb faggot
This was done already, newfags. There are not enough active users by the way.
What do I watch if I like Lynch and Bergman?
have you already seen all their films? he's a little more out there, but you might like Raul Ruiz's films
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Really baffled as to why would you attempt to shit up threads in such a spectacular manner with an experiment we know didn't work the first time and won't work now. You already have 3 troll lists and 1 real one. This was done and it was during the shit age of no/film/ too.
films by
Jan Svankmajer
Leos Carax
Luis Bunuel
Wojciech Has
Jacques Rivette
Raul Ruiz
Shuji Terayama
Jean Cocteau
Juraj Herz - The Cremator, Morgiana
Peter Greenaway
Takashi Miike
Quay Brothers
Shin'ya Tsukamoto
Lucio Fulci
Philippe Grandrieux
Dusan Makavejev
David Cronenberg
Sergei Parajanov to a certain extent
Juraj Jakubisko
Andrzej Zulawski
Ken Russell
Stefan Uher
Alain Resnais
Nicolas Roeg
Andrzej Zulawski
Apichatpong Weerasethakul
Jaromil Jires
Pavel Juracek
Frantisek Vlacil
Kenneth Anger
Maya Deren
Guy Maddin
Germaine Dulac
Jiri Barta
no it hasn't. if I remove correctly this chart >>201757087 was just made by counting the number of votes for each film and didn't use the weighted voting system. also, most anons didn't know it was being made into a chart because the anon who made was just asking for people's top ten, so they didn't participate. I can stop if we want, but I figured it might bring about more discussion since the threads are pretty dead lately
if I remember correctly*
Altman's 3 Women
My recommendation is the Japanese film Face of Another. Anyone who has experienced bigotry or who lives on the outskirts of society can relate to it.
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>threads are pretty dead lately
how about just stop making thread?
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Are Ryan's Daughter and A Passage to India good? I've seen all of David Lean films except for those
All French movies are pretentious shit
not LoA good, but what is?
>no Hail Mary, Nouvelle Vague, or Notre Musique
He just has too many incredible films.
NV and NM almost made it, I’m honestly not too big on HM.
lol your list is the only real and decent one so far
Is La Bete with Seydoux spoken in English?
I have a chance to catch it next week in Brussels, but the subs are in Dutch and French
act 2 is in english
1. A.I. Artificial Intelligence
2. My Dinner with Andre
3. Stalker (Tarkovsky)
4. Eyes Wide Shut
5. Once upon a time in America
6. After Life (Hirokazu Koreeda)
7. Barry Lyndon
8. M (Fritz Lang)
9. The Innocents (1961)
10. Reds (1981)
Yes, it has been done and the fact that there is weighted voting system makes no fucking difference.
I trust your opinion anon, will watch in the near future
>but what is?
Been so long since I watched both but I remember finishing Kagemusha and thinking it's on the same level
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nope, 3rd world animal abuse and sensationalist miseryslop
had to stop watching 40 minutes in
Biutiful is ok, Babel is great and Revenant is an embarassing Malick rip-off and PS3-CG cut scene slop
Inarritu is no legend
Yes. The former is great.
No. It's a mix of French and English.
Just wanna share this genre film pleb list
1. Pale flower
2. Siberiade
3. The ascent
4. Mr. Klein
5. Brother
6. Vengeance is mine
7. At home among strangers, a stranger among his own
8. The last picture show
9. Bad timing
10. Drug war
disagree, the threads have been pretty alive and actually on topic with the nice discussion of Antonioni for example
that's fair. should I stop the count then?
I think so.
>Friedkin had married Jeanne Moreau in February, in Paris. Ellen Burstyn read about it in a magazine. “I thought I was still going out with him,” she recalls. “He didn’t tell me. Let’s say, he auditioned us both, and she got the part.”
No, you shouldn't. There'll always be complaining. And as usual the people who cry the most aren't the majority, just the ones that post more. There's many who come and post just once in a while or mostly lurk.
I think it will still be fun to make an updated /film/ canon, even if it's been done before. I say continue
Yes. You're just clogging the thread with nonsense. The 2 responses being embarrassing gimmickers says enough.
no, but it might be the worst
>5. Brother
1997 or 2000?
the whole idea is not practical. even the old /film/ decades charts had films which got in because 1 person mentioned them and that was during the time when the general was more active and the pool of films people were picking from was more streamlined. this whole thing is spread too thin for the current state of the general therefore not really compelling
>no Rublev

Fuck chartautists, fuck you
It's time to stop and go home.
I actually agree, but I'm going to let it run its course because I'm bored. if by end the number of votes doesn't seem sufficient, then I won't even bother making the chart
Based auditioner Friedkin
Based better sex-haver Moreau
Based unsore loser Burstyn
>half of the thread is now spent discussing some retarded voting instead of films
Stop pretending to be me.
>instead of films
Don't be disingenuous, that already doesn't happen for a couple of years now. The threads that don't die too early are 80% shitflinging and stale memes posted by the same people.
There's already 2 japanese movies on the list
>7. At home among strangers, a stranger among his own
interesting pick. i didn't get all the political context when i watched but i did enjoyed it, kinda plays out like a western. i mostly remember it because of this Artemyev song, bone-chilling shit.
This asshole here is pretending to be me. >>201758253
My vote is for Brother (1997).
>because I'm bored
Fuck you chartautist, find a better hobby instead of polluting these threads. Maybe watch a film.
Can't watch films while I'm at work, but I can make and manage retarded spreadsheets for /film/
It's a prime example of the genre Ostern.
I love that song, Soviet movies have great music.
This movie also has great music: https://youtu.be/rN8O29E_RPE
1. L'Argent
2. Lancelot du Lac
3. Diary of a Country Priest
4. A Gentle Woman
5. The Devil Probably
6. Four Nights of a Dreamer
7. Pickpocket
8. Mouchette
9. Au Hasard Balthazar
10. The Trial of Joan of Arc
1. Holy Motors
2. Lola Montes
3. Lemonade Joe
4. L'Avventura
5. Canyon Passage
6. Vertigo
7. The Searchers
8. Pola X
9. Palms
10. Blood and Black Lace
fucking retard. you forgot to take your trip off. STOP THE COUNT!
>Why is the only conceivable way a female-directed film can win a poll to you some huge meticulously coordinated feminist plot?
No one claims this, and you know it. Also, this a feminist film, not simply female-directed; very disingenuous framing. There wouldn't be any complains about an actual female-directed GOAT film like uh... uhm....
La Notte
Au Hasard Balthazar
Il deserto rosso
Touchez Pas au Grisbi
Les Nuits de la pleine lune
Nosferatu - Phantom der Nacht
Whoops, but it was an obvious troll post anyway. The Godard and Tsai posts honestly weren't me, but I know no one will believe that now
You can stop, it's over.
Our organizer is a cheater. Grim.
Then again, /film/ deserves it
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A cheater to count the votes...
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1. Sansho the Bailiff
2. Street of Shame
3. The Crucified Lovers
4. Ugetsu
5. The Life of Oharu
6. Women of the Night
7. The Story of the Last Chrysanthemum
8. The 47 Ronin
9. Miss Oyu
10. Princess Yang Kwei Fei
Thanks anon, checked out Juraj Herz and was impressed with The Cremator. Will go through the rest of these.
just like real life
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2006 or 1974?
>something for which I feel he was kind of ahead of the game in a way.
Nah, just watch Castro Street.
1. Haut bas fragile
2. Juventude Em Marcha
3. The Devil Is a Woman
4. Heroic Purgatory
5. Marketa Lazarova
6. Andrei Rublev
7. Throw Away Your Books, Rally in the Streets
8. The Tall T
9. Sanjuro
10. City of Pirates
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If most of the list ends up being films with only 1 or 2 points, it shouldn't be done.
*1 or 2 votes. Just noticed the point system.
Your fucking up made you definitely look like that
1-The Ascent
2-A Brighter Summer Day
3-La dolce vita
4-A Short Film About Killing
6-Eyes Wide Shut
8-Cold Fish
9-Vampiros en La Habana
10-Le samouraï
I respect your list. Devils is a good pick, though I wouldn't have put it on my list myself. A Brighter Summer Day representation is good for my cause.
So voting ends only next Friday? That's good, I'll wait until the last day to put mine
Let's just go on, this chart bussiness is actually making the thread pretty enjoyable so far, the trolls are actually funny too, something that rarely happens since a few months ago. The Stuart Little list was based.
Continue, OC is always stimulating to be around, and thanks for your work, brother.
Lol, this thread. A cheater counting votes XD

But anyways, a lot of lists done and no representation for Jeanne Dielman... What happened /film/?
Yi Yi (2000) [Yang]
Tropical Malady (2004) [Weerasethakul]
My Dinner With Andre (1981) [Malle]
Stranger Than Paradise (1984) [Jarmusch]
Color of Paradise (1999) [Majidi]
August in the Water (1995) [Iishi]
Y Tu Mama Tambien (2003) [Cuaron]
Being There (1979) [Ashby]
The Taste of Tea (2004) [Iishi]
The Saragossa Manuscript (1965) [Has]
>Y tu mamá también

For real? Based.
Cheating bastard.
Based. Cheater got exposed.
I'd never put on any Top of mine a film that's based on an evil ideology.
>he remembered to take his trip off now
Too late
But... women are... le good? I like their body of work.
1. hourglass sanatorium
2. lovers on the bridge
3. umbrellas of cherbourg
4. eternity and a day
5. ludwig
6. red circle
7. la notte
8. sorcerer
9. cranes are flying
10. sherlock jr - blah blah not a feature, don't care
>blah blah not a feature, don't care
Based! Film is film: shorts, featurettes, docs, porn, Frampton, etc.
Now I know how Drumpf felt...
1. anime
2. anime
3. anime
4. anime
5. anime
6. anime
7. anime
8. anime
9. anime
10. anime
honestly I haven't posted since this post >>201759033. I've been working on updating the spreadsheet
If you let the voting continue you better make the fucking chart when it ends
Katherine bigelow
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>I'm not the chartanon
Right, you're the cheatanon.
Holy based. Chartanon aka Cheatanon BTFO
Here's your reward
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>can afford his own apartment
>can afford his own car
>can afford to eat out every night at the pub
>can afford multiple hobbies (photography, collecting cassettes, collecting books, taking care of his own plants)
>modest, but active social life
Is being a janitor in Japan really this comfy? Add in protein powder and a gym membership and I'd happily live this life. This was my first Wim Wenders film and I was underwhelmed tbdesu
lmao your credibility just took a massive hit you dumbfuck
Stop posting this!
I get you, it seems comfy, but imo is pretty limited on variety. Add a little casual sex, loads of money, fast cars, boxing matches, designer clothes, an academic career and we'll be talking about a life worth living.

>Wim Wenders film and I was underwhelmed tbdesu

Paris, Texas was better. Perfect Days is comfy but a little meh, I'd say 7/10
You probably already know his best work is in the 70s-80s, so definitely seek them out. Alice in the Cities, Wings of Desire and specially the great Paris, Texas.
Isn't that what life is all about?
Paris, Texas is next on my list. I just watched Perfect Days on a plane ride since they had that of all things amidst the usual blockbuster nonsense.
Apparently something that was in the script/early concept was that he was already wealthy and decided to quit his career to live this simple life instead
Also, cost of living in Japan is pretty cheap and all the things he chooses to do with his spare time is cheap too (biking everywhere, used books, picking free plants, etc)
But if you're saying you want a life like his, then congrats that’s the point of the film- you can find meaning and happiness with a much simpler lifestyle
Unironically an airplane type movie. As I said in my previous post, it was just very meh... you could say that the photography was very beautiful, but as a film I think it says very little. Little intensity, little tension, little everything. Codeine ahh movie.
>You can find meaning and happiness with a much simpler lifestyle

NTA, but I'm personally more of a Delon / Antonioni / Fellini type dude... expensive clothes, hot women and fast cars... the elite. But I think that being a loner is also cool. I kind of understand the dude from Perfect Days, but I find his life too basic... what's the point of life when you are living in a box? I need action, adrenaline... SOVL
Marketa Lazarova
Faust (Svankmajer)
Ivan the Terrible II
Valley of the Bees
Pandora’s Box
Rise and Fall of a Small Film Company
Last Year at Marienbad
Are you Andrew Tate?
Yeah. I know no one will believe me know (and they shouldn't), but I really have only submitted my real list and that Bresson list. All the other troll lists aren't me, and I won't submit any more
>expensive clothes, hot women and fast cars... the elite
His films feature characters that have all of that and still find their lives worthless, you have literally missed the point of his films
believe me now*
You call them “troll lists” but you’re still going to count them, correct? I can defend every choice on my Godard list. Much much worse lists have been submitted in the past. Who is to say what’s a “troll” and what’s not?
I love Maggie Cheung!
Not at all. I hate all fake alpha shit, I think it's just an escape from life... it's just as fake and weak as living in a box. I want the best from both worlds: inner peace and contemplation and delightful bodily pleasures at my disposal. Think of Mastroianni's character in La dolce vita but without the whining, that's what I want to be; a succesful artist that is also in touch with the streets and the people. Body and soul in order and equilibrium.
It's over
I am still counting them. The only list I haven't counted is my Bresson list, and the few I haven't gotten to yet
I believe you. Go in peace brother
Of course you are, you spineless cheat.
I didn't miss the point, in fact, I think Antonioni missed the point himself. Fast cars, hot women and expensive clothes are, in reality, sources of happiness and enjoyment for many people, the only problem with those things is how you achieve them. If I can achieve all of those things while mantaining my peace of mind and my individuality, then I am a success in life, kind of like the main character in Blowup... he wasn't miserable, was he? Even if he was, he tapped prime Jane Birkin's pussy, pretty nice trade for misery, ain't it?
Holy fucking based, you can tell this is from a real GODard fan. Only one film from the 60s (the last one, at that), numerous shorts, even some of his commissioned work.
You got filtered and you didn’t even know it, incredible.
I think Antonioni filtered himself, as do most non materialists
Between him and you, it's pretty hard to guess who is the filtered one, lmao
Vargtimmen coming, what am I in for, bros?
>what am I in for
Vargtimmen (1968), directed by Ingmar Bergman
1. L’Eclisse (Antonioni)
2. The Scarlet Empress (Sternberg)
3. The Baby of Macon (Greenaway)
4. Blow-Up (Antonioni)
5. Daughters of Darkness (Kümel)
6. Sebastiane (Jarman)
7. Fascination (Rollin)
8. A Man Escaped (Bresson)
9. Poison (Guitry)
10. The Sword of Doom (Okamoto)
>Daughters of Darkness

Amazing film. Strong contender for best horror film of all time imo
>bump limit reached
you know what to do
1. Autumn sonata 1978
2. Ordet 1955
3. Sacrifice 1986
4. The Great White Silence 1924
5. 2001: A Space Odyssey 1968
6. Häxan 1922
7. Paris, Texas 1984
8. World on a Wire 1973
9. The Cremator 1969
10. La Haine 1995
It's great and so is Malpertuis from Kümel
Never seen it, thanks for making me remember that film existed
If you want bread, go fuck a baker
1. Khrustalyov, My Car!
2. Holy Motors
3. Satyricon
4. Fellini's Casanova
5. Intolerance
6. Duelle
7. The Cremator
8. WR: Mysteries of the Organism
9. Todo Modo
10. The Desert of the Tartars
Motherfuckers samefagging lists to raise their favorites like there's no tomorrow
>WR: Mysteries of the Organism

Lol, why? I seriously thought this film sucked, same with Sweet Movie. Genuinely interested in your thoughts
I haven't post mine and some of my top picks have already been posted.
Out of the Past
The Weeping Meadow
Sansho the Bailiff
The Big Heat
Werckmeister Harmonies
The Passenger
The Moment of Truth
Love at Sea
I might be naive, but I don't feel that's the case. I posted my list just once, and if you look at the individual posts, actually very little films get repeated, and the ones that do get repeated are classics, which logically means that many people like said films
What is not like there? Politics + sex done very well with great visuals. I understand not liking Sweet Movie though, a bit too much for some.
1. Angst 1983
2. The Trial 1962
3. La vie nouvelle
4. Eraserhead
5. 2001: A Space Odyssey
6. Faust 1926
7. Napoleon 1927
8. Valley of the bees
9. The Searchers
10. El Topo

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