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>I have AIDS.
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Forrest Gump sequel.
Got it from JEN-AY
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AIDS will kill Scam Hyde.
AIDS isn't real
Poppers are for fags. Back in my day we just used spit as lube and accepted that shit happens. We fucked man ass and liked it

Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

/film/ poll edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ directors directory
>/film/ literature
>but anon, where do I find these films?
>script to make 3x3 webms

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>A Bittersweet Life

He knows
>She tried to ape Cassavettes and didn’t know what she was doing
Cassavettes sucks though
>tryhard newfag think shitting on 2001 and Stalker is cool
Well, I sometimes forget that /film/ is still /tv/ after all
My list got called a "troll list" last thread. You better be counting it.

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And which ones do Parker and Ramsey disagree on?
I recorded the episode where the russian girl masturbates while saying "engage" on vhs and I'd estimate I masturbated to it a thousand times

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James Gunn's "Creature Commandos: the animated series" trailer:

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Holy follower
I was expecting kino like the 2012 Olympic ceremony, France what happen?
White people are gay as fuck. This isn't anything new, ancient Greek men loved fucking each other
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for fuck's sake
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nothing from the uk is cool. you're gayer than france

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James Gunn is "quirky band of misfits" scripts didnt exist
The important thing is you tried
Robin Baskins post.
kek, it's Indian!
kek, it's kino!
I legitimately have no idea what you're trying to say.
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Has anyone seen or even heard of this? I thought I was pretty well versed in obscure, niche, cult, and indie films, but I only heard about it today through a YouTube video talking about '11 most racist musicians' and apparently one of them (Johnny Rebel) had their music featured in this film, which is what put it on my radar.

Turns out, this film is basically lost media. Nobody knows where to find it, it doesn't seem to be in-print anywhere, and all links that previously pointed to uploads are now defunct.

I only really know of Crispin Glover for his role in Back to the Future, which I surprisingly only recently watched the trilogy of a month or two ago, despite being 43 and it being a huge part of my generation. The friend who I watched it with pointed out Glover and described him as "a weird dude" and I read about how he basically shot his career in the foot by demanding to be paid as much as Michael J Fox for his role in BttF or something.

So what's the story with this film? Have any of you seen it? Know where I can?
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How is it so far now OP? I’m interested but not entirely sold
where did you see it is fine, was that at one of his roadshow presentations?
Yeah, in northern England. Didn’t care for the film but his Q&A was interesting and he seemed pleasant enough though obviously a little bit quirky. An annoying woman kept yelling Back to the Future related stuff which was a bit stupid
Has anyone watched that film he's in smiley face killers
Yes it’s bad. Beautifully photographed but bad.

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Why didn’t you anons tell me about this kino sooner?
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because this isn't a zoomer board
The 3rd season was okay
coz u were underage b&, again, when we did
/pol/ chimpout about season 4 and 5 and helen keller in 3... 2... 1...

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Is a Chinese Robot
I prefer the decraniated. Would make for a perfect wife.
Lobot was ex-imperial.
He looks like how I feel
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>Hey I got you a Star Wars doll !!! happy birthday

Lesbian scenes are cool because they portray the vulnerability of a woman while also lesbian sex during a lesbian sex scene. What are the lesbian sex scenes you are looking forward to in 2024?
>you can't make this thread
You have a gay thread in the /tv/ catalog every day, fuck you. Lesbian sex thread.
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Posting on 4chan while underage is a bannable offense.
for the umpteenth time i still wont kiss you bro
That's because you're heterosexual. I love watching guys getting sucked off(when it's done well and not sloppy). Yes, I'm gay.
>he's trying to peddle that BS again
how is it going bro? gaining any traction yet?
Blessed OP. Last thread was so good, so many webms, even this anon let us choose webms from his collection. Looking forward to such greatness.

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>Get a skill
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Charles won
The rant he had at the end of season 1 was 100% from the heart.

Sam is a massive cunt and really doesn't deserve any of his success.
Came here to say this
Is he rich or a jew? How did he get a girl like that?
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Imagine if any other eceleb got caught doing this kind of shit lol
My theory is that Sam is protected for some reason, he sold out to the glowies power players

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From watching American tv shows and movies you would think that cheerleaders are a very big part of US culture. Has that been your experience?
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Not yet but the 9th Circuit court is going to have to hear the case since a bunch of California school districts had policies against troon shit.
I can't imagine it staying. That's a fuck huge overreach, even for Democrats .
i grew up in the northeast and cheerleaders were definitely not big at my school. I think it's a flyover state thing.
Half the cheerleaders at my school were fat and ugly. The real Stacies did sports or college guys

It's up

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Indians really do find the most average white girl attractive
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Why did Amazon kikes let her get away with this?
holy astroturf batman
Of course it does. Sure, christianity stomped a lot of it out, but it still existed. He wanted to create something more solid, like a revival.
I wish people on the internet didn’t make fun of that poor girl in the middle. I hope she makes it someday with those buggy features and nice body so that when she’s in the room everyone will have to kneel and give this actress the respect that being in an Amazon tv show deserves.

ok hear me out
Seinfeld/American Psycho crossover
Don't just let it enter your field of vision, eat it.
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>"There is an idea of a Jerry Seinfeld,
>some kind of abstraction, but there is no
>real me, only an entity, something-"
>Kramer comes sliding into the apartment
>"Hey! Jerry? Are you still in the bathroom?"
>"Newman's got a connect at Dorsia's,"
>Kramer claps his hands
>"The maitre d' is going thru a divorce,
>you see, and Newman says the maitre d'
>wants his ex's mail forwarded to him-"
>"KRAMER! I'm doing my morning routine can't
>it wait?!"
>"JERRY!! Are you listening?! The maitre
>d' promised Newman in return any

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Why is the trend for characters to get uglier as time goes on? Would it be fair to say we peaked in the 90's?
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Yea shit peaked in the 90s, we get it you gen x fucktard. Stop rubbing it in our faces
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No, Claire Danes has a nigger nose.
Gen X here, the 90s were shit.
Claire Danes is uglier than the black chick
>get in loser we're making smoking crack while getting footjobs from your underage neice and her friends great again
90s Claire Danes is the 3rd most beautiful actress alive. Kill yourselves, contrarians.

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