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Why doesn't Tom Cruise have a single sci fi kino? That's kind of weird.
61 replies and 4 images omitted. Click here to view.
who plays his clone?
David Miscavige
Incorrect. Lurk more.
that's irrelevant.
Well done my nigga, got em hooked line in stinker

cast them
Ron Perlman vs Henry Cavill
Mel Gibson as Jesus
Jonah Hill as Moloch

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Was it kino or was it mediocre?
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>Live in beachside town as a teenager
>Have small friend group, a strong silent type tough guy, a short sporty tomboy, chubby goth girl
>Fuck around on the beach, always skipping school to hang out
>Mall literally across the street, practically live off the food court, movie theater was next door and tickets were only five bucks, arcade downstairs where we could play pool and house of the dead
>Browsed around stores for the newest games, each of us had a different system at home so we got to play a bit of everything
>Hang out all evening, taking turns playing while the others browsed this sick new website called youtube, spending hours torrenting new albums, cramming junk food until we were forced to go home
>Sneak out once our parents were asleep and keep hanging out late into the night because the town was safe
>Sometimes stay out all night, walk along the beach for hours until the sun came up
>Twenty years later
>Strong silent guy became a dealer and OD'd
>Chubby goth chick stopped being goth and turned into a hamplanet runescape addict, lost contact because she got hard into tumblr identity politics
>No idea what happened to the tomboy, just disappeared one day
Don't be sad that it's over, be glad that it happened
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>great animation
>cool unique designs
>change clothes all the time
>really good writing about everyday life
>stopped before degeneracy
>best daughter-fu
absolute kino
I only remember the one of tino being scared of clowns and constantly having to be rolled home
settle down, tiger

>doing good on my diet again
>randomly binge eat 2000 calories
>still want to eat more
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I did a 3 day egg-diet this week. Third day felt very weird so I had to get some carbs in.

I've managed to lose a couple kilograms of fat this way over a longer period of time. Still have a pouch of fat on my belly, looking forward to slimming that down.
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I've been here since I was 22. Why wouldn't I still be here?
What's your definition of not fat?
I'm 6ft tall and 160 lbs, and I have to watch what I eat constantly.
When you can look in the mirror and see that you're not fat.
I would've thought you're underweight. Do you have any muscle on your frame? I'm 6'2 and 187lbs and while I carry more than I'd like nowadays when I looked my best in my 20s I was 200lbs with a 32 inch waist. Though I weighed more I was a lot leaner than I am now. Probably why weight alone isn't a good gauge.
you have to forgive yourself when you fuck up
there are going to be days where you gorge on trash
just admit "ok yeah i fucked up" and then get back to doing the right thing
we have a tendency to just fuck up everything once we fuck up once and it doesn't have to be that way

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>cavalry charge
>Hundreds of extras
Yep I'm thinking kino
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>I WILL enjoy season 2
>I WILL make threads for it every episode
>I WILL keep /ropg/ alive
Based ROP enjoyer
But will you post my beautiful wife Morf though?
Super hyped for it. Looks great
nta, but yes of course
Not even the people who watch it think it "looks great".

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Kdrama Kim Go-eun Edition
How does the new Rain drama compare to K2?
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Are we going to watch her new movie?
So Kdramas are on pause because of the Olympics. Its never been so over

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Now that the dust has settled, who needed the Kwik-E-Mart?
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sure thing: it's another /pol/ hoax
and there you have it. now you've been redpilled on the jewish takeover of ukraine
T retard
Look at Victoria Nuland and her husband. Look up Jewish literature on the cossacks. It's an ethno religious motivation to genocide white Christians k just like the holodomor. Jordan Peterson fully understands it but lies for some reason.
/>pol/ making up tales again
how's it going? making any inroads yet you dumbfucks
I started this thread to discuss which brackets of America in the early 90s needed the Kwik-E-Mart.

What objectively went wrong with this boring ass plotless snoozefest piece of shit of a movie?
Trump has my undying loyalty and I will defend our nation with my DOZENS of AR-15s and thousands of rounds of ammunition.

Absolutely nothing except retards not being able to get past the title.
pol b8 thread where a homosexual russian man cries about journalism, black soldiers and no pro radical message

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The charges officer?
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another has-been that just became a fat embarrassment now
i wish manson at least had the self-awareness to retire before he became some embarrassing blob
that’s fucking awful wow
nigga sounds tired and retarded
Taking over Skypiea.
>The charges officer?
Acting black while white.
If he died after 8 mile he would be the greatest rapper to ever live. Now hes just another dogshit rapper.

Every Alain Delon movie is kino.

How did he do it?
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>his best role was at 40
Zorro, Flic Story or The Gypsy?
He is so good looking that he comes around being ugly again. At least for me.
Mr. Klein
is this nigga wearing makeup lmao
I need to watch that one.

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>Jenna, I told you not to buy that domain name. Say it out loud.
Jennas-Side. Jennas-Side. I'm not hearing it Liz
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>your affirmative action job
>it turned out toofer was an affrimative action hire
>so was liz
Yeah... you're probably right.
>You sound different, do you have a beard?
For me it was the long con at the cake shop
>There's just one more thing, we have to beat you out of the Best Friends Gang,

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Stargate SG-1 started 27 years ago today

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What did Kojima mean by this?
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kojima once again admitting to plagiarizing
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He's already got Yukio, close enough
Australian here, Big boss is a million times tougher and cooler than Hugh Jackman.
death stranding is the best game of its generation
what an ugly woman

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HOH: Chelsie
NOMS: Lisa, Kenney, Angela

Upgraded: Makensy (America's Veto), Quinn (Deepfake HoH)

previously on /bb/: >>201758431
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Let Ainsley in the house!
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absolute bullshit that her human avatar is gone forever.
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Good morning ladies
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are we just going to keep posting this earlier and earlier each day to beat each other until we're saying good morning at 4 a.m.? be honest false hogg
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mornin hogg
thats the original. check the filename in the archive



>A jet ski trip takes a tragic turn when a fatal accident leaves Kaya (Isabel Gravitt) and her friends fighting for survival in the middle of the open sea. Hope springs eternal when they are pulled out of the water by a fishing trawler. But the rescue turns out to be a deadly trap: the captain has a cruel plan that plunges the friends into a nightmare. Trapped on the murderous ship, Kaya must rise above to survive the cruel game and find a way to escape.


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Prove there's a real file of the correct movie underneath that label
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oh look, another tracker with the movie
maybe your trackers are shit?
Which release group is this release by?
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oh noes, another one!
i ask the same question pretty much every time. do they get naked?

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