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God please tell me he bites it please I can't fucking stand the way he carries himself like a spiritually elevated being
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Literally every nigger criminal character ends up dead or in jail. Hell even that lil nig that tries his hardest to do well in school ends up a junky (and it's implied he will die of aids because he bunks up with some white crackhead).
Gotta show that crime don't pay bro
Wtf are you talking about they are all badass sociopaths and are hilarious I just love street garbage niggers
I'm gonna be just like them one day, I'm not gonna kick a soccer ball around a favela no siree
Marlo > Avon or Stringer. Nigga was a beast in a cage, very intimidating aura coming from him https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34d3wrW3-9k
Bell just looked like a little nerd bitch in comparison
Greasy, puffy, slimy brown fingers typed this post
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>the wire shows niggers for being dumb, violent and interchangeable criminals
>i love heckin nigger #34, he was so badass before he got shot by nigger #21

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I know it's a meme but star wars honestly feels pretty dead right now.
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Star Wars has always been shit.
Due to our core narrative being the genocide of the Skywalker family, I am unable to experience enthusiasm or eagerness towards any material related to the Star Wars universe.
>it feels
Then stop crying about women and minorities and watch Skeleton Crew.
Midwit take. A new Hope and ESB were kino, the rest were trash.

>Kevin Coster thinks people want to see a 4 part western in the 2020s with the production values of a history channel show
Nobody wants to go see this. Why does this exist
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I want to go see this
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Can't argue that but nothing he has done since DwW has even come close to it. Yes, he should be applauded for his early work, but since then he has become another slop vendor
I believe Harry Potter was the first movie that made no sense to me from this perspective. Each cost like $200-250M to make, all brought over a billion in revenue yet none of them produced profit. At least on paper.
He let his ego go to his head (again) because he thought that he was the reason Yellowstone was popular, so striking out on his own to make a cowboy quadrilogy was 'obviously' what Yellowstone fans wanted

>TV show to boot off the Gunns DCU
>First two episodes premiered
>No threads on /tv/
This is the START of the DCU and there's no HYPE!?!?

This is CANON!
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Gunn is much more edgy than Zack, he even make pedo jokes.
Yeah. Nah. I'm good.
His pen name is Balak
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>Le edgy teen humor
>Crap animation
>What if heroes but unlikable assholes
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If Tom King is a 300 IQ CIA gigabrain, why do all of his stories suck?

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This behavior is unacceptable
why do women act like this
small act of being a little "rebellious" while in reality not really doing shit. No one is going to say anything, and if they would they'd propbably just want to fuck her

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>ITT: Times you acted like Casper
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>You're brown
Rape is in my genes. Even more like Casper
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Lmao just off yourself bro, no one's ever gonna miss you
Just an ugly worthless shitskin faggot shitting up a website he's not welcome in
Keep seething lil bro
That time my cousin had sex with your mom and her leg braces cut him all up in the little public bathroom stall they were using to do it.

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shut up, nerd
>he literally rapes multiple women in his last bonds films
BASED?!?!? This is why he was the best, rewatching them now
That was more due to his patriotic sense and the film is weirdly fitting for a final movie role of his. It was the first Scottish animated feature and Connery supported the Scottish film industry during his lifetime.
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>Babe, I didn't cook dinner because I was too tired today. Can you order Chinese takeout and go pick it up?
He probably just didn't get the whole trilogy setup plot. In 007, each movie was it's own contained plot, beginning, middle and end. He probably read it to the end and thought, "wtf, why does the story just stop" ignorant of the following 2 movies.

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>marathon Godzillas
>movies get more and more light-hearted
>Japanese slapstick
>Godzilla emotes
>I guess this is how it will be until Shin
>watch Mechagodzillas
>look at my list
>big time gap till the next one
>watch Godzilla '84
>Holy shit, kino
This is the real deal. I am energized to keep watching them and Gamera.
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not op but i really liked that godzilla movie. The practical effects were really great, and the godzilla looked fucking adorable.
>i really liked that godzilla movie.
Ok? Go watch it then? Stop wasting everyone here’s time running your mouth at us.
I prefer 1985 with the added American scenes, mostly because I was a kid when I saw it, and had no idea there was a different cut. Not a big fan of this suit design though. Looks like his eyes are rolling back in his head kinda.
Return pf Godzilla is pretty good, despite the characters being pretty flat and the russian/usa stuff being a little cartoony. Godzilla's first attack is great The rest of Heisei is even better, though vs Mothra and vs Spacegodzilla are on the weaker end
>Looks like his eyes are rolling back in his head kinda.
Do your eyes roll back in your head when you gag on black cock? Get better taste in costuming, you ballsack gargler.

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and she only has crow's feet and mouth wrinkles? what's her secret?
My ex gf looks like a IRL version of Luanne due to FAS. She kind of acts and dresses like her too.
im up to season 8 and man, the guest voices are so kino. Not obnoxious, but a fun surprise when you realise who they are
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Not stacked enough for Luanne.
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meanwhile on gay /tv/...

Fuck David Yates. For me? It's Chris Columbus.

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It's all a grift, isn't it?
>While Universal planned on making it an animated film for the longest time, director Tom Hooper wanted to do it with live actors, but knew that many of them would be put off by having to wear elaborate cat costumes and makeup, so decided that the actors would simply be CGI'd into cats, which is what convinced the film's many stars to accept their roles. However, he also promised the actors they would not have to wear tight motion-capture suits, so the CGI artists were forced to manually rotoscope the actors.

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Florence Pugh is one of the greatest actors of her generation.
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Her breath does fog up the glass, if you look closely near her mouth you can see it.
She was so hot in this film and midsommer. What happened?
have you ever tried to breathe so close to a pane of glass? it fogs up a LOT more than that.
they probably did something to hide the fogging, like digitally removing it, but it didn't work perfectly, so you have a bit of blur near her mouth.
>no tits
>bull ring
it looks like a man twink/femboi
mmm nimples

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I don't like this movie. I think it's inclusion into the Bebop filmography actively harms the show because of how the characters don't act the way they do in the show, and the locations, setting, and world building don't carry over from the show.

For example Spike, him hitting on the female love interest I don't even remember the name of in this feels wildly out of character. He never shows interest in a single woman in the show, his heart is only for Julia, not even flirting really, unless it's an obvious act to catch a bounty like in episode 1. So their little playful flirting in this feels very strange and out of character. Spike's whole thing is not opening his heart to others, so to do so to a girl of the week is bizarre.

Maybe worse is the weird setting of the movie, which is supposedly mars, but explicitly is animated and designed to look like modern day NYC and looks literally nothing like the Mars on the show. And the Halloween parade also feels out of place.

Overall it has some great individual bits of animation that I love, but overall I don't like the movie.
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This was literally the only good part of the movie
Adult Swim and Toonami really had the best promos for this stuff

I like this movie
Literally every scene is good
Honestly my only fault with this movie is that the pacing turns into a slog after the awesome train fight scene after Spike gets injured, the finale during the parade and the dogfight are pretty great though.
Also I think the movie’s coming back in theaters next month.

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Cry me a river
i wasn't crying
i'd rather have a couple of star trek threads on tv which it's actual tv rather than shittank or some other zoomer a24 netflix crap
I unironically love much of TNG season 2. Easily the coziest season.
Aggressively ugly.

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