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Watching an old TNG episode (Datalore). Haven't seen many episodes yet but so far I really liked The Schizoid Man. Is the first season as bad as everyone says it is?
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I'd agree with the other anon that it is Stewart, for however good an actor he is he is instrumental in the Picard series and even before that you get him wanting to make the character into an action star. As for performances of main character then I think there a lot of cases of bad/weak performers that at their best are mediocre. To list some then Marina Sirtis and Terry Farrell are bad though bluntly put at least served the function of being pretty, Gates McFadden, Robert Beltran though in his case it is more he stops trying, Anthony Montgomery though Travis is such a non-character he may have had nothing to work with.
Not really the worst in either acting ability or as a person but, Crosby is embarrassing. Not a great actress yet neither the worst but, what makes her stand out over others of similar performances is her quitting and then basically begging to come back after her career was going nowhere.
S1 has a certain stage play quality about it that contributes to its vibe.
For some reson, Command (ie:line officers) went from gold to red, while operations went from red to gold.
It´s the 1960´s-ness.

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>you do not owe me fear
>you owe me sex
>ywn pet a tiger, fuck a blind bitch, then bang out a chest day

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skylar is ugly
Walts fault for being a lowly beta male who couldn't provide anymore because of his inferior genetic stock that gave him cancer and produced the retarded son.
Lol at the cope
Skyler is the most evil person on BB, more evil than Tuco and even Gus.
let that sink in
uptight cunt that freaks out about weed and I don't even like weed. That alone tells you about her high moral bullshit that's frustrating.

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Honest thoughts?
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>calling others autists while watching reaction videos
I bet you love pizza
hobbit works better in animation, as the book itself was for children
>Scene/Part/Thing that made me the happiest
Hearing Bilbo say "In a hole in the ground there lived a Hobbit"

>Scene/Part/Thing that disappointed me the most
The way they handled Beorn.
Disappointed they didn't use his book introduction in the theatrical version, but had hopes for the extended edition, but they fucked that up too and made it too short/streamlined and took all the fun out of it.
>n-no u
the reactors i'm watching right now are a black couple, btw

I always imagined dear little Warwick dressed as a Baskin Babe. How cute, ice cream in hand, not a worry in the world.
Now taking bets on how many more Davis midges die before dvds finally go out of use.
His wife is being fucked by demons in hell.

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What do we think about talented young actress Sophie Thatcher?
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she crashed her scooter and monged her face like mork hamill (note she was also in sw its a curse thing)
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no? why do you say that?
big if true
>@newyorkhoje interviewing a new york hole
but she's from Chicago
I've fucked so many NY based actresses I've lost count. I fucked the girl from Dog With A Blog.

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Would you have broken up with her so you could pursue your career instead?
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>loyal Melissa Benoist gf
i'd pursue my new career as family maker
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>Would you have broken up with her so you could pursue your career instead?
You didn't pay attention, have you? This little faggot didn't even give her a chance. He could've pursued both, and might have gotten everything he wanted: a solid career and someone who would support him achieving it.
I wouldn't be retarded enough to become a musician
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>I wouldn't be retarded enough to become a musician

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>Yes I bought tickets for [dogshit movie] because it owns the liberals, how could you tell?
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This isn't really a trend though. Zero movies or TV shows are marketed like this.
There are, however, NUMEROUS movies & TV shows marketed with the politically opposite message and produced the opposite phenomenon.

Are leftshits just vapidly projecting again?
The greatest insult a leftist mind can come up with, is "you are the thing you don't like". It happens even more now that the various "*ist" labels have lost their power.
qa won
shitty.faggot toddlers lost
based black man
you love to see it
Nice to see the black folks coming around to the chud way of life.

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the last thing an innocent woman sees
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male to female tranny?
what the fuck is the appeal she has no love for you she just wants to beat you
>retard from Long Island marries cunt from NJ

Many such cases
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some monke just want to watch the world burn

Shyaml'am sisters...

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What’s wrong with the western animation industry?
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discord.sharty lost
Western millenials and zoomers become trannies because they're mindbroken incels that resort to becoming the girlfriend as a last desperate measure. It has nothing to do with anime, cartoons or video games.
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Anime was much better when it was more influenced by Western fiction.
Shounen = “young men”
>target audience is young men
>sexualizes girls in target audience’s age range
I can’t be the only one who thinks this makes sense.

Are you looking forward to a single upcoming film or is it doomed?
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Kiki lost
I require her tomboy braps on my dick right now
>dresses like a whore to distract from the Sabrina was cancelled tranny visage
Paddy Considine and Mena Massoud(Aladdin) are doing a boxing film as trainer Brendan Ingle and Prince Naseem Hamed. Stallone executive producer.
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Animation is quite nice for 2005+19 slop.
Which Anime is this?

Oh wait Kslop, false alarm move along.
looks like straight up sloppa anon
Tranime can't be kino. Period. There's no exceptions. If you still watch cartoons above the age of 18 you are mentally stunted and should never be allowed to have children or be within 50 feet of one.

Why the hell did they pair Brian with Santa's Little Helpman when obviously the fan service would have placed Brian with Lisa. Besides that, it was excellent. 8.5/10.
Personally I hate fundies because I can't stand the revolting Lois Griffin cum tributes and their inaccessible prices. Baskin Roberts speaks for me.

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Something's been baffling me for the longest time and I can't get it out of my head.

George Lucas: what the hell went wrong?

The original trilogy is some of the finest and most well-made blockbuster entertainment of all time---pure cinema at it's finest---yet, when given ultimate freedom and unlimited resources, years and years to perfect the story and assemble the crew, preen the actors and ready the shooting, he failed so miserably he's become the end of every joke pointed his way.

In going back and re-watching the original trilogy, then the prequels, I can't help but note how well constructed, how effective and dynamically taut the original movies were, and just how horrible the prequels turned out.

It baffles me, /tv/, it baffles me and I can't shake the notions.

Your thoughts?
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Depends on how alien he wanted him to look, Leia being a Twi'lek for example wouldn't have ruined the movie.
Well the other key thing is that all the characters are completely different in that first script and there's a ton of other human supporting characters in addition to Han (Whitsun being the biggest one that got cut.) I mean in the first script Luke Skywalker and Anakin Starkiller are two separate characters and Luke's closer to the Obi-Wan role as he teaches Anakin to be a Jedi.
Fucking good find!

>McCallum was widely feared, for he was volatile. In some quarters, he was ... not liked. Former assistants had hidden beneath their desks when he was on one of his rampages.
>I’d spotted McCallum with Lucas...
>I noted then that Rick resembled physically a more charming Quasimodo.

Looks like I was misremembering a few details (Quasimodo, not Silver Back), but yeah no, that's the blog alright.
I've read Marcia in her own words that she made the finale work. She isn't shy about taking credit for what she actually did even as she's hand waiving away credit for things she didn't do.
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You mean this quote where she herself debunked the myth that she "saved" Star Wars in editing?

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