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this shit was kino, footage of the most important american protest in years, just look at the voter turnout in 2020 vs 16 and 24, these protesters have been vindicated. Great footage in this doc and not as biased as I expected though it starts with a cop saying how mad he is, its a good thing they didn't slaughter everyone.
>Trump is gonna be too busy letting Israel bulldoze Gaza and won't pardon the Jan 6ers

Trespassing and disorderly conduct

Whereas the 2020 George Floyd riots caused $6 trillion in damages and 27 people’s lives. AND were applauded and encouraged by top Democrat politicians. Where’s the doc on THAT??
the restraint from the protesters really shows how decent people are
They should've had a better escape chamber for congress/senate.
Crowd couldve murdered that cop and they all made the decision in a riotous fury to let him go and even go back to the police barricade. Hes so butthurt
don't forget that the defund the police crowd were suddenly big believers in the thin blue line and couldn't stop tarring the protestors as murderers of the brave Capitol Police (no police officers were killed in the making of this riot)
I've seen backyard barbecues more violent than j6.
If the narrative that they were carrying out a revolutionary action was true, where were the guns?
Did they plan to draw and quarter congress with their bare hands? Yanking limbs until one or two ripped off and the politicians hemorrhaged to death?
Did you not see the gallows!? They were going to hang Mike Pence!!
>$6 trillion in damages
nigga be fucking real, not even WW2 caused this much damage in europe
Blacks killed more people and did more damage in the "Summer of Love" than anyone ever did during J6.
If the narrative that the election was stolen was true, how come Trump won the next one?
The current leftist insane narrative is "FAFO", that recounts are happening and Kamala will become president on Jan 20th
For me, it was politicians hiding under benches thinking today was the day they were gonna finally get what they fucking deserve.
They certainly acted as if that was the case. They must feel really guilty about something.
>still using 'BLM riots' to play down or completely excuse breaking into the fucking Capitol to try and keep Trump in office
Idk, where did the 20 million extra voters from last time go?
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>not the heckin capitolerino, a building that has been renovated endlessly brick by brick to the point it is not even the same building as it was a hundred years ago, and is staffed entirely by child molesters, fraudsters, and war criminals!
And they tried to stop the certification of an election?
Yes, you fucking idiot. One is way worse.
>Repsissies! I have… moved the goalpost!
>*thunderous sounds of applause errupt from the crowd of mutts, the dilation proceeding their celebration*
this the gallows that was set up two weeks prior in protest of the covid relief checks?
SPBP. Was really hard to take the outrage seriously when it occurred 6 months after the floyd riots. The same people who encouraged or outright participated in cities burning down and defunding the police suddenly believes in law and order? kek.
What would you need to to in order to stop the certification of an election?
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Jan 6 was literally like ten thousand 9/11s. The most horrific day in American history.
Politicians should feel scared and responsible for their bad decisions.
when did that happen anon? If you could actually prove that anyone interferred in the election that wasn’t dems faking a bunch of votes, we’d all want to see it. Go ahead anon.
was a tantrum not a protest. Soon as trump won again it wasn't rigged I notice.
This was exactly like the BLM protests a pathetic tantrum done in the name of nothing.
Every single overgrown child who didn't get their orange diaper king in office should've been shot instead of just one of them.
The second a single gunshot rang out - they all stopped and walked out.

Go watch any bodycam footage. They were not prepared for any violence, it was a LARP inspired and instigated by undercover FBI agents.
Yeah like a gas chamber
>trespassing a nearly-empty building almost ruined "democracy"

The system is that weak?

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