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Are there any serial killer movies set in a post-911 world that actually work well, /tv/? Or are we forever doomed to "retro" movies set in the 90s and earlier due to mass surveillance and other modern "investigation" methods?

What other relatively modern genres (so not westerns for example) are completely dead due to the world changing too much for them to be viable anymore?
Manly action heroes stories
Well, Jason Statham still has a job. It's harder to sell various spook stories like Mission Impossible though.
There will never be an ethnic-based mob story based in a post-2015 world. It’ll be corporate scandals and political corruption, but no more of the “sacre bleu where is mi mama” meat and potatoes type of mob story.
There's a lot of them in Europe, like various Arab mafias in France and whatever, but it's very amateurish and pathetic compared to real American cinema.
That’s true. Good point, anon. I guess I’m limited in my evidence to an American-based story being the setting.
The smartphone breaks almost all the laws set up with "retro" crime movies. The smartphone is going to be extremely difficult to implement into a story.
serial killers can still whack native reservationers. Even reservation cops don't give a shit, because they're too busy raping native women.
Same for horror movies, they used to do the whole no reception in spooky place thing but that doesn't really work anymore either, and watching people use phones in a horror is really jarring.

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