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>Game of Thrones was 20 years ago
do zoomies even know GOT exists? i mean it came out when they were like 12
actors have aged threads should be bammed. how does that contribute to anything related to movies or teevee?
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No it wasn’t. Troy was.
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>kids that were 12 when S8 aired will be legal to post on /tv/ next year
>game of thrones
Why did you post a lotr picture
No what we need is an actors aging / bogged general to contain them to the one thread.
>zoomers can’t tell Boromir and Ned Stark apart

kill yourself, faggot
He's 65 and keeps getting killed. Give him a break.
Wow 20 years ago an overrated boring show came out. Two decades and I still don’t give a shit. Crazy shit
The bogdanoff strike again
its been longer from GoT season 1 to now than from fellowship of the ring to GoT season 1

not even return of the king to GoT; fellowship to GoT
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Time flies.
Contrarian loser.
Still would, bimbofied actresses been growing on me. Especially a britslag like Sophie.
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you now understand why the joffrey actor got the fuck out of mainstream acting as soon as he finished with GoT and said it was an awful environment that ruined people
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If you only knew how bad things will get...
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mental how theon is lily allens brother and the song 'Alfie' was written about him

>Oh, oh, deary me
>My little brother's in his bedroom smoking weed
>I tell him he should get up 'cause it's nearly half past three
>He can't be bothered 'cause he's high on THC


>Oh, Alfie, get up. It's a brand new day
>I just can't sit back and watch you waste your life away
>You need to get a job because the bills need to get paid
>Get off your lazy ass
>Alfie please use your brain
Never watched it. Should I?
I heard that song way back in 2009
I didnt even know she had a brother; I figured it was just a song
many years later, long after watching GoT for the first time, I find out that they're siblings, and then it hits me
bros...I dont wanna get old
It's called "bogged" you dumb turd world cunt, get your terminology right. Bimbo refers to attractive women.
Nah, bogged is just 4chan slang. Bimbos can be grotesque too, in fact, they tend to be from what I seen of bimbo porn.
Some actresses do lean more on bogged than bimbofied, but whatever.
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>Was raiding Firelands in WoW Cataclysm when i heard some of the guild members talking about this awesome new TV show
Wish i had never picked it up
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all the actors we like will die and we'll still be posting here
Looks like good old nepotism saved little Alfie.
I am going to assume that his sister sings atrociously boring pop music.
Although, writing these lyrics to scold your little brother is something I can respect.
its pop music but its on the better side of things
she was kinda like the joffrey actor, made it bid for a short period then just noped out of celeb life cause she hated it
took the cash and ran
doesn't matter what you want
The raep Shansha...
British genes struck all these poor folks hard
I flew to LA from aus to meet a fat girl I'd been e-sexxing for years and remember seeing the GoT billboards everywhere.
can't remember the last time I saw a show advertised like that, but it was before streaming dogshit took over.
…Maybe you’re right. I honestly tried to like that show, watched 2 seasons but found it boring. It’s not as bad as most goyslop media I guess.
Bet he gooned and deleted the tweet out of shame
save the time
maybe muslims are right with the honor killing
Was the trip worth it?
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it looks like she's wearing a porcelain mask
It was 13 years ago, stupid negroe thread.
its really been that long? ive kept telling myself ill watch this show but keep putting it off. where is my time.
Male leaders of society allowed that kind of thing to happen.
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Lord of the Rings 1 started production 35 years ago (1999)

do you feel old yet?
>Back to the Future was 75 years ago
Don't give Muslims too much credit. Honor killings is cultural and predates Islam
>1994 was 40 years ago
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You didn't have to photoshop it that much
Mostly thus, we must embrace tradition
>the music you heard in the 90s while in highschool, it's considered retro

Heh, it's not that bad.....
My Aunt and uncle both died in their 50s from veganism. They looked like that lady a bit
The classic rock station in my area started playing Nirvana a few years ago
Dude, Limp Bizkit and Nsync is considered retro. Zoomers treat Britney Spears in her prime like Madonna is her prime.

I am too old for this shit.
I'm not familiar with zoomer "culture" so I wasn't actually aware of that. Time for a drink.
yep that's the average /pol/turd
I need to watch Sharpe
S1 was filmed damn near 15 years ago, yeah.
Myranda best grill
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Most of them are pretty comfy.
>My Aunt and uncle both died in their 50s from veganism. They looked like that lady a bit
How can you die from veganism?
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All child actor grew up ugly in this, especially stark kids.
For England?
not him but id assume malnutrition basically
>like Madonna is her prime
that actually gives me hope,
the quicker that satanic bitch is forgotten the better for everyone
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>Putting ugly and average chicks together with gorgeous Goddess
>not him but id assume malnutrition basically
You mean not getting enough calories? Why not just eat more food in that case?
yes. definitely. things didn't work out with the girl, but I would have regretted never meeting her in person. that and I got to see the USA before it turned to shit.
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eh. s1-4 is Kino, capital K, but the rest really is that fucking bad
better than most slop on tv tho
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Not from lack of calories, but from lack of proper nutrients. They get a vitamin/mineral/protein deficiency and maybe an organ or two stops functioning properly, or their CNS is weakened, and their overall health spirals out of control and they die.

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