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mid, just very mid
excuse me there's a refrigerator in the foreground that's ruining the focus on suit guy, can someone please get it out of here?
Paint her white and she's indistinguishable from my Amica
fridges look like THAT
oops sorry ms. robbie eheheh
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She looked much better in Birds of Prey.
I would make sweet love to her like this.
I have unironically done better.
in what way?
Maybe not porn star tier but you'd have to be fucking gay to be mad to have a woman that has a body like that
almost any non fat latina chick has a better body
Latinas get the ick when they look at you
>non fat
fridge yuck
that is like the only time a female character was kinda as sexulized as male characters are in superhero movies.
I look like this
Margot Robbie is a perfect 10
Where did zamn come from and why do i see it everywhere now
Thick in all the wrong places
And we get the ick when they get old and turn into hobbits.
Maybe the She's 12?? ZAMN meme
The Margot Robbie Harley Quinn is a mixed bag:

Face: 6/10
Hair: 9/10
Tits: 3/10
Ass: 4/10
Legs: 4/10
Hips/Waist: 3/10
Tummy: 9/10
Costume: 10/10
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I was at a coffee shop and overheard a cute punk barista girl saying that she was obsessed with birds of prey "when she was a kid". I did the math and realized I am old. Like when this young guy at church said he likes old games like gears of war.
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1.69 MB GIF
Adds up to 48/100
Averages out to 6.8 / 10
Basically, a mathematically average woman.
the rest is poor
but tummy is nice
shame about the tramp stamp
I'm literally into fat chick's and I think she has an amazing body in SS
I still think of it as a recent movie even though it came out over four years ago.
>Take common expression
>change first letter to z
>think this is original and highly creative, post to 4chan
Do zoomzooms really?
During hoeflation and communism mid is the same as high grade
god i love fridges and planks
no cap, skr skr, fr fr?
>not posting club harley
>shame about the tramp stamp
That's super hot, though.
Take Margot Robbie head, put it on Jaime Presley’s body, give her a bunch of tats and paint her up like a clown, and you would have the perfect live-action Harley Quinn.
Maybe she meant the birds of pretty from the animated brave and the bold
This is me when music labels started releasing random compilations of "classics" (like they always do) but the classics in question are tracks from ~10 years ago, and often ones that were dismissed as superficial commercial sell-out crap at the time of release.
There's also that Birds Of Prey TV series from 20 years ago.

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