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I don't watch movies anymore
Why did you stop, OP? I stopped so I wouldn't have to speak to these people. It was never about the movies.
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Why are you here?
why are we all
I've spent my life here, and I have nowhere else to go.
I'm one of the only people who understands that 4chan is a prison on the internet. Leaving is for normalfags, and everyone else is a prisoner. There's no leaving.
so you think /tv/ is your ally, but you merely adopted it. I was born in it, molded by it
Nice meme, but I've been here since I was a teenager, and I'm a Wizard now. I'm sure I've spent more time on this website than you.
Literally me
I don't believe you, but okay. Do you have proof of anything you did for thousands of hours?
Let me guess: they dunked your head in the toilet back then, didn't they?
No, they didn't. I was actually the biggest guy at my school. Nice guess, though. Feel free to guess what I just did.
I'm a different poster, m8.
Funny how some people's entire wordview consists of movie tropes & memes.
>Dont even watch a lot of movies, dont even consider it a hobby of mine
Spend all my time on /tv/
>Play a lot of video-games, really like to learn about how games work, trying indies, finding little titles on steam, watching gaming youtubers, even have a few game devs in my friend circle and always enjoy talking to them about their work
Never ever go on /v/, I cant stand that fucking place...

What causes this? Does /tv/ just have better memes?
>Does /tv/ just have better memes?

It does. I personally used to browse /v/, and I was sick of the people, so I moved boards.
The three digit IQ realisation about 4chan is that the subject being discussed doesn't matter. It's better to talk to people you like about anything, over talking to idiots about something you enjoy.
/tv/ offers a window into contemporary culture, similar to watching the daily news or talking to people in the street. Its your small grip on reality
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Absolutely deliciously on point.
average age on /v/ is around 20
a.k.a. "the insufferable phase"
I just cycle through rewatches of Star Trek: The Next Generation and Malcolm in the Middle desu
most movies are so fucking bad these days.
I just tried to watch Freddy Prince Jr's movie "The Girl in the Pool". it was so cringe that I couldn't watch it. I had to turn that shit off. they should have called it "The Girl in the POO". that movie is POO.
I tried to watch "The Blue Rose", fuck, that shit is so cringe. totally unwatchable. piece of garbage.
I tried to watch Mel Gibson "BoneYard". total shit. "boohoo, you just shot my daughter". turned it off immediately. so cringe. the only part that was funny, is when he asked for a spliff.
Same here. I'm feeling really burnt out
I tried to watch Sean Penn's "Ambulance in New York" movie, so depressing, very boring. total shit. movies are so fucking bad these days.
I tried to watch "SPREAD", total shit, turned it off immediately. it looks really bad.
I tried to watch "Visher", it looks really shit, turned it off straight away.
I tried to watch Daisy Ridley "Young Woman and the Sea", it looks shit, I had to switch it off.
(it's as if it's impossible to find a half decent movie.)
How about trying to stop posting?
and then do what? watch movies. I said I'm already burnt out because I watched a movie every day for a month
>I pirate
>Does /tv/ just have better memes?

>(back then) cunnyposting
>(back then) tommyposting
>back then) strangeposting
the capeshitters seldom leave their contaianment threads
>/tg/ is horny troons who stopped caring about originality
>/v/ is all about the newest slop, they stopped memeing long ago
>/int/ is infested with faggots since trannies occupied /lgbt/
we are helm's deep
new movies are not worth the effort. the time you find some actually good movie in todays oversaturated market is something close to a miracle.
Very cool blog post,I don't care about you
To tell you that you don't matter and the internet isn't Your playground to post anything you feel like
/tv/ is a much more dignified board than /v/
>BotW spam every single day for 7 years
>RE2 remake spam every single day for like 3 years
>Ninja Gaiden Black spam every single day because DMC 5 was successful and popular
>Alan Wake 2 essayfag
>constant twitter and e-celeb threads, multiple at a time, at all times, every single day
>because games appeal to younger audiences, and because game criticism is correspondingly so immature, that almost no real communication is being made over a game's qualities
>anons play the first 5 seconds of classic games like Doom and Thief deliberately poorly to post a webm as a reflection of the game
>the fucking constant tribalistic insecurity of whose taste is better
At least /tv/ just has
>zoomer dips toe in old media, gets filtered for the time being, decides that the last several decades of the human race were actually wrong
Which /v/ has a worse problem of because tech-based enjoyment is more likely to openly resent the past and people who uphold older media.
i only watched movies so that i'd have something to do while i was drinking, then i stopped drinking.
>i stopped drinking.

I used to drink too, and it made watching stuff easier, but I don't drink anymore. I guess we're both doing nothing now. I was going to say
>I hope you have a thread to post in
but you wouldn't be replying to me if you did. RIP.
Gaming is the lowest iq hobby in the world now, followed by Anime, wrestling & comics/cartoons. The corresponding boards simply reflect this. This is why I'm mostly on lit and tv (and on pol or x for schizo posts)
>Gaming is the lowest iq hobby in the world now
Sad, there used to be a lot of potential, 20+ years ago, but yeah it's obviously the lowest common denominator choice for the truest goyim to waste time and money.
Which reminds me of another horrid /v/ism for the list.
>/v/ is the only media board that is vocally hostile to piracy
There's still good movies every once in a while. I'll enjoy them when they happen and watch olden kino when they don't.
>/v/ is the only media board that is vocally hostile to piracy
Wtf why
>there used to be a lot of potential, 20+ years ago,
Gaming has loads of potential if game designers had the IQ to use game design to achieve emotional and thematic experiences as complex as other mediums. They don't get it though
This is why I don't mind cultural stagnation. Gives me an edge in competition, and we live in a time where you can experience any good art ever made. That's a worthwhile tradeoff for a low iq populace

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