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Fuck Xi Jin Pig and fuck China
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China will attack on a Friday!
18 minute trailer
lmao, fuck mainland chinks and katsaps
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Kino, would you surrender /tv/?
china have special ops in taiwan ready to blow power to the air bases so taiwanese air defence is dud. then 1000 cruise missiles rain down on taiwan destroying patriot systems.
no chinaman from the mainland even leaves mainland soil until the taiwanese air defences are dead and the ROC has surrendered.
anything else is just bait for taiwanese beggars to show to US politiicans for gibs.
>blow power
This guy's never heard of backup generators before.
Chinks are only good at blowing their own shit.
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I wish they'd just get it over with
This, all the talking and fearmongering is getting stale now
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lol north korea was leveled and chinks and norks took significantly more casualties. are you trying to sell this as a win?
to a thirdie, the only possible victory is a total victory, or not losing to a superior force
achieving your campaign goals means nothing to them
the fact that north korea intended to own the entirety of the peninsula by the end of the war, and that they didnt own much if any more land than they had started with does not phase the chink tankoid
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>another red dawn remake
They Solo'd the US and the entire UN into a stalemate despite not having air superiority. What other country can brag about that?
they solo'd the south koreans, the chinese did all of the work countering UN efforts
>gook cinema
Oh boy I can't wait for 6 gorillion flashbacks for every single character ever put on screen.
God I hate flashbacks. It's such a cheap way of trying to make you care about a character. Gooks just will not stop doing it.
South Korea
All false countries
>Bragging about light pollution
They don't keep them on past midnight. It's not Las Vegas.
maybe this move could prevent world war 3. and save the planet from climate change disaster. stop chinese soft colonization through buying houses , land, companies in foreign land and 100% on their own country. etc etc could be a cure for so many planetary ills.
whatever they got going on is not "the communism" its a gook dictatorate. and the industry was not there to redistribute it to the workers.
A strong government, dictatorship, is needed to redistribute resources.
This, North Korea IS real communism, and the fact that it's successful makes chuds seethe.
nah. anarchism could have done it. but now communism could benefit from AI and social networks to automate a lot of commitee stuff. i guess if some robber baron try to monopolize a sector of industry and amass a personal police ... he would have to be dealt with so there is a need for some policing strength. could be done outside of dictatorship tho.
You'd still need a strong party, that can't be questioned.
On August 9th tobe exact
>china have special ops in taiwan ready to blow power to the air bases so taiwanese air defence is dud.
How fucking stupid do you have to be to think this is how it works? Like, did you hear this form your retarded drunk uncle or something?
Holy zoomer...US public school education I presume?
kek they used capitalism to build their economy, now they have shifted back left. Xi Jinping thought is fucking nuts, reminiscent of the Cultural Revolution days they just haven't started butchering people in public yet.
Good way for Taiwan to get nuked.
China doesn't need to do all of this, Taiwan is in range of most of their artillery and normal ballistic missiles.

PLA would just pound them into submission. They'll also threaten to use nooks like monkeman if an "external countries" interfere with their "reunification".

Taiwan also gets a few million Chicom tourists per year, at least half of them are little yellow men who are the PLA's advance party.
It doesn't matter when they will kill millions due to flooding and a permanent ecological disaster for centuries to come

Unless they're dirty bombs, nuke radiation will only last for <10 years and overseas Taiwanese can just return
>bro just commit crimes against humanity to win!!!

By this logic Ukraine should be targeting Russian nuclear facilities.
>uhh electricity is globohomo or something. based turdies!
you're brown
Highly based move. Every country needs a termination move.
Good way for the CCP to fuck off then
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Artillery has a range of 20km and Taiwan is a hundred miles away from China. Stop trolling/fearmongering. Or are you the same kind of idiot that thinks Seoul, which is 50km away from the border, is at risk from artillery.
>this guy bumped into me on the street so i shot his wife in the face, whaddya mean i cant fight back?!
The brits blowed up a dam and killed almost a thousand of german civilians during World War II and they make a movie about it.
Movie was good and based because the guy's dog was named Nigger in real life and they didnt' change its name for the film (Was its real name fuck you jannies).
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>Taiwan is in range of most of their artillery
I doubt the purpose of that was to destroy multiple metropolitan areas and inflict massive casualties for the sake of inflicting massive casualties.

Why not answer the point about targeting nuclear facilities? Blowing up Russian reactors and irradiating a few hundred thousand people should be a fine deed for Ukraine to do by this standard.
>this guy broke into my house, stole everything I owned, and locked me in the cellar, what do you mean I cant fight back?
It probably does matter a great deal for Taiwanese descision makers and the incredibly densely packed population who would fucking die in a nuclear exchange.
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Thoughts about China nuking the US East Coast in retaliation, taking off from Russian airbases in Chukotka? Their nuclear bombers just conducted flights from there alongside Russian nuclear bombers this week:
>this guy broke into my house so instead of defending my home i drove to his house and stabbed his children, thats just war i guess!

Also worth mentioning China isn't a democracy and the people have no ability to limit their government's warmongering.
It's always one moral standard for me but another for thee with these retards.
Their same logic would also justify the Islamic terrorism occurring in their own countries which they're obviously opposed to.
I'm willing to bet my life on the fact that the US has countermeasures for what little those two can do.
>this guy broke into my house so instead of defending my home i drove to his house and stabbed his children, thats just war i guess!
Whats wrong with that exactly?
>thats just war i guess!
Aside from the fact that his kids didn't do anything to you?
Nukes aren't a threat to Washington, yeah.
Woah, how did you manage to get your hands on details of PRC special forces operations?
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It's nice that the USA finally gets a taste of It's own medicine. Once the Chinese Type 003 aircraft carriers finishes Its Sea Trials I bet I'll be conducting carrier operations in the US East Coast too: https://youtu.be/soEpAprko7w
No actually, see I wrote that satirically, because it's not 'just war'. The world has convened to decide that these deeds are immoral even in the case of wars. Conflicts should be kept as localized as possible.

Please stop behaving like a barbaric jihadist.
Did mine do anything to him? Perhaps he should take the time to thing about the consequences of his actions next time.

Fucking kek, all this time thirdies were boasting about how useless carriers are, now all of sudden they're hot shit when the chinklands get them
Well if you don't want me to stab your children then don't fucking break into my house with the intent of killing my family and stealing everything I own.
>Taiwan also gets a few million Chicom tourists per year, at least half of them are little yellow men who are the PLA's advance party.
yeah those guys are going to keep their required supplies lodged up their arse.
>da world has blah blah blah
Stfu. Might makes right, who's going to stop ukraine if they ever decided to make this an eye for an eye?
What the US did to other countries was wrong but that doesn't justify other countries doing it to the US.

Some American soldiers torturing Arab kids doesn't mean American civilians should be harmed in any way. They didn't do anything wrong. Most Americans are good people, hell, most people are good people and don't deserve this shit.
>implying the robber and the robbed are of equal strength and stature.
China has a population of 1.4 billion and is one of the largest countries on the planet. Taiwan has a population of 24 million and is roughly the size of Switzerland. This would be like a roided out, 2m tall nigger psychopath in his early 20s robbing an 80 year old grandma. She absolutely has the right to level the playing field and blast that nigger in the face with a shotgun
um...the Nationalists drowned half a million of their own people just to slow down the Japs
I would be far more worried about their subs.
Yeah and it was fucked up and wrong. I'm not pro-KMT or whatever.

The collective 1.4 billion Chinese aren't invading Taiwan. Those people don't have any say in the electoral process. You're punishing over a billion people out of spite for what a handful of elites decided to do.

>She absolutely has the right to level the playing field and blast that nigger in the face with a shotgun
Yes you stupid shit, which means fighting the soldiers invading your country, not killing their kids.

>China has a population of 1.4 billion and is one of the largest countries on the planet
The US is also one of the largest countries on the planet and Afghanistan is pretty small.
Is Islamic terrorism justified? Is your grandma being decapitated with a blunt knife fair and just because of this?

You won't answer these questions because you're genuinely too stupid to understand universal morality. You're probably brown
>American civilians don't deserve
I'am pro-america and anti-chink but you're wrong. Countless good people have died in wars and countless more will. Thats just the nature of the world. The word "deserves" is for women.
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This guy's never heard of submarine nets, or mines.
You realise having a carrier means nothing if you do not have anyone trained to operate it properly? Let me know when they manage to park it off a country on another continent and successfully sustain operations against it for a month.
That doesn't mean we should embark on a policy of maximizing the number of good people dying you dumb ass.
>uhmmm askhually the world has convened to decide that these deeds are immoral even in the case of wars
lol this nigger, this must be bait. you are going to be in for a rude awakening when WWIII kicks off
it was pointed out decades ago that the civilians of democracies have a far greater burden of responsibility for their government's crimes than peasants from the shithole countries.
>that doesnt mean... blah blah blah
Ofcourse it does, we don't live in the movies. For thousands of years now the winners of wars were those who were the most ruthless. Love and friendship and all that other fag shit is nice on paper, dont get me wrong but we live in the real world where the winner is usually the one willing to stoop the lowest.
You're going to find out first hand why all the people who lived through WW1 and WW2 would never have another war like that again. Your total war bullshit is all well and good until you're forced to consider an invader harming your loved ones.
Yes because those are totally going to block the Pacific you stupid cunt. Are you going to even take one minute to think about your responses before hitting the post button?
If we can stretch across America, so to can we cross the Pacific.
Loom at your own answer stupid. Clearly the people who went through world war one went through another. Then they lined up for WW3.
Looks Kino.
Who said we want war? Most of us aren't bloodthirsty psychopaths, just realists who realize that there is a finite amount of resources available to us. At some point whether you want war or not, you will get one.
Chinamen can't even read traditional Chinese they had to make it simple the fuck chang gonna do when he can't even read the fire button on the artillery lmao
I am not sure if it is what you are referring to but hands across the USA failed
>You're punishing over a billion people out of spite for what a handful of elites decided to do
Bet your ass I would if it means I win the war and my nation survives. Ideally, I would just tell China in advance "If you invade my country, I will blow up your dam" as a means of deterrent and hopefully it never comes to that.
>which means fighting the soldiers invading your country, not killing their kids
Don't care. War is not clean, and I will do whatever it takes to inflict damage on the opposing nation.
>Is Islamic terrorism justified? Is your grandma being decapitated with a blunt knife fair and just because of this?
Islam? Never heard of that country. but no, religious acts of terrorism are not justified. imagine trying to justify murder because your sky daddy said it was ok
But Cruisin' USA didn't.
That makes sense, since they're the same people, arr rook same
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i hate commies with a passion
nigger, these veterans always say 'never again' exactly because ALL RULES GO OUT OF THE WINDOW IN WAR and they know how fucked up things get. And guess what? Same shit and another war happens.
>communication still works when Taiwanese all voluntarily use WeChat
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yes the sub nets the chinks put up and that one of their own last gen subs got caught in drowning the entire crew
do it chink, do it
I want to see bejing glow in the dark
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>You realise having a carrier means nothing if you do not have anyone trained to operate it properly? Let me know when they manage to park it off a country on another continent and successfully sustain operations against it for a month.
That's why they first bought that Soviet Carrier from Ukraine back in 2012, to train their crew and pilots for when they finally deploy their big boy supercarrier
Why are they imitating America?
Because the last truly original Chinese invention happened in ancient times
Meant for >>201801530
So, a single party is bad for creativity.
except they did not and kept it in port all that time the pajeets have more experience running a carrier
the chinks can't even build a working storm drain system or roads that don't wash out after just 6 years or tunnels that flood in half an hour drowning a couple thousand insects at once
but the carrier will work just fine, no corruption or half assed effort there
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After the Type 003 super carrier the next ship they're buliding the Type 076 an LHD with EMALS catapult for launching combat drones and AWACS: https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2024/06/type-076-amphibious-carrier-takes-shape-drone-airwing-emerges/
No other country has managed built such class of ship before, yet Its role would be similar to the escort carriers that the USA built back in WW2 to beat the Imperial Japanese Navy, since they were smaller and cheaper to build, maintain and deploy in large number than fleet carriers. China has larned from the US rise back in WW2 and is determined to take Its throne.
Oh, so they're wanting to be imperialist. That won't bode well with North Korea.
chat is this real?
why was that guy in a cell and he beat the other guy?
>mfw anons still haven’t realized China has just stepped onto ‘the event that irrepairably cripples the nation’ that leads to the Collapse-Rebuild cycle that’ll take maybe 20-40 years to end
>mfw anons aren’t familiar with the dictum: “ The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Thus it has ever been.”
If in the process of dethroning the US enables North Korea to retake the south, they'd be all onboard.
>All these dumb cumskins not realising that China will never functionally take over Taiwan so long as the Hakka kikes still exist
did you already forget the russians blew up dams in ukraine?
Is that why China has 3000+ missile heads aimed at Taiwan by 2010? Bully cries the loudest, pathetic.
Hakka don't slander the Han or nativist islander. They are too exotic and insular.
So far the only realistic plan the PLA&CCP has to take taiwan is to bomb the shit out of them for days before they do invasion.
So any retard who tells you the CCP will take taiwan without any civilian casualties is a lying piece of shit.
And the whole invasion succes rests on the hope that the US and the other pacific nations will not come to the aid of taiwan.
there's something like 300milion people living in the Yangtze flood plane.
Just hitting the 3 gorges wouldn't do it though there is a system off dams. Several up river that hold more water and a few down river that can buffer a bit
But the 3 gorges isn't in a great condition they have to keep the water levels lower than 10 and even 5 years ago leading to more water having to be dumped when it rains. And in the last 3 years and just a few weeks ago this year that has led to massive flooding and mass casualties.
There was also a mountain side that gives out onto the 3 gorges dam reservoir that gave way and had an entire face collapse.
If they where to hit a couple of the dams hard when the dams are already under stress from flood rains. Then you are looking at least 10 million dead.
>this can't be real right
just a few days ago you had dozens of "influences" posting cute videos about how the 3 gorges has stunning sights ect. the CCp does not want people to know (above all their own people) the the dam has problems
No one wants China to attack Taiwan more than the USA and the globohomos
Yes, but it's going to be a foot high in most places.
But most of the cities&industry that is based around the rivers will be fucked.
CCP has already stated that any atack on that dam would be seen equal to a nuclear atack and they would respond with nuclear weapons themself.
But then again, chinks are all about big threats and never actually doing anything when somebody crosses the line.
>a foot high
nigger look at the floods they had this year
now imagine if the 3 gorges gets hit and instead of having to open up the spill gates to control the water level it's the dam getting fucked
shit would be fucked so bad
more like BASEDWAN
the chinks have in essence placed themselves in a MAD position.
IF they invade Taiwan than Taiwan can hit the dams with conventional weapons, a dick but legitimate move in war.
Then the mainlanders have to escalate to the nuclear option or show that they are all bark no bite bitches. You can start sending nukes but you can't on your own decide when the nukes stop flying and oh boy the US has a lot more off them and a lot more platforms to deliver them from.
>nafo trannies believe this shit
Truth is China can't easily take Taiwan, wouldn't even be much of a war. The problem is the US.
China already made the US their bitches before, so it's not unlikely to defeat the US, the greatest military ever to exist, who lost to countries such as:
>rural vietnam
>several african and arab organizations
Yeah, but the reason the floods are getting worse is becuase the chinese cities are sinking in to the ground.
China has no surface drinking water because it's all polluted.
So the chinese are sucking up all the groud water, sucking dry the aquafiers their cities are resting on.
Because of this a lot of cities that where above river level are now below river level in a lot of places in china.
And the chinese are trying to fix this but because of corruption most of the money goes in the pockets of corrupt politicans instead of fixing the problem.
The mainland has hundreds of thoudands of non han niggers like the central asians and cantonese to invade and rape the taiwan jews.
they are pretend-ignorant cunts turning a blind eye, content with the wealth brought to them by the misery of others
Lol, nothing more funny then a third worlder blaming a first worlder for the problems the third worlder created himself.
my dad works at Chinese government
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I can't wait for China to invade that irrelevant shithole and then suddenly a million leftists will pretend they give a fuck and we need to send $70 Billion a month to defend gay pride parades

a 3rd israel will be created in our lifetimes
who could’ve thought building a flood plane wpuld cause this many problems thousands of years later
like I said
the pumping certainly doesn't help
but those same cities have been expending on what used to be the flood planes fields along the river because the dams would keep them dry right.
But now the dams are losing capacity and they can't keep those parts dry.
So now every year it's ini mini mo to see what area gets sacrificed to tank that capacity so that other more important areas stray dry(ish).
Those new(ish) expansions are also build on shit soils when it comes to flooding.
Combines with shit drainage systems, corruption eating up dike maintenance budgets and a complete lack of flood absorption areas.
if those dams ever give way the force of the water will wash out dikes and fuck up downstream dams. You'd get you water a couple off meters high moving with force far down stream.
The CCP as also shown that it can't handle flood information and preventive evacuation. So yea water a few meters high with force will drown a lot of people and those hat get swept away will get hypothermia.
isn’t this just an average flood disaster moment in China?
not the average flood disaster is
Rain falls, the much concrete for the ground to absorb it and shit drainage leads to flooding of a few feed even behind dikes that hold.
The reservoirs get to their lower capacity due to issues with the dams a lot faster. The have to open up the spill gates and dump water.
The Rivers that can't handle the volume of water already get to deal with that extra. A dike that didn't get maintained due to corruption or half arsedness gives way and floods a area bad. Or fearing a city is going to flood they open up a less important region up upriver to tank the water to save the more important region ofc not telling the locals because the party can do no wrong and you get mass casualties.
If the dams where to give it would be so, so, so much worse
do you think the CCP’s entered its “about to cause dynastic change” era like how the Ten Eunuchs combined with the Yellow Turban rebellion did in the Han dynasty, or how the An Lushan rebellion basically did in the Tang?
china lost to Vietnam and russia lost so hard to Afghanistan that the entire country collapsed. What's your point?
>china lost to Vietnam
I still find that one so funny, it's also the main reason why vietnam never went full retard communist like china did.
I don't think in those terms, nor do I want to try to predict the future.
The CCP can still fix this. It would hut but they can do it. The problem is that the structure is so rotten from head to tail and tail to head that it doesn't matter what you decree from on high. If they where smart they'd hire the Dutch. They'd trow open half your streets to fix your drainage problem, give the river more room so moving the dikes back where they can, set op designated flooding zones to tank the flood waters, get your dikes fixed and throw in some nice bike paths for the heck off it. But you just can't as the CCP.
You can't lose the face of getting outside help. You can't get infrastructure works to get done above board. You can't get the local municipalities to give up land they want to develop. And they can't have the Dutch find out all their own dirty deals they've made with the flood prevention funds.
And how'd replace the CCP?

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