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It's time to admit that centrists make the best kino
Shoutout to my man Bill Burr for keeping it real
Unironically the "anything goes, no way of life is objectively healthier to any other" libertarians are worse than pushy you-must-get-the-vax libtards insofar as the harm that they do to mainstream society.
these are all just basic liberal /r/Democrats poolitical talking points. Not one of these things is conservative. How is it centrist??
While I agree that the apathetic live-and-let-live mentality of genX can be blamed for a lot of what modern internet has become, you can't ignore the damage militant leftist millennials have done. "Silence is violence" after all right?
>people who say to do what you want are somehow worse than people who say you should do what they tell you
Yeah, I'm not buying your logic here.
are you a bot? whats this gimmick? is it multiple people?
Ivan should chill out and smoke some dude and get an abortion and a black wife
racemixing cuckold is representative of a centrist
It's a bot
Unironically, you’re a fucking idiot
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BillB rocks
The problem is the trannys won't mind their own business and force it into everyone's lives. You'll get some push back when your being an annoying faggot 24/7
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No one ever implied otherwise. Uncompromising political bias is the death of comedy.
sellout hypocrite
>"I'm completely NEUTRAL on having my kids brainwashed, using my own Tax-dollars, into chopping their cocks off & pretending to be women!"

Stunning. Brave. Powerful.
So what is their opinion on people being Racist? Or sexist?
EQUALLY neutral, I assume?
Centrists (libertarians) are just selfish and cowardly. They know that everything is getting worse, they know everything good will disappear eventually, but instead of trying to do anything about it, they run and hide. They're grabbing everything they can get from the world with their greedy little hands, investing it all in themselves (expensive car, slopmaxxing) while they wait for collapse. Bad enough on its own, but then they have the audacity to smugly tell everyone else how superior they are for it, telling anyone who gives a shit about making the world a better place that they're dumb and wrong, that they're no better than the people trying to destroy the world. It's pathetic.
Having a "centrist" view in terms of having a mix of both moderate republican and democratic ideals is fine.
But that image isn't centrism, that's just being an apolitical retard. You fucking twiddle your thumbs while mentally ill radicals push your shit in inch by inch, hoping that others defend your rights for you will get you a dystopian hellscape and that's what you deserve.
He would probably be appalled like any other normal person and would call for his arrest.
>those who don't like centrists or have critiques of centrism are a bunch of people all named "ivan" raiding /tv/ for... some reason
Actual schizo post.
Funny I never seem to hear these kind of values from nonwhites or trannies. Almost like they don’t believe in them or something idk maybe.
Do you talk to a lot of trannies about their political views?
Trumpfags vote against their own economic interests
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>"it's da LIIIIIIBS!!!"

t. christcuck sore and sour after getting bashed all his cucky life
poor little christ sѹ
Why should I? Those fags are minding mine.
The biggest difference between Rs and Ds on those kinds of social issues is that the latter believe the joys of sodomy and gender play should be taught to kindergarteners. Source: the meltdown they had when Florida suggested maybe they shouldn't do that anymore.
wow! he tells it like it is!
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>tranny truth
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Fuck potheads desu
the problem is that the extreme left or right doesnt leave people alone once they usurp enough power. It's a scam to lul you into complacency.
>smoke weed
>buy a gun

Drug users can't own guns.
genuinely profound and perhaps touches on the intuitive yet difficult to articulate feeling that many have.

Why do you care? Unless they are being racist to you or yours it's not your fucking business. Wanna know whats equally racist or sexist? Assuming you need to white knight for them and save them from it. They are people with agency, and before oyu slabber about 'WHU BOOT KIDS!", if they aren't your kids it's not your fucking business. Wanna know what is your business? Shit you are doing, people talking to you directly. Just stop sticking your nose in other people's lives to feel something about yourself except the apathy that set in because you're just unit number 5644964351986 and do fucking nothing with your life. You insufferable faggot.
maybe the most profound post i've seen on the fourchannel. total ethering
He's become Regular Joe.
>Just gonna go to the shore have my tunerfish sandwich, then go back to work, i don't know anything whaddya want from me.
this is very gay, anon, why did you replace perri piper with a man?

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