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There are next to no qualitative films that are dealing with how BAD things are economically, or how bad they could get in the near future. Not even the average film festival is hosting indie films that deal with this issue. It's always focused inward with preoccupations about trauma and identity and what have you, or if it's systemic it never goes further than the veneer of ''oppressive capitalism'' and so on, basically stuck in the same kind of theoretical screeching that plagues academia. There's nothing concrete, utilizing the strength of the visual medium to convey the bleakness of it all.
You used to get a fix of this shit with class-conscious british cinema, or midwest american indie films, or eastern european miseryfests, but I genuinely don't hear about any of this kind of stuff anymore. This is the real issue with contemporary sedated cinema. True rebels would be the ones that directly tackle this shit down onto the mud.
That's because capitalism, just like any other system, relies on taking advantage of the middle and lower class to keep the rich, rich.
Rich people can't be rich without taking advantage of others. It's fundamental in becoming rich.
Maybe one day we can come up with a system that doesn't rely on taking advantage of others. But humans will always be greedy so I won't hold my breath.
Movies are meant for entertainment or to a certain extent art. If you want a marxist commmentary on society go get a liberal arts degree or attend a lgbqt hamas rally. Or read a fucking book. If you need movies to teach you things, you are the problem in the the first place.
there haven't been any
>Hell or High Water
>Hillbilly Elegy
>Winter's Bone
types of films in awhile.
Hollywood doesn't really make very many serious movies for adults at all, let alone ones about society
you are the job
You're too much of a retard to articulate a response. All you can reply with are memes. You have internet brain rot.
>Rich people can't be rich without taking advantage of others. It's fundamental in becoming rich.
Typical socialist troon screeching.
So you think CEOs should be making 1000%+ what their counterparts make?
Why do you defend these people?
You don't need to be a marxist or a commie to acknowledge the current inflation.
nta but you do sound like a clueless bitch
>So you think CEOs should be making 1000%+ what their counterparts make?
They should make whatever anybody is willing to play them. Also who the fuck are their "counterparts", ESL? Other CEO's?

>Why do you defend these people?
Actually I'm just NOT attacking people who have done nothing wrong or done anything to me simply because some autistic socialist incel bernie-bro has penis-envy over them making more money than they do.
Current Inflation is due entirely to direct government interference with the Economy, done by a leftist Democrat President.
sure, their company provides goods and services to the community that otherwise wouldn't exist without that greed. They can pay their CEO whatever the fuck they like, as long as they're providing safe and useful products/services to the community.

What the real question should be is, why are you SO ok with politicians who've never done anything remotely positive for the communities they supposedly care about, yet decide their own wage and own multi-million dollar real estate portfolios.
NTA, but the origin of this inflation is the covid response. But we're far enough away from that now, that multiple policy changes since then could have affected the course and resolved it by now, but of course they weren't done because politicians don't get re-elected when times are good.
artists who have the privilege of being paid to make films are not going to have the education in economics to adequately explore these topics, nor are they going to have the experiences to adequately bring this struggle to life on film beyond the symbolic and surface level.

The closest thing you'll get is documentaries.
They should be paid whatever someone else is willing to pay them in exchange for the job they are willing to do.
>Ruby Tuesday starts playing
imagine the hype when America gets MAID. Lines around the block
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>but the origin of this inflation is the covid response.
Yes. The "response" was direct government interference with the Economy, where a leftist Democrat President printed billions in Fiat Currency.
We're in a weird sort of madness where politicians need people to know how bad things are, because they can get re-elected on promises to fix how bad things are. Yet, if everyone is constantly thinking about how bad things are, then they're fully aware of how said politicians have failed miserably, and done nothing but look after their own wealth with policy and tax payer money
>Yes. The "response" was direct government interference
I'm not disputing this. But Trump WAS in power during 2020. He had no hand in anything post 2021, but the origin lies with Republicans bowing to bullshit international pressure and cashing up pfizer and moderna
>They should make whatever anybody is willing to play them.
You mean "pay", not play. Who are you calling ESL?
And you are failing to realize that these people at the top decide how much their employees are paid. They nickel and dime their employees while they and their buddies enjoy multi-million dollar bonuses. Again, why are you defending these people?

Politicians are just as culpable. You're assuming (making an ass out of yourself) that I think it's OK.
>You're assuming (making an ass out of yourself) that I think it's OK.
You're so outraged by politicians exploiting wealth (usually in conjunction with the corporations) that you don't mention it first? You go straight to the CEOs because you're more outraged by politicians? sure thing kid
It's a holding pattern

Films are just to keep people entertained until they execute their masterstroke and can draft everyone under 35 to go die in their war with iran
What do we have here? Someone who continues to defend the 1%. You stick out like a sore thumb.
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>LE 1%
>t. lives in and has never left their 90% white neighborhood
>these people at the top decide how much their employees are paid
Employers offer a salary and employees take it or leave it, yes. Same with who employs a CEO, even if they're collectively employed.
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What a inspiring change in such a short period of time!
I honestly thought the rich would have a better damage control.
Are you going to act like a retard and pretend there is no power dynamic?
It didn't even take that long.
Their sudden change was between December 2020 and January 2021.
You'd have to be doing actual "damage" to be worth "damage-control".
Nobody gives a shit about some uppity low-IQ Bernie-Bro being mad at Basic Economics & Math.
If I upset you by calling out the rich then pay me to stop.
I think trannies are a joke btw.
So am I talking to a genuine trust fund baby or some larper who likes to think they're richer than they actually are?
Neither. You're just talking to a normal person.
You know, somebody who DOESN'T get impotently pissy over the knowledge that someone else out there makes more money than me?
You fucking retard. Stop defending billionaires.
You have once again confused "defending" with "just NOT mindlessly & impotently fuming over" them.
People got tired of misery porn because misery became more widespread. Everyone got fucking tired of the Ken Loach's and Dardennes because it was all samey social realist crap that was all about muh message but got progressively worse formally.
Every post I've made has been against the rich. Every post you have made has been defending the rich. Fuck off.
Billionaire is relative to the type of wealth being used to compare people. It's like being angry that someone has more horses. That's the way the cookie crumbles. If you work hard maybe your offspring will have more horses than you do and given the law of averages some descendent will probably have more horses than the billionaire ever did. Quit being a commie bro. They're the shittiest people on earth. Just focus on your own horses.
Do commies believe the same families that were "wealthy" 4,000 years ago are still wealthy today?

Keep in mind that even the queen of England had shittier healthcare than a poor person does today just a few generations ago...

Ah fuck it. Life is too short to argue with mindless commie drones
>continuing to defend billionaires who nickel and dime their employees
For the record, I am make decent living. But people like you who take advantage of others to the extreme is what doesn't sit well with me.
I'm a different anon than the one you were debating with but my general philosophy is that capitalism tends to make the human experience better for all humans over the long term. A side effect of capitalism is wealth inequality. It can't be corrected for via legislation or by force because then you don't have capitalism and you start making people's lives shittier. Everyone alive today in a first world country has cleaner water, safer medicine, better food, etc than they would have a hundred years ago. That is not because of government regulation it is just the main effect of capitalism on society. It makes shit better overall over time. One of the side effects is "billionaires." I am absolutely fucking fine with that and I don't understand people who blame them for every single problem. If you took all the money from all the billionaires at 95% tax it would be a drop in the bucket compared to total GDPs of first world nations. IMHO billionaires are irrelevant. What matters is state authority and it needs to be less than it is today because it is the thing stagnating the economic growth under the guise of "equality."
You are defending billionaires not paying their employees more. I have nothing more to say to you if you don't see an issue with that.
Replying to myself:

If anything we need MORE billionaires. We need a government that understands that capital is NOT a finite resource. We need a small government that does as much as it can to enable as many people as possible to acquire as much money as fast as they possibly can. This may seem insane but it is the only solution to our current problem of believing that we are living with finite resources. Resources might be finite but capital is not.
>Every post I've made has been against the rich. Every post you have made has been defending the rich.
See: >>201793185
>It's always focused inward with preoccupations about trauma and identity and what have you

You coping about Occupy and Bernie.
It's fucking painful how oversimplified and low-IQ your view of the world is.
We know all this aleady. Theres nothing to save
Why should anyone pay anyone any more? What are the specific justifications? And why does YOUR opinion on that matter, rather than the opinions of the people ACTUALLY involved?
That is defending the rich whether you like it or not.
>"Why am I not being paid MORE for my Labor?!?!"
>*Imports five-million third-worlders to flood the Labor-Pool*
Fact is bro I don't think about billionaires at all.
It's not, whether you like it or not.
Keep crying with rage, faggot.
I hate left wing fascists.
Why should the rich be "defended" any LESS than the poor?
Do you judge someone's worth as a Human based on their wealth/income? Seriously?
Oh, I understand how the world works and how everyone is greedy. It's human nature. I'm curious if you're able to see beyond that. Where everyone is on the same level. What that world would look like and how you would handle >>201794178

Same goes for you.
Can't help but notice that you're not actually refuting anything said by anyone you replied to.
You want totalitarianism and the murder of people who happen to have more "wealth" than others. Kill the families with the most horses. I get it. You think this is justice because some people work harder than others. But some wealthy people actually work harder than some poor people. The world isn't black and white.
The only question I saw is why should billionaires pay their employees more. That's a good question. Because any decent human would realize how much money they need to live the rest of their life comfortably is less than a billion dollars. After a certain amount it's just unnecessary greed.

You are quick to make assumptions. It's also funny that you think billionaires are the hardest working people. Billionaires make money through investments. They aren't doing shit except flapping their gums.
>nudges the poster next to me
>giggles a little and whispers "gee boss i tink dey know what dis tread is guna be about"
it'll trickle down. any day now
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i know you don't know this, because you're an ignorant vapid drone, but you're literally living in one of the wealthiest countries in the one of the highest wealth periods of all of human history. Wealth is literally all around you, you shit and piss in perfectly drinkable water, yet you cry poor. Amazing
just like all those multi-billion dollars arms contracts the Dems signed with Boeing. Kamala will give you a slice, don't worry anon!
clueless low IQ slackjawed baboons kwab
You really nailed the out of touch top earner tone where inflation doesn't affect you.
I'll just pick myself up by the bootstraps like they did back in the 50's, 60's, and 70's, since it's all the same.
probably because the economy is better than ever
so inflation is stopping you from having access to a toilet, as well as and supercomputers smaller than books, that you can use to have fresh hot food delivered to your door?
Yet most people can barely afford to pay their rent.
should really stop all that immigration and government spending huh?
Where is all that wealth going?
umemployed confused pasty white niggers suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome and down syndrome trying really hard to be "Le heckin zazed conservative" that they'll end up selling their own fathers and mothers for a chance to lick le zazed wallstreet govt subsidized fundie VC's shithole... oops I meant temporarily embarrassed millionaires. Any day now comrades..2 more weeks
This is the result of art as a profit maximising endeavour. It's a feedback loop that shapes its audience and the audience in return shapes the future products by showing financially what they like. The degeneration of intelligent films for adults to dumb slop for manchildren is the natural outcome of this feedback loop of profit maximisation. Since the way to make hundreds of millions in profit is to cater to capeshit addicts, we get more braindead capeshit slop. Anything else is niche, has trouble finding its audience (because it has become less receptive due to the slop flood) and warrants much smaller budgets if any budget at all. Profits made the kino machine grow and thrive but the search for optimal profit made the machine degenerate.

Ergo there's no point in searching for anything meaningful, the forces of sloppification are too strong, the audience genuinely wants slop and not something better.
It's keeping me from owning a home.
My parents were way better off then me and they had less education and a lower paying job at my age (adjusted for inflation).
Good morning niggerjeet
So that's why all of James Camerons films feel like teenage bitch fantasies. Slackjawed faggot probably has a very high opinion of himself when in reality he probably couldn't pass an undergrad in economics or statistics
what immigration and what government spending, exactly? you clearly have it all figured out
the real answer can not possibly be excessive profiteering to the point of killing the chickens for meat instead of selling eggs. no way.
Nigger the queen of England certainly did not have worse healthcare than a poor person does today. That's like comparing a Concord jet aeroplane to a donkey cart. Of course the former is faster than the latter you dumbfucking ugly nigger because they are separated by a thousand years. Atleast make an appropriate comparison that is within the context of the same time frame, like say, the healthcare of queen of England and a poor peasant living in the countryside in 15th century ad. Do you get my point you worthless aids ridden nigger? Don't worry tho comrade, it'll all trickle any day now..2 more weeks
you do realize that in all of human history, most people never owned a home. Home ownership only became possible after the second world war, the 1950s. Are you so reactionary that you want what they had in the 1950s anon? you want to hold onto beliefs and attitudes of 70 years ago?
have a quick google, its a hyper information age after all, and you clearly don't have anything better to do. Google "have the rates of government spending been contracting over the last 4 years?" and then followed by "has total immigration rates been contracting over the last 4 years?" let me know what you discover.
Do I want to hold on to the belief that if I work hard I can own a home like the generation before me? Uh... yes.
>Home ownership only became possible after the second world war, the 1950s
Home ownership in America was around 40%-50% for decades before that (I just looked it up), all it did was going from the 40%s to the 60%s.
So you want to hold onto reactionary beliefs? Got it. And where do you draw the line with holding onto reactionary beliefs from the past hmm? just the ones that personally benefit you?
yeah but how does that effect rent price increases?
if anything, it should drop, because there are more people working earning less money. weird.
so... 40%-50% is 100% to you? put 10 people in the room in the 1920s and 6 of them didn't own property, is that not "most people"?
before i answer, you need to response honestly Are you intentionally being oblivious? or ignorant or stupid?
You are scolding me for wanting our economy to improve from my parents generation when it has only declined? Why are you so oppressive?
I think it's pretty fucking stupid to blame "gubmint spendan" rather than just straight up profiteering.
Real estate is the highest value it has ever been, ever, and purchasing power is the lowest it has ever been, ever.
you're masking your own self interest in being able to afford a house as a collective concern. Christ you are insufferable, here's a tip faggot, if you're so concerned about the collective good will of the economy, why the fuck do you support and constantly vote for people who've been decades long parasites sucking off said economy?
and i think you're pretty fucking stupid for not understanding and recognizing how the basic law of supply and demand affects housing prices and the value of money.
You can't even reply without making up shit. Thanks for giving me a glimpse into how you think.
So you're telling me American people DIDN'T have more disposable income than ever during covid lockdown, exactly at the same time "supply chain issues" was magically invented as an excuse for 6+ months for constant price increases to correct stock price dips?

"Inflation" and "supply and demand" are very convenient excuses for companies to recoup the losses they had during 2020-2021 and then continue to stretch the profit margin of each individual good they can.

They literally fucking did it right in front of your face with fast food prices, and now it's rubber-banding back to attract customers that they have priced out due to their own greed.

You're a faggot nigger.
you actively fucking voted for people who hate the general and wider populace, and you didn't care a single bit because you felt good and virtue signalled about it and it made you feel superior. Until it started to spill over and affect you now you've got a problem with the system, and you can't even identify it because you're perpetually blind by the retarded ideas that made you feel good before.

You are probably the best possible reason against any sort of democratic equality in a society. Selfish, dumb, left-wing scum.
every line of your response solidifies my thoughts about you being fucking stupid. Every. single. one.
What the fuck are you talking about? You're making shit up. Put the crack pipe down.
trump had his shot and totally fucking blew it. just straight up. completely fucking blew it.
what the fuck are you even saying. what "wider populace?" most people are broke
Yeah dude you're just way too fucking smart. Like I said before, you clearly have it all figured out.
Make sure you don't choke on Billy-Bob's cock too hard when you go out on your fishing trip, Cletus
hope you get out of your cult soon anon. Much love from the rational world of intellectualism <3

>literally no-one
unhinged schizophrenic gtfo
This you:-
>a problem exists
>the tv tells me its big companies/profits/capitalism
and repeat Ad Nauseum.
hahahah u r a fag lol
Why does the poor defend the rich like this idiot >>201796150
Unless you're in the top 10% of earners in the world, fuck off.
>companies AREN'T making money hand over fist the past 3 years
>cost of goods AREN'T higher than ever before
cute little corporate shills
how, the fuck, are you calling me a corporate shill when i'm saying corporate profiteering is ruining our country
Ivan! welcome to the thread
>hope you get out of your cult soon anon.
No, you're an actual retard. Worse yet, you're defending the mega rich. And poorly might I add.
your guys double-speak astro turfing bullshit is getting real fucking tired
they should either pay you more or give you a new playbook to use
donald trump isn't gonna fuck you bro, no matter how hard you try
>it is capitalism's fault!
yeah ok moshe
No, It's greedy fucks like you. And you continue to deny it.
it's really funny how they shut the fuck up real quick when their "BAD THINGS BAD DEMOCRATS BAD" gets totally ripped apart
i refuse to believe anything less than 95% are just stooges paid to post inflammatory shit on 4chan to radicalize neets
As movies have become more expensive and being a Hollywood insider has become more desirable, nepo baby rich kids have come to monopolize the decision making positions in regards to making movies and such. Thus, movies are made by people that know nothing about not being rich except for what they learn by seeing a graph go down in CNN and the jokes about rural poor whites of Family Guy.
To ask those guys to make a proper movie about not having money is like to make a self made genius to make a movie about impostor syndrome.

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