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What exactly is there to learn in acting?
How to please tiny circumcised cocks
Actors are completely insufferable when you get them talking about their "craft." Playing dress-up and saying lines other people have written for you isn't an art - it's basically the same exact job as a stripper.
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No wonder this was her best role
How to speak witha British accent when you're playing a faggot.
what "clubs" to be a member of
considering how 97% of actors just play minor variations of themselves from role to role, there doesn't seem to be a ton to learn -- certainly not compared to being a medical oncologist, a rocket scientist, or a garbageman.
With theatre acting it actually matters to have a teacher, and we can see the results of retards not knowing anything about Shakespeare reading out his poetry and it sounding like shit and making no dramatic sense. But for movie acting, there's very little to be learnt.
Step 1: be Jewish
Step 2: have relatives working in the business
I've never understood how acting can be like, hard or taxing or complicated. Like, motherfucker you say some lines, and you just...pretend. It's not fucking hard. MAYBE there might be a little challenge in learning fight choreo or doing a stunt, or training to get in shape or learn how to do some sort of skill like shooting guns or whatever, or practicing to do a really convincing accent, since there's actual stuff you have to force there, but other than that? Bro you just pretend to be mad or happy or sad or whatever else. That doesn't take skill.
it comes down to having minute control of your muscles and basically being incredibly patient
scenes are rehearsed and recorded dozens or even hundreds of times, each time you have to pick up the cup of tea, smile, tilt your head and so on in basically exactly the same way
you can't pick it up slightly slower in one take and then slightly faster in the second, or lean slightly more or less forward in the chair, it has to be the exact same sequence of movements each time.
as coordinated by the director of course. pick it up slightly slower, have a bit less strain in your thumb and forefinger as you're doing so, hold it 0.2 seconds longer before sipping, smile slightly less widely, great now do that again 10 times. actually you know what pick it up a bit faster and tilt your head just a little bit more. it's basically just that all day long
That its 90% mental. Other half is physical
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I watched that and didn't learn anything about acting. It was basically just chit-chat about random gigs. She probably needed to be barefoot for her "class" to make it worth paying for.

Most people who try to act are wooden as fuck.

It’s very hard to learn how to act natural on film.
1. be really cute as a kid
2. be really cute as an adult
"Pretend to be someone else"

It's literally that easy and these people think they deserve to be royalty.
I jerked off to her getting blacked again on that shitty show she did
Look, a cope thread. At least the screenwriters take the time to improve.
you retards claim it's easy but try to walk up stage and perform anything, from reciting poems to reading 4chan threads out loud, you'd shit your pants out of cringe
>I don't want to/I don't have to/I'm not getting paid
that's why you'll never be an actor
Norm Macdonald put it out well.
He said you have to learn 600 words in a row.
any good mommy faceporn in this? might torrent it if theres good screenshot material
i think you have to be a bit on the spectrum to truly be a good actor, thats why regular folk arent typically good actors, you have to be a special kind of autistic to become another person and not feel shame or embarrassment for acting stupid on camera in front of a bunch of other people while you scream or fake cry and basically play adult make believe
Her secret will be whatever it is that Luc Besson whispers in his actress's ears to make them able to ugly-cry on command.

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