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How do you get out of this situation?
Jump and bounce down to earth on my buxom boobies
A ripoff of 47 Meters Down starring Mandy Moore.

Stare at these two well endowed women until I faint and fall off the tower, dreaming of sweaty boobs into the hereafter
Like a normal person, I tell someone the area I'm going to so that when a few days pass and they don't hear from me, they'll start looking.

I'd probably just fall asleep and roll off
What makes you think I'd want out of that situation?
get naked for better grip then slide down the pole.
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Use bras as parachutes.
Wouldn't the friction destroy your cock n balls
Crat a parachute out of my clothes and float gently down
As the earth rotates, the angle of the tower changes. When it's totally level, I simply walk to the ground.
I wouldn't "get out". I would listen, and nobody did that
This only works if you are a female.
I would jump, grab onto the bird's two legs, and glide down slowly to the ground.
Females don't have cock n balls retard
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I'd ride the falling pieces and then jump off them just before they hit the ground, saving myself from death with a ninja roll.
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First of all if you don't sleep with black men you wouldn't be in this situation. Both of these coalburners ended up there because they slept with a BLACK MAN.
Based troll physician.
just don't be born in a rich family and you won't feel the need to risk your life doing snowboarding or base jumping due to your coddled upbringing without a single day of suffering.
We can do mp4s now apparently.
Double jump before touching the ground.
Those are webms, anon. Just how long were you in that coma?
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I’d listen and that’s what no one else did
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>Those are webms
Yeah. We can do mp4s now, apparently.
How realistic would be to make a "rope" out of your clothes and just use them to slide down the tube? You just need to mantain a pressure to your side, it cannot be that hard.
Trick question.

I wouldn't be there in the first place.
nice tits- sorry, huge tits
You can't die while sleeping so I'd just sleep with the two women until help arrives.

Bears use this strat every winter.
Take off your clothes, tie them together like a rope, and use that to shimmy down the pole. Really isn't that difficult.
by not being an autistic whitoid with suicidal tendencies that leads them to do very retarded and unnecessary stuff that could get them killed
Tie you cloths and bras around the pole, and jibby down slowly till there some stairs.
There's like a million spikes sticking out of the tower you moron.
dont be a woman
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>Non white lacks the adventurous spirit
Many such cases
>Why yall whities climb dem mountains!?
I tell somebody where I am going before I go so they get worried when I don't return when I should
Why would there be spikes?
to stop people getting down you spastic
>What is a simile?
exploring the world ≠ climbing a man made anthena just because

and this is something specifically angloids do because you are an incredibly kiked civilization, you all hate yourself and do the most retarded shit to "accidentally" kill yourselves, the only reason you don't straight up put a gun to your heads and end it is because you know jews need you so you can die for them in their wars
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>Why yall whities so inquisitive!?
>Why yall gotta make science and shit?!
Bart was such a fatass, holy shit.
>dying in an already discovered and explored cave
maybe you are not as smart as you think you are, maybe that's why you are going extinct, but do not worry goy, you last stance will be dying for Israel in ww3
I didn't see the movie but like, why the fuck would you actually climb to the top of a tower that is very clearly rusty, horribly maintained, and just generally looks like a fucking deahtrap?

Surely you can see "Hey this ladder is missing bolts, it's rusted through, and is barely or not even attatched." and then just...not climb it?
No white man will fight in ww3
And even if they did congrats, you destroyed your host while muslims were multiplying around the WORLD LMAO
Real question is how did you get into it?
hunter is literally the worst friend ever. She had an affair with her best friend's husband, let her drink herself through all her grief following her husband's death, asked her to climb knowing this girl wasn't near close to over it, didn't plan any of it out to make sure it was safe, not attempts to ease her into it again, constantly pressured her and joked about shaking the ladder to scare her... what p.o.s.
to fair, both of these idiots were women.
I sometimes wonder the same about spelunking
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Big fat tits
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Damn girl just flash dem titties and I'm sure the people on the ISS will take notice and call for help.
I remember actually having a problem watching this movie because the tits on display had me hard as fuck.
>men not being coombrains for 15 minutes challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
>Why don't yall whities just do nothin everyday like the rest of us?!
>Why, yall, why!?
What a bland name. If I were producing it, I would call it Titty Tower, and the leads would be topless for its entirety.
why wouldn't cell phones work at 2000 feet up when they worked so well 24 years ago in planes much higher up ala 9112001
>two women with massive tits
>bouncy cute asses
>right clothing all around
>camera constantly lingers on their bouncy elements
>they get more undressed as the movie progresses
I enjoy being pandered to.
His advice only applies to Jeremy Renner
>Has never been to the moon
>Gets enslaved by his cousins who correctly left his shit hole area of the world millennia ago
>Infinite seethe
Being attracted to women is a form of rape, chud.

Do you mean tie a loop around the tower and shimmy yourself down using your feet for stability? Like how Mulan climbed the post? Would work for a bit but they were like 2k feet in the air, might maybe make it a hundred feet down before getting too tired/slipping.
They were like 50m away from the stairs, it would have been worth the shot.
>How do you get out of this situation?
Take a shit off the side. It will attract some Indians.
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Take the brunettes shoes off and throw them down and tell her you’ll push her if she doesnt let you rub her sweety feet
I'd try that
Or bring a parachute. If I'm heading to any kind of high place I'm bringing a parachute just because the way up will always be easier than the way down. Rather just jump off.
A gyrocopter would be cooler. Then you can go high and low and zigzag what mother nature throws at you
The radio tower caused interference in the movie, not the height
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absolutely insane tits
47 Meters Down was a ripoff of Frozen.
Climb to the top, see the Earth is flat and gravity is fake, and then just let go and glide down through the atomosplane.
Yet another bot thread

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