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Is there a single sitcom that has stood the test of time?
Malcolm in the Muddle
Old Roseanne was pretty funny. Just not the final season.
Big Bang Theory

Boomers, Gen Xers and Millenials love it
Although Friends is more popular with Zoomers
This is me, but with The Office
Living Single was Friends but based
Me watching Seinfeld
me browsing 4chan
Frasier is the only sitcom that makes me laugh out loud
The Larry Sanders Show, though Rip Torn does a lot of the heavy lifting (god rest his soul).
The Fresh Prince of Bel Air
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Curb Your Enthusiasm
30 Rock
the original run of Arrested Development
the first ~8 seasons of It's Always Sunny
The Drew Carey Show
Ancient '99 zoomer here, love Seinfeld. Friends is mid.
I thoroughly enjoyed Titus. Especially the finale that never made it to air. Stacy Keach carried that fucking show on his back.
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>watch the office when it comes out
>think it’s funny and entertaining
>see any rerun
>wait 10 years
>forget everything
>watch again with gf
>enjoy again
>she plays a rerun
>barely manage to squeek by and finish the series, the last season is shit especially
When I liked it, I really liked it, but seriously its charm dies soon after.

Ric rel OP
At least it was here.
always sunny. even though later season are not as good, the early ones are still gold.

community has not aged well. it's very boring now.
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Father Ted
Cosby show
Seinfeld seasons 3-8
seinfeld is as good as ever and insanely rewatchable, its nice to have so many episodes whereas modern sitcoms you get nothing per season, also enjoy married with children, and even fresh prince
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3rd Rock from the Sun.
Most sitcoms are terrible
Nice bait
I love Lucy has finally aged out but it probably had the longest run.
Honerable mention to seinfied, although it is a very unsitcom like sitcom.
The real answer is the simpsons season 1-9. Still funny if you show it to someone for the first time born in 2005
WTF this show is based
Home Improvement, assuming you don't get offended by 'man of the house' humor.
All in the Family.
It's not a sitcom, but House MD never fails to make me laugh.

Based and the one true answer.
You have to watch it from the point of view of someone who owns a house, or still has a chance to own a house in the future
Married with Children
Early Always Sunny
Fresh Prince
Red Green Show
I don't think anyone, even normies, thinks Friends is "funny." People just enjoy the escapism. Feeling for a half hour like you're part of a group of young, attractive, clean, well-dressed people in well-appointed settings.
note how nobody is saying "I love lucy" or "leave it to beaver". there's your answer. all sitcoms are doomed to become culturally and comedically alienated.
Scrubs is still good. Or does it need a laughtrack to count as a sitcom?
nta but I always thought that the 2nd and 3rd season writing on BBT was a lot of bits that would have worked just as well on I Love Lucy. viz. Sheldon teaches Penny physics, classic sitcom writing unlike the friends of comment/insult/rejoinder working the rule of three like a body bag
Sanford and Son
Married With Children
Blackadder (except for that horrid first season)
Father Ted
I Dream of Jeanie because I can't get tired of Barbara Eden
Based and tossed salads and scrambled eggs pilled
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finally someone with a sense of humor
>community has not aged well. it's very boring now.
I don't care about your gay ass opinion
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Sad because true.

I'm the same with with Always Sunny in Philadelphia. It just DOESN'T make me laugh.

Also Community.
Giligan island
Green Acres
i'm a prime zoomie and love the 'feld. If annudah shoah happens, i'd put the cast in my cupboard
First 1-4 seasons of the office are great. When the show begins focusing on relationship drama it loses its edge by trying to become something soppy and melodramatic. I do also enjoy the first few seasons for the early 00s nostalgia aspects. I love the scene of Jim and Pam listening to his iPod when they leave at night. Max comfy. Had a similar experience with a highschool crush when I was like 13.
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This show just reminds me of what we lost
The original Arrested Development run
oh my god you should watch cuck goyslop made for millennial whitoids, it's so funny

me watching the simpsons
"I hear you're a racist now, Father!"
Yep. Good-natured people getting into silly situations who still supported each other.
this is not a fun show
it is a goon show, that's why boomers watched
>even though later season are not as good
I treat it like TPB.
Once it goes 16:9, something fundamental changes. I usually chalk it up to a larger budget and lack of soul. More producers having a say in what happens
me watching a left wing comic
All sitcoms that people enjoyed at the time are good. You are the one who is retarded and unable to shift perspective.
Exquisite taste my friend. I agree.
>Friends is more popular with Zoomers
zoomer girls maybe
I downloaded yesterday its always sunny in Philadelphia and so far I'm enjoying it. Not laughing, but enjoying it.
Only a reddit faggot would like 4 jews in jew york
Kill yourself
Married With Children and The King Of Queens
Everyone watching Seinfeld.
You need to go back faggot
Seinfeld literally isnt funny and looking that jerry kike makes me want to bleach my eyeballs.
Friends is ok for what it is ie crappy tv thats mildly funny
I used to watch this a lot after school and i remember it being pretty good
no it wasn't
Why dont you fuck off to brownoid 4chan? Or would that be your local wet market?
Literally unfunny. But most people are braindead enough to think it is.
Hey Now!
>Giligan island
FINALLY someone gets it right. Thanks little buddy!
Drawn Together
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Taxi, The Bob Newhart Show, American Dad, first 8 seasons of The Simpsons, most of The Flintstones, most of Frasier, about half or so of Who's The Boss?, Sanford and Son, Malcolm
only cringe tryhard contrarian losers hate the first 8ish seasons of always sunny. that show used to be great

>that show used to be great
I thought it was a modern classic and would be highly regarded for a few generations, but they destroyed all of their good will. At least they didn't implode as bad as Rick and Morty
I didn't hate it, I understand that many people love it. The show just does not tickle my funny bone. Never even said anything about seasons, I don't think I even finished the first season.
Korone no! It's only a name, you're not actually supposed to "Eating Mike Tyson's ass"!
First few seasons of Becker
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i don't know why everyone hated the ending to community. i thought it was good enough
>I don't think I even finished the first season
lol and there it is
the show changes completely when Danny Devito joins the cast in S2, the first season isn't really exemplary of the show at all.
I know people get tired of hearing "bro it gets good in episode 300, just wait" but seriously a lot of shows, and especially sitcoms don't have a great first season. just look at Seinfeld's or the Office's first season, they practically become different shows in season 2, it's the same with IASIP. I'm not gonna force you to watch another season if you don't want to, but you've hardly seen enough to make a real judgement.
Fuck that kike shit
Community had some great stand-out episodes. Most of it was middling.
Seinfeld should age the best. It's mean-spirited and all the characters are miserable and real. That's what people now want to see.
Wow, guess Jim Parsons is one of the based fags
Married with Children
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Fawlty Towers
The Jeffersons
Golden Girls
The Andy Griffith Show
I Love Lucy
The Honeymooners

Technically, shows like MASH, The Simpsons and Everybody Hates Chris would also fall under the genre of sitcom, but I'm assuming you're talking about shows with canned laughter/shot in front of a studio audience.

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