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Dolly must be one of the most widely liked people on the planet.
She does a lot of charity work and has big ol tiddies, what's not to like lol. I think my local childrens hospital still gives out free books that they get from one of her charities.
Arguably the greatest nevernude tragedy in Hollywood history
Dolly is a national icon, and the sweetest old lady you'll ever meet.
>I'd give a years pay to peak under there
- Johnny Carson
And some fucking sweet tits and are still fuckable to this day
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Still would
All women should have a waist like this.
Everyone just wants to titty fuck those chest bazookas
When I was a kid, you were an old lady, now I'm old and you are still old
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I love boobies but the southern accent is really attractive to me
She supported BLM during the riots
>“Of course Black lives matter,” Parton told the magazine. “Do we think our little white asses are the only ones that matter? No!”
Britney Spears, Jennifer Love Hewitt,
>dumb celebrity is dumb and follows dumb trends
This surprises no one.
I want to have a threesome with her and Elvira.
based hagmaxxer
Yeah more like 5 AM
She seems like someone a 13 year old would imagine as a perfect women. Super nice, big tits, and has an amusement park.
so shes the perfect woman?
was implant technology better in the past? i feel like modern bolt ons are inferior. did they nerf implant tech for some gay safety reason or something?
She's adorable and a great singer

Also she was hot as fuck in her prime
Ava Addams is modern and theyre the best fakes ever
she is thoroughly hated for being a woke libtard
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>It's a sad situation, I must say
>When someone wants to leave
>As bad as you want them to stay
dolly parton had zero kids but rhea perlman had three and warwick davis had two
And all 5 have a combined mass of Dolly's tits
absolutely true but i feel like she's the exception that proves the rule
For me its J.J. Sneed
Not at all, it’s better than ever and gets better monthly. Many women just request the fake look.

Ava’s are great but they’re practically vintage at this point. So much has advanced in the past few years.
I think fakes had a certain obvious look to them that, if you have the bimbo smasher genes, one can appreciate. Maybe they're more natural looking now which is "better" but not actually better for us connoisseurs. That and zoomer bitches probably get ass work done instead.
>So much has advanced in the past few years
that's what i mean, implant technology has not and if anything i feel like it's gone backwards. or is it just because modern cheap skanks go down to south america to get cheap jobs done?
more like 5 am
BBL tech has taken priority
Tits are the greatest thing in the world.
Tit tech has advanced a lot since the days of 90s bolt-ons.
Yeah more like 5 am
That's her past her prime when she had lost weight replaced her big natural with implants.

1984 Dolly was her peak.
No, the implants they have today are way better than the past. You don't notice them because they are not bolt-ons and the gals don't admit to having the work done.
Silicone was better but they switched to saline for “safety”, and now ironically they’re back to using silicone.
The tech has become better, but also a lower cost. You can get cheap tits at a shady plastic surgeon, that’ll look terrible or good ones. Also a curse is, you have to have larger tits to better looking implants. Some girl with an A cup getting a D cup will look like a set of baseballs shoved in.
>you have to have larger tits to better looking implants.
True. Sheridan Love's and Ava Addams' look amazing.
easy to be a fake natty with your clothes on, do any of these successful fake natties get naked on camera?
Learned this the hard way. Got a with a girl with small breasts thinking I can just pay for breast implants later. 4 years later, not only does she not want them even if she did they would look weird.
the tits are fake btw
Yeah caused unknown hinson to sperg out and ruin a good show.
I used to go to Dollywood every year growing up. Bizarre place looking back.
fat transfers? think the japs do it
Did you just discover that all celebrities suck Jew cock lmfao?
breaking news
Imagine the shit that would happen if a late night host said that to an actress today
Bog bros rise up
In Purgatory, women must swallow all the cum ever spilt in vain for them throughout all of time to appease the spirits of the unborn sperm
She was one of the first celebrities to shill for the vaccine openly by singing that song while being injected. Fucking old evil hag should rot in hell.
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working 9-5 is only for people that earn good money. They made up some shit for the rest of them, doesn't even support a housing cost.
>Dolly Parton thinks that black humans have inherent human worth
Stop the presses.
Lurleen if she real
You must live a really sad life
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Overall yes but she got some backlash some years back.. which is pretty much forgotten now
Post the superbowl cheerleader webm
This movie Three's Company and Gilligan's Island are three tv/films relatable things I would beat off too when I was younger
>I think
Awww how cute. A little redditor thinks something.
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>this is a controversial statement in chudland
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Isn't she a liberal white-male-hating lesbian?
I thought southoids hate her because she supported the civil rights movement. same as betty white
butthurt tranny mad about trumpvax

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Fuck off nigger
Aren't you a retard?
It's a sin that Dolly Parton never got nude for an audience at any capacity but it makes me respect her a lot more. Lovely woman.
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>TFW she never showed her big tits in anything.
>working 9-5 can't afford a house
lol millennials & zoomers
You don't understand how vaccines work? Do you? Bet you also think the Earth is flat
No. Dolly's tits always looked awful and set wrong because implants back then sucked
I don't think she's had them redone the original surgeon was so shit they still look bad.
Peak natty Dolly before the implants she denied for years.
She has been asked many times and offered truck loads of money (checked) but refused
Even when she was passed the wall she'd go "Teehee no one wants to see these old things."
>on the planet.
no one outside muttland knows who she is
>irrelevant turdies don't know who she is
Oh no! Anyway.

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