They should revamp this but with subjects like lucid dreaming, sleep paralysis, migraines, BPD, gangstalking, MLM scams, crystalsNu-bullshit things that people treat as 100% legit
>>206068656Why did they go back to lame magic shit after this ended?
>>206069807Money, their Vegas act fucking kills, they always sell out.
>>206068656>migrainesWhat the actual fuck niggaMight as well say the common cold isn't real
>>206069938It's basically my hottest take, cluster headaches are a thing but having to clinically diagnosis a bad headache just means you're a pussy, a wimp. It's bullshit.
>>206068656>lucid dreaming, sleep paralysis, migraines, BPDThose are real.
>>206070379Literally none of them are. The show needs to be made specifically to destroy sleeptards once and for all by taking down the two sacred cows. I'd write the episode myself.
Penn is a woke government bootlicker now.
>>206070638So you want the show to be aimed at you and your schizo ramblings.
>>206070638>lucid dreamingBecoming aware of the fact you're dreaming isn't fake and you can train yourself so that it happens more often. Most people just wake up if they realize their dreaming.>sleep paralysisIs scientifically studied. Parts of your brain become conscious while others remain in a sleep state (i.e. your body shuts down movement so you don't injure yourself while dreaming).>migrainesAren't just bad headaches. They have specific markers like loss of vision, locus of pain, and sensitivities.>BPDBorderline is pretty much the female version of autism. Bipolar is just cyclidic depression with periods of mania. They're all real and it's likely you'd be the person being mocked by Penn and Teller.
>>206070744All four are neurological related pseudo-illnesses and only migraines have truly been accepted by the medical and science fields, against the judgement of any rational thinker. The show would actually be satirizing overly emotional feminized men who believe that every slight cognitive dissonance they experience needs a clinical diagnosis, people like you.
>>206068656Nigga, be glad sleep paralysis has never happened to you.
>>206071134I've had every nightmare you can think of, naked in public, chased by the giant spider, shot by the cops, drowning in the hotel swimming pool, the visit from the scary girl with no eyes, all of it. Bring it the fuck on, is what I'd say if sleep paralysis was real. But it's BULLSHIT!
>>206070928>All four are neurological related pseudo-illnessesThat statement doesn't make any sense thus proving you're retarded. > only migraines have truly been accepted by the medical and science fieldsNo. Lucid dreaming is literally just becoming aware of the fact you're dreaming and taking limited control of it. Sleep paralysis is a medical disorder and you'll be sent to a sleep clinic to have electrodes and monitors hooked up to you if you discuss symptoms with your doctor. BPD is literally a diagnostic label used by medial doctors so saying it's "not accepted" is just plain retarded.> rational thinkerYou're not a rational thinker. You're a pseud who watched shows like Bullshit and can't let go of the "DESTROYED WITH FACTS AND LOGIC" 2010s phase of the internet. You're basically an angsty teenager who confuses contrarianism with intelligence.
>>206071230Shows like Bullshit are important because they are the perfect defense against people like you, people who just assume things are absolute fact and are gullible and when someone tries to poke holes in logic, question the rationality behind what they believe in, they just get hyper defensive and resort to name calling cause they don't have an actual argument.
>>206070049Migraines have other neurological symptoms than just pain
>>206070744How can you prove lucid dreaming isnt contained within a dream
>>206071557The nausea, I'm aware. I've heard the other symptoms of migraines are having a mangina.
>>206068656>They should revamp thisWhy do zoomers NEED every little cultural hit from the past to be remade and utterly ruined?Don't you see that your own lifetime has no reference? Everything you do is derivative of the past. All your shit is 80s/90s nostalgia. And now I'm seeing 00s nostalgia, trying to claim you were there to experience the culture while you were shitting in a diaper. Why can't zoomers create their own culture? Why does it always HAVE to be a remake/spinoff/adaptation/"multiverse" of things from the past?
>>206071767I totally get this but when I say revamp I don't mean "Penn and Teller take the piss out of hippies and blue haired tattooed weirdos in 2024" it's just what if there was a shown in the vein of Bullshit that tackled hot button issues that people are scared of tackling, admitting to things people are scared of admitting tooI just dug the honesty
lucid dreaming is real but doing it too often can lead to de-realization
>Shows like Bullshit are important because they are the perfect defense against people like youSo parroting something you heard on an HBO comedy show is a defense? Kek, you're just a retard.> just assume things are absolute fact and are gullibleHere's what actual criticism would look like:>MigrainesAre real but plenty of women fake them in order to get time off of work.>Lucid DreamingIs treated like astral projecting by New Age retards.>Sleep ParalysisSeeing entities and experiencing odd physical sensations is sometimes equated to paranormal shit but the reality is your brain is malfunctioning with different areas experiencing different normal phases of sleep.>BPDThe DSM is decided by committee and it's main goal is a systematization of symptoms so as to categorize illnesses and create treatment plans (Borderline once existed as hysteria whereas Biopolar use to be known as Mania or Melancholia depending on which phase a person was presenting). There is debate over the demarcation between illnesses and some argue that it should be radically simplified.Get it, moron? Saying "huh, these things aren't real" isn't actually criticism. It's just you being an uneducated retard bloviating nonsense without knowing what he's talking about. You're a pseud loser and I'm willing to bet your cheap contrarianism has won you very few friends in real life. It isn't impressive.
Did Penn’s bullshit detector break when he lost weight?
>>206071989Reddit space all you want, your fat girlfriend with "BPD" has a fake mental illness and huffing and puffing about it won't change anything. It's bullshit.
>>206072094His son became a trooned out. Maybe it was his daughter.
>>206070379Imagine believing in any of that gay shit, that would be as retarded as believing Physics Girl has 'Long Covid' (lol) and didn't just vaxx and booster herself into near death.Her lying around like a lazy cunt now is not even an actual condition either, she just likes to get attention and have everything done for her.How about a show where we go and kick her lazy arse out of bed and make her run a military obstacle course? Whip her back into shape to disprove her Bullshit neurotic fake disease: I don't have enough energy to anything but eat, shit, and play video games. Yeah, #MeToo
>>206072115That's not what Reddit spacing is you absolute retard. Reddit spacing is like this where you break sentences into paragraphs.Fuck, you can't even get something as simple as Reddit spacing correct. You're an absolute retard.
>>206072174NYA, but no, it isn't. Reddit spacing is what I just did. What happened is tourists came over in 2016, had no idea what it was, thought it was line breaks, and just ran with it. So many retards say it, so many retards repeat it, that it became a 4chins version of I could care less or bone apple tea. Retards playing meme telephone and getting it wrong for nearly a decade now.
>>206072174This guy has to deal with a 300 pound hambeast shrieking about "BPD" and crystals and it's all my fault apparently Literally the reason why they need a new season of the show
>>206072287>but no, it isn't. Yeah it is, newfag.>Reddit spacing is what I just did.No it isn't, newfag.>>206072306Here's a journal article noting that lucid dreaming has been physiologically validated for decades. Want to so sleep paralysis next?
>>206072435Yes but of course, of COURSE the neurological aspect doesn't have full characterization. That's the most important. It's a fucking neurology-based phenomenon and they don't even have the full skinny on it, how is it not bullshit? You can't even prove that it's a legitimate practice, a thing.
>>206072172kek terry wonevil whore
>>206072522Here's a general article about sleep paralysis. Note the reference to hallucinations which I alluded to in the post to which you failed to come up with a response (i.e. the nonsense related to it has to do with treating the hallucinations as real instead of symptomatic of being semiconscious and not being able to move).>Yes but of course, of COURSE the neurological aspect doesn't have full characterization. Which doesn't mean it isn't real you absolute moron. It means imaging technology is still relatively granular and the phenomena is still being studied.>It's a fucking neurology-based phenomenonYou have very little grasp on what that combination of words mean. You're an idiot.
>>206072172the men who support women like this should be brutally killed
>>206072607Yep. Fuck that Saint Terry rejecting bitch. Pity she didn't fucking die of all her 'muh science' boosters.Should have put her faith in Terry not her shitty 'science'.
>>206070928What are you talking about, nigga? I've been getting migraines since my late teens. I get the aura before the pain where I can barely see. Crazy jagged lines in my vision, then an extreme headache. I can assure you that they're real and wouldn't wish them on anybody
>>206072653So judging by all this, you've had that demon on top of you in the middle of the night and you couldn't move? How does that happen, how does it occur? Do you have an explanation for that? Say I wanted a sleep paralysis episode to happen to me, how would I go about doing this without comprising my health?
>>206072833>wouldn't wish them on anybodySpeak for yourself, because I absolutely DO wish them upon that retard. Maybe he'd shut up, then.
>>206068656sleep paralysis and migraines and bi polar disorder are real OP
>>206073055BPD is borderline personality disorder.
>>206072888>How does that happen, how does it occur? Do you have an explanation for that?It's in the abstract I posted, brainlet: "...resumption of consciousness occurs while muscle atonia of REM sleep is maintained". As I said from my first post: you become conscious/semiconscious but your body is paralyzed because we evolved to have our motor function shut down so we don't injure ourselves while dreaming. I also pointed out that the commonality between hallucinations is attributable to the nature of the symptoms you experience (i.e. being held down).>Say I wanted a sleep paralysis episode to happen to me, how would I go about doing this without comprising my health?It happens to some people if they sleep on their back. Here's yet another abstract, this time studying the physiology of migraine headaches, which makes one think maybe you're just a retarded contrarian LARPing as high IQ because you watched a couple of magicians on HBO.
>>206072435You're wrong. Repeating lingo you first learned when your subreddit was turned off won't change that.
>>206068656They'll forever be based in my mind because they called out circumcision for being bullshit.
>>206073098BPD is a cluster of psychological symptoms and behavioral markers used to categorize and treat a personality disorder label which negatively impacts the given person's ability to function.
>>206073113>You're wrongNope. Keep seething.
>>206073172That retarded basket case women use as a safety for when they sabotage their relationships and environment. Perhaps like the woman I'm speaking to right now.
>>206068656>lucid dreaming and sleep paralysis are fakeLol brainless go to sleep and watch a black screen for 4 hours
>>206073232>That retarded basket case women use as a safety for when they sabotage their relationships and environment.It's a diagnostic label which has been decided upon by committee. >Perhaps like the woman I'm speaking to right now.I'm not defending the fact the label exists, retard. Thanks for admitting the only time women talk to you is when you misattribute the sex of anonymous strangers online pointing out you're dumb, lol.
>>206073206Seething is what you're doing after writing so much confidently incorrect information. I'm just happy to correct you, doubly so to know it's upsetting to the eternal tourist.
BPD is real, personality disorders are real.
>>206073362>Seething is what you're doingOh, is it? Is that what I'm doing, anon? Go ahead and respond with another "N-N-NO YOU!" you retarded faggot, kek!
>>206070928Conservative brainrot retard
>>206073417No they aren't, avoidant is bullshit, BPD is bullshit. Your doctor is just calling you a cunt, but clinically.
>>206073473>ConservativeHe has more in common with the regressive left (i.e. half-baked reactionary nonsense) than he does with conservatism.
>>206073424>Is that what I'm doingYes
>>206073524Trannys exaggerate mental illnesses and over pathologize their insanity, cuckservatives act like mental disorders and diseases don't even exist.
>>206073552Nope. But thanks for sperging pointless arguments over what constitutes reddit spacing and giving me the chance to mock you, loser. Get a life.
>>206072888Enjoy lying about your convenient fake and gay headaches and nobody believing your obvious bullshit faggot.
>>206073612Sounds like you're a braindead retard who can only think in memes.
>>206073140Didn't you ever stop think that circumcision doesn't matter a single fuck either way?All the shit they and everyone else cites is meh as fuck for or against.
>>206073794Gotta come to terms with your terminal faggotry anon, see a doctor asap.
>>206073633You're just wrong.Simple as.
>>206073816The foreskin contains the male g spot retard anon. Circumcision is literally a Jewish substitution for human sacrifice.
>>206073823Anon, the "doctor" who told you he was treating you for faggotry was just a guy your mom was fucking for food stamps. It's not a real diagnosis but I'm very sorry that happened to you.
>>206071667Oh you meant people who think what they're lucid dreaming is reality? That's such a small subset of people who lucid dream and you're not being specific enough. Lucid dreaming is a real process but what you're dreaming isn't real obviously and I doubt anyone here meant otherwise. To be clear, did you also mean migraines and sleep paralysis for the specific very uncommon cases of retards that think migraines and sleep paralysis dreams are messages from demons? Because if so you're wasting everyone's time
>>206073892I can tell mental illness exists just by reading your posts
>>206073855You're a loser with no friends and your only access to dopamine is pretending someone was wrong on the internet.
>>206073907Death to the goys, jew master race, get fucked, you dumb got cattle. You deserve everything you guys get.
>>206073922I can tell your mom's a cheap slut by ignoring her Onlyfans.
>>206073861No it doesn't, and the filthy Kikes aren't the only ones who came up with it.See how misinformed and irrationally emotional you are about it?
>>206073895I mean how do you know the lucid dream isnt a dream about dreaming youre lucid and the belief you control it is just posthoc
>>206074089Cause the sleeptards believe that they can literally control their own subconscious while they are dreaming, they can fuck Eva Green, burn down a hospital, fly into the sun. It's fucking hogwash.
>>206074045Lmao you're wrong about everything, amazing how dumb but confident you are. Sorry your dick got mutilated faggot, but not sorry tho.
>>206070668he's become his own meme
Penn deserves his tranny kid
>>206070638>>206074139imagine being so mentally weak you think it's impossible to control a are you going to empirically prove lucid dreaming isn't real? cry and shit yourself until somebody agrees?>>206074089this is the same as questioning why you can control your actions in waking life. it's pointless philosophical masturbation. "bro what if we're all like dead but like we're alive bro?" if i can control a dream, i can control a dream, simple as that
>>206074404How can you prove that it IS real empirically? Record your next lucid dream.
>>206073926Nope, you're just wrong
>>206070049migraines cause visual auras, i get them so bad that rainbow lightning pulsates across my vision for 40+ minutes and i become completely useless until it's gonejust because you don't get them, doesnt mean they're not real retarded faggot
>>206074437how can you prove you ever dreamed? brain scans? fake & gay
OP reminds me of niggers that think internal monologues are not real because they don't have them
>>206074516Whole lot of description just to say that you're a biological failure who suffers from neurological issues because they lack the mental strength.
>>206074532Yeah fake and gay just like lucid dreaming, sleep paralysis, ghosts, demonic possession...
Good bait threadAlso Penn became a christian so he backtracked in half the things he said, even on the vaxx
>>206074404Well given how ppl need toprepare for lucids and how dreaming works isnt it the more reasonable explanation. I mean until you can mri prove it i dont see any reason to buy it
>>206074614Penn is a Christian grifter too??