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Are rape scenes really necessary?
Sex scenes are never necessary
Art is art whether it’s pretty or not. Don’t like rape scenes? Don’t watch it. Don’t like sex scenes? Don’t watch it. Stick with Disney.
Yes, every movie should have a rape scene
we need more rape representation. i thought hollywood was rapephile
>white man rapist
Dishonest filmmaking
women are not blind
they can see when a woman is hamfisted in to a story
but you know when it is genuine?
when theres sex and romance
so yeah the story will revolve around that
and sometimes to increase stakes and emotions
there would be rape instead of just romance
it can make for better story

just consider shawshank
would it be better without rape
if andy and the wheelchair faggot were just lovers?
Only if unsimulated and I'm le evil Grapist pounding her cunny,
only if they are lengthy and gratutious
even Leon ?
>we need more rape representation.
they are essential
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While we are on the subject.
Was pic related necessary?
Does it exist solely to cuck Guts?
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Fuck that, fuck you.

Because we both know we aren't hungry for food. Dinner is the door dash I'll call after I fucked the shit out of her and took advantage of every inch of her perfect body and she's snuggled up half asleep on the couch.
What is the appeal of rape?
Like isn't grinding against dry pussy kinda unpleasant?
He's right
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She was already raped by Steinberg so why is pseudo rape a problem?
>Fuck that, fuck you.
but you just said every movie...even Inside Out ?
4chan told me that women being raped are very wet and aroused because they love it
>meat sizzling
Damn how hot was that pussy?
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Not just necessary. Encouraged. Don't be a prude and just enjoy the finer things.
Like rape!
god women are so pathetic, just fight back like wtf
Yes, rape should get its own emotion character.
she did anon
did you even watch the clip
What did she expect dressing like that?
Even though I like this thread, we'll unfortunately have to initiate:
Countdown to 404.
It's dangalang time. Bitch it's rape time.
You gotta put something in for the women
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I can barely get hard during normal sex. How anyone can get hard during rape is beyond me.
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rape u tomorrow ok?
they wouldn't know
nobody who uses this site has never had sex
I can't even joke about rape anymore. Besides, it's CNC bodice ripper roleplay.

Not break into a spinsters house force myself on her for hours then leave her passed out and cumfilled type bullshit.

Just some mutually enjoyable playtime stuff.

Go to fucking hell.
>Sex scenes are never necessary
It's a YouTube video from like 10 years ago. Idk if it's even on YouTube anymore.
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You know the japanese really don't get enough credit for being a filthy culture too. Reference not understood
Are we being serious here or are you trolling?
She was asking forit
pretty fuckin weird after 8 years they're still trying to claim trumps hair is a wig
lmao is that Stingray?
He would NEVER
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not a wig, a bald mans comb over
yeah like AFTER getting raped so what's the point? might as well go on with it at that point
what does brie feel like when you have consensual sex with her?
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>suddenly becomes Buffy the Vampire Slayer mid-rape
>not even Buffy the Vampire Slayer herself was able to stop her own rape
more like, Basedray
>he's bald and has a shitty combover
>actually he has had numerous hair transplants of which there is no record or proof
so which is it?
its obviously a combover, but its not cause he's secretly been bald for the last 40 years, its because he's an eccentric old man who likes his weird goofy hairstyle and has made it into a brand
imagine defending this freak, you cucked bitch
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It's what happens when you traditionally have temple whores.
4 more years, rent-free
>im a cuck
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I know you are but what am I?
>you can get a prostitute for the price of beer
It's like half the reason women still watch movies
This. Also, unlike China, India has done nothing to solve the gender ratio disparity
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they will never film a rape scene like pic related again

notice how the OP rape has to be offset with a little "THOUGH SHE BE BUT LITTLE, SHE IS FIERCE" pencil moment
Women think so
Why would anyone rape Brie Larson instead of convincing her to give you a footjob?
>its only art if I say its art
ok comrade
so it's ok if non-jeets do it ? kinda fucked up
There are more women then men in India,
You're thinking about china.
The actual problem in India is that they tend to be socially retarded, that evil scum fuck racist pedophile called ghandi forced broken religious ideals, and they have no one telling them "That shit is retarded, cut it out".

Hell pulling Indian woman is easier then falling off of a log but they are just like the Indian ,ales when it comes to being socially clumsy and hyper sexed but having little sexual stamina.
You are all bots
>if(rand(0,1)) then{
>call him a pajeet}
>call him a tranny}
>end if
Personally I liked the stuff about Rapeman
we need more rape representation on the silver screen. imagine all the young rapists in the world who have no one to aspire to. we however can provide the model rapist.
>fully clothed to penetration in 15 seconds

second least believable thing after someone finding Brie attractive
Diagnosis : brain fried by the internet
You're just calling everyone pajeets right?

Quick question. How in the hell did you get that number?
Why hasn’t India tried to fix this?
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All the deleted posts...
>he penetrates her
>she instantly wraps her legs around him

Why didn't she tell Tony?
i like rare steak but that doesn't even look hot
for me, its the remake of Last House on the Left
I hate it when caucasian males with trump hats rape me in the parking garage at my medical workplace.
The father raping the mother before getting wacked
How are women going to feel desire, victimized, and empowered if they can't imagine themselves fighting off a random white man.
only if white men are the rapists

t. Hollywood producer
But he didn't put no finger on no scale
Any scene with Brie Larson in it is unnecessary.
If only there was a black man there to save her
If your film involves fighting and war in a pre-modern society and doesn't include rape then it's not a real film.
You practically couldn't convince men to fight for you without saying they were free to loot and rape unless you were threatening them with death.
tell me you're from eastern europe without telling me you're from eastern europe
Why did she wait to get raped before defending herself?
Don't try to be ironic. Trump is an actual rapist. Everyone who votes for him condones his behavior.
Depends. Do I get to really rape the actress on set to capture the true terror of rape caught on camera? If yes, then it is necessary
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Just brutal for David Chase to ruin Meadow and MILFi within a few episodes of each other in Season 3. What the fuck was his problem?
Rape is powerful.
>lifts her with one hand
delusional feminists think they could overpower a man with le pointy hair clip
What the fuck even is this?
FPBP. I'm sick of seeing porn in movies.
The part where they yell about the vaccine being part of the flat earth cover up always unsettles me the most.
Why do human beings think they can control where other human beings look?
Type white male behavior.
Only for Brie
Why are all white men rapists while black men are the only ones looking out for women?
I don't think that's a hair transplant, it's that procedure where they surgically remove the balding area on your head and then sew together the parts with hair so the bald spot is gone
>do you need a daddy?
Definitely going to try that one out this weekend.
Does it have to be said?
Surveillance footage from the White House.
because liberals live in a fantasy world of delusions and self-hatred
then they have kids and move to the subburbs
>when a /tv/ simp finally gets a hold of Brie
Biden only rapes kids though
How old are you? Half of the shit in movies doesn't come anywhere close to the ero of porn.
you youngsters want instant gratification, while the best sex scenes in film are about subtlety and taste. Respect an ass shot, respect a chick in cute underwear, respect expression. THATS what it's about.
And if you're not a kid, then you're a limp dicked faggot. Lose lose either way
She can hold my hand in fist form with her face repeatedly.
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seconding this request
dick holding more like it
It would've made Guts' victory over him that much more cathartic. But now that Kintaro died, Femto officially won.
Bully Brie.
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The scene is passé. Should've worn something like pic rel, then it would've been kino.
Has a decision been made to continue Berserk at all? I haven't followed any news since he passed
Koji Mori is going to finish it. In about 30-40 years.
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thanks dawg
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btw I think it had different titles depending on where it was released
>Trump is an actual rapist
You're a complete retard if you believe that.
NO movie should EVER have a birthing scene.
>ok now pu-
>I can see the he-
>Great stuff Cuntwelda now cut and setup for next sc-
What kind of masochistic FUCKING FAGGOT KIKEL puts the most ear splitting, toe curling, nail pulling, eye gouging, mind melting, teeth knashing, ear bleeding screeching of some overpaid whore cuntwailing for the most EXCRUCIATING minutes of my fucking life in their retarded slopflick

I'm glad Trump will ban women in movies so these scenes go the way of the Dodo as they say.
eyy haha, thats a kind of cool work of fiction there. cocky white chavs doing it to black ladies, haha.
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and irl is not even that bad, they pushed it in movies and sitcoms so women will get the idea of birth being absolute horror.
annoying as fuck and disgusting. Exactly their point.
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Bump lol
Oh yeah that guy
>he's never seen The Terminator or Mulholland Drive
Total Zoomer Ban.
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Hopefully anybody morally ambiguous enough to potentially rape will have a negative association with it
what movie tv show this this?
All my rape anons go to rape lust dot com, amazing website for movie and TV show rape scenes
as necessary as sex scenes are
all sex scenes are pointless
no matter if they are consensual or not
i would love to lovingly rape mommy brie
in the manga the entire chapter is dedicated to griffith raping casca in different positions

also it made my dick hard so yes it was necessary
why is he thinking about dominating men while raping her?
Do rape scenes get "intimacy coordinators" because this looks goofy as shit. It doesn't even look like he properly undoes his pants or hike up her skirt and pull down her underwear or anything. He just sort of gyrates and humps her for a couple of seconds.
Thing is, women can clench their vaginas at will. Question is, why don't they?
wouldnt that make the raping from behind feel even better?
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>did you enjoy doing that scene?
Because then the man has a reason to maim their face?

You should always avoid things that require problem solving.
Seriously man

You'll be killed out there
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Women need to know what's at stake if they cross the line.
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well, yes if thats the whole point of the movie.

i personally think there are not enough rape scenes in movies these days
she doesnt look like she isnt enjoying it
Necessary? Is it necessary for me to drink my own urine?
No, but I do it anyway because it's sterile and I like the taste.
I feel like it would be either really hard because she's embarrassed about her feet or really easy because she's flattered somebody finds them hot enough to fuck.
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in this one yeah
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I agree while I'm actually watching a movie but they're great for when I want to look them up.
Being a braindead porn addict is bad, but so is this forced puritanism ideology
Both reek of mental hangups and trauma
I still can't believe Brie Larson won an oscar, she is a horrendous actress
because that would feel nice
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of course
she pulled the larry david confused face
Rape scenes are like smoking. It was cool back then, and allowed everywhere, but sadly times have changed.
What about The Terminatior?
>Are rape scenes really necessary?
>is rape really necessary?
doing the needful
Irreversible has, supposedly, one of the most intense rape scene.
I'm still butthurt Tony didn't kill the dude, though I understand why she didn't tell him.
How do you even get an erection in a dank underpass, anyway?
she's the best actress of her generation
Election interference
Look at the people making it. When in Rome etc.
damn, the dick that good huh?
>characters that deserve their own spinoff
Would this have happened if she had a gun?
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Thats the only reason anyone bothered to go to foreign lands for war back then. And with how the US military operates, same thing apparently.
finally something good. name?
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Yeah it’s says here that you’re a huge faggot.
Your scene, my choice, forever.
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There's some shitty lifetime-tier made-for-TV movie where a grown man graphically beats up and rapes a small child. I've seen the webm here
Damn who's the MILF with the milkers
3 pump chump
>the look of utter fear and defeat in her eyes
>the way she just gives up trying to fight
absolute kino
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In Brazil if you try to molest a girl she'll beat the shit out of you and then the guys will take a turn on you later turning you into a punching bag. Maybe if women weren't such pussies in other countries this would happen less. Just saying
Lessons in Chemistry
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the rapes were the only not awful sex scenes in the live action watchmen movie
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>[upbeat music]
All of these women agreed to be in roles where they would try their hardest to look like they're being raped.

You don't reckon that's damaging to the soul and mind do ya?
I'd ponder that if I were you.
>getting a paycheck is damaging
of course it's some German movie
>gets raped by the 1 white man left in London
what are the odds
Christ what the fuck is Bill Burr doing
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wait what?? who did he rape? wtf??
Brie's face.... it just does things to a man. How could you resist?
why is he doing the helicopter with his dick
hag rape
literally why
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Yeah, it causes a visceral disgust.
this 100%
Irreversible's rape scene is pure kino, haute couture.
That’s like asking why don’t they start sucking when they get mouth raped.
If I get to enjoy seeing a foid suffering violent humiliation and debasement, even an actor, it's worth it.
it doesnt even show anything
Is this what libs get off to?
there's no fucking way they made a graphic trump rape scene in a mainstream film. holy shit TDS is real.
Trump bad
Did he stutter?
I don't understand how rape is even a thing unless you're handcuffed and your feet are bound why the hell wouldn't you fight back? Punch him in the throat kick him in the balls gouge his eyes out there's a million things you could do
feels good man
Most adult women are only about as strong as a preteen boy and are easily overpowered.
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Make the scene consensual and with more kissing and cuddling in the coffin and I'm down. Not even interested in sex.
because she is brainwashed on liberal ideas, proving tony right
See >>206042541
>ruin Meadow
How, sir?
Dude, Chris Gore was defending this yesterday. I've now lost a bit of respect for the dude. You know these fags would never show Clinton sexually assaulting any women, even though that's evidently kind of his thing.
What's your problem? It's a great movie.
>On the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, 82% of 229 critics' reviews are positive

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