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Now that the dust has settled, can anyone tell me what exactly went wrong?
Alex Kurtzman
Trying to turn Star Trek into Star Wars.
If you have to ask, you're probably retarded or still crying why someone lost recently.
That too
It was written by people who actively dislike the franchise and its fans. Except lower decks, I personally didn't watch more than the 1st season but I could tell there was lover for the source material. I'm also convinced that STD was an original ip that got Trek bolted on at the last minute.
Too many things to list. The most exasperating part of it all is all constructive negative fan feedback was not only simply ignored, but doubled down upon. It really seemed to become a game of pissing the fans off. When they named a character sneed it pretty much confirmed their asshurt writers lurk.
i know nothing about star trek and have never watched any star trek media but i just want to let you guys know that i want to have sex with the black girl from the cartoon
Star Trek had always been liberal which means that unlike Star Wars, which was mishandled by trying to turn it into YA for women instead of toy commercial for manchildren, it's downfall was inevitable.
>let’s take this show that appeals to multiple audiences and make a bunch of shows lasers targeting each audience
>oh by the way they’re all going to be shit too
>also let’s change the message from “set aside your differences, unite for common purpose, and the universe is ours to make the best possible place for all of us” to identity politics.
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Nothing. It's fine. Have a dog.
>Except lower decks
If they really cared they wouldn't have turned it into rick & morty
>I'm also convinced that STD was an original ip that got Trek bolted on at the last minute.
makes sense considering it feels like it has nothing to do with Star Trek
Fart sniffing bubble dwellers trying to create television for people outside of said bubble who are repelled by the scent of shit.
loser decks is filth
It's super weird how people who claim to admire Star Trek's vision of the future still think it's unrealistic. Like oh we love how enlightened people are and the federation's message of hope and understanding except everyone is a retarded douchebag and the Federation is corrupt to the core.
Why is that the first thing every up and coming streaming service does when they get their hands on a major franchise?
>instead of aiming for mass appeal with one show, we're gonna make 12 shows that specifically target single demographics
it worked for facebook and google, amazon, netflix and apple copied it as part of FAANG and everyone else followed suit because it's show business and business needs money
streaming slop is exactly what it is, slop
>low budget disguised as big budget
>barely 10 episodes a season that only comes out every 3 years
>horrible B-movie acting
>one plot stretched out with a fuck ton of filler
the fact that star trek eventually succumbed to this
its the best trek since Enterprise
It's filth. Orville is the best Trek since Enterprise and it isn't good but is still leagues ahead of Trek and Morty.
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It is the way things are now and will be for the foreseeable future. Shrug
I started watching strange new worlds as I needed something to watch and I've been pleasantly surprised
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>Just gobble up the diarrhea that falls from our assholes and don't complain about it
what's it like being a cuck?
The golden period was the years after Roddenberry died. The momentum from his vision was still there but tempered by sane, competently showrunners. The 90s.

Everything else is pulp.
you need to go back
Wrong. Roddenberry dying was the shark jump, where the show steadily began sacrificing elements that made it successful to chase unsustainable ratings.
Same thing that went wrong with countless other media properties? Traditionally liberal franchise geared towards a male audience is reoriented to women.
Welcome aboard
The same thing that's gone wrong with almost every TV show in the last decade, writers rooms are not filled with people hired for their talent.
>"Set aside your differences, unite for common purpose"
Then Occupy Wallstreet happened and the message was changed to "Subdivide into a microdemographic of one"
Lower Decks is more like Galaxy Quest than Rick and Morty
normies using social media was also a mistake.
normies should never have been given 24/7 internet access
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And yet they have, so that's the new normal.
I just threw up in my mouth a little because you compared Lower Decks to Galaxy Quest.
Every single problem in Discovery and Picard is solved by violence. All of them. There isn't, even one time, a diplomatic, scientific, medical, espionage, explorative solution to any problem. That isn't Star Trek. It's Marvel.

I like Lower Decks, it's funny, and the creators love Star Trek, but it doesn't add anything to the story and you will get tired of the humor. I like the Vulcan female they added but you can tell they're running out of ideas. I like New Worlds but The Gorn have been completely retconned into something unrecognizable
roddenberry died before s2 of TNG was finished.
the show got objectively better after it.
and it made projects like DS9 and VOY possible
Lower Decks is superior to Galaxy Quest in every single way you little shit.
Galaxy Quest is better than any Star Trek production ever made that isn't Balance of Terror or Undisovered Country.

I liked that DS9 episode where the Cardassian POW and Lt. Bajorcunt are flaming each other nonstop. The rest of the show is not like that though.
you really should kill yourself
you as well
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Why don't you substantiate your claim with points or examples? Oh, you can't? Thought so. Faggot
>The Gorn
Nigga is defending TOS Gorn.
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I like the TOS Gorn anon he's a funny guy
why do you think it's ok to completely change the design not once (ENT) but twice (SNW)?
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>you really should kill yourself
Swap show for franchise
actually gene died halfway through s5 of TNG
>dude le rick sanchez as a captain xD
what a miserable show, i even hated s3 which everyone seems to suck off
I'm gonna say it. Picard S3 is not very good at all
I can't watch Lower Decks that "artstyle" is fucking horrible. So I watched the old animated series instead and liked it but its too high fantasy at times. You definitely real world practical effects restraints for the best sci-fi television and film.
Star Trek was taken over by people who didn't like Star Trek and made it literally dumb with nothing to say or think about. It is literally a dumb franchise now.

Futurama when it was on Fox was smarter and better written than any NuTrek.
It was awful. But a lot of easily swayed viewers used the "it's good because it's better than what came before it" justification.
don't get me wrong, I thought it was far better than the nuclear dumpster fire that was S1 and S2, but Seven becoming captain of the fucking Enterprise? Fan fiction garbage.
Roddenberry's only smart contribution was hiring the hottest small-name actresses available and putting them in sexy clothing. All of his other ideas were dumb and had to be kept in check by his tard wranglers.
>You definitely
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I also hate people thinking this faggot neckbeard is the second coming of Michael Piller, he knows NOTHING about TNG he just likes the ITS THE BORG! PEW PEW parts
If you express that to anyone though you're a "bigot". Lol
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>what exactly went wrong?

Your initial premise went wrong. After Star Trek: Woman Driver, Star Trek: The One With a Dog and those horribly dull TNG movies crashed the franchise with no survivors, New Trek saved Trekdom. Now Trek has the ratings and Trek has the fan engagement it hasn't had since forever.

Trek is back -- baby! Thanks to Alex and company.
Wow that explains why the ratings kept increasing for the non-Roddenberry spin-offs and why all the tng movies were massive blockbusters, dwarfing the tos movies.

funny that you should post a Data meme. He said that TV doesn't last past the 21st century.

I don't see it lasting even to the middle of the century.
I give him some credit because at least he understands more about Star Trek than Alex Kurtzman or Michael Chabon or Akiva Goldsman, I think he had his start being involved in Enterprise scripts?
> Trek is back -- baby!!!!!
Why were Discovery, Lower Decks and Prodigy cancelled?

Could it be -- low viewership?

Or was it those dang Somalian pirates???
Are you trying to look as much like a shill as possible?
>at least he understands more about Star Trek than Alex Kurtzman or Michael Chabon or Akiva Goldsman
which is barely
>I think he had his start being involved in Enterprise scripts?
two episodes
>"Impulse" (story with Jonathan Fernandez)
>"Stratagem" (story)
I only watched the first ep of Picard S3 and didn't see any drastic change from the tone of the first 2 seasons.

From what I understand about the plot for S3, it's the same as S1, but instead of a Girl Who's The Key To Everything, to a Guy Who's The Key To Everything.

Some fans like S3 as a send off for the TNG crew. But they already had that and did it much better. It was called All Good Things.
>>"Stratagem" (story)
I like this one a lot honestly
There is roughly a decade of peak Trek between Roddenberry dying and the franchise falling apart.
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> Nobody watches shows that make me cry! Abloo bloo!

This again.

Just accept that other people like the shows they like, and the 40 year old reruns that captivate you, most viewers find uninteresting.
I can guarantee you clicking it accidentally/1 second of viewing/autoplay counts towards that number
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you got numbers to prove that?
I keep saying; if Paramount was really serious about "fixing" the Picard show, they'd have brought on Brannon Braga, Ronald D. Moore, Rene Echevarria, and other veteran TNG writers who "got" it.

Instead they brought on someone who barely worked on Enterprise and touted him as an Old Trek expert.
Out of the JJ writing team of Kurtzman/Orci, Orci was supposedly the bigger Star Trek fan. I wonder what his thoughts are on the new stuff and interesting that they no longer work together.
>7 times in the past month
What does he mean by this?
I wonder if he's in some way compensated for the posts
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But CBS/Paramount are so fucking prideful that they don't want to admit their writers are fucking garbage.
Either that or the old writers told them to fuck off or demanded more money if they actually did reach out to them.
The insufferability just reeks through the photo, ICK
I can't help but nootice patterns but why is it the same image but a different size every time?
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As much as I like and appreciate what the original TNG writers did back then, sometimes you can't catch magic in a bottle again.

Fresh blood and talent is required to keep a franchise going, but it's really up to the franchise rights holder to keep them on a leash and tell the new kids that they can play with the toys, but leave them intact for the next generation.

JJ and Kurtzman broke the toys and hastily glued them back together saying they made them better.
kek your show got cancelled
>nominated for a Golden Raspberry three times
>has only made bottom of the barrel trash
>"hey this guy should be in charge of the Star Trek franchise"
Did Alex Kurtzman use his tribal influence to get him the job?
Someone at CBS must have been paid off to greenlight the contract Kurtzman got to do NuTrek, and then later renew it. CBS is pretty much stuck with Kurtzman till he grows tired of Star Trek and moves on.
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> As you can see from my carefully maintained spreadsheet of filenames, sizes and dates.... wait. Let me bring up the other screen... Dang! What's the key combo for Minimize again?
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Seriously what is this guy's problem? Every time I go into a Star Trek thread he's always right there babbling about schizo shit and pretending he works for Paramount.
What's his endgame... if he has one?
Shaw was based, in the same sense Ripley from Alien was based. Didn't take unnecessary risks, has the logical idea of reaching back to a fleet to solve problems, knows when he's outgunned and is still a team player when overriden. A consummate professional. Le Rick Sanchez gets into trouble, cares nothing for his life or others, and is absolutely not a team player.
Only Lower Decks and Picard season 3 were watchable.
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You wish you had half of Terr Bear's overwhelming gravitas
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>Or was it those dang Somalian pirates???
Malay, but yeah.
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>Why were Discovery, Lower Decks and Prodigy cancelled?
How come they never have an answer for this?
First three posts are the best posts, that's a new one.

But yeah those three factors killed Star Trek. Can the frachise survive? Sure, ST universe is big enough that you can restart the whole thing properly, I just don't think modern Pedowood can be trusted with this IP for the next 20 years, same with Star Wars and everything else.
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simply put, it was a fire hazard
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NuTrek is AI Generated.
It's gotta be...
SNW was too popular
They forgot Star Trek is background noise that never becomes good but you think well of it because it plays on the tv while you do other stuff and tried to make it into something worth watching. And failed.
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Doctor your presence is required on the homo deck our sensors have detected a geezer in one of the closets
First you get that money then you get that power. Ya dig that?
I was homeless until SNW came out. Eating chicken fries at burger king. The Spock and Ahura invited me to the great hotel breakfast in the sky where you never have to eat baskin Robert’s Dunkin’ Donuts breakfast bagel sandwiches with Seth’s taint again. Star Trek strange new waffles more like it. There’s something in there for everyone. Take what suites you and leave the rest for the people who always get half a tray of bacon on one plate and call it a classic. I put fruity oatmeal in my waffles I’m part gay
Star Trek is good. With Kirk and Spock. The spin offs are mostly bad, increasingly. The newest one has a pretty good but it’s just a retelling of the original like the Star Trek movies from twenty something’s youts
You put breast milk in your cakes I bet whore
You mean it took more than a decade to dismantle Star Trek to chase unsustainable ratings.
Nielsen is also on record as counting social media mentions as “view minutes.”

>Nielsen is also on record as counting social media mentions as “view minutes.”!!!

Please don't lie:

> Nielsen Streaming Platform Ratings uses people-powered panels and proprietary metering technology to measure what content is streamed, the device used to stream (smart TVs, connected devices, video game consoles) and the streaming source application.

They didn't start doing that until the late 90s. And even then they were making a lot of good stuff, unless you're the sort of contrarian who hates DS9. Through the mid 90s they shed or retooled most of Gene's bad ideas and made the best Trek content ever produced.
strange new world is good
That’s the only way shows get greenlit in the streaming era. Go ahead and name any reboot or adaptation of a legacy IP made in the last 10 years that feels like it was made by fans. If The Sopranos were pitched today it would have to be attached to a franchise somehow.
SNW is like someone force-feeding you a diet of exclusively human shit for over a month and then handing you a plate of absolutely flavourless, bone-dry crackers and a cup of clean water. It's an improvement by any objective standard, but it's not a fucking steak.
How do shows on Paramount+ have 400 million (is that right?) viewers if the platform only has 72 million subscribers?
and the funny part is they aren't even making any money from it. everyone loses.
They count minutes streamed, which are very easy to forge. TNG at its peak was getting over 10 million viewers an episode. And fans were actively watching and not leaving it on in the background while they scrolled Facebook. That shit was appointment viewing for many.
Oh the m means minutes watched?
Because the shill is always parading the Nielsen chart as if m = millions (of viewers)
The first season of Prodigy is kino
The rest of nuTrek is trash
Man S2 of Prodigy was a letdown
I think you have to erase most everything to really get it back on track. Do a new show about a girl in the Tal Shiar, extremely attractive, extremely horny, literally can NOT stop eating out Bajoran girls, happens once an episode. It's a mini series, and the idea is that the Tal Shiar is going back in time to prevent the destruction of Romulus, which was some plot by someone because nothing else makes sense. Well, she fixes it, and in so doing none of that other shit happens. The cartoon is gone, Picard is gone, the ones in the past can just be ignored, etc. It resets the thing to factory default, and it gives someone one last chance to get it back on track.
This is actually closer to Roddenberry's vision than any of the official canon content has been in the nuTrek era.
Agreed. The episode Frakes directed that focused on Riker's grief is the only one I thought was more than passable.
Yeah? Nothing about what "Arena" implies about the Gorn makes any sense with SNW turning them into discount xenomorphs.
Don't worry, it gets worse as it goes. Season 2 is irredeemable.
Don't forget that Lower Deck was an in-universe dramedy entertainment holo. It was aimed at a Starfleet-familiar 24th century audience, sort of like Gomer Pyle in the 1960s.
tell memory alpha
Nothing went wrong with Strange New Worlds. It was the show they should have started the whole thing off with in 2016 or something. It shines like a ruby compared to this other garbage. Like, maybe there's one or two extra lesbians or something.
>I'm also convinced that STD was an original ip that got Trek bolted on at the last minute.

Many such cases!

No seriously this is an epidemic and is why you have adaptations so hostile to the source material. It's someone trying to cuckoo-bird their way in because no original works are funded.
Lower Decks is bottled autism, but what people don't get is that all birds are not ducks.
Just because autistics like Star Trek doesn't mean Star Trek is or should be autism or packaged for autimos.
Seriously, play some clips of LD on Youtube but minimize the window and just listen. It's like a fucking root canal.
>Don't forget that Lower Deck was an in-universe dramedy entertainment holo
lol shut the fuck up

>They count minutes streamed, which are very easy to forge!!!

"All data that disagrees with my imaginary world is forged!"
This happens a lot. Netflix settled a suit because they were reporting "views" on slop like the witcher as anytime an autoplay preview began.
It's true. It is not a show for 21st century audiences who watch a show derived from the 20th century.
It is entertainment for 24th century audiences who are well aware of the heroes of Star Fleet. When Riker does a cameo he is a hero of the Federation making an appearance on the most popular holo of the age.
Or at least that was how Benny Russel wrote it on a wall in a mental hospital.

>Netflix settled a suit because they were reporting "views" on slop like the witcher as anytime an autoplay preview began!!!

And now, you will tell us the name of that suit so we can check. Because you do have a reputation for fibbing.
They started as soon as Roddenberry was off set
You know you proved him right, right?
I love when the shill goes bonkers and starts accusing his enemies of being one person
no clue what you're talking about, but anytime an anonbot says "shill" I immediately assume memes and gay shit have turned their brain into swiss cheese
any I'm forgetting?
If you can't get over yourself, at least stop shitting up /tv/.
Meant for >>206067068 my bad
They only want content that brings new subscribers. Keeping subscribers is apparently too much to ask.
The numbers for LD were good.
Shut. The fuck. Up.
All the writers seemed to forget that Star Trek is post-utopian and started to inject contemporary politics into it instead of writing episodes that grappled with moral questions that were bigger than mankind.
I love how the little kike flees the thread as soon as his pilpul runs into actual facts. FUCK jEWS
The problem was built in from the start. Trek was liberal but it was a masculine liberalism that respected strength, military tradition, hierarchies, and so on. Surviving on the strength of what came before like the self-proclaimed atheist child of Christian parents. ST was peak bubble-liberalism where the people involved are absolutely convinced they have solved society when in fact they were minutes from its complete collapse into nonsense if not part of the cause.

The reason nu trek sucks isn't because of a discontinuity or the influence of some personality or lack thereof. It's perfectly continuous and even predictable, and it being predictable isn't a new thing that happened recently only once.
>started to inject contemporary politics into it
It always did this. The difference is simple, the politics used to be correct, and now they aren't. "War bad" is a generally correct, agreeable statement. "Men can get pregnant" isn't. Not all political injections are created equally.
From what I've seen of Picard and Discovery- which is very little- it's turned into soulless, agenda-driven edge slop that attempts to be mean spirited and ugly (ala game of thrones ) while also being as progressive and diverse as humanly possible. Imo either of these is enough to ruin a show, but the combination (like HotD for instance or Rings of Power) is a recipe for disaster.
Disagree. It intended to portray a world where the political disagreements of the time were a thing of the past, and the issues that they struggled with were grander in scope. Things like what humanity's place in the cosmos was, can there be an objective good in a universe filled with wildly different alien cultures, what is the worth of life when considering the scale of the universe.

They would be things like Kirk kissing Uhura, which obviously was a political statement to people watching it, but in universe nobody cared about it, the politics did not break the 4th wall barrier.
I'm talking about the actual meaning of "jump the shark." As the first "shark jump" saw a temporary increase in ratings, then a steady decline as they kept chasing those ratings.

> An Abu Dhabi "newspaper"
> Doesn't mention The Witcher
> Doesn't mention a lawsuit

So, once again you just lied. Tragic.
Picard is fine
Why is someone posting screenies from Rick & Morty ITT?
Based, Gene Roddenberry said this too.
I guess this is the part where you feign illiteracy
Wow you're fucking retarded
Who are you talking to?
I just finally gave LOW a chance. And it's actually OK. I watched it all. I'm now halfway through SNW season one. It seems pretty OK too. It's a bit too DISCO/PIC in places. But, a big improvement on either. DISCO and Picard are very bad. So bad, that everybody is reluctant to try LOW and SNW. I don't blame them. They're not wrong. The Section 31 flick looks like it'll be the worst NuTrek yet. So the haters are probably right to just dismiss it all, unseen.
>Someone at CBS must have been paid off
they probably flew on Epstein's plane
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You should give it a chance. It's fun
There is no new star trek
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>oh dude, yeah, the NuTrek is, like, not good
>b-b-b-but have you seen Lezzie Dykes?
>Lezzie Dykes is, like, so based, dude
>watch Lower Dykes! best Start Track!
>buy Paramount+ right now
Trump lost chud
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Does the 'T' just stand for Tendi?
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>Does the 'T' just stand for Tendi?
Tendi is my favorite trans character. I love her because she's just like me!
>A star trek Brothel on Orion filled with tranny dick girls waggling their junk around.
LD season 5 finale will have a story about this, after they finally come out and say Tendi is trans.
Star Trek was never for Chuds. You lost when Uhura kissed Kirk
It is antithetical to everything TNG was... Picard is a dreary, depressing, grimdark and nihilistic GoT clone that rips the best captain off the best show. TNG was
>Diverse (in a good way)
Picard is none of those things, it's just edgy, mean spirited trash full of needless violence and forced DEI messaging.
Fuck the chuds!
Trump lost!
Can you not understand the difference between 20th century liberalism, ala we're all humans, and critical constructionist epistemology? Nobody cared that Uhura kissed Kirk or Worf hooked up with Dianna. None of us hated Sisko for being Black (Hell he's arguably the second best captain after Picard) It's the messaging, the blatant spleen directed at the original target audience. Genuine diversity, like what we saw on the 90s treks, is fucking awesome. Making every straight white male a villain, an incompetent simp or an insufferable prick- and everyone else a super stronk pansexual grl boss- is not only lazy it's pure demagoguery.
Roddenberry unironically stated that there was almost zero uproar after the Kirk-Uhura kiss. There was much more backlash after The Cage pilot, portraying a female (Number One) in a position of power, even though she wasn't the captain. Oh, and the entire outrage was coming from women. I guess some things never change.
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I understand the point you're making, that does FEEL like something NuTrek would do. But, they haven't. The only real canon one on that image is the lesbian couple. And watching SNW. The only one so far is lesbian too. For me, I'm OK with lesbian. IF the need to fill the quota. Better than the DISCO, everything but lesbian.
writers and producers that never served in th army. its basically the office in space now
Tendi is trans, chud.
Trump lost.
its STD
Why would anyone want that though, Wars is fucking awful
I don't think lower decks is good, but I found it at least charming since it seemed to be made by people who had actually seen the source material which is more than can be said for 90% of franshiseslop these days.
>surface-level memberberries inspired by going trough memory alpha is the same as watching the shows

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