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>and here's a giant spider
>the end
Maybe the real Enemy was the friends we made along the way.
It means he was finally cornered and had nowhere left to run from his responsibilities or so I've read.
But what was he fighting for at home?
>or so I've read.
I've read the book and the movie is retarded
To be fair the book is a modern take on Dostoyevski so you are better reading the old book too.
Villeneuve is not good.
>Villeneuve is not good.
I've realized this after trying to watch his Dune, God that movie sucks. Enemy is a masterpiece compared to it.
He tricked me into Enemy, Arrival, Sicario and nuRunner 2049
All suck but the best of the bunch is probably Arrival, one thing in common is that the man knows where to put the camera but the acting is almost free will of the actor, very poor and you know people are bad in the head when they call it realistic and subdued, even winning Oscars.
Feels like he's a contemporary Luc Besson, visual-centric, all style and no substance but at least Besson lets the actors have fun and be dumb for a while, but then again Villeneuve uses original IP names (and rapes them) while Besson plagiarizes and doesn't give credit.
Eh. You retards are all wrong. Enemy is a great movie. Good on multiple levels. Visual. It builds suspense well and in a way that makes the movie feel compelling. Thematically it works on multiple levels: superficially about a man that meets his doppelganger and switches places with him, and abstractly/emotionally about a man lashing out at the creeping feeling that his life has become a trap. It's Villeneuve's best movie by far.
>Pregnant wife turns into a giant spider

What is the movie trying to tell us?
The spider wants to trap spiderman again, he feels trapped at the end (which is why he's stepping out again already)
ah, how quaint it is to witness such a chorus of misguided opinions regarding "Enemy." Allow me to clarify for those less versed in the nuances of film: this masterpiece is an exceptional exploration of visual storytelling that builds tension in an awfully sophisticated manner, rendering it quite engrossing. On the surface, one might view it as a mere tale of a man encountering his doppelgänger, a simplistic interpretation, really. However, if you peel away the superficial layers, you'll uncover its profound meditation on a man rebelling against the insidious notion that his life has become a stifling cage. Frankly, it astounds me that anyone could fail to recognize this as Villeneuve's magnum opus; to do so would reveal an unfortunate lack of discernment that is almost charming in its naïveté
The movie was ok, but Gadon's titties were phenomenal
>visual storytelling
Wrong, it heavily depends on dialogue
>awfully sophisticated manner
I'll say

It's a fucking play on words that his double life persona is an enemy to himself, the book is about finding what's in the middle which he can't. Movie very poorly plays with this idea, also secret club that fucks kids.
That post is an AI version of the post before it
To be fair it was an extremely fuckable spider.
Saramago's book?
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