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What does /tv/ think of Robert Pattinson?
I don't think
I don't think about him at all.
Based and Gadonpilled.
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his current wife btw
He's literally me (unlike that fraud Gosling)
For years I discredit him as an actor solely because of being in slop dog shit like Twilight. After watching Good Time and The Lighthouse, and after seeing him talk absolute shit about the Twilight movies, I have a newfound respect for him. Fantastic actor who takes on really great roles now.
hi Robby, never watched twilight but I do enjoy your performances regardless of what prejudice there might've been. Keep it up!
If Mickey 17 is kino then I will kneel. Until then he's just another guy who shows up in good flicks every now and then.
>Fantastic actor who takes on really great roles now.
But then he did Batman and fucked Catwoman on the set, which made me lose respect for him, once again.
>Fantastic actor who takes on really great roles now.
Hes a fantastic actor with extremely trash agent or really poor judgement.
Although idk who can be blamed for Tenet, but at least he stole the show
The clip of him talking about the waifu debate in FF7 made me laugh, he’s a cool guy, Good Time was great too
I wouldn't say a single word to him. I would listen to what he had to say, and that's what no one did.
Paid his dues with Twilight, slowly revealed he's actually based and a good actor.knsgs
Oh shit I forgot about that
>Although idk who can be blamed for Tenet
I think some guy named "Christopher" could be blamed for that
He's a good actor
I haven't watched Twilight and before The Batman He chose interesting movies. It was never the same role, he didn't care to play the good guy, the dumb brother, the bad guy and unironically he delivered
All of those movies had like ~5 producer firms and it was fun to watch the parade of unknows firms funding those projects
him and dano need to link up
>The clip of him talking about the waifu debate in FF7
I literally know nothing about him and have only seen The Batman.
I was skeptic about him too
Now I'm a Pattinson believer
Bela Ami really good in the trad vein of intense young actor. All other roles are hit or miss, which is odd vis he had many lead roles in arthouse I dues by famous auteurs. It b ever quite came together, when he tries every accent and look under the sun. Mickey 17 looks superb comedy though
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here you go you lazy boy
He aight
Go away rpatty
ruined his image and good will with woke batman
>woke batman
I don't remember anything about it
He ruined his career by doing Batman. Not his fault because the DCU and James Gunn stuff was out of his control but internal studio politics and his contract will mean that he'll waste the 2020's being beholden to a movie that'll never get a sequel because WB and DC are going under and he can't do other projects. He should've passed on Batman and held out for James Bond which is that far better and more dignified role.
>can't do other projects
Slow and boring, nothing happened for 3 hours, enemies were 4chan incels rising up or some shit, incels and riddler moan about evil white 1% who are definitely white btw did we mention they're white? then kill a bunch of poors for no reason.

Rpatz mantles his brooding edward cullen emo persona while standing around solving baby ass riddles instantaneously.

Black Gordon, brown jewish Catwoman.
I wasn't talking about indies he can shoot in a month or two. I'm talking about other lead projects. His role in the next Nolan movie isn't a lead role and instead the nogloving faggot Holland is the lead. It's an unwritten rule that you can't lead other big movies if you have a role like Batman. Even worse, he's the only actor that can play James Bond in this day and age. Maybe Aaron Johnson too but these two are the only viable choices and Pattinson went ahead and tarnished his reputation with third-rate superhero shit just when he got rid of the Twilight stigma. If he wanted an IP role to make bank, he should've held out for Bond.
>enemies were 4chan incels rising up or some shit, incels and riddler moan about evil white 1%
Completely forgot about that
>Black Gordon, brown jewish Catwoman
Surprisingly that didn't bother me
hes so ugly to be honest
>It's an unwritten rule that you can't lead other big movies if you have a role like Batman.
The thinking is that, on the actor's part, only Bond is a bigger role in the Hollywood canon so why even bother? But in the industry it's because these movies take a lot of time and energy. Out of anything else. So they need the guy on an exclusivity basis. Now more than ever with how these superhero movies started operating since the MCU. But obviously not upheld with Tom Holland because he went and made a TV show where a black guy sodomizes him.
sup rob. youre alright i guess
He needs to play a lead in every major franchise. Bond is next.
>the nogloving faggot Holland
he doesn't wear gloves?
he won me over with Lighthouse, then I saw Good Times and later accepted him as young Batboy
i couldn't make it more than halfway but it seemed like every scene just had every woke trope. the intro was a gang of white thugs hazing a poc. bruce wayne gets lectured to by the powerful, strong female mayor about not doing more with his money to support her political agenda. catwoman rants about "rich white men". stupid fucking kurt cobain soundtrack
We will keep seeing him for the better part of the next 40 years. He is a top caliber actor and will pick up an oscar or two.
He's great. Good Time was kino. I also loved TENET despite its flaws.
Post the scuttlebutt seagull webm
I can’t believe he nuked half the globe. Further proof he should never have been elected president.
which one?
stop trying to bait him into posting
>ruined his career by doing Batman
dude came back from doing Teilight
Batman is hardly a stain in his career
>the intro was a gang of white thugs hazing a poc
werent those spics? they have cartel tattoos and everything
>James bond
Too bad the batman was hot trash.
The rover
Lead or supporting? Even Dafoe got a support nom at younger age.
I refuse to watch any of his movies because one time I went to the movies with a school friend and we didn't know what to watch so we ended up watching twilight and it sucked so much. At least we laughed at how dumb it was and when he started to glow that's when we laughed the hardest. Fucking ace. But anyway after that I could never take this guy serious. I didn't even bother to watch Batman.

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