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Hand over the money, chud.
This isn't a negotiation.
Okay, fine. I took 1000 bucks off.
That'll be 5 gs, cuz.

In what universe is anyone buying a television this expensive? Is it even worth it even if you're mad ballin' rich? And don't all SmartTVs have a problem with crashing and loading and connectivity because the internals are shit?

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This is the TV in question
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Reminder that RLM are still mad that Stuckmann got Hollywood names like Mike Flanagan involved with Shelby Oaks
Stuckmann > RLM
>TVs have processors now
They are going to break down faster now. I have a 11 year old 1080p 70 inch Sony TV still going strong no need to upgrade
"1080p. "
is that even hd?
>Missing out on every 4K release
The only thing more lame than e-celeb drama is imaginary e-celeb drama.
All I watch are yiffy releases so I wouldn't notice the differrence
Ok no way. can you even play a ps5 on that?
Cool. No need to hate.
Just by a 75" U7N and go home.
Space Cop was garbage. Sorry.
Yea no issues. The only reason I would consider getting a 4k TV is the consoles didn't make me choose between performance or looks. If it did both then I would buy a new TV. I don't think the pro does so maybe when the PS 6 comes out I will.
Wow. People are getting tricked into buying new shit.
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dropped. it's going to be full of spyware, dumb features that are hard or impossible to turn off, and not let me do what I want
then it's going to prematurely stop working
he is like, MISTER bu-fu
I literally haven't bought a tv in 11 years?
KEK is that a real leaked e mail?
This is what nepo hiring looks like and they did implement the second on in the last movie with Andrew Garfield
Has anyone even watched his movie?
This is the sad reality that most major movie studios don't want you to find out about. The fact that they are literally paying six figures, if not seven figures or more, to people who are not at all qualified to do this job. They're either genuinely brain-damaged nepo-hires or creatively bankrupt MBAs whose sole job is to pitch awful notes like this so they can claim that they're actually doing something or contributing in any way. And then studios wonder why they're hemorrhaging money. Jeez, maybe because you're signing the checks of literal idiots who couldn't so much as run a Best Buy, never mind participate in the daily operations of billion dollar studios.

That's also why there are so many mass firings every few years, to flush out all the trash. But the fired clowns already made their money and now have the resumes needed to waltz into another studio. It's like a revolving door of the wealthiest and stupidest people in the world.
There's no point in buying tv anymore. Monitor is where is @, even a smartphone 6' screen is enough to provide entertainment for people.
I have 2, 20 year old tvs that I got for free. I'm just going to keep getting free ones from NPCs who upgrade
Crt? Unless you play ps 1 in there you better have a good reason to collect those radiative electronic boxes
Why are they showing Ice cubes made of frozen piss, does it help sell TVs?
literally who
This seems fine, his audience is affluent intellectuals that are wondering why they lost an election despite having so much in common with the average American.
These are those store screens you see in malls and shopping centers (sometimes laid back-to-back inside a black metal frame).
"Digital Signage". But they're just big TVs you can turn on their side and hook up to an app on your computer to define source, picture-in-picture, multi-stream etc.

This. These are "Smartgrid Interface Devices" basically. Like those screens on refrigerators that let you order crap online.

Thi is where everything's going.

The Internet of Things. And everyone one of them will have the ability to read your bio-metrics or your chip/RealID. Basically, this is the stuff you'll need to be kicking in whenever you're out in public to send the message you don't want to be on any kike databases just for leaving your house (let alone your assigned 15 minute economic zone/Prisoner Village).
Was his movie a scam?
>Peter Parker
Literally never understood their own character and his appeal, huh.

All IP into the public domain. Buying popular IPs with you kike crime money should not give these fucks ownership of any aspect of culture ever. They should be forced to pay a fee as a corporate entity wanting to use something owned by the public (ie: ANY scrap of culture).
Shut up and buy the TV so I can get the ad money.
Are you 12? What the fuck are you doing here
I don't have 5k I'm poor Chris pls
>11 year old
cute, kiddo
I have a 40 year old CRT TV my grandmother used to watch
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Here is my offer: nothing. And I would appreciate if you delivered it to my home.

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