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>be William Shatner
>93 years old
>decide to make an unofficial Star Trek short
>use industry connections to get Michael Giacchino, Kevin Feige, and Skywalker Sound involved
>it's better than anything Alex Kuntzman made in the last seven years
How did he do it?
Hi, Bill.
Please outlive Takei.
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its not difficult to outdo kertzman, but yes it was good.
what did it mean bros?
was he just a ghost coming to take Spock to the afterlife? Was he reborn from the Nexus as a real flesh and blood man? How did he get to the fake and gay Kelvin timeline?
By being the based captain we love.
It also references Disco and Picard. I'm so confused by all the little snippets on the youtube channel.
How is he 93? He looks like he could be in his 60s at most.
They deaged him.
There's some AI deepfakery in the short, Shat looks like this these days
>how'd he do it?
He's Bill Shatner, that's how
thats amazing for 93
Better than Gene Hackman
it's Sam Witwer doing the acting with Shatner prosthetics and then CGI to smooth it out
it's confusing though because some places say he was only young Kirk, others say he was both young and older Kirk, but then Shatner said it was him too with prosthetics and AI
He'd probably look even better if he slimmed down, but it's dangerous at his age.
nah the fat is what's making him appear so much younger
Gene Hackman looking like that unironically signals to me that my time is over.
I heard somewhere he partakes in one of those aging prevention regimens where he takes like $60,000 supplements every year
he obviously doesnt buy into all the plastic surgery crap, so you're left with a 93 year old guy who looks like he could be 73
Shat is probably on that same drug that made Wilford Brimley live so long despite having diabetes
actually at that age its healthier to be fat than thin
Is Bill with us?
and? the point he was making is that his fatness is stretching his skin out making him appear younger
It's a retarded mix of mostly non-canon concepts bringing all eras of Trek together to justify the kino end result and show off the new 'digital prosthetic' tech (ie real-time deep-fake tracking).

The woman with the ponytail is Ensign Colt from the TOS pilot, who in expanded non-canon fiction becomes a time-traveller by going into the vagina pool.
The lizard cunt is a DISCO / STD character called Yor who is also a time-traveller.
For reasons Yor and Colt can travel to different timelines.
It becomes apparent to them that Kirk must live again to stave off a big threat. So Colt and Yor recruit Saavik and her and Spock's son and steal Kirk's body from Daystrom Station and take it to the future where there is tech to bring him back to life.
They then send him through a time portal (where he sees TOS and Wrath him) that takes him to the Kelvin timeline to sit with Spock on his deathbed.
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Did RLM ever recover from the Shatner BTFOing them?
I remember when Shatner got so butthurt they killed of Kirk that he (ghost) wrote an entire series of novels bringing him back, and defeating the Borg after they team up with the Romulans for some reason.
Still better than NuTrek.
Shatnerverse is kino
Doomcock actually got emotional
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so far ive watched in its entirety chronologically:
pic s3
movies 1-10
did i miss anything
It's physically always Witwer.
They're being cagey about how they did it as it's new tech. They're calling it "digital prosthetics", it's a fancy tracking setup for deep-fakes.
It seems to combine the Marvel de-aging stuff and the camera tracking thing from the volume (or similar) with deep-fake algos, but runs live.
Apparently Sam Witwer had to make his face contort to get the expressions they wanted the Shat mask to make, so it's not one-to-one, because the bone structure is different. So if Witwer were to smile, Kirk might look constipated.
Stick a wig on him to where the forehead is tracked and pad him up and get him to study Shatner's body language and there you go.

With the Spock actor they used some actual prosthetics as they tried it out first on him in an earlier short, and laid the digital deep-fake stuff on top.
This is basically a test-bed for new tech in a vanity project short, it's why it has real funding, Feige is involved and it uses canon licensed stuff from Paramount.

The channel has other shorts which combine with this one to tell the (somewhat obtuse) overall story. The number title is Colt's Starfleet serial number as her time-travelling is what causes all this.
I'm not a Star Trek fan really, but this is the first thing I've watched in awhile and I really like those old-style uniforms
peace is inevitable, one way or the other.
I've been struggling to understand it myself, honestly just seems like an asspull to let Spock and Kirk meet one more time.
Holy digits
Can someone please explain what this is? Is it AI shit? What is going on?
ai deaging and a couple of face swaps on similar looking actors.
No I mean, what am I watching? What is this video? Who made it and why? I understand now that it's not AI but I'm confused by what it's supposed to depict
>what it's supposed to depict
Kirk and Spock meeting for the last time.
>>decide to make an unofficial Star Trek short
The website for this film says "Star Trek intellectual property is used under a license with Paramount." It's not a fan film. It's an official Paramount production. Under the terms Paramount struck regarding fan films years ago, no one who worked on official Star Trek productions can work on fan films... and "Unification" was executive produced by William Shatner.
Didn't they partly use Shatner for the close ups so they could get the microexpressions, then de-aged his performance, putting the result on the other actor's face?
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Well it was a little pretentious, but it's a better sendoff than either of those characters were given, so that's nice.

>Spock dies offscreen in the shitty Kelvin movies
>Kirk gets taken out of heaven then dies from falling off of a bridge (yes I get it, he died on the bridge, it's pottery)
>The website for this film says "Star Trek intellectual property is used under a license with Paramount." It's not a fan film. It's an official Paramount production.
Okay, so it's an official Paramount production then?
>Under the terms Paramount struck regarding fan films years ago, no one who worked on official Star Trek productions can work on fan films... and "Unification" was executive produced by William Shatner.
So....it's an unofficial Paramount production then? What are you trying to say here
>no one who worked on official Star Trek productions can work on fan films
I don't know about the rest of your post, but TOS extras / sidecharacters have appeared in what feels like dozens of fan films, even recently.
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In this short, Kirk was revived in the Prime Timeline after the events of Generations. The character in the Starfleet uniform with Saavik is Lt. Commander Yor, a character from Star Trek Discovery who can cross over dimensions. He transported Kirk to The Kelvin Timeline shortly before Spock Prime's death, as mentioned at the beginning of Star Trek Beyond.
>I don't know about the rest of your post, but TOS extras / sidecharacters have appeared in what feels like dozens of fan films, even recently.
So people who have zero chance of appearing in an official Star Trek project ever again.
>It's an official Paramount production
Made under their permission but not by them. Paramount is in an exclusivity contract with Secret Hideout. You can see in the credits that this was licensed under "vidya and emerging media," so Paramount didn't even treat this like a short film.
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You're a big get
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>this is the first thing I've watched in awhile and I really like those old-style uniforms
The Original Crew movie uniforms are beyond kino, the uniforms on The Next Generation onward were a huge downgrade.
>it's real
whether takei or shatner goes first i hope whichever remains doesn't last too much longer because either one of them will take every opportunity possible to brag about being the last remaining cast member of the original star trek
can you imagine if shatner died tomorrow and takei lived another five years, or vice versa
my god, the horror
are you forgetting about walter koenig?
being fat stretches out his skin and makes him look younger
this is why actresses who insist on staying skinny start to look terrible in their 40s and using botox only worsens the situation
>didn't appear until Season 2
not a real TOS cast member
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yea he's been here for years
Sorry to burst your bubble, Shatner doesn't actually use his Twitter account.
>3 minutes of credit for an unofficial short
No wonder everything is going to AI now.
Bathtub brain.
and why was Gary Mitchell at the beginning?
What is time soldier Yor doing there?
so you don't know, got it
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AI slop is going to make Star Trek great again.
>Using a censored on-line generators.
At least it isn´t the usual chinese kissing crap spam.
>brent spiner talking shit in other news water is wet
I'm waiting for Mike and Rich's 4 hour deep dive before I form an opinion.
AI is going to make everything great again.
actually looks like hes in his 60s
He big Bill made any tweets about this?
Sean Astin could play a good match for the way Shatner looked during Generations
>STD character
Oh, ok so I don't need to watch it since i's not Star Trek

Why can't I search this in youtube?
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Absolutely based.
Pisses on all the prequel/reboot faggot shit that has come out in the past 23 years.
Such a disappointment that PIC squandered most of their opportunity.
STO, even with it's problems, has been a worthier continuation into the 25th century.
so the whole point was that Kirk is brought back just to watch Spock die? wtf
I think it was so that spock could see his best friend one last time
Shameless weepybait that omits Uhura, Scotty, Bones, Chekhov, Sulu… started out thinking ‘right in the feels’ and ended up thinking ‘so this is what it’s like to watch a geriatric masturbating with a dead body’. I guess I expected too much when when I hoped Shatner would put aside his massive ego and realise Star Trek was more than him and Nimoy (not that they ever really got long that well IRL).
Being a bit chubby is probably helping him look a bit younger desu, so many people who are up there in age are skin and bones
It’s as retarded as the Pillow Angels and still better than anything else in nu-trek.
>Spock dies offscreen in the shitty Kelvin movies
They had a pretty good reason for that, let’s be honest
That gnome is made of dust
it'd be hilarious if that fucking queen takei starts posting about being the last and then koenig chimes in out of nowhere
>russia always last
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Star Trek wasn’t even his best sci fi role
That was lovely, thanks anon
>did i miss anything
Only if you count having sex as ‘anything’.
Where are you getting this? It seems you are making a ton of assumptions that aren't implied in the video?
yes yes that you b5fag, I almost posted
>inb4 b5fag with bringing up Bester
>no one who worked on official Star Trek productions can work on fan films... and Unification was executive produced by William Shatner.
*cough*Star Trek V the discovered rubber monster*cough*
Suka blyat
And why did he choose to travel to a time and place where his only companions were a black and a Jew?
That’s only thing keeping him going, just to tweet “fuck you george” he can pass on peace then
I dont understand, where are the quips and curses?

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