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>eating McDonald’s every day makes you fat

This blew boomers minds away
Didn't you make this thread the other day
>eating three little shitty mcd meals a day and nothing else
>he only supersizes like twice
>enough to make a grown man overweight

I don't know what bullshit this clown was pulling but I'm not stupid enough to fall for it
The amount of same posts on /tv/ is staggering.
He was supposedly a heavy drinker so that would have helped
>big mac meal (medium): 1,180 calories
>qpc meal (medium): 1,110 calories
>10pc nugget meal (medium): 1,000 calories
the average man burns 1,500-2,500 calories per day, and he's not an athlete so it's probably closer to 1,500. either way he's consuming anywhere from 790 to 1,790 excess calories. even if he was burning 3,000 calories per day that'd still be an excess of 290 calories, just by eating "eating three little shitty mcd meals a day and nothing else".
*just by eating "three little shitty mcd meals a day and nothing else"
>my liver is fucked
>i wonder if it's form all the booze
>nah it's mcdonalds
What should I order tomorrow bros?
Only fatsos get upset at this.
Just being on your feet brings you well over 2000 calories and he was over 6 feet tall I believe. I'd say he could reach 2500 a day.
that's still an excess of 790 to 1,290 calories.
You forgot the fifth of vodka bro
We watched this in our middle school health class and even then I knew it was bullshit. Also you can clearly tell the dude was hammered during most of it.
That's BS. You fell for McDonalds PR campaigns just like the dummies who thought the scalding coffee lawsuit was frivolous. If you were still wondering why consultants make $80/h for email jobs, you are why.
>Men in 1940s needed 3000 to 4000 calories just to maintain their weight without any major physical activity.
What happened?
Why didn’t the tests pick up the liver damage before he started his experiment?
>What happened?
They were more active
>Doctor: The absolute state of your inner organs is only consistent with someone who's been drinking several cases of beer per day. Are you drinking several cases of beer per day?
>Peter: N-No it must be the big macs
Reminder this liar never published his food journal and every single attempt to replicate his experiment has failed.
Same doctor gave him a clean bill of health before the experiment.
Because McDonald’s changed all the recipes immediately after the documentary dropped.

Hell, one attempt was in Sweden. Seed oils are only considered food grade in the US.
Didn't this guy die recently?
Yeah, he stopped eating McDonald’s completely and died soon after
Ronald doesn't fuck around.
Every McDonald’s meal cuts four months off your life
Yes, he also metoo'd himself for no reason a few years ago as well.
CICO is bunk science
If I eat a bunch of it fast enough, can I go back in time?
Yup. He got outlived by that one bobcut guy who eats big macs literally every single day.
No, but you might be able to eat enough to reduce your lifespan to -1 which results in immortality.
That dude never ate the fries. They were using linseed oil in the deep fryers at the time.
Cope. Supersize me guy was an embarrassing weak faggot.
Even before that they still used beef tallow, which was used as an industrial lubricant in WW2.
Did you know they also used water to cool their engines! Stop drinking water
False equivalency
Is this true?
why is tv so buckbroken by this movie?
The fa/tv/irgins on this site are movieblob-tier.
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That's a fairly small amount of liquor for an average-sized person, I'd say?
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Jannies leave these threads up
they delete the threads seething about An Inconvenient Truth Al Gore kino
Matt Walsh What is a woman threads get purged too
It gives you a chance you retry your posts that didn’t get any (You)s
actual documentary vs clickbaiting ecelebs
>objective fact
>c-cope and uh [copes]
objective cope

fast food is good for you and if your tummy hurts from it then you're just a weak bitch
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REMINDER: These are shill threads that are meant solely to discredit the guy's take on their food. They have a massive marketing campaign that's been going on for years to present their meals as healthy options
>The white bacardi is called "Superior"
no ones trolled bro.
big mac chad is still alive and well while your anti-fastfood crusader is deader than shit lmao
because they couldn't figure out a way to get linseed oil into the big mac
>nooooo it was da linsneed oilllllllll
>Al Gore is an eceleb
>gets drunk every night
>overeats until he throws up on every meal
>ay what the heck I got fat and my liver is shot? ABOLISH PRIVATE PROPERTY NAO
this blew millenials minds
yes. mcdonalds lobbied hard to get the FDA to consider it food grade because, at the time, it was slightly cheaper than actual food.
shoot you're a naughty boy
They use that in nuclear power plants and people still drink it!
>without any major physical activity
testosterone is down and all our food and drinks are now pumped with shit to make us fatter and more girly

It's jews.
Are you denying the laws of thermodynamics
I will always have affection for this film as it is a part of the comfy 2000s politico-doc canon. Food Inc, Citizen Four, Friend of God, and Michael Moore doc, Religulous - basically any low-buget propaganda piece - typically these were "roadshow" docs where the Documentary "Host" would travel across America or the world.
He won.
the laws of thermodynamics don't insist all chemical reactions are equal. atkins, for instance, completely disproves calories in, calories out.
>the laws of thermodynamics don't insist all chemical reactions are equal
neither do calories, you retard
now you're claiming fat == protein == carbs, thus, atkins shouldn't work.

just concede.
oughta put him over my knee
you slow in the head or something?
Cico means the most you can gain is the weight ie energy of the food. It doesnt mean you will gain that amount, obviously digestion is exothermic
I accept your concession. Go try to find that flowchart of the human metabolism sometime. there's like sixty boxes on the simplified version.

atkins refutes calories in, calories out.
concede some weight
For it to refute it it would have to break the laws of thermodynamics and i doubt your fat ass is capable of cold fusion senpai
>you espouse atkins, a diet that allows you to lose weight while maintaining net positive calories, refuting calories in calories out? Y-YOU'RE F-FAT

this is pathetic.
atkins refutes calories in, calories out, by removing cheap/efficient calories from the diet, forcing the body to use less efficient reactions to generate the same energy.

you don't know what you're talking about.
kek what a seething bitch
no one is trolled bruh. if you want to look stupid, i'll happily oblige.
That doesnt refute cico because its a ceiling not a floor you moron.
are you the same retard crying about sneedoils? fucking kek
nice word salad.

My IQ is 20 points too high to have any idea what you're talking about.
Based Goyslop Lennon
The doctor knew he was sus and that was a wink to the audience
Lol he doesnt know simple math or science terms and hes trying to lecture on bio. Protip retard Cico is the MAX you can gain. You think it is the MIN.
>attempt to claim the human body is 100% efficient
>get refuted
>spew gibberish
>get called on it
>declare victory

no one is trolled bruh.
why'd he give him a clean bill of healh then, my underage brown friend?
>avoid eating fast food
>still get cancer and die anyway
I vividly remember watching an evening news profile from around the same time as this movie about a fatass kid who was addicted to McDonalds and bullied his pushover parents into letting him eat there every day. That left way more of an impression on young me about avoiding fast food than Morgan's proto-reddit crap.
>Extreme alcoholism he hid from his doctor and the public
>Died from liver failure
Captain Morgan Spurlock lol
>Be retard
>post retarded things
See: >>206063616
i accept your concession
Ok sweety. Tell mommy you did some ebic trolling and get some extra tendies
>n-no y-you

why can't ESLs resist this?
How is that a no you. Are you a legit schizo
>no one's trolled bruh
Literally what was the argument? People shouldn't have the choice to buy fattening food?
Just exercise self-restraint. Everyone already knows you're not supposed to eat this stuff every day, or even every week really.
mcdonalds had heavily lobbied to make seed oils food grade, and was putting them in their "food." the company has a long history of cutting costs by adding more and more non-food crap to their "food."
Just don't eat it every day tho
>Literally what was the argument? People shouldn't have the choice to buy fattening food?
Zoomers don't understand because McD's changed a lot in the last 15 years, in large part due to this docu. They used to advertise their food as healthy.
So what was the point of disgustingly over-eating?
Wouldn't it be more effective to eat normal person portions, and then make the same documentary? (and also not be an alcoholic)
Whynwould they need to lobby to make food food grade
seed oils were not considered food grade
No, you’re just a wanna be free thinker and found the explanation that fits your worldview best.
His heavy drinking fits into the fact that his results have never been replicated.
See: >>206064722
>obviously unhealthy food advertised as healthy
You're supposed to assume the TV is lying to you most of the time. Smart people know this.
that documentary was/is disingenuous since the guy was chugging booze on ton of that.
Sounds doubtful pumpkin seed oil is really good and its been an austrian speciality for 150+ years
>his results have never been replicated.
because mcdonalds changed all their recipes the second the documentary dropped.

anyone sane would see this as conclusive proof they knew they were putting something toxic in the food.
We actually had trustworthy institutions back then, another aspect of civilization zoomers cannot understand.
>You're supposed to assume the TV is lying
maybe in your shithole country, there are laws against that in the US
What do you people mean by "seed oils"? What are you going to grease a pan with if not sunflower seed oil? That's how you cook food.
hydrogenated seed oils, my dear ESL friend. you know, the ones that require hydrochloric acid to be processed into an oil.
>he puts all of his trust in the law
No you fucking didn't.
it's a schizo, don't bother
I think it's unironic zoomers, who have never cooked anything.
I've worked in kitchens. "Seed oils" are like the base of most of what you're eating.
You probably don't want to drink it, idk.
>2 burgers explicitly marketed as being oversized and a product meant to be shared
you know they sell regular size food as well
It's basic math
>Beef tallow BAD
Do soibois really?
>What are you going to grease a pan with
Pork lard, tastes like bacon and gets absorbed fast without clogging your veins
Beef tallow, tastes like stew and gets absorbed fast too
Olive oil, tastes fruity or green depending on the process, should not be overheated

First two are rich in cholesterol but the brain prefers to burn cholesterol, not having it in your diet means no testosterone and brain fog.
More shills and retards. You could just Google it.
only Fedoras care about IQ
Spurlock said he was eating more than 5000 calories a day at McDonalds. Even supersizing 2 of the most calorie-dense meals doesn't reach 5000 calories, Spurlock is full of shit

Just yesterday I ate 10 nuggets, 4 mcchickens, and a large fry in one sitting.
And I’m a hungry skeleton
He was a fucking alcoholic

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