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Born July 26th, 2000, our Kiwi rose turns 24! What is her best role?
the one where she showed her butt
That's an interesting movie, and with interesting I mean it doesn't have anything to do with the real life story..
she was the best part of last night in soho. only other movie i've seen her in is old but it's not as if she had a big part in that movie or much to work with.
As my wife
Imagine cracking her skull with a sledgehammer
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I've been pondering this webm for a while now...
Bare butt movie. dont know what it was, just saw the webms
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Kiwi girls are huge autists
Can confirm. That's why I generally go for European touro chicks instead

t. 29 yo Nelsonian
>incredible body
>no career to flaunt it
The world is so fucked
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I literally don't care
why does her face look so derpy in this scene
smoking body though
Destroy niggers
Twist niggers heads off
Throw niggers into active volcanos
Kick nigger nigglets into wood chippers
why do you keep webms of stuff you dont like? you could just say "she touched a black guy" but instead you have the video saved on your computer.
She’s not playing a genius
>Kiwi rose turns 24
What's with all the 'hagmaxxing' on /tv/ recently?
that's more than one anon
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>never gonna do full-frontal nudity despite having a smokin hot body
why even live
Post the Old webms. You know the ones.
Their saving their big reveal for post wall career boost
Please don't post about my wife bros.
Still can't believe they paired her with the ugliest black guy they could find for that movie. I'm sure they could have found some random Tyrone who acts in England somewhere.
>whiteboy thrust
He was in Attack the Block from some of the same filmmakers and they’d liked him then
as always
Time to pop out six kids until she gets 30 and her womb starts to sour.
>still no decent nudity
Into the trash
my wife
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>she's one of those White girls who grew up around Asians
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Happy Birthday Thomasin
Massive breasts and cute butt. Sexo.
Women hate sex btw.
I fell in love with her in Jojo Rabbit
>tfw no older Jewish girl to be mean to me but secretly really really love me
if you're a millennial kiwi or australian that lives in a city, that's basically a given
Why do they always cast non Jewish girls to play the cute ones?
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meanwhile the jew scarjo played the young nazi's mom
She vapes.
delet this.
She looks like a village girl in the Middle Ages that you, a knight, just caught bathing naked by the river as she tries to quickly get dressed.
(and that's a good thing)
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>why does her face look so derpy in this scene
it reminds me of walking in on my exes changing, no makeup or trying to look sexy anything, just being cute and appealing
why did she delete these from her insta?

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