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It's so over for chuds
Inside Out 2 and now Deadpool 3 have proved that Disney is still king.
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Thank you Jatinder
It's a bad movie. Way too many characters so no one gets any focus or depth.
It's what capeshit fans want, a nostalgia-bait full of Marvel's Fox capeshit.
It was fucking awesome.
Just got home from the fan event at El Capitan in Hollywood.

Now i'm rewatching it from a torrent.
I might watch it at 2x speed in the background once they release a half decent copy but even then probably not
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Imagine unironically shilling for one of the biggest corporations on earth and still pretending that you're the #Resistance
watching right now
so far like a 4 minute scene where deadpool kills random goons. it was too long.
at the avengers interview scene now. havent laughed yet, will update
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Now succeed with a new IP.
>Two hits on a mountain of bombs proves that Disney is still king
Do dysnoids really
>It's so over for chuds
>movies about iconic white characters have to save the company after a billion woke flops
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21 mins in, havent laughed yet
Disney lost $200 million on The Acolyte and they have now spent over $500 million on Captain America 4. The movie has to make at least $1 billion, otherwise they're going bankrupt.
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A broken clock is right twice a day
only a jeet with no cred to lose would make such a bullshit prediction.
38 mins in, chuckled when deadpool said 'you sick fucks' because it reminded me of the law and order svu meme
53 mins in
liking it more now
bald girl a cute!
Chuds won though, the protagonist of inside out 2 is a woman who lusts after a Japanese pretty boy
The Marvels was the biggest flop of all time and disney+ has lost over $11 billion since launch, Disney is still pretty fucked
Pic related had a fucking stroke and is a retard now
Im the apex chud on this stupid website and I actually enjoyed this movie
The humor was very good
The stupid shit about the Honda odyssey was funny
Deadpool and Wolverine riff off each other well. One unflappably cheerful and the other unflappably grumpy.
There are serious moments of drama
It’s cheap but I enjoyed the cameos, especially “cap” and gambit
I thought that juggernaut was basically indestructible. It was weird to see him dismembered so easily.
8/10 movie. It’s dumb fun but it was inarguably fun.
All the fourth wall knocking worked surprisingly well
Watched a camrip.
It was way up its own ass.
Will not rewatch watch in theaters.
The only good cameo was wesley snipes.
77 mins in
Lol Jat has been doing this for years and is pretty much always spot on, he's got access to tracking data
Disney+ is an unbelievable money sink for them. I don't know what they're going to do.
>otherwise they're going bankrupt.
lmao incels really believe this
I’m in Miami and every showing was full for Thursday night. Even the 11:00pm ones
I had to drive up to Fort Lauderdale to watch it
Can’t remember the last time a movie’s popularity actually made it into a scarce resource at the city level like this
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Except this is not a clock, it is a digital watch that has no batteries and a cracked screen.
It's been so long since the last time a marvel movie got this amount of hype and reception. Then again it's fucking Deadpool, with tons of marketing devoted to this one in particular
I'm sure this success for nostalgic characters will definitely mean The Thunderbolts, Blacktain America, Fantastic Four and Iron Heart will be huge hits.
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wokeness has won
>the movie starring two white superheroes plus Blade (honorary white) was one of Disney's most financially successful movies of the year
Wow, chuddies sure did lose big time



>dressed as a whore in a red carpet for a movie premiere
when did it go so wrong?
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woke era
The marketing for this movie is insane
I have no idea how much money they put into it but this better be a $1b+ movie or they'll lose a lot of money
Is that 210 million worldwide or domestic?
X-23's tits and ass/thighs were looking fine in this movie.
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that's sexist
Yeah she's the sexiest chick in the MCU now, I know.
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she's literally a child
Out of 10
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N-No?! T-They accidentally made it based! Thats why its succeeding!
Shut up cocksucker
i dont watch marvel movies and even i got dragged to this one by friends so anecdotally im expecting it to do alright
it was mediocre, better than some other marvel slop ive been forced to watch, should have been 90minutes though the entire storyline with the outcast old marvel people like electra and blade
from the fight scene in the harrowingly obvious product placement honda they kept calling by its name all the way through that retarded scene in the shack with channing tatum as a french paedophile just needed to be cut and they werent needed for the assault on whatever that nonbinary captain picard villain was supposed to be
rest was fine, i enjoyed the little welshpool reference because he owns Wrexham football club and the fourth wall breaks could be funny (but were overused)
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just finished this shit. best of the trilogy. 6.8/10, but it's not a rewatchable flick
>doesnt put on the mask until last 18 mins or so
>no shoulder pads like pic related

some nice ass shots of daphne though
and shes already walled and caked in makeup lmao
ironic capeshit is still capeshit
Blade says retarded in the movie & Deadpool makes lots of jokes about wokeshit. It’s not safe lefty dicksucking humor
>it's NPC shit... ha! take that!
Jatinder is a box office autist. If that's the number he gives that's what it's going to be
>It's over for chuds
What if I don't pay attention to movies? Does this mean I'm immune to your stupid culture war bullshit?
It's my favorite Dead Pool movie and it is really just Dead Pool 3 but now they can use more Marvel comics references. I feel like in some ways it was more of a comic fan than an MCU fan movie with all the references like the alternate Wolverines.

I hope the tone (not the humor but the edginess) is the way the rest of the movies will lean in on. Not like "Aww woke libtard shit" kinda complaints but it felt like it had more teeth than anything that's come out in ages.

People don't want racist movies starring KKK-Man (well some do, kek) people are just sick of sanitized media.
Gay's just want some fluff and to hold hands.
Disney didn't want to make Deadpool 3, so it only goes to show how bad off they are.
is their stock a buy?
>move will flop
>it actually flops
>you; Uhm that doesn't count okay
Who the fuck was calling a deadpool movie a flop? Shit sells no matter how dumb it is so you're retardo image doesn't apply at all.
I am as critical as they come but this movie was a blast: I laughed, I cried, great time
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Predictable thread with predictable replies.
i cant believe people think this negress is hot
Deadpool has always had decent openings. It's never translated to massive box office though. This will be the same. Won't make a billion and they spent a lot more on this one than the usual Deadpool movies.
Name a comedy film that’s said the word retarded in at least 10 years
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>Deadpool has always had decent openings
But not one as big as this one
>Y-You must be a hypocrite if you disagree with me
Lel, underage detected. Go back to watching brainrot you fucking zoomer.
gtfo retard lol, if you want depth go watch Laurence of Arabia
>It's never translated to massive box office though
deadpool 2 made more money than any x-men film
Stroked til retarded, don't goon kids
Maybe bad grandpa or one of the jump streets

Wait what year is it

What is a comedy movie you mean like the Martian?
Blade is the best character in the movie and he's black and he also started all these super hero movies as Blade was before Spider-Man and X-Men movies.
>there will never be an actually good Spawn movie or video game
Todd come on there's no excuse for this bullshit
>Blade is the best character in the movie
Nah he looks too skinny but he's cool and had 2 cool lines also Ryan is nice for bringing him back after blade III
>another capeshit flick
>lit like absolute dog
Shan't be watching
You're crazy it's going to hit at least 1.5 bill.
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The Deadpool movies are among the most successful R rated movies ever made

It won't make a billion because literally one R rated movie has made a billion dollars, ever.
Will you eat your hat if it breaks a billy anon?
The people that use Disney+ can pay for the error of their ways.
19 years old is an adult, bitch
Id be shocked if it beat oppenheimer desu but its not impossible obviously
Dead pool vs Wolverine is like going to Chucky Cheese as an adult. Is it ‘good’ food? No. Pizza tastes like cardboard and the french fries are soggy. Is it still lots of fun? Yes. It’s a fucking arcade full of bright colourful lights and nostalgia. Anyone who complains at Chucky Cheese after knowingly walking into it, is just an asshole.
what part of the movie are our /pol/tard chuds crying about today?

have they cried about black people or women in the movie yet? they love crying about that every day
nice try, but you're still on /tv/
This + whites in the us will be a minority by 2035 no matter who you vote for.
the us will be minority white by 2035
Trump will literally genocide all non-whites to keep america pure
Not if you count Mexico
india superpower by 2035 also sir
they can't, therefore so far the only argoument against this movie is "muh Disney made it".
$200m domestic opening weekend
$225m overseas opening weekend
That's a $425m global OW, it would only need a 2.35x multiplier to get to a billion. Only films with atrocious word of mouth fail to hit that. This one seems not bad so should make it. I'm betting on 1.1-1.2B final.
I think it's not a question if it hits a billy, but how far it will go past it. Capeslop has slowed to a trickle and audiences have been waiting for something to show up to since GotG3. I don't think the R even means much at this point, saw a lot of kids with parents at the late night 10:40 showing
Trump will do as he is told by the Israeli government and that includes keeping the us borders wide open.
>Deadpool 3
if everyone who paid to see that was shot and browns deported we would be colonizing space within this century
stupid brown jew obsessed fuck, ruining the internet one post at a time
Is this shit worth watching in imax?
Instead the us WILL be minority white by 2035 and there is absolutely NOTHING you can do about it chud.
this is the kind of movie that makes loads of money but people barely talk about

the only people i've seen talk about this movie is fag comic book twitter and /tv/ threads
Uh oh chuddy now it's $38.5m...
is 200 million good?
It's about 1/5 of what it needs to break even
is their stock a buy?
No we need to reach 400 million immigrants.
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Only 8 films have ever done it
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lol nope.
Deadpool already had two full arch's in the last two movies whats he supposed to do now?
People don't want new IPs. The studios tried multiple times.
You do know, underneath her costume is the same prunetumor body that regular deadpool has right?
Is this good to download the camrip?
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not really she transformer in comics and irl its also hottie
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I don't care about this movie I'm not watching capeshit ever again
With inflation Matrix Reloaded's box office is the equivalent of $1.2 billion.
>Just got home from the fan event at El Capitan in Hollywood.
kill yourself sodomite
Its going to open strong because all the man children have nothing else to consooom

It will fall off hard. I doubt it will break 1 bill global
just watched the camrip.
>deadpool saying 'you sick fucks' made me lul
>blade was the best cameo
>electra looked hotter now than in the movie she was in years ago
>there's daphne keen ass shots >:)
>deadpool keeps taking his mask off randomly, didnt do that in the previous flicks
>wolverine doesnt wear the mask until 20 mins before the credits. takes off shoulder pads before he wears it. he puts it on like a hoodie, yet the mask wasnt visible in previous scenes on his suit. it looked cgi almost every shot
>henry cavill reloads fists
>gambit came off as a huge homo, i can see why his movie didnt get made
>ruffalo hulk, ew
>cassandra nova was hot, the actress is shy on jimmy kimmel show for some reason, like kstew but taller
>fights were kinda meh, they needed snyder for this type of thing
>wolverine's whole reason for being in this adventure in the movie is the hope that he can reverse the bad end of his world. but in the end, some fat black woman tells him if they change his world using time hijinks, he wont be the man he is now. he doesnt really react, other than move his eyebrows. for some reason he didnt seem to really mind, but in every other scene he seethes
>most dp jokes dont land

If this post ends in repeating numbers, Deadpool & Wolverine will make less than a billion dollars.
Chuds destroyed once again.
the ONLY reason they kept cassandra nova bald even though she's younger than usual is so that people don't get too horny during her scenes. I just put cassandra nova probes you ASMR on the top of my wishlist thank you very much
First Rate Marvel Capeshit
Might Watch
I wasnt gonna watch but taylor swift posted on her insta and i unironically felt like watching now
I don't know what's worse. The manchildren gleeing at MCU trash or the actual children watching a movie that isn't made for them.
>The only good cameo was wesley snipes.
This so much this! Because he said the thing!
im gonna wesley snipe you cassandra!
Who are you quoting?
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Not so fast
Have you considered getting a job? https://archive.4plebs.org/tv/search/text/minority%202035/
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it was 8/10 easily best mcu film bars GOTG 1


O ok

>goes outside and doesnt watch movies
King of BOMBS you fucking faggot like 8 in a year can't make up for that and the reshoots and they only get half the box office. fag
He's the best.
Hollywood is saved
Who dat nigga
I just came back from seeing it a few hours ago.
I liked it a lot. Lots of good funny moments. It was cool seeing a bunch of the cameos. Music was great too.
Dafne looked gorgeous, especially in those tight jeans.
The movie felt a little directionless though. There wasn't a lot of character development. I guess the arc of the story was Deadpool and Wolverine becoming friends.
Do you idiots never learn? Opening weekend doesn’t mean shit! All it means is neckbeards and faggots that wanted to see the movie went. It’s always second weekend that matters. All Marvel movies for the most part have good opening weekend but since End Games massive second weekend drops
YES, I cried at the Wolverine mask.

NO, I don't care what you think.
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It was a thousand times better than No Way Home, they actually weren't afraid to use Marvel canon and it was like I got the Wolverine I've been waiting for since the first X-Men, also I liked Gambit and thought it was good that he got some fight scenes and wasn't just a joke cameo
what a retarded take
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>I got the Wolverine I've been waiting for since the first X-Men
not really. 25% combined inflation in last decade. this thing needs 750mill to break even. might get there.
no shut up he's based
t. manlet wolverine poster
so does this movie mean anything for the mcu overall? are any fox characters besides deadpool now officially in the mcu after the film ends?
thats RR
why does it matter? softcore bitch the whole point is the jokes
nothing is making 3 quarters of a billion domestically opening weekend, ever
Deadpool is back at his home world and brings both Wolverine and x-23 with him, so they're still outside the MCU, but if they're doing incursions then they'll show up again as their universe dies

The problem is that there's way too many characters now, played by big actors and there's just no budget or room for that many. And anything they do for secret wars is going to disappoint people no matter what
Tobey Maguire phoning it in was shit
>here my amgry /incel/ roar
Lol. It's making a cool billion and there's nothing you can do about it
Fuck off troglodyte and kill yourself. No one cares.
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Cinema is dead and i blame millennials.
>twitter screencap
bet you use dude wipes lol
My reaction pretty much, good stupid fun that uses the multiverse as an excuse to do cool shit instead of push some stupid lore nobody cares about
Felt more like a highlight reel than a movie, very few slow moments
But holy shit the TVA is lame, only good joke they had was the girlboss crushing on Peter. I get using them to tie into the multiverse stuff but they brought the energy down quite a bit
They own like 70% of movie properties people give a shit about. OFC they're going to be the only ones making big money.
just saw it, it was kino with sovl
>depth of character
It’s Deadpool dude….
>underaged newfag completely forgets that disney isn't movies only
You're in for a world of hurt once summer vacation ends for you kid.
You mean trannies? As a chud representative, we support projects that reject studio interference, forced diversity, she hulk and Taylor swift scenes. We already won at life by not being born fucked up freaks with a vindictive hatred of truth and reality, but now we’re about to force our cocks deep down your fat little throats. Start practicing, I won’t take kindly to crying during the coming sexual assaults.
>Logan says he didn't just kill bad people
>Knows who the Avengers are
Did they imply he fucking killed his universe's Avengers because they let the X-men die?
This felt like a peak fanboy movie. Surely it will drop off a cliff week 2?

Compare with Deadpool 1/2 were pretty much straight comedies
It felt like an old Fox X-Men movie. The kind from the 2000s that no one took too seriously. There was a good balance of grit and edge contrasted with the humor. I don't enjoy most contemporary capeshit but giving the fox character cameos a bookend finale was honestly really touching in its own ways. Funny enough I only saw it because my mom wanted to see "the new wolverine movie" for her birthday. She didn't know anything about Deadpool but for a 66 year old boomer she had a great time.
I want the bald chick to rape me.
I don't care about freedom, I just want to be her cock slave as she murders everyone around us.
We're close to fourty, we grew up with american franchises that lasted a year top, disney marvel shit lasted an entire decade, some kids grew up consuming exclusively disney shit.
shes ugly as fuck, have some standards
I hope this doesn’t stop Marvel from rebooting X-Men. I’d love to see some non-janky “normal” X-Men films. The original trilogy were only ever OK and aged like milk.
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you forget the greentext, chudilator
Whatever you say Hershel
What's her favorite kino?
Inflation means its 100M
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Checked and good movie. “Suck it FOX!”
wtf happened to the rest of the void creed? Only X23 was shown
No idea why X-23 was even pruned she didn't do anything that made her a variant. The rest of them said so themselves, they just wanted their story to end because their Universe and everyone they cared about was destroyed. They want to kill Nova or die trying.

I am guessing X-23 was there because they're running out of female heroes that people liked...
Deadpool's stronger aspects are its meta humor and the cameos, and this movie double downs on that. Plus, its a nice criticism about the current shitty state of capeshit. He had his origins story so who cares about another plot. Its a fun blockbuster movie and thats it
Deadpool wasn't even put into the MCU at the end. What the fuck is the point?
To literally make a billion dollars by creating a movie people enjoy

Next question
That makes it even hotter
Jokes on them because bald women are my type
>Proved disney is king
No, it just reminded me how many people I'm surrounded by that are stupid and have garbage taste. Basically the same thing I think every time I drive by a McDonalds--disappointment in humanity.
Any spoilers?
i was surprised disney let them make so many jokes about how shit the mcu is now
is any fun? I'm looking forward to watching it tomorrow
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Just left the theater. It was okay but really bad compared to 1 and 2
The best parts were the girl from Logan and Wesley Snipes showing up
The Deadpool vs Wolverine fight scenes were the only good action scenes too
wait til you learn about cancer and chemotherapy
Secret Wars was fucked from the jump because it's not Reed vs Doom. The entire fucking point of the plotline is about Reed and Doom just going, "Alright, fuck it, I hope you die" to one another and dropping the pretense of being better animals. Secret Wars legitimately only works if you have like four movies with Reed and Doom first. Not necessarily always in the same movies, but they need that sort of buildup to work. Otherwise, it'd be like doing the Infinity Saga but about, I dunno Skrulls? Instead of Thanos, the Gauntlet, and the gems. Sure, I know people seethe that they never introduced Adam Warlock to the storyline, but Thanos, the gauntlet, and the gems were still the central plotline. Secret Wars, likewise, is entirely dependent upon Doom and Reed.
The Luke Skywalker cameo was too much and didn't make any sense.
>>fights were kinda meh, they needed snyder for this type of thing
most embarrassing thing I've ever read on this site
I genuinely forget that they introduced Adam Warlock in the MCU already, seems like James Gunn did it out of spite and made him a retarded nothing character
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was kino, sorry if you didn't enjoy it
He saved what’s his face tho when he froze so
Why did Lachland Murdoch show up as Thanos the fox bashing was too on the nose .
Don't be rash
They're still sandwiched between Wish/the Marvels and Captain America/Snow White
I hope I can get all in on dis calls Monday before this moons. This is the male Titanic mark my words. Somehow now that I wrote this these fucking guys channeled their witch friend Tay Tays energy. I haven’t seen a movie more than once in theaters since Dark Knight. I missed a few references and might see this shit three times in IMAX like Dark Knight. What an experience no joke one of the greatest days of my life .
You incel chud haters are missing out on a celebration of our own lives watching these movies bringing you back to the first shitty gay X-men movie you saw with your bros
>wtf happened to the rest of the void creed
I dont think they would hang out with wade
Probably best “summer movie” since men in black this shit was outrageously fun and hit the feels like a mufucker
Gambit was lit af brings me back to car ride home from the first X-men one of my friends saying needed gambit imagining what that would look like. He will for sure get something a movie or show after this. His face didn’t feel like it fit the character but he owned it so well he is forgiven. Maybe too much creatine bloat or something looks off to me. But he stole the movie from everyone including fucking Blade so what a boss yeah I was vaguely following this rumors he was gonna be gambit to so awesome shit
It’s cool dude I was holding back tears at other times for other reasons.
Mark my words this is the male Titanic. It will break records. I’m seeing this again with a crowded theater to enjoy being human
>The problem is that there's way too many characters now, played by big actors and there's just no budget or room for that many
Didn't Ryan Reynolds basically produce the entire movie because it was a passion project to him? Or was that just a headline?
the movie was fucking hilarious
I've only seen two other marvel movies so I didnt fully understand all the references
I dont care if its normie humor, it was great
Deadpool goes it’s been a bit of a down time in the mcu recently or something to that effect. And yeah I remember why. All those diverse things they pivoted to I never saw. They are bringing Downey back via Deadpool .
Goat tier movie chuds lost
Ambiguously gay duo wins
Fuck it I might see it again today absolutely brilliant
>Batman mention
So DC X Marvel is going to happen?
they do it to try and kill threads, to make it hard to follow replies with links. Its best to ignore them
What this movie was really missing was a Halle Berry Catwoman cameo.
I’m white, I never lose
Channing tatum is too bloated and bulked up for that costume that requires a lean skinny physique, I watched a camrip but I saw some people saying he looked goofy, to me he looked like that costume was too stiff but I don't even know if it was real or CGI, they have done CG costumes like in Doctor Strange 2
Let comicshit die
I guess I’ll start scoping out cancer wards to get a gf there
If I released Frozen 3 with a fire prince that was a full blown nazi Hitler portrayed as the ultimate good guy, and it performs extremely well in theaters, does that mean nazism is back? No, it means people wanted to see Frozen 3.
Normal people
>that was a great movie!

Capeshit redditors
>that was a decent movie
she's a whore
That's an outdated estimate, jewboy. The scientists pushed it back to 2050.
was deadpool wolverine supposed to be woke? I thought people were shitting on it because it was capeshit or for family guy humor or something
all capeshit is woke so youre being redundant
Christcucks ain’t gonna like it
libs seriously can not make up their own insults
The costume, I think, was intentionally bad since it looked just like some shitty fan-casting Photoshop from the last decade or so. And almost every line of his dialogue was essentially about how there isn't actually a Gambit movie, so it really worked for the meta joke.
Hard carried by Hugh but that was expected
Libs are mad because Deadpool directly called out woke shit
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remember to filter ratings by country
>nobody wanted olivia munn as psycholocke
Jennifer garner Electra was best cameo!
How thr fuck Ryan got snipes to play blade after the blade 3 filming memes is beyond me.
yeah indians do this shit a lot, most of them rate every indian movie a 10 regardless of quality
It lacks the emotional aspects of 1 and 2!
It's a 6.5 out of 10 just dumb fun.

Deadpool 1 and 2 are better in every way, thr cameos don't make up for how bad it is plot wise.
The entire film seemed unnecessary and just a cheap jab at all these mulitverse slop films
>Deadpool 1 and 2 are better in every way
Nah D&W is miles better than 2
I have waited almost my entire life to see a big budget superhero movie actually use the head sock to see if it works or not in live action.
Deadpool and Deadpool two only got to 750 million, and that was at the height of superhero mania.
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What is the head sock even supposed to be? It was a prominent thing in 90s comic books and seems only Gambit got stuck with it because of the cartoon and how good it looks, but other characters had that, like Havok
He looked like shit. Why’s he so swollen looking? His hair was bad. Where’s his black and red eyes? So fucking lazy.
2 was not good
why Tatum got a cameo role anyway? I didn't even recognize him at first. And why Gambit out of 500 x-men characters
Henry I could understand.
The fights were great for the movie, just stupid guys hitting each other, injuring each other, and recovering instantly. The 2000s characters got a little shafted in the action but they still had some cool moments. The Deadpool Corps fight was fun just for the one take and everybody getting absolutely fucked up then recovering instantly.
Tatum was supposed to play Gambit for years, never got a chance.
I think Taylor Kitsch looked the part more, but Tatum made it part of the joke of the whole movie.
He’s been talking about wanting to play the character for a long time, I think he also has some Cajun in the blood
tatum gambit was perfect for this movie that felt like a parody. hopefully we'll get a real gambit movie soon.
Very strange how fat his face got. May be a thyroid issue from all the cycles he’s done.
They could have made it work with just a headband but w/e, comics costumes are dumb fun
Their average IQ is lower than some African countries. Not many, but more than 1
He always wanted to play Gambit and was going to be in a solo movie that never happened, he even went to a comic con event where he was officially announced as the character
He's friends with Ryan Reynolds and they let him finally play Gambit here, and he lived so maybe he'll show up again later
It’s the Rocky 3 of the series. The great Canadian propaganda film is due next.
No still too high
Imagine the seethe if Elon bought it and immediately gave us real Star Wars kino with a white male lead
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I forgot he’s funding Caranos lawsuit. He did reply positively to someone on Twitter asking him to buy it not too long ago
Supervillains are like ninjas, the more of them in a room, the more they suck. Juggy on his own is near invincible, Juggy as part of your goofy mad max goon squad is begging to get his ass kicked in the big battle splash page homage.
>from the fight scene in the harrowingly obvious product placement honda they kept calling by its name
I think that was the joke, autist.
>was promised Ben Affleck
>got Cavill and Elektra instead
I feel robbed.
>as a movie: Mediocre, too slow at parts, too long, story is weak, weekly villain feel
>as a movie in 2024: #1 Excellent
>as a MCU movie: Pretty good, #2 since end game
>as a DP Movie: DP1 > DP3 > DP2
it works
I’m pretty sure he had shoulder pads. He might have lost them when the sleeves got cut I dunno.
Honestly when she was making her O-face trying to end all time or whatever, I was imagining it was cuz I was eating her snatch.
Visiting family near Ocala and the shit is completely sold out for every showing over the next week, regardless of time. Dune and Top Gun were nothing like this.
He did something like that for the first one I think, but for this one it’s highly fucking unlikely.
Tatum’s Gambit reminded me of Affleck’s Batman, they both had enormously fat faces that didn’t fit the suit.
I still appreciate how they used Gambit’s iconic comic outfit in this.
Am I retarded or was he not wearing the shoulder pads in the movie? I’m like 97% sure they were there.
How did he not say,
I could do this with my eyes closed, before firing the rocket?
It's the only wish I had.
Good movie but it will be forever in my head.
I'm pretty sure you meant 2>3>1.
he loses them in the minivan fight and then wears the mask. fucking retard made that decision.
I think the joke was that he doesn't fit into the suit he was supposed to be in years and years ago.
He wasn't in wolverine shape until the end of filming. Hence why he progressively 'opens up' as the film goes.
>Dafne Keen: Sex on Legs
I usually hate bald bitches but the insanely long fingers and bony shoulders when she took off the coat was making me horny.
I must be getting old because I see LFG and think “looking for group”
I feel like I got something wrong. They said the anchor being in Deadpool’s universe was the Logan movie wolverine right? So why was Daphne Keen in the void if she was in Deadpool’s still-alive timeline? And then she was at the dinner at the end? So were Gambit, Elektra, etc brought back by the TVA at the end or was the Daphne Keen at the end dinner the Daphne Keen from the Deadpool/Logan timeline? Isn’t Logan postapocalyptic? Is movie Logan Deadpool’s timeline or not? I’m so confused, am I retarded?
The movie was literally making fun of people like you.
am i wrong of this wolverine is THAT wolverine from the ULTIMATE universe?
No Howard the Duck cameo? Why should I even bother
the movie didn't fully explain it. So either deadpool exists in the logan timeline, which was not post apocalyptic, just most of the mutants got killed, or he lives in a timeline that had a logan storyline as well that wasn't as fucked as the logan movie. x23 can be in the void and her timeline still exist. No explanation was given why she was pruned. X23 being at the dinner at the end means nigress TVA boss was able to pull some strings and bring her back, maybe along with the other Fox characters.
>white people movies make fortunes
>brown people movies flop
It was always true.
Who has a clip of the verbal beatdown Wolverine gave Deadpool in the Honda Odyssey? That made my theater real quiet.
Anyone who watched this, actively choosing to give yidsney money, is a MASSIVE faggot.
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i watched it online haha
best i cud do with the quality
I liked how he pointed out that the dumb fucking whore was a stripper. This was the best movie solely for having the least amount of time with her.
Also Daphne Keen looked like a younger version of her.
I’m a tard guard so Regal lets me get in for free.
If you put on a tard hat and tell your friend “I’m an ADA and this is my client” you get a free ticket. That’s because Regal has a disability act thing but AMC doesn’t.
*tell your friend to tell the employee when you buy a ticket
Or one of you can just pretend to act retarded and stare off into space. You can’t tell my client is autistic until you notice his DBZ fanny pack. he’s got a couple compliments on it there before
She is shorter than a child.
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she is a literal child
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that's sexist
How do I get a gf like this
be a drug dealer
Kel she seems to be more nervous than the child
This, gratuities long shots of characters showing up on screen is just for sóyfags to open their mouth and clap
Show me one instance of Dafne saying all these things.
Matrix chads keep winning
I am not a barbarian. I have a bidet.
Then why be mad at DeSantis? The illogic is so Orwellian
2 was bad, D&W shits on it hard
Matt Christman agent of C.H.A.P.O
>she is a literal child
I can fix her
So did Dafne's Dark Material show just die or something? I mean if it did I'm not surprised, everyone still hates atheists.
I feel like a lot of people on here fail to realise how unlikely this is to make a bbillion, still a success relatively, but not a billion dollars success.

A super hero movie, that relies that heavily on star power is never going to make a billion with that low of an opening.
I think it just ended.
> lose $100
> make $1 back

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