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HOH: Chelsie
NOMS: Lisa, Kenney, Angela

Upgraded: Makensy (America's Veto), Quinn (Deepfake HoH)

previously on /bb/: >>201758431
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This is up there with Zakiya or whatever changing her pad in the storage room and then putting her hands in a bag on chips everyone was eating.
i caught her saying “mhm” when someone made a joke to someone else and then she started laughing after

very cute mole
the perfect image of kenney
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angela crying. brooklyn talking her down
He said earlier to Leah that he knows he won’t get his balls busted for getting voted out first. Odds are guys from Boston will still break his balls
they are cutting feeds way too much for a low energy friday night
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>changing her pad in the storage room and then putting her hands in a bag on chips everyone was eating.
ew what?
It's starting to sink in that maybe she overreacted just a tiny bit.
She learned her lesson to not blow up in front of the house but I can almost guarantee she’s gonna cry in front of like four different houseguests this week
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why contain it?
let the meltys pile in the streets
>when the menopause hits hard
hundo p
crazy middle aged narc women like her love a crying show
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This is what Victor has to look forward to.
brooklyn lookin horrid tonight
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>Angela checking to see if it's against the rules for Matt to continue living in her head rent free after he was evicted.
this cast is an emotional mess
How will Angela survive on slop? I think she might kill Leah that week
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>still making fun of matts eyes
wtf is her problem
Is Angela Mormon? She gives me those vibes and she lives in Utah.
dont think so
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I bet she is.
tbf to angela there really is no way to know that blowing up on half the house would be a bad strat
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i've never banged a woman over 6 feet tall or under 6 feet tall
shes from california
its simp hour with quinn
i want a 24/7 tuck cam
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that fat bitch is eating an entire pint herself
I had to get up on my tippy toes to kiss a girl for the first time once. It was actually pretty kino
rip sweet prince
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getting tired of this whore
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Yea, who would've known that accusing the whole house of conspiring against you, creating a fake alliance to invite you to as a joke and revealing all the people in it to the whole house and all fueled by a one sided fued with a guy who thought you guys cleared the air wouldn't do well for your game.
Barring an Angela meltdown or a Lisa veto win this week could be very boring.
she's a neurotic old karen, that's just what they do
she's cute but i don't get the simping desu
She was being real with Kenney earlier and I respect her for trying to get him going. She also said that he has her word she wouldn’t put him up if she wins HOH
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>that fat bitch is eating an entire pint herself
Don't try and fucking pretend you've never done that shit.
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Yeah, my mom had a meltdown to a pizza parlor recently because they forgot the extra cup of marinara. It was humiliating
She's cute, but she kinda has pillowface.
i dont like ice cream that much
ages ago my dad lost his mind because his taco bell big beef burrito didn't have enough beef and called up and went into a screaming tirade at whatever poor fucker answered the phone, except he called the wrong taco bell, and had to apologize like a chump
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Braceface Leah
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Holy kek. I don’t even think my mom would apologize. She would somehow try to find a way to be pissed at the person on the phone
She looks fine. I’m actually sad she will probably lose weight while on slop
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whats a pillowface? something you'd want to smother with a pillow?
quinn just smelled leahs pajamas
Can’t really blame him. I don’t even know if it’s possible for her to truly stink
shes shuffling and moving around her underwaer in her drawer in front of him too
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this dude simping so hard but hes locked in rn to avoid busting a nut in his pants
yeah she looks fine, but she would looks so much better if she toned up just a little bit
same with makensy
leah and quinn are running the game
Who is the horniest right now between Quinn, Tucker, and Joseph?
i refuse to believe that quinn has ever or will ever bust a nut for anything
quinn>cam>>>>>>>everyone else
He came into the game saying his dream woman is over six feet tall. He was dating one once but he found pictures of his medicine cabinet in her phone so he broke it off
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its not that weird to peep the fucked up meds someone is on
uh yes it is? lmao are these the kind of freaks I might be dating jesus
yeah but why take pictures?
gotta know if they have herpes or some personality disorder
to send to all her friends
I think he said he only had adderall and the rest of the stuff was just aspirin and shit
so you can look up the name of the drug later and see what it treats
Leah told Quinn that she agreed to have Cam be the pawn
he dated a tranny scoping out meds to steal
it is braindead easy to sniff out 99% of schizos without even bothering to check a medicine cabinet, the meds all have telling side effects
I'd give you stds and shit but you're probably already fucked there by the time you're checking so that seems a moot point
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based matt
ah that makes sense
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not even a day out and already going full weirdo
It's when filler migrates to other parts of your face so it looks puffy. Cause filler doesn't go away, it just moves so the more you fill the more it will build up.
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very based
i dont disagree im really just saying that people have a chance to take a peak at meds with 0% chance of getting caught unless they take pics and dont delete them like a dumdum so theyre usually gonna do it
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Angela doesn’t know what day it is and is complaining about the stress again.
I feel like as good of a game Leah is playing she will still get her as voted out early because she’s going so hard with 1 on 1s with everyone. Like she’s coming off as a threat now
leah will sissify quinn
he'll be wearing women's underwear
what will happen first: quinn destroys his own game to keep leah in the house or leah lets him get blindsided like a cold blooded killer?
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T’Kor is naked right now bros
They’re already planning to do an outfit swap tomorrow
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Rubina nipping out right now bros
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He's Fatt if Fatt left the house
he was trying to use bb to become an influencer so hes gotta latch on however he can
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i dont think ive ever seen someone dance to alicia keys like this
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oh no
lmao we need this cali weirdo around for more weeks
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She’s locking in. She’s going to win the veto.
does Alicia keys even have a song where you can start making eminem tier horizontal hand movements?
>Talking about dads with daughters.
>no Devin mention
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this dude needs to stop copying cory. just be yourself bro
She looks like Macho Man Randy Savage
Are the feeds on Pluto 24/7?
how does this question get asked literally everyday
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yup. its the paramount feeds but with commercials
lisa wtf are you doing there are people in the room
women are not this comfortable displaying their underwear around real men
Pretty boring ass feeds tonight. Haven’t seen Tucker since burgers either
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>when you forget you're not alone
i hope lisa starts freestyling with the buddies
he just has that soft harmless vibe
usually those types are stealth predators but we'll see
she’s trying to sell that underwear tho
That's hot
sounds like he was super homesick today judging by his conversation with angela, I imagine he's prepping for bed desu
im a show watcher
Someone like Leah totally would. Most of them in the house throw their underwear over the shower door fully on display
i feel like a week is a bit early to drop L bombs around
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Frenchie was really memory holed because all people remember is the cookout.
Does Quinn shave his legs?
Why the fuck are cams cutting out so much tonight? Is there literally nothing to show?
Cause I fucking work sorry for not being in the threads 24/7
No he had laser hair removal.
Cam and Leah flirting in front of Chelsie isn’t doing them any favors.

Leah saying GOOSE instead of TAG was cute though
Dude is gonna transition
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>Cam and Leah flirting
So all that chubby chasing nonsense was a lie then?
well the first time she got turned on by him was him mentioning taco bell so I don't think so kek
I think she’s probably used to being around jacked guys in Miami that she craves softer chubby guys. Something different but will still like a hot in shape guy
Probably the worst night of feeds since they’ve been up this season. We have all four on Angela blow drying her hair by herself
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tuck 4 mocha action
Her definition of chubby is probably not chubby

like how girls say fit actors have dad bods
they need a night off their endless melties and shizo freakouts
I think it's harder to say who hasn't cried than who has by this point
tuck and leah are two sides of the same coin lmao
I swear I thought Quinn was a ftm tranny already.
just remembered that that mommas boy and blue were a showmance key
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twas but a dream we don't talk about anon
Reddit is turning on Leah because she keeps doing accents
what accents has she done
Mostly a bad British accent but sometimes just goes on and on
she’s going full Ebonics
>Angela sees how much support Kimo hard from everyone to win
>obviously jealous
>says to Kimo “well hopefully I can have the same support from everyone that you got when you were competing”
Fuck this lady
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button boy has been a rotten cunt tonight, might go to bed early desu
her poor kids
just got back from the bungalow. where we at?
Buttonboy has been insufferable tonight. There was actually an interesting convo happening outside about Angela and we missed most of it.

Also hilarious that T’Kor’s accent is was strong out of nowhere that nobody knew what she said
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Lady is a straight up nightmare.
Quinn, T’Kor, Joseph, and Kimo all talking about Angela is insufferable.
wtf are those shoes Cam is wearing
The pivot might be happening. They all want to cut Angela loose but Chelsie still wants Lisa
are they hungry?
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we all said it before that she'd angela her way to her own eviction
gonna be an eviction off with these three
Our nickname for him in my house is "the tranny"
Small pp
Looks like reilly
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>Our nickname for him in my house is "the tranny"
Sounds like quite the trashy household you have there
Girls talking about poopin'
T’Kor is playing such a smart game so far. Nobody has anything against her. Also think Leah will be one of the first five gone
she's so awesome. probably a nightmare in real life, but great as a character on a show
paranoia+ claiming another one
a cam renom would be full retard but she's too suspicious of leah's pussymist
chelsie is trippin
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wait. quinn is actually a dude???
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Trannies are trashy
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Chelsie is pushing to Cedric that they can’t trust Cam because he is willing to save Leah
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>unironically contemplating cam as the third vote to keep matt
moonwatergirls blanket denial of voting to save matt actually having consequences
>leah and cam are the new makensy and matt
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Rubina asked who the weirdest was out of everyone and everyone in the group pointed at Leah including herself
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Kek this trio is cracking me up. They’re going nuts being on slop one day. Also Leah absolutely is on adderall
telling cedric to call cam out. lmao do it yourself if you are worried about it
feels like the week 2 curse has already claimed another one
chelsea even admits she wanted to throw but got cold feet when it came down to her leah and tkor, what a terrible choice in hindsight
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He's a dude for now
chelsies paranoia is out there
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leah bros...
Based Cameron
Cameron is the GOAT
chelsie wont pick cam to play veto
Damn Cedric being cold as hell about Leah now saying she’s gone soon. Chelsie said she liked Leah a lot like yesterday and now they might put her up
I'm fucking cancelling Paramount. The quality dip is embarrassing.
a cookout wouldnt keep secrets from each other or be sus of each other like this.

chelsie is calling out cam for being close to leah but she hasnt told cedric or cam she knows about maks upgrade
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they need to do more stuff like this
daddy lookin good
Chelsie is playing a smart game. I’m turning a bit on Cedric though. I think he doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing
he seems to overthink without a second opinion but that's also combined with a tendency to yesman whoever he's following
I would personally say chelsea was playing a smart game but now shes potentially tanking it over nothingburgers and raising her threat level from nothing
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What did Cedric say made him “not fuck” with Leah from day one?

Cedric has a crush on Chelsie who has a crush on Cam who has a crush on Leah who is picking between Cam and Quinn
nothing he just reprogrammed his brain for chelsea's new marching orders, though I should add he seems to be more attracted to mj than leah
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Bros is it true America had a bunch of sex in college?
bro cory is getting fat at a hilarious rate
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Just needs to go on slop for a week and he will lose 25 pounds
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damn wataburger lay off the sauce
>RUBINA, do not obstruct your microphone
KINO. Leah’s idea of getting on Rubina’s shoulders too
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bb needs to bring back basketball court
>"I'll make a short king happy one day" - Big Mack
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I hope someone captured their edible song. They started twerking and they went to commercial

Big Brother is becoming so fucking lame about edits
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Any WebM for this?
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The house is actually bullying Lisa this is fucked up. If I was in there I’d sit next to her and rub her shoulder and let her know I have her back and I could be a friend to her.
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>Is edibleeee
>if you put your MIND TO ITTTT
They go to bed so early. Miss my late night Cory/America/Fatt feeds.
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leah told him she liked his fit and wanted to cum between his ass and he didn't like that

leah and quinn were up till 6am their time yesterday so there's hope for the future
Holy kek
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Mack was about to cry because she missed Matt.
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m-me too anon. though i'm at least grateful feed killers like blue and jared aren't on this season
she's been trying to fatten him up even in the house. leah's a poser
any hammock squad this season?
Does Angela realize her game is over yet?
>tfw no futa leah
Might not be over this week but definitely soon. Shes been thinking it’s been over since day one
How come you see almost everyone else blastin nips but not Leah? She probably wears the thinnest clothing out of all of them
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DAmn Leah clocking his bussy
why is rubina pressing her
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I'm getting ballsmashers flashbacks. Maybe it's just wishful thinking.
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maybe she has pepperoni nips
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from what I’m gathering Chelsie is no longer fucking with Cam or Leah and I’m sure that has nothing to do with the crush Chelsie has had on Cam since she’s walked into this house
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this feels like the most I've ever heard rubina speak or be on feeds
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I mean, nobody else is up...
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One could only hope
i think she wears those little cutlets or pastys of some type
putting a condom in the garbage as a joke is somehow going to lead to leah's downfall his week with chelsea already schizo
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night sisters
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guess I'lll go to bed, night ya'll.
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i like this picture. it is good.
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keep the thread alive with bb25
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Let Ainsley in the house!
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absolute bullshit that her human avatar is gone forever.
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Good morning ladies
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are we just going to keep posting this earlier and earlier each day to beat each other until we're saying good morning at 4 a.m.? be honest false hogg
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mornin hogg
thats the original. check the filename in the archive
It's 8:00 am here on the east coast
they're simping because they're fat dudes and shes a "chubby chaser"
>jew bitch listening to her urban people music and acting urban

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