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>Jenna, I told you not to buy that domain name. Say it out loud.
Jennas-Side. Jennas-Side. I'm not hearing it Liz
my favorite joke in the series is the bite nuker being offensive if you're a french dutch person
>she’s hot. she was on Maxims 'I'd rape that 100’
Couldn’t make that joke today
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>Who's real name is HERSHLAG by the way
>Jenna how is that relevant?
>I just think people should know
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did she make a website about what is happening in palestine?
>don’t even bother lawyering up. I’ll have my Jews on you so fast you’ll think you’re an Asian girl
What a show
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>It wouldn't be a Lemon party without Old Dick
How the fuck did they get away with this?
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An episode about Jenna supporting Palestine because it boosts her social media presence and Jack trying to shut her down would be absolute kino.
sounds like you should be scriptwriter in jewywood, lad.
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Jewywood does not want my ideas.
run some of them by us
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Well, everyone knows Hitler died at the Battle of Berlin. What my movie presupposes is... maybe he didn't.
>Look at us laughing together…like a couple of Jews watching The Daily Show.
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Kenneth is the key to all of this.
This guy had that other hilarious line about men "exploring each other's strength"
30 Rock was so fucking funny
Spaceman best man
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>The television audience doesn’t want your elitist, East Coast, alternative, intellectual, left-wing—
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And they got the actress to use that one-joke accent for the rest of the series.
What're you watching tonight, /tv/?
great show lol.
imo first season was way better than the 2nd, they had a writers strike and quality dropped considerably.
i stopped somewhere in the 3rd season cuz it wasnt as good as the first
For me? It's 'Fresh-Ass based on the novel "Tush" by Assfire'
even in writing thats so snappy and good
MILF Island
cant believe it's a real show now
what does bite nuker mean?
My top 5 sitcoms of all time

>30 Rock
>Malcolm in the Middle
>King of Queens
30 rock and early portlandia have been the only times liberals had any kind of self reflective comedy, sucks that it’s over now
one of these things is not like the other
King of Queens
unlike conservatives who are known to very good at making fun of themselves
I would love to hate KoQ and think its too low brow and normie, but man is it fucking good. Its probably a toss up between that and The Office.
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>unlike conservatives who are known to very good at making fun of themselves
I saw this pic a week ago in a different thread and it made me finally give in and download this show. I have been watching a few episodes every night since. I have not laughed but it is comfy.
name one show where conservatives made fun of themselves
>uh oh I dont have a response.... surely this tranny wojak will do the trick!!

I'm not even the original comment. Sad!
King of Queens is great
conservatives don't make shows because they're not allowed so: none
it hits it's stride in the last 4th of season one
How has this image never become a meme on 4chan
gotta go

>30 Rock
>Peep Show
>The Office UK
such a cope. jews would gladly let conservatives make fun of themselves
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Entertainment is a liberal domain.

Engineering is a conservative domain.

Both domains are necessary for a thriving civilization.

When entertainers stop caring about making engineers laugh, we have a problem.

When engineers stop caring about making entertainers understand, we also have a problem.
>Office UK
>12 episodes

Can't possibly be a top 5. You need consistency to be in the GOAT conversation. Also the american version is much better (first 5 seasons at least)
how come they have no shows then?
>you have to admit, your boombox division is behind the times
>we’re not behind the times, we’re groovy!
Not sure why but I love jokes like that
ngl I find myself quite attracted to most of the women in this show despite myself
because they're terrible at writing, especially comedy
>Last Man Standing
>Duck Dynasty
all suck ass but they were allowed to be made and ran for years
>tfw no cerie gf
>cerie you have to wear a bra
>no, they just stay up on their own
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Came here for this. Hilarious writing.
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>Last Man Standing
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>sir, I made you this
>ah, no, you didn’t
The writing on this show was just too good.
You and I would be friends irl.
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drop yours bro
King of Queens is seriously underrated.
>Also the american version is much better
First 5 seasons of KOF is certified kino. Then it jumps off a cliff the last 3. Season 6 is eh.
No, Fawlty Towers qualifies.
30 Rock
Malcolm in the Middle
Arrested Development

Don't like leaving Cheers or King of Queens out but I just can't drop any of those five.
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Common sense crust control
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>Also the american version is much better
this made me friggin lol!!!!
>I've been wandering the studio all night. I didn’t run into another single soul, except one gigantic lesbian. Who IS Conan O’Brien? and why is she so sad?
>You need consistency to be in the GOAT conversation
Every single episode of Office UK is great. That is consistency.
Quality > Quantity.
Yeah. If the US Office ended after season 3 it could be close but season 1 is pretty weak. 4 and 5 are a step down. 6 and 7 are bad. 8 and 9 are literal dogshit
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it's crazy how Kenneth grew up to be a possible contender for the VP pick in 2024, I swear this is the same dude: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8Jg_nynNaE
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For me? It's Cerie
red green show
my dad laughs his ass of at two and a half men.
my grandma loved the big bang theory
explain the joke to me, please
its cerie for every red blooded male out there man. she's ridiculous
>You need to wear a bra
>Oh, no I don't. They kinda just stay up on their own. [bounces breasts]
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I would prefer not to.
Every episode with Dennis was absolute kino
Alright that's it all of the black people need to get out of here right now
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Based Beeper King.
Precious: Based on the Novel "Push" by Sapphire. okay, i get it now.
>One word: coffee. One problem: where do you get it?
>Anywhere! You get it anywhere!”
>Wrong! You get it at my coffee vending machine. 38th & 6th in the basement of the K-Mart. You just go downstairs, you get the key from David and BOOM! You plug in the machine and...
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There's a reason there's a scene in season 6 or 7 where the crew applauds her just for walking down the hallway. Third heat indeed.
Didn't like the Kenneth being immortal plotline. This and Wassername ruined the later seasons.
proof that Donald Glover should've stuck to comedy. he wrote Kenneth's best lines
>name 5 sitcoms with virtually no black people
>hurrrr you're black

dont worry Fresh Prince is in the top 10
He's not immortal, he just barely ages. People's inability to determine his age has been a running joke.
>Horny with a chance of my balls
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>technology is cyclical
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>Liz look I'm wearing a bra!
>oh my god that guy has a gun
>don’t worry, he’s not a cop
>Dear Liz Lemon: While other women have bigger boobs than you, no other woman has as big a heart. When I saw you getting ready to go out and get nailed by a bunch of guys last night, I knew for sure it was over between us, and for the first time since the '86 World Series, I cried... I cried like a big, dumb homo. And if it was up to me, we'd be together forever. But there's a new thing called "women's liberation" which gives you women the right to choose and you have chosen to abort. me, and that I must live with. So tonight, when you arrive home, I'll be gone. I officially renounce my squatter's rights.
>So which one is it. Do you love me or do you have squatter's rights?
I don't understand why they have to be mutually exclusive
I’m the original anon, not the engineer guy, don’t know what he’s talking about desu. I’m not a conservative, and it’s a shame that liberals don’t make good comedies like the shows I mentioned anymore.
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>Lets go to Toronto; it’s just like New York but without all the stuff
Ben Stiller hard carried that show and I don't care for the episodes where he has no plotlines.
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>conservatives are known to be very good at making fun of themselves
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>Ben Stiller hard carried that show
his dad Jerry Stiller but yeah agreed
provide some examples
Cerie is hot but the boob jokes where the audience has to pretend she has them are pathetic
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>Good God, Lemon, I've shot the cinematographer
>that’s a myth, like going bald with dignity
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>maybe he didn't.
The Fuhrer died peacefully of old age in Argentina in 1972. FACTS!
Did nothing wrong
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because people on 4chan just say jewish
Why can't we have nice things anymore? Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin are flaming liberals but they made one of the most un-PC provacative comedies of all time.
>Manuelo? I could never pay an English speaking guy such little. They'd starve.
King of the Hill
comedies are rarely made anymore and Emmys go to some faggot drama like The Bear because of a loophole
Buck Henry was on that show? I'd watch it for him.
Mike Judge isn't a conservative
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I hate how Chris Parnell just plays a spineless cuck in everything now.
He was best when he was completely unhinged as Dr. Spaceman.
Pete's best line was this exchange
>Oh you're taking your family to Niagara Falls?
>>No, my wife is. I'm gonna stay home and get wasted in my garage.
>>Hello, I'm Doctor Leo Spuh-chemin.
>Where do you invest your money, Liz?
I have, like, twelve grand in checking...
>Are you an immigrant?
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wtf tina fey isn't a jew?
Best cutaway gag ever made.
No, she's just greek
I am not from /pol/ I only know that jews are bad because they leak over, is greek still jew or are they cool?
Tina is a based daughter of Ἑλλάς.
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holy shit lol amazing. dont even remember that scene
There was a thread a few days ago. ppl were quoting about "wool" and a wool mascot, but I didn't know wtf they were on about. It turns out my library of 30 rock episodes, which I've had for 10+ years and he rewatched several times over, was missing 3 eps near the end of season 5. I now have 3 new episodes to watch!
so you're telling me she's a certified greek goddess??
Greek is not Jew. This difference is very ancient.
guys I know she's too old to breed now but honestly I've been avoiding everything she had a hand in for years because I thought she was a jew and now I am feeling a giant weight off my shoulders realizing that it's ok to be ok with her, thank you all
>If the President is so serious on the War on Terror, why doesn’t he hunt down and capture Barak Obama before he strikes again? It’s time for a change America, that’s why I’m voting for Osama in 2008.
>Sadly, because my body does not produce joint fluid, I cannot.
>I know you're all secretly mad cuz we finally have a black Disney Princess.
>You know there actually hasn't been a white princess since 1991.
>Tiana, Mulan, Pocahontas, Jasmine, Wow she's right!
>There our little blonde girls in this country who have no idea they can be beautiful. That's why I
started Jenna's kids, it's a summer camp that teaches pretty blonde girls how to be mean.
>*starts a clap for herself*
knew what this was before clicking.
>AAAAaaaaaGH! aaAAAchhh!
>oh, it feels good to laugh!
>You know there actually hasn't been a white princess since 1991.
This whole bit is hilarious but digressing it is funny how it took everyone so long to realise Disney had become pozzed. I guess they at least used to make good movies while pushing their shit so it was easy enough to ignore/forgive. Now that they can't wrap their propaganda up in an entertaining package anymore it becomes more objectionable.
> "The Four Seasons"
> Three suburban couples vacation together each season, but tensions arise when one couple splits up and the husband brings a much younger woman on subsequent trips.
> Creators: Tina Fey, Lang Fisher, Tracey Wigfield
> Stars: Steve Carell, Colman Domingo, Tina Fey
yup we're back
Easily one of the funniest jokes of the show. It's so absurd.

I would have absolutely dismissed this as some smarmy jew shit prior to my post here >>201789420 but now I will consider it, although I will still keep reservations because even an anti-semite like tina fey can fall prey to the lure of the nose
Been waiting for this. Tracey Wigfield is a Fey protege, wrote some funny episodes and made Great News, which has hilarious. Cancelled after 2 seasons, what a tragedy.
name one show with a conservative within 25 miles of its production
>I’m a sexy baby
that was great. its awesome because of the pacing. this show had so many jokes
got some iconic Opie and Anthony sound drops out of this scene
just the one i think
>thank you... for COMING TO MY BIRTHDAY PARTY!
>What did I get? A million dollars, a yellow Bentley and nothing!
dont remember that drop... then again i just listen to patrice and louis on repeat
they didn't use it as much
>America, which I invented
>which -I- invented!
This was a product of the obama years were liberals, aka 99% of the writers, have been so satisfied about the political situation that they finally focused on comedy instead of moaning about muh republicans are stupid. Just look at the shift after Trump got elected.
>A (civil) war
>So that's where that comes from
30 Rock started two years before Obama got elected and finished before his second term started. Things started to get shit in entertainment under his tenure.
Might be my favorite episode
i dont get it.
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>I am a ghost now.
Liz coming across Pete and thinking he's been autoerotic asphyxiating as he desperately tries to blame Kelsey Grammer is fucking hilarious.
What's with the hat?
Gods, remember how good we had it? How hopeful it all was?
Now we've gone back to our tribes and people look at this and call it racist.
I think it looks very authentic!
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>Sherlock Homos
I'm a simple man.
>PS: I was electrocuted again, while watching Seven
werewolf bar mitzvah
spooky scary
in Dutch it means black nigger
>How was your summer, Liz?
>Well I was gonna take this class called "cooking for one", but the teacher killed himself.
Wow what? That shit was normal like five years ago.
>Get this, my gynecologist committed suicide!
The new norm.
no it does not, more like "bite fucker"
Schindler's Fist
ESL here. What's the joke?
I remember I overdosed on hydrocodones and Xanax and the next few days were complete hell for me because I had no serotonin or dopamine in my body and I just felt like ending it but watching 30 rock brought a little bit of reprieve and laughter in to a dark time in my life
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Thanks, I get it now. Sounds based.
Reminds me of one of my favorite Tina Fey on SNL.
maybe if it wasnt 3 times as long as it needed to be
Settle down, bite nuker
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>mistaking a greek for a jew
Your blasphemy will not be forgiven either in this age or in the age to come
ESL here. I don't get it.
It sounds to much like "Jenna's site" which is an existing website.
Sweden really is the faggiest country on Earth, isn't it?
But then... how did she get away with it?
Lmao why the Greeks?
it sounds too much like "Genus-Snide" which is the polite way to greet homosexual men in Anglo-Saxon nations
>Where are the sandwich girls?
>You mean girls who get you sandwiches?
>No, two guys would get-
Because she's buddy-buddy with Lorne Michaels
Australia eclipses Sweden for faggy cuckoldry
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>Horny with a Chance of My Balls
can confirm, am swedish and havent fallen for the "everything wrong with my life is because of the jew" cope.

no offense to the rest of you obvs.
>30 Rock
>Peep Show
>Arrested Development
>It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
>your affirmative action job
>it turned out toofer was an affrimative action hire
>so was liz
Yeah... you're probably right.
>You sound different, do you have a beard?
For me it was the long con at the cake shop
>There's just one more thing, we have to beat you out of the Best Friends Gang,
webms now!
pretty good, love that the guy from the stand came back.
I thought the Cleveland jokes were pretty funny too
>Liz, of course we'd all rather live in The Cleve
the joke is she got tested and is autistic, sociopath?
I feel the same about ninja turtles 3
Uh oh someone is butthurt over a single joke shut the thread down.
i fucking told you do not talk shit about king of queens
legit don't know, clarify please.
We've known them for a long time
Because based on works like these we gave them (and others like them) more and more power in the industry, they used this power top push cunts like Donald Glover who now shit on everything.
Oh people born before 1985 knew this when they went to great lengths to fag up the place with their own dedicated day for perverts.

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